How to know you are rich
How to know you are rich
(0:03) Hi, my name is Dr. Daniels, and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, November 22nd, 2020 edition. And today's title is "How Do You Know That You're Rich and What It Means for Your Health."
Turpentine Routine
(0:20) But first, we're going to take our turpentine. Now, I want to show you guys the kind of spoon that I use. Believe it or not, I've had questions about spoons.
(0:27) So this is an American soup spoon. This is an American teaspoon. If you can see, one is a little bit larger than the otherโnot the same size.
(0:40) What I like to use for my turpentine is this. This is the American dessert spoon. As you can see, it is quite a bit smaller, certainly than the soup spoon. Yes. Now, I got some new spoons. You can tell they're nice and shiny. This is my old, old dessert spoon I've had for over 10 years. But I have found that I really like taking my turpentine nowadays using the teaspoon.
(1:17) And I'll show you how. I do not fill it with sugar. So what I found is when I take my white sugarโthis is white organic cane sugarโand I put sugar on my spoon, my teaspoon, I only put sugar on the front, about half of the spoon. In fact, maybe not even that much yet. Now, what this does is it allows me to take my turpentine without getting any turpentine on my lips. Those of you taking turpentine know it's very annoying to get turpentine on your lips. It doesn't taste good at all.
(2:07) All right, then we have here, yay, turpentine. And my well-used pipette, which has a little bit of a crimp in it, but it still works. We're going to slip it in there. Bam, draw up some turpentineโjust not quite enough. When you don't have quite enough in the pipette, you tip it upside down. And as you can see, the liquid is right there, but it's not quite enough. It doesn't go all the way up to the neck. So you tip it upside down, express some air, turn it the correct way, but while you insert it in the bottle under the waterline. And then you suck some up, which I did. And you see, that actually is a little too much. It's above the neck. So I put it back in my bottle. And I squeeze it till it's just right there at the neck. Yep.
(2:58) And then here's my sugar. And I put it on top of my sugar. I do not drip any on the empty part of my spoon. That's important. Otherwise, you ruin all of your efforts. Okay, good. Perfect. And none of it is out this side here. Okay. Now we have our water. Yay. I already poured it out because, as you can see, you're running out of hands. See, that went down so easy. I didn't even make a face. Yay. So now it is so much easier to take my turpentine. I'm always looking for easier ways to do it. So that goes down very nicely.
Shilajit Routine
(3:42) And then we have our Shilajit. That's S-H-I-L-A-J-I-T, S-H-I-L-A-J-I-T. Someone called on the question asking me to please spell it. Okay. And here we have our Shilajit. My bottle is so used that the label is quite worn, but my label does not say Shilajit. It says Mumyo, M-U-M-Y-O. Same thing. Same thing. Yeah. It is gooey. Very gooey.
(4:25) And I have my favorite chopstick. We're just going to dip that in there. Pull some out. That is like frigging way too much. We're going to scrape some off. You're aiming for about 200, 250 milligrams, which is about a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. And that's about right. And we're going to take that and we're going to put it in the water. As you can see, it does not dissolve readily. So that takes time, and we're going to be patient. Yep. We're going to be patient.
(5:01) And we're going to put the top back on our goo. Put that over there. Put our top in our turpentine so it doesn't spill. And we're going to put our top on the sugar as well. Ah, there's the sugar top. All right. There we go. We've taken our turpentine, and we have our Shilajit brewing to be consumed later.
Main Topic: Recognizing and Understanding Wealth
(5:27) So today's topic is "How Do You Know That You Are Rich?" Now, a lot of people talk about rich in terms of money, but there's also richness in terms of health, and there are many dimensions of wealth. So I'd like to tell you about how this topic just popped into my head.
(5:53) As many of you may know, I am constantly seeking out healing recipes from around the world and from different cultures and different time periods. And I try out these recipes and see what health benefits I get. So, lately, I've been working with haggis, black chicken herbal, black Chinese herbal chicken, and I've done a raw milk fast. And so I was working on a Sally Lund cake. This was actually just a bread. This was a fun recipe, just something to make for the grandkids.
(6:42) And I hit a problem, a snag. I had mixed the dough. It was rising, covered, and a second rise. Those of you who make bread know there's two rises. And I realized I had to preheat the oven. Ordinarily, this would not be a challenge. So I took my oven and lit the pilot, and bam, it started heating up. I said, you know, I better look and see what the temperature is. And I looked, I looked, I couldn't see it. And I said, I must be getting old. It must be my eyes. And I said, well, wait a minute. Let me check the recipe. I don't really know what the temperature should be. And so the temperature was 350 degrees. And so I looked and looked again, and this is what I saw. I don't know if you can see this. Yeah. Probably a lot of you at home probably can't read what that temperature says. I'll read it for you. It's 275 degrees. Yeah. Uh, I'll give you a hot tip. I'm in a room, and it's room temperature. It is not 275 degrees.
