The power of gender

Do not underestimate your happiness

(0:02) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, May 23rd, 2021 edition. Today's topic is Gender and Why It Matters.
(0:18) Today, I'm going to explain the concept of gender and how to apply the principles of gender to your healing. And as always, think happens.
Vitality Capsules Update
(0:25) But first, an update on Vitality Capsules. We've located all the ingredients, sent them to our production people, and we've hit a snag.
(0:42) The testing is ongoing. First, we test a sample, then we order the whole batch, which is then retested. If any ingredients fail the retest, the entire batch has to be rejected, sent back, and resourced. This has added about a two-week delay.
(1:03) This is why it's so important to go ahead and order your Vitality Capsules now. Although we expect to have a completion date in about a month, it appears that two weeks have already been added to that process. But we are confident that we will track down this ingredient. This ingredient, by the way, has been a problem before because it is wild-crafted, which means it's simply yanked out of the soil and not cultivated.
(1:37) Vitality Capsules production is in process. Remember, Vitality Capsules is the internal cleanser comfortable enough for everyday use. You can check it out at
Mom Update
(2:02) Next, an update on Mom. This is amazing. Coming home from the hospital, someone comatose and sent home to die, is now up and getting around with her walker. She's extremely ambitious and has made the statement, "You know, all I needed was just to get home and get some decent food."
(2:25) I said, "Well, Mom, that's amazing." Now, this is from someone who said to me about 12 years ago, "You think everything has to do with what a person eats." So, Mom has evolved in her thinking, but more importantly, she's doing very well.
(2:53) Next, questions, of course, should be mailed to, and we'll continue to answer those as time permits. Not all questions can be answered, obviously.
(3:10) I do also have a Home Healers course where I teach you how to be the healer in your home—how to heal yourself, how to heal your household members, and anyone else who might be interested. You can find out more about that at
Turpentine Time
(3:29) And next, of course, we're going to take our turpentine. Yay. Okay, we need a spoon. Check.
(3:40) Now, this is a regular American teaspoon, which is five cc's, just saying. When you do natural healing at home, you must label your stuff because things can get pretty squirrely. Like, this could be sugar, could be salt, could be ascorbic acid, vitamin C, whatever, but it's labeled sugar. So, we know that it's okay to use this to take our turpentine.
(4:06) Next, we have turpentine. Yay. And this is, uh, you know, that’s a few letters off, but it'll work. Turpentine. People know that this is not water, it’s not soda pop—turpentine.
(4:22) Okay, and this is our 2.5 cc dropper. Yay. First, we're going to scoop up some sugar—you want to fill about half, maybe three-fourths of the spoon. See the back of the spoon? No sugar. That’s important. The neck of this dropper is 2.5 cc's. Dip it in there, bam, squeeze that air out, suck up the turpentine.
(4:41) And, oops, just right where we need it. Okay. So you can see, I don't know if you can, there you go. It's a little higher than that, but the bottom has an air bubble in it. So, we're just gonna squeeze it down so now you can see it's where it should be. There we go. And we're gonna squeeze it right into our teaspoon.
(4:58) Right into our teaspoon. And you'll notice that some of the sugar is not doused, and that is as it should be. Oops, we forgot our water. We will pour out our water. Bam. Okay.
(5:40) Water. So, I felt that all the way down to my ankles, just want to say. But it makes me feel so much better. I have so much more energy, my vision is very clear. I just feel so fortunate at 64 to not even be thinking about cataract surgery or any of the other things that other people I know are thinking about.
(6:06) When you drink the water, you have to chase it so that the sugar and turpentine do not stop here—it goes all the way down to your tummy. All right, get this.
Shilajit Time
(6:19) I hear all these tops here. Pow, pow. Okay, get all that out the way. And next is our Shilajit. Yay! Why do I take Shilajit? I've heard this question so many times, and I had the same question myself when I started with natural healing. Isn’t my sea salt full of all the minerals I need?
(6:43) The answer is a whopping absolutely not. There's not enough minerals in sea salt to make a difference in your health. You may choose to eat sea salt, that's fine, your choice. But there's not enough minerals in sea salt to make a difference.
