Love Hate. Your choice and how it can improve your health

Love Hate. Your choice and how it can improve your health

Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, May 16th, 2021 edition. Today's topic is hate, love—it's a choice, and it's more important than any other choice you will make. Today, I'm going to examine the present situation and explain how choosing love will protect your health and your freedom.
And as always, think happens.
Mom Update
First, we've got to do the update on mom. For those of you who were not aware, mom was removed from the hospital under hospice care, sent home semi-comatose to die. We're now at least a couple of months out, and she is walking, putting on her own diapers, using a bedside bathroom independently, and able to walk about 20 feet. Pretty impressive from semi-comatose. She's becoming more feisty, but that's fine because she's very independent. We've got the grandkids in rotation, checking in on her once a month to make sure everything is fine and that mom's well-fed, clean, and continuing to improve. So that's great. We're excited about that.
Vitality Capsules Update
Next is Vitality Capsules. We are definitely excited about that as well. We have located all the ingredients—yay! We've ordered them, and they are beginning to arrive at the manufacturers. We'll keep you posted on that, and we hope to have Vitality Capsules in time before the present stock runs out. Vitality Capsules is our sponsor—yay! It’s the internal cleanser for everyday use, which not only helps you empty your intestines of waste that could potentially ruin your life but also promotes your circulation and empties your bile ducts. You can find out more about those at
Questions and Home Healers Course
I love answering questions, but I don't always have the time I'd like to have. If you have questions, you can send them in to be considered for the show by emailing them to jdaaniels at
Also, I do have a Home Healers course where I teach you to be the healer in your home so that you will never have to dial 9-1-1 again or get a test done or go see a doctor or even go to the hospital. Personally, I don't even visit people in the hospital. If I have a friend who's in the hospital, I let them know I will see them when they get out. I don't even walk in the front door of those places. The knowledge I’m teaching in this course has saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars in healthcare expenses as well as health insurance premiums. It's very, very valuable. You can find out more about it at
Also, I have over 350 archived radio shows—whoa!—and those are also at Just click on replays, and you can check them out.
Turpentine Time
Oh, we've got to take our turpentine. We cannot forget that. So, we have here our spoon. Let me just move a few things out of the way here so I can see. Sometimes when it's rag pad, you move your finger, and nothing moves—it’s just one of those things. All right, so let's just put this over here.
We have a spoon. This is a teaspoon, for those of you around the world, and it holds five cc's, in case anybody wants to know. I like the teaspoon because I don't put the sugar and turpentine in all of it, so I can wrap my lips all the way to the back, pull out the turpentine sugar without getting any turpentine on my outer lips. Once you take it, you'll realize what a wonderful thing that is.
First, we have sugar. Label your sugar. Is it that good? Yes, sugar is harmless. But what if you get a spoonful of vitamin C or salt? No. So, label your sugar because there are a lot of things that are white.
Here we have sugar, and that's a little more than a teaspoon. Then we have our little pipette. This is three cc's—I'm sorry, at the neck here, it's 2.5 cc's, and that's half a teaspoon, which is the dose that I like to take. And this is our bottle of turpentine. As you can see, I put the pipette in there, squeeze it, and suck up right to the neck—bam. Okay. And just to show you, sometimes when you suck it up, you get more than what you want, so I just squeeze that out until it gets down right to the neck.
This is natural healing, not medicine. More is not better. Once you find what works for you, that's the dose you stick with.
Then, of course, we have water. I put some water in my mouth, then put the spoon in my mouth. The water lifts everything up off the spoon, and I swallow, and it goes right down my throat without me having to taste very much. And I chase with enough water to get it all the way down to my tummy. And yes, you can feel exactly where it is.
Next, because I live in a modern situation where I do not fertilize my crops with my own feces—in other words, my trace minerals are not recycled, they go in the sewage system and out to the ocean, most likely. And if you're living in a house that has a septic or a sewer system, then the minerals that leave your body are not recycled through your farming practices—they're simply lost to wherever place your municipality decides to put them.
For this reason, I take a very nice mineral supplement called Shilajit. Yep, that's right. You can see the label's beginning to wear off. Why? Because this itty-bitty bottle is enough for a year and a half. It lasts a long time, and you can get this on eBay from the Russian Federation.
I use a q-tip, and the dose is 200 milligrams a day, most days. If you miss about a day a week, you'll be pretty good. Here we are. This is more than 200 milligrams, so we're going to scrape a bit of this off. 200 milligrams is a little less than a quarter teaspoon, aka not a lot.