(7:47) So I realized just right then that my thermostat in my oven or my thermometer was broken. Number one, or two, I did not have bad eyesight. I had used this for so long that the red had oxidized. So here is an oven thermometer that is in readable condition. So you can see the difference there. Yeah. And that's when I just really just, I had to laugh.
(8:11) Well, first of all, I didn't realize all this until after I baked the bread. And I thought, I said, you know what? It says 350 degrees. I'm going to put it in a medium oven. That way, I can just take my time, and however long it takes. And when I tap it and it sounds hollow, it's going to be done. That's it done. And that's what I did. But that's when I realized, oh, I'm pretty darn wealthy. I mean, to even have that problem, I realized that to even be concerned about a question like, what temperature do you bake the cake at? That meant that, or even what temperature and how long, that meant I needed a thermometer. I needed a heat source, which I hadโa gas tank, a time measurer, a container to secure the heatโthat would be an oven, cast iron pot, whatever. And I realized I had totally overdone this whole situation. All I really needed to know was that it needed to be a slow, a medium, or hot oven and how to tell when it was done. But because I was so rich and I had all these resources, I had a timer, I had a thermometer, I had the oven, I had all these things. I manufactured an unnecessarily complex situation.
(9:47) So I then realized that I was actually quite rich. And it prompted me to think, what other ways am I actually rich? Now, the person listening to this, many of you probably own a thermometer, an oven, and a timer. In other words, you're just as rich. But most people don't think about that richness and don't appreciate it. So then I got to thinking, well, what other dimensions of wealth are there? And how can people understand that they are richโnot only that, but access that wealth, access that richness? Because there's all this positive thinking stuff, right? You know, one of the famous positive mental thinking people says, oh, you were born rich. Yeah, right. But what I want to talk about today is how you may actually be rich, at least in one area, and how you can convert that part of that wealth to another area where you might not be feeling as abundant or prosperous.
Exploring the Dimensions of Wealth
(10:58) So I did a little bit of research. As always, I was not happy with it. Not as always, but often. I was not happy with it. I felt that things were really just, like, really way complicated.
(11:10) So if you look on the internet and talk about wellness, there's five dimensions of health. There's eight dimensions of health. There's seven dimensions of health. And depending on who you talk to, it varies. But it really boils down to just three things: physical wealth, intellectual wealth, and spiritual wealth. And you need wealth in all three areas in order to have a happy, fulfilled life.
(11:40) So what I'm going to talk about... I'm going to start with the physical, go to the financial, move on to the mind, and then ultimately the spirit to give you perspective on it, and then how each one can fulfill the other one, or how wealth can be transferred from one to the other. And that is really important because many people are not familiar with transferring wealth in an area where they have an extreme abundance to an area where maybe they're not so abundant. And then that way you can elevate all three to levels of wealth and prosperity, and even multiply the wealth in one area by actions you take in another area. So that is super, super important.
(12:31) And a lot of people believe, erroneously, that you can have prosperity in one area, and that that precludes prosperity in another area. Wrong. So hopefully today I can at least convince you of the possibility of having prosperity in all three areas, and show you how I actually have prosperity in all three areas, and you can too. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
(12:58) As you can see, I have started writing on paper, just for my own amusement actually. And so I use these fancy pens with ink. I dip it in, and I don't know if you can see that. But the ink sometimes gets in my hands. But the point is, I'm reading from paper instead of a screen.
Physical Wealth
(13:25) The first thing is, in... Let's just talk about physical thingsโphysical things that you own. Now, you can choose to own many physical things, many. But I'm going to tell you what physical things you can own that are signs of wealth. So if you can get these things, you pretty much, you've got it. It's only a matter of degree or type or whatever.
(13:58) So the first thing is, many people focus on their possessions. So what is it you need to possess that can really skyrocket your life? The answer is, it's really not a lot of things. We're talking about just clean water, clean food, and a place to stay with a roof that doesn't leak, and windows and doors that are secure. And of course, clothing enough to support you from the weather.
(14:50) So if you've got those things, you've pretty much got the physical possession area in terms of wealth covered. And so everything above that in the physical possession area, you can actually deploy or use to create fulfillment in other areas. So those things I describedโthe clean water, nutritious, clean food, shelter, and clothingโthose allow your body to maintain and enjoy the maximum level of functioning in your other two areas, which are the mind and the spirit.
(15:31) So that's physical prosperity outside of yourself. Okay, that's outside. What about inside? So inside is a little more cagey, and it requires a little bit of analysis for people to understand the conversion.