(7:00) The other thing about your body—your body needs salt. That’s sodium chloride, okay? It’s simple, sodium chloride. So, whether you get some grains of sand with your sodium chloride, whether you get some trace minerals with it, your body does not really care. But even worse is that the amount of trace minerals your body needs and the variety is far greater than what’s in sea salt. So, if sea salt really had the trace minerals you need—this is Shilajit, which is a wonderful trace mineral supplement.
(7:31) This is natural. You scoop it out of the ground, don’t do anything to it, scoop it up, put it in a little container, and ship it to you. That’s it. That’s all the processing.
(7:40) Okay, so here we go. I’m going to put this in the water. And you can swirl this around a bit. It hasn’t even dissolved. You can see how brown the water is getting. Yeah, if your sea salt isn’t making your water brown like that, it’s not making a substantial, let’s say meaningful, contribution to your mineral intake. All right, we're going to let that dissolve over there while we chit-chat.
Today's Topic: Gender and Healing
(8:05) Okie doke. So, today's topic—as always, something happens in my life that just inspires me. And of course, today it's my dogs. And so they got me thinking. It just kind of cascaded into one thing led to another, and here we are—gender.
(8:26) So, I was noticing that I have these two dogs that are just incredibly attached. They defend me fiercely, and they just fawn all over me. They need me to scratch behind their ears, and they're just not happy unless I scratch behind their ears when I see them. As soon as I scratch behind their ears, they run off and look for anything to defend me from. I didn’t think anything about it, but the other day I noticed—hey wait, those two dogs are male. And of course, there's a female dog, and she just couldn’t care less, just was not interested at all. I said, "Huh, there must be a gender thing going on." I think these male dogs must know that I’m female, and they’re attracted to me because I’m female. Isn’t that interesting?
(9:26) So, I thought to myself, well, are there other cases where gender has a role in attraction, positive outcomes, and maybe even healing? I said, "Oh my gosh, there is."
(9:48) Here’s the evolution of things. First of all, we think of gender as male, female. And in the English language, for the most part, it's gender-neutral. So, a glass doesn’t have a gender, a table does not have a gender.
(10:17) In Hispanic countries, the gender of a table is female, and every food has a gender. So, for me, when I started learning foreign languages—like when I started learning French—everything had gender. I said, "What is this gender assignment to objects and to pieces of nature? What’s going on here?" It was never explained to me. It was like, "Ah, it's just the way they do it in France. Ah, it's just the way they do it."
(10:43) But actually, what they're doing is recognizing the gender properties of these things and how they can be combined for happiness, for health, and to achieve other goals in life. The language thing hit on that.
(11:05) Finally, there was the whole Chinese yin-yang thing. Now, for me, again, with my background of growing up in an industrialized country where gender was pretty much buried—and then I came up in the women's lib era of the 70s and 80s where women were told, "Your gender should not determine you. You need to rise above and disregard your gender." And men were told, "You should be more like women." And women were told, "You should be more like men." This, of course, made some sense to me because if being a man was great, why couldn’t men just be men? And if being a woman was great, why couldn’t women just be women? But again, it was all confusing to me.
(11:58) When I got to natural healing, the whole idea of yin and yang was introduced. So, what is yin? Yin is the passive female principle of the universe. So, things that are passive and receptive are female, and it's also sustaining and associated with earth, dark, and cold. Then there's yang. Yang is the active male principle of the universe, characterized as male and creative, and associated with heaven, heat, and light.
(12:25) Now, this is really important to understand—that the principles of yin and yang, the principle of gender, of male and female, are critical to life itself.
(12:48) We can go to the Kybalion, which is a synthesis of ancient texts, and this is what it says: The formation of the atom is really due to the clustering of negative corpuscles around a positive one. The positive corpuscles exert a certain influence upon the negative corpuscles, causing the latter to assume certain combinations and thus create or generate an atom.
(13:09) This is in line with the most ancient hermetic teachings, which have always identified the masculine principle of gender with the positive and the feminine gender with the negative poles of electricity, for example.