We take our water we just drank, put this in, and as you can see, it does not readily dissolve. You can drive yourself crazy sitting around waiting for it to dissolve. We're not going to do that—we're just going to put it aside and go on with the radio show. Absolutely. After the show, or at whatever point, I’ll stir this and drink it down. Does it taste great? No, it does not. But do you feel great after taking it? Yes. In fact, the nickname for Shilajit in the Russian area, India, and that part of the world is "destroyer of weakness." These trace minerals act as cofactors for the enzymes, hormones, and proteins your body makes. Those proteins cannot do their job unless they have the trace minerals.
If you have a trace mineral deficiency—or worse, if you have several—you’ll just feel like you’re not quite hitting it. You’ll feel like you're just kind of missing—like you're just not quite strong enough, not quite bright enough, everything’s just not quite right. Once you take the Shilajit, all of a sudden, everything just starts working. You’re like, “Oh, wow, new body.” So, it’s very, very nice—definitely worth getting. That would be the Russian Federation on eBay. It is Shilajit, S-H-I-L-A-J-I-T.
Topic: Hate, Love—It’s a Choice
Today's topic is hate, love—it is a choice. Right now in your life, similarly in the next year, it’s 2021, 2022 is going to be the most important choice you make—more important than any other choice. I know many people have a lot of choices they’re pondering, but this is more important than any of those. It doesn't mean you can't make those other choices—it just means go ahead and make them, but this is the one you need to pay attention to. I'm going to examine the present situation and explain how choosing love will actually protect your health. And as always, think happens.
Now, I'm going to give you some background. First of all, what made me talk about this topic is I've been getting so many emails from people saying, "Should I hate this person? Should I hate that person? Should I be angry about this or upset about that?" Like, oh my gosh, something has gone seriously wrong here. I examined the questions they were asking to try to understand where all the confusion is coming from.
To help you understand my perspective, I've got to start way back when I was three or four. A lot of really pivotal times in my life happened when I was three or four—I made a lot of pretty big decisions. I was a pretty serious kid. So, at about that age, I met my grandmother. I was also aware, even at three, that there was a lot of stuff going on in the world that maybe wasn't great, and I was a little concerned about it. My grandmother was visiting from Florida—we lived in New York. You need to know it’s cold up there. I waddled over to her, a little kid, just wanting to say hi to grandma, and she looked at me and shooed me away—“Get out of here, kid.”
A year later, I went to kindergarten, and a white girl—this is important that she was white because everything was racialized back then—everything was black, white, this, that. This white girl was talking, and we were just a bunch of kindergartners. She shared that her grandmother gave her a sweater, and she liked it very much. I thought, "Wow, grandmothers do that? That's amazing." I was really impressed that a grandmother could do something as kind and gracious as to give a grandchild a sweater.
Now, it was no secret that my parents had two retarded kids—twins, the oldest—followed by three more children at the time. My grandmother was visiting and telling my father that all of his children were retarded and he should not waste money on them. Instead, he should give any money he earned to his sister, who had several children and a husband, by the way, who graduated from Harvard but could not or did not keep the family fed.
Now, I had a choice because I was aware of this. I could have hated my grandmother. I could have envied my kindergarten classmate, but honestly, it never crossed my mind. I took into account all the evil stuff that Superman, Batman, and Popeye were combating, and I decided that while I couldn't get out there and physically fight evil, the least I could do was not add any hate or negative stuff to it. I didn't know the word "negative" back then, but I knew the word "hate." So, I decided not to add any bad stuff to the bad stuff that was already there.
I decided it was a wonderful thing to have a grandmother who would give you a sweater, especially in snowy northern New York. I was very happy for this little girl. I also decided that I would do good things and make my father proud that he chose to feed me because I could tell by grandma's intensity that resisting her will and feeding the kids anyway was a definite act of serious defiance. I really appreciated that, and I hoped that one day grandma would be proud of me because I was worth feeding. Now, this is just the way I sorted things out.
I'm not telling you this to evoke pity, but because we are in a time now where people are being encouraged to choose hate. Hate others for seeing things differently. Hate people for not being healthy. Hate people for being healthy. I'd like to suggest that the default setting for humans, as it was for me at the age of three or four, is to understand, to love, and to be kind. And this is what we should all do now. We should all refer to our default human setting, which is one that tends toward kindness.
It truly does take all kinds to make a world. People who have made life choices different from yours have different outcomes—some better, some worse. For example, my brother is diabetic, missing half a foot, losing his eyesight, and just had surgery for a brain tumor. I have none of those issues, but he does have biological grandchildren—I do not. Just an example.