Health as a Form of Wealth
(15:39) But once you have those physical things, then we get into health, because you can't have health without those things. But let's just say you have those things, and you have health. How do you know that you have health? And one way that you know you have health, and I'll just put it down to the bottom analysis here, is if you can engage in activities you enjoy and engage in activities. So if you engage in activities you enjoy, that's your health feeding and helping your spirit grow because these are activities that you enjoy, right? That increases your emotional health, your pleasure, your happinessโit feeds your spirit.
(16:35) And you can engage in activities necessary to maintain your body, or even more importantly, to act on the decisions that your mind makes. When your mind makes a decision, which is what the mind doesโthe conscious mindโthen, and you have enough health in your body to act on that decision, then that's abundance, and that's wealth in the health area. This is important to get a grip on because many people will seek interventions to improve their health when actually they're already achieving in those areas. They already have all the health they need to fulfill their intellectual goals, to take direction from their mind, and to experience all the fulfillment of their spirit.
(17:25) So what does this mean? This means that people are often chasing fake or counterfeit signs of health. Maybe they're chasing a test result, instead of understanding that if all of their joints move, and there's no pain anywhere in their body, and they have the energy for all of their daily activities and desires, and their organs are working, the urine is flowing freely, they're pooping freely, they've got their three poops a day, they're able to physically get up out of the chair and walk, they can dress themselves and bathe themselves, then that's it. You're healthy. You have arrived. Your health has reached a level of wealth.
Financial Wealth and Its Connection to Health
(18:25) Now, how does having a healthy body feed into the whole financial thing? So having a body that functions, as I just described, means that now you can rent your body out. It's called a job. You can engage in activity to assist a family member, a friend, or a loved one, and build an emotional bond, an emotional relationship. And so now you have your physical body creating emotional health, creating spiritual health.
(19:00) And then, so you've got the physical health. We have covered that. So your mind, your intellect, that's important. However, this thing they have, they measure IQ, irrelevant. Don't even worry about it. So what's the intellect? So the intellect is the mind. And if you read all this stuff about whatever online, or in books, or listen to audio tapes, they'll talk about it as the conscious mind, the alert, the awake mind. This is the mind that receives information, that decides what information to receive, and goes and looks for information, that learns things, that masters skills, either mental skills, like computer programming, or physical skills, like carpentry, where you need the mind, but also you need the physical body as well, to implement and manifest the skill.
The Role of Intellect and Decision-Making
(20:06) Now, the intellect also makes decisions. This is very important. It decides, like, what to eat. And so the intellect has to be strong enough, abundant enough, wealthy enough, in good enough condition to make decisions about what to eat that are going to nourish the body, to make decisions about where to live so that a place isn't selected that has excessive danger and could result in a premature death, for example. So that's the type of intellect and the amount of intellect necessary. So if the intellect is able... I have no idea what happened, if the intellect is able to make decisions that support the optimal functioning or wealth in the area of the spirit and the body, then that intellect is wealthy, it's more than adequate. And so then the intellect is capable of making decisions that actually increase the health of the body and increase the fulfillment of the spirit.
(21:25) And then we have the spirit. Wealth in the form of the spirit is the spirit experiencing happiness. So someone says, I am happy, I feel joyous. Then that person has an abundant spirit. So what can that person then do? Well, the spirit also governs the emotions. And so then the person can have emotions like optimism, trust, faith. And what this does is give the person confidence, enthusiasm that they need to inspire the body to carry out the will of the mind. And so all of these things feed into each other. And so it's the spirit that has the capability to imagine a better future, to believe that future can actually happen and can take place.
(22:23) So the wealth of the body, say dollars and cents, when strategically invested can build emotional health by being used as gifts or engaging in activity that's a benefit to other people who then consider you more valuable, and you can build emotional relationships. So the spirit, the mind, and the body are actually all rather essential. And you can convert one wealth to another wealth, and all three are important. And so it's really not true, I don't think it is, that you have to either have material wealthโthat would be maybe a big house and a lot of moneyโor you can have intellectual wealth, or you can have spiritual wealth. No. If you have an abundance in any one area, it can be employed to create abundance in the other two areas.
Interconnection of Wealth in Different Areas
(23:39) So if you have a strong mind, then that mind can be used to get more information, to make better decisions, to make decisions that will create a stronger body, to make decisions that create more happiness in the spirit. If you have a strong spirit, then that spirit can be used as a motivator to inspire the body to do more. And that spirit can focus on positive emotions that can be used by the mind then to focus on getting more physical things that are needed or making better decisions. So all three work together, and each one can increase either of the other two. So I would say for any one person, just because you're alive, one of these three areas has got to be pretty abundant and functioning pretty well. And so again, use that one area to grow, enhance, and multiply the other areas, and you'll be abundant in all three areas.
