HWD How the Medical Industrial Complex is Ushering in a Caste System

HWD How the Medical Industrial Complex is Ushering in a Caste System

(0:00) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels and welcome to Healing with Dr. Daniels. Today's show is titled, "Is the medical industrial complex creating a caste system?" Yes, a caste system. But first, let's take our turpentine.
Turpentine Protocol
(0:19) For those of you who want to know more about how to take turpentine, visit my website at vitalitycapsules.com. Enter your email address, and you'll receive a free report on the wonders of turpentine. I highly recommend reading the report, probably a couple of times, before trying this out. Now, I have my turpentine in my small bottle here, with my favorite pipette. It has a capacity of 2.5 cc, just enough for a teaspoon, which is the dose I like to take. As mentioned in the report, you can pick your own dose.
(1:06) Now, I’ve got some white sugar here—yes, the benefits of white sugar—and we’re going to squirt the turpentine onto the sugar. All of it, all of it, all of it. Then, we’ll follow it with some water. As Mary Poppins says, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. And that’s turpentine down the hat.
Shilajit Supplement
(1:51) Next up is Shilajit. Usually, I don’t lick my lips after taking turpentine, but today, everything’s okay. Shilajit Black Tarigou—now, I’ll be honest, I do not like the taste of this. But it’s part of the routine. You take this small scientific spatula, get a little clump of Shilajit—it’s a bit generous today, but it will do—then put it in the water. As you can see, it doesn’t dissolve easily, so we’ll let it sit for a bit.
Vitality Capsules Update
(2:35) Moving on, I’m thrilled to report that we have located all the ingredients for Vitality Capsules, both regular and extra strength. Yay! The extra strength is in stock, but supplies are low. Regular strength will be available soon. We have a large number of back orders, so we hope to have enough for everyone once they’re released. Emails will be sent out to let you know when the regular strength Vitality Capsules are available for purchase. Given the limited supply and the difficulty in keeping them in stock, there won’t be a sale this time around. We’ve invested a lot of time and expense ensuring the ingredients are of high quality, rejecting quite a few along the way. I’m really excited to bring this new batch to you, and we’re already working on sourcing ingredients for the next batch.
(4:19) The process of sourcing natural herbs is one that requires diligence—what works now may not be the best source three months from now, so we have to go through this process each time. It’s unfortunate, but I’m determined to ensure that Vitality Capsules are of the highest quality and provide you with the cleansing needed to experience a wonderful life. These capsules are amazing!
Main Topic: The Creation of a Caste System
(4:48) And that brings us to today’s show. I’ve spoken with many people, and there seems to be a significant amount of misunderstanding about what’s happening. Today, I want to clarify things by comparing paradigms, using examples in plain English to explain how we are entering a caste system through medicine.
(5:19) A caste system, for those who may need a refresher, is when a society governs itself by dividing people into different social classes with varying privileges, regardless of their talents or abilities. Typically, a person doesn’t have the ability to exit their caste during their lifetime.
(5:56) To create a caste system, especially in a culture like the United States where people believe in meritocracy, you first need to create the appearance of legitimacy. The process starts by establishing a test that seemingly justifies placing people into specific groups based on political considerations. The test needs to randomly show positive results in healthy people and must be unrelated to any type of illness. This is crucial because the test itself will grant the authority to classify individuals.
(7:00) For instance, with COVID, we see that the test is randomly positive in healthy individuals—80% of the time, according to CDC research, a positive result doesn’t indicate actual exposure to COVID. Additionally, the test shouldn’t detect any organism; instead, it’s better if it’s an antibody test, which gives flexibility in setting the rules for the caste system without the interference of a live organism. We’ve seen this approach with HIV/AIDS and now with COVID. The test’s positive predictive value is less than 50%, meaning it generates a high number of false positives in a healthy population. This allows manipulation—by simply deciding who to test, you can control the results.
(8:00) By limiting testing to those with symptoms or specific social groups, like prisoners, you can label entire groups as positive and adjust their status accordingly. This random positivity, combined with vague symptoms that apply to many, helps to reinforce the system. Essential workers, who aren’t subjected to testing as rigorously, are treated differently, signaling their higher status.
(10:10) The restrictions on behavior, whether you’re positive or not, further solidify this system. Everyone is subjected to curfews, stay-at-home orders, and mask mandates, except for those deemed essential. These exceptions create economic advantages for some, contributing to the development of a caste system. When the fear of the disease isn’t enough to enforce the rules, the criteria for diagnosis can be expanded to include impressions or accusations, making the system even more arbitrary and powerful.
Expansion of the Caste System
(13:23) As we saw with Johns Hopkins, changing the criteria for COVID diagnoses to include coughs, sneezes, or even the likelihood of COVID being related to a death caused the reported deaths to spike by 100% in one day. This manipulation creates the impression that the disease is worse, driving people to comply more strictly with the imposed restrictions. This approach to enforcing the caste system is not new; similar tactics were used during the AIDS epidemic, where diagnosis criteria were expanded to label more people as affected.