Another example—my retired sister, one of the twins, worked at a low-wage job. She was able to finally get a job that was, you know, low-wage, medium. And she lives at home with my parents—not what I chose, but she was so frugal that, because we remained friends and respectful to each other, she was able to lend me $50,000 to build my home. I repaid her, and again, when I had a life crisis, I repaid her. And, you know, I could have chosen to be ashamed of her, embarrassed, or hate her because she was different and didn't have abilities that I had, but that would have been totally non-productive, to say nothing of making my childhood unhappy, which actually was a very happy childhood—I was pretty happy anyway.
There are many other examples, but the point is, you need to discipline yourself to refuse to hate people because the propaganda machine says you should. Even if you believe that a person did you wrong, hold off on the hate. Maybe spend a little less time with them, but skip the hate.
So what's that got to do with us right now? If a person chooses to get vaccinated, it is their choice. It should be private and should not in any way affect your relationship with them. If a person chooses not to be vaccinated, it is their choice. It should be private and should not in any way affect your relationship with them.
Now, a lot of people say, "Oh, but Dr. Daniels, nanoparticles. Oh, Dr. Daniels, shedding. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, all those things." Let me just say right now—they're true. Let's just leave it at that. However, they're also true of the pediatric childhood vaccines, the flu shot, the hepatitis B vaccine. Since we're not vilifying, ostracizing, or hating on people who choose to get childhood vaccines, or whose parents choose to vaccinate them, and we're not hating on people who choose to get other vaccines, then why start now? Because nothing's changed—the vaccines are, well, the vaccines. And yes, I've read all the authoritative stuff from all the experts, and guess what? All the stuff they're throwing at you is stuff that's true of every single vaccine out there. It has been true, at least to my knowledge, since 1979. Since 1979, people who were vaccinated have been shedding, have been throwing off these particles, and all this stuff has been going on, and more and more people have been choosing to get vaccinated, more and more of these particles have been shedding, and the world has not come to an end. People freely associate with each other without regard to these things.
So here's the thing—if you take the bait and choose to hate, this contains an implicit consent to being tracked. Not only to being tracked, but that each person needs to be tracked. Each person needs to be ostracized, needs to receive privileges or be denied privileges based on a private, personal decision. This means that you're supporting the notion of a passport and verifiable public record of a person's private choices. Today, it's a vaccine choice. Maybe tomorrow it might be a choice of who you want to associate with. Maybe it’ll be a choice of whether or not you are able to eat clean water or unclean water.
But the point is, I think the line needs to be drawn that we’re going to be humane about this. We’re not going to start hating on people for their private choices. It’s not a reasonable thing to do if you want to be free. And it doesn't matter which side of this private choice you come out on. The idea that the government should have the right to track people's private choices, invade their privacy, and socially exclude or include them based on their private choices is a serious issue that calls into question whether or not we have any freedoms at all.
The next thing will be food freedom. You can have a tomato today, but the other guy can’t, or vice versa. The next question, of course, is what will the government have the right to decide or force you to take into your body next? And what about these shutdowns? What else will the government have the right to prohibit you from doing? So just let it go. Let it stop here and now. Extend to your fellow man the same freedom that you desire. Let each person choose and let it be private. And that’s important. Let each person choose and let it be private. I don’t need to know what your choice is. You don’t need to know what my choice is. And in that way, people can preserve their health.
You know, I make a lot of choices. I choose to drink turpentine. Should everyone do that? I don't know—it’s their choice. Am I going to not like someone because they choose not to drink turpentine? Of course not. Dumb, right? It's a private choice. In fact, I don't even need to let anyone know that you're taking it or that you're not. Just kind of leave that alone. Just let it go. And, you know, I don't pick my friends based on whether or not they drink turpentine, or if they take Shilajit, or if they eat pig feet, hog intestines, hog ears, chicken feet, or cow tails. No, I don't pick my... Everyone has their private decision that they get to make. And we get to be friends. We get to enjoy each other's company, laugh, and have a good time.
So, I think that's what you should do. Choose love, not hate, and don't take the bait.
All right, that brings us to questions.
The only iodized salt I can find is Morton’s salt, and it has calcium silicate and dextrose added to it. Do you have a salt brand that you recommend? Also, are there any benefits you get from consuming sea salt that you don't get in regular salt?