Personal Reflections on Wealth
(25:01) So how do I know that I'm rich in all three areas? My body? Easy beans. I can move all my joints without pain. I'm able to clean my house and shower and dress myself. So body, great, check. Money? Guess what? At the end of the month, everything's paid. Of course, I make my challenges small, so it's easy. But the money is enough to provide for the physical things needed to maintain my body, but also to maintain my spirit, pleasure, and enjoyment. So I have a bicycle. I'm really curious about all these different foods, so I'm able to actually get the ingredients and try them out. And my mind, I'm able to sustain either intranet or books, so I can look into this and look into that and investigate things and satisfy my curiosity.
(26:09) So that's the physical wealth. The mental wealth is that I'm able to make decisions that result in the continued health of my body. I'm able to make decisions that are consistent with my spirit and express my spirit of optimism and happiness and wanting to be helpful and wishing the best for other people. So that's the wealth of mind. Now, I may not be the most intelligent person in the world, but guess what? It's okay. I'm perfectly happy with that.
(26:48) And spirit, wealth, or abundance of spirit? I feel optimistic. I'm very trusting that whatever happens, things are going to work out. And I have faith that there's some kind of energy or whatever out there that was there before me that created me. It's going to be there after me and will somehow sustain me while I'm in my present form of being a live human being.
(27:26) So people get diseases of the spirit when they lose their faith. They lose their ability to trust. They lose their optimism. And how can you get that back? Well, you can get it back by the strength of mind, making better decisions. You can also get it back by making better decisions in nourishing the body and giving the body better things to eat. And then that can regenerate the spirit. So if you have a poverty of mind, it's like you just realize you just can't seem to figure anything out anymore. You can fall back. First of all, hopefully, have a strong spirit so you can fall back on just the trust and faith that it's going to work out okay. At the same time, you can access the body and again get a diet that will support the brain getting stronger. That would be liver, for sure. And for the spirit, it would be, by the way, it would be like bull testicles or it would be brain. And what about the body? The body, let's say it's deteriorating or you feel that it's deteriorating. Definitely a case for cleansing. So the body is becoming weak. If the body can't seem to get anything done, but the mind and the spirit are strong, then cleansing is the problem. And that's where you definitely need three poops a day. You need to increase your water. You need to eat the vegetables. And this is simply going to get the body in good condition. It's going to restore the body's health so that the body can then support the mind, support the spirit, but you have to have the wisdom, the intellect, to understand that as the body heals, you need to then support the spirit. You need to then generate optimism, generate trust, or regenerate your optimism, your trust, and your faith.
(29:43) So that is today's episode. So I hope that that has been helpful and helps you to sort out if you're rich. And if you're already rich, well, by golly, celebrate it. And if you're not, how to get rich.
Questions and Answers
(30:10) Now that brings us to questions. Yay.
(30:21) Hi, Dr. Daniels. I am one of your many followers in London who like what you do and your courage. Thank you. Recently, I bought some bottles of your vitality capsules, mild strength, and distributed them to my friends and family. They all were pleased with the capsules, the turpentine, and the effects. And even an 80-year-old lady started on the capsules with improvement. Her daughter has gradually removed some of the conventional medicines she is taking, and her mother feels much better now. I gave to all of my family, wife, and kids the capsules, and I am pleased with the effect, as they do.
(31:06) Okay. So my question is, so here's the question. I started a course of vitality capsules. Right as I started, I had a sudden lung infection and could not expectorate. Okay. So if you have a lung infection, what that meansโagain, the medical terminology uses infection, but what really happened basically is toxins/parasites migrated as far as the lung and got stuck. Number one reason for them getting stuck is not enough water. By the time they get stuck in your lungs, you're at least a gallon behind. So I would start at least a gallon a day. The next thing to do is apply Vicks VapoRub every place where you have ribs. And three poops a day might not be enough. So drink lots of water, lots of fruits and vegetables, a little bit of rice. And for lung problems, extra strength works much better than regular. Now what you can do, since all you have is regular and you're all the way over there in London, is add a lot of cayenne pepper to your food.
(32:23) So where they are now is questions. Why didn't turpentine help right away? And why did it stop working for me after it started working? And the answer is there's three reasons why. One is you weren't drinking enough water. Two, the toxins didn't have a way out. And three, your diet wasn't supportive enough.
(32:55) Okay, so can I drink turpentine now with or without sugars, as did the rest of my family? Are COPD and ASL more difficult to treat? It can be. Again, you have to go look at your diet. So generally, there's a little bit of dairy in there or cigarette use. Those are two big aggravating factors. So I hope that that helps you, Joseph.
(33:28) All right. That is it. We are at our 30-minute mark here. And as always, think happens. And we'll see you again in about a week.