(14:21) As protests against COVID measures emerged, Johns Hopkins introduced new criteria the very next day, escalating the situation. The public, especially those who resist being placed in a lower caste, are accused of endangering others. Doctors are instructed to list COVID as a cause of death, even without a test, further entrenching the caste system by imposing restrictions on healthy individuals for the supposed benefit of the sick.
(16:03) Moreover, the introduction of the concept of chameleons and mimics of COVID-19 by the National Institutes of Health on March 23rd, and the subsequent expansion of COVID symptoms to include heart damage and other conditions as recently as April 8th, shows the lengths to which this manipulation can go. These tactics widen the number of people classified as affected, enhancing the perceived threat.
The Reality of COVID-19
(17:41) But when you examine how deadly COVID-19 really is, the numbers tell a different story. Almost 90% of COVID-19 hospital admissions involve comorbidities like hypertension, obesity, chronic lung disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. These conditions could easily explain the patient’s illness and death, without the need to attribute it to COVID-19. The CDC’s Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report even states that 90% of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 have underlying conditions, which means their illness could be attributed to these other diseases rather than COVID-19.
(20:09) However, due to the random positive results from the COVID test, these patients are labeled as COVID-positive, even though there’s another plausible reason for their death. Imagine a doctor filling out a death certificate: should they list diabetes, heart disease, or emphysema as the cause of death, or just check COVID-19 because the test was positive?
(21:00) The reality is, in previous years, the same situation would have resulted in a different diagnosis, often one that would yield the highest reimbursement for the hospital. Now, with the focus on COVID-19, that’s the diagnosis that’s chosen, regardless of the actual cause of death.
(22:24) Medscape inadvertently reveals this manipulation by noting that 90% of COVID-19 admissions involve comorbidities. This shows how easily a different diagnosis could be made, but instead, the label of COVID-19 is used to create fear and enforce the caste system. By controlling the population with restrictions based on this manipulated data, authorities ensure that people fit into their designated slots within the system.
Economic Implications and Caste System Enforcement
(23:31) The restrictions imposed on the healthy, supposedly to protect the sick, allow for greater control over the population. For instance, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced that it is loosening telehealth rules to allow physicians to provide care across state lines and for nurse practitioners to perform exams normally done by doctors. This shift not only enables continued economic flow for doctors and nurse practitioners but also indicates a transition away from traditional doctor-patient interactions, potentially lowering the status of doctors in the long run.
(27:11) On the other hand, social workers are not allowed to work remotely during the COVID epidemic, which economically disadvantages them and places them in a lower caste. This decision underscores the artificial elevation of some professions while suppressing others, further entrenching the caste system.
(29:00) The new regulations and restrictions being imposed by health organizations like the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal that there is no plan to return to normal. Instead, the goal is to establish a new normal where a caste system is firmly in place. These organizations have set conditions for ending the lockdowns that are nearly impossible to meet, ensuring continued control over the population.
(36:15) In essence, we are witnessing the creation of a caste system under the guise of controlling a pandemic. The restrictions on who can work, who can move freely, and who has access to resources are all part of this system. The question is, what can you do about it? The best course of action is to reduce your dependency on the system. Start by growing your own food, reducing your reliance on grocery stores and government services, and finding ways to be self-sufficient.
(54:47) As always, it’s important to think critically about the situation and take steps to protect your health and independence. The current situation, despite the restrictions, offers an opportunity to become more self-reliant, which will benefit both your health and your finances in the long run. Remember, even in the face of these challenges, you have the power to take control of your life. Think happens.
Q&A Session
(56:41) Now, let's move on to some questions. The first question is about pine trees: "Thank you for your presentation last week. I found it very informative. I have friends who live in remote places. What type of pine tree is good to use if access to turpentine is not available?"
Actually, any pine tree will work. If you can’t get access to turpentine, you can use the sap from a pine tree. What I found was that when they cut down a pine tree in my backyard, the liquid that oozed out smelled and tasted just like turpentine. It’s not as strong as the distilled version, but it’s still helpful.
(57:01) Another question: "My father has been experiencing eye boogers throughout the day. I have him drinking water, and he's on a non-aggravating diet. What could be the cause, and how can I resolve it?"
The number one cause would be constipation, so make sure he’s pooping three times a day. Another cause could be a blocked or clogged liver. You can help with this by giving him liver to eat—chicken liver or calf liver—about four to eight ounces a day. I wouldn’t be too aggressive in trying to resolve this quickly because his eyes are acting as a safety valve, releasing toxins that his body needs to get rid of. Work more on improving liver function.
(59:00) Next question: "What foods or supplements should I take for getting strong teeth?"
There really aren’t any good supplements specifically for strong teeth. The best food is cow feet. They provide the nutrients necessary for strong, healthy teeth.
(1:00:06) Another question asks: "Is there anything you can do to repair the skin and remove a biopsy scar? The skin was sliced off, and there’s a gap."
If the scar is a divot in the skin, eating pig ears would be beneficial—one or two pig ears a day. Make sure to include plenty of cooked vegetables, raw vegetables, rice, and water in the diet.
(1:01:00) That's all the time we have for today. Remember, as always, think happens. See you next week!