Okay, so let’s start with the first question. This person can only find Morton’s. So, I took the liberty of going on Amazon, and I just googled iodized sea salt. This person seems to like sea salt, and sure enough, Sundhed has iodized sea salt. Hain has iodized sea salt. Kalas has natural iodized sea salt. Salbahia, I think that’s the one they have overseas, has iodized sea salt. These are coarse crystals. The size of the crystals doesn’t really matter. And let's see, that's it that I can find. Ah, Morton’s has iodized sea salt. Interesting. So, there are lots of different brands. I would recommend going to Amazon, typing in “iodized sea salt” if you like sea salt, and you will see that there are many, many, many brands, and maybe one of those brands is actually available in your store.
First of all, let's talk about calcium silicate. Calcium silicate is sand, all right? Sand. And dextrose, of course, is sugar. So, the Morton’s salt has sand and sugar also listed as ingredients. Now, sea salt has a lot of sand in it—a lot more sand. So, are there any benefits you get from consuming sea salt that you don’t get in regular salt? This is my opinion—absolutely not.
Well, well, well, well, Dr. Daniels, what are you talking about? Well, what I’m saying is the amount of minerals in sea salt is not enough to prevent mineral deficiencies or mineral-related diseases. How do I know this? Because I tried to get my minerals from sea salt while I was vegan for 26 years. It did not go well. And it lasted about five years before I had to start taking trace mineral supplements. The one I’m taking now is Shilajit, which is superior to the colloidal minerals, which became super popular in the ’90s. So, there are not enough trace minerals in sea salt to prevent any trace mineral deficiency. We see this with people who have goiter. People with goiter basically are not able to get their trace minerals from their salt, even sea salt. And, you know, that’s just a fact.
So, your body needs salt because it needs salt. Now, it also needs trace minerals, but it needs trace minerals in a larger amount and a broader spectrum or variety than what's available in the sea salt—any sea salt. The first ingredient in sea salt is salt. The second ingredient is sand. It’s sand. What do you think makes the sea salt pink or brownish? Dirt. Sand. That’s what you’re getting. Just, you might as well just follow it around and eat some dirt right outside your house.
This person says, “I’m doing my best to eat right because there’s so much misinformation.” That is true. How are we supposed to know what to believe? Believe nothing. Don’t even believe me. Look it up. Check it out. Thanks for being a real teacher, Carly. You are welcome.
Hi, Dr. Daniels. I’d like to know if the Vitality Capsules can be taken without the turpentine. Absolutely. And if it can be taken out of the capsules. It can be taken out of the capsules, but it tastes pretty foul, which is why it's in the capsules. Some of the herbs that are very helpful are actually quite bitter, and that's why they're in capsules. But what if you are not a capsule person? What I have found over the years is tomato juice is the best mixer. If you take the capsules, open them up in tomato juice, stir them up, and that works out pretty well. You can get it down. That’s how I got them down before I put them in capsules. And I realized, oops, I better put these in capsules.
Can you do a podcast or video on how to help people not get COVID? Okay, so COVID is the common cold. You just gotta—let’s just—it’s the common cold. What they’re finding out with all these COVID cures is that the common cold is basically just the body getting temporarily overwhelmed with some parasites. That’s why the anti-parasites like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin are helpful. So, clearly, obviously, drinking water and pooping three times a day is going to keep you from getting COVID. So, you can go to, download the free report, the Candida Cleaner, and read that. If you just drink the water, poop three times a day, and do the best you can with the rest, you don't have to be perfect—then that’s more than enough to prevent you from getting the vid.
What to do if you have it? So, obviously, if you have it, then it's because you weren't drinking enough water and you weren't pooping often enough. So, the first thing you need to do is up your water, up your poops. And yeah, turpentine seems to help. People are pretty happy with it.
Other recommendations? If the turpentine doesn’t knock it right out, and I do mean knock it right out, then I would recommend a can of tonic water—that's hydroxychloroquine over the counter.
I have decided to start taking blood thinners, Eliquis, for a heart condition. The question is, it says in the Vitality Capsules not to take them if you’re taking blood thinners. Is this an absolute rule? I would guess. The blood thinners on their own are deadly enough, and Eliquis can kill you all by itself. So, this is not medical advice, but don’t take the Eliquis. Just take the Vitality Capsules. And if you feel you need additional blood thinning above and beyond that, take some vitamin C. The way you titrate your dose is you take the vitamin C once a day. I would start with a quarter teaspoon and work your way up, up, up, up, up. When you notice bruising on your thigh when you press into it, or easy bruising, then you’re taking a little bit more vitamin C than what you need. Cut back a bit until the bruising goes away, and that’s your dose for thinning your blood.
Now, there is a universal blood thinner—it’s called water. Heart conditions are caused by not drinking enough water. So, up your water. Increase your water.
That brings us to the end of our podcast. We will see you again next week. And as always, think happens.