(13:33) Negative can be seen as lacking power and force but having direction and organization, which is the way I see it. So, that would be the yin, the feminine. Positive can be seen as having power and force, the yang, the masculine, but lacking direction. This is very important.
(13:44) To really bring this home, I think we need to make it a little more concrete in the world around us. Understand that there’s male and female, there’s gender everywhere. If you can recognize a gender and make a conscious decision to combine the negative with the positive, the female with the male, you will get amazing results—uncommon in modern times.
Examples of Yin and Yang
(14:24) Let’s just take a look at a few examples. First, you’ve got the sun and the moon. The sun is male, yang, positive. The moon is feminine, yin, negative. You have the engine and the gasoline. Gasoline provides the fire—that would be yang. The gasoline is yang, making the engine yin. The engine gives rise to the activity and the creation made possible by the power of the gasoline.
(14:53) If you have a building, for example, the architectural drawings would be the yin. They’re nothing without the yang, which would be the workers and materials. The workers and materials are nothing if they have no blueprints to follow—they can’t get a building. You need both.
(15:13) If you disregard the principles of yin and yang and you’re trying to get a building, let’s say, then what you’re going to do is focus on maybe raising money, hiring men, getting materials, and then the final product they produce—who knows what it’s going to be? It’s going to be something that will not be suited for any particular purpose and will not fulfill a function or desire.
(15:36) On the other hand, if you put all your efforts into the yin side of things, making awesome architectural drawings and perfecting the drawings, but never getting a work crew or materials—again, no building. So, you’ve got to get the yin and the yang together.
(16:07) Another example is electricity—negative and positive poles. You have a wire that conducts electricity or energy. What do you have in that wire? You’ve got the metal conducting the energy—that would be the yang. And you’ve got the insulation around it, which is your yin, and that gives direction to that energy. You couldn’t get the energy from the wall to, say, your fan without this yin-yang combination.
(16:34) With the plug, the prongs are considered male. The receptacle, the empty space, the hole in the wall, is considered female. So you have the male and the female, and without those, you can’t get a connection, and you can’t get the power to where you need to go, and you can’t make things happen.
(16:51) Driving a car—the accelerator is the yang, the male, the power. The steering and the brake are the yin, the female aspect. An example of that is when my husband and I would be driving. He would be either driving the car or driving the motorcycle, and I’m in the back or in the passenger seat. He was in charge of absolutely everything except my responsibility, which was to decide when to pull over. That was it. Everything else, he decided. He decided where to go, how to get there, whether we were going to take the motorcycle or the car, what time, everything else. All I decided was we got to pull over.
(17:35) Another everyday example: north and south poles of a magnet. If you had nothing but south poles of the magnet, you could never have magnetism. Much of our electricity is produced through magnetism.
(18:02) Nuts and bolts—the nut is the hollow ring, the metal that goes through it is the bolt. Together, they bind and hold some pretty heavy stuff together.
Gender in Healing
(18:14) It should be clear now that all around us is gender—male and female—and we need to harness it just to live. Every atom has a male and female piece. We don’t want any gender-neutral healing.
(18:44) What does gender-neutral healing look like? The easiest way to explain this is by using a sculptor as an example. A sculptor has a bunch of clay—that clay is the substance of the statue, let’s say, that he's making. That’s the yin. The tools are the yang. With his tools, he removes the clay that needs to be removed to reveal the beautiful sculpture that’s there.
(19:31) Now, if all he had was a pile of tools, he couldn’t make a sculpture. And if all he had was a pile of clay and no tools and no hands, he couldn’t do it. Again, you’ve got to get the yin with the yang to make stuff happen.
(19:45) So how does this relate to health? If you use this analogy, the tools would be your vegetables, fruits, and greens. These are the things that modify and shape the final outcome. The animal products—brain, organs, flesh, milk, honey, any animal product—are the clay, the substance of your body.
(20:11) The things from the plant kingdom are the yin or the female, and the things from the animal kingdom are the yang or the male. The plant kingdom cleans and removes any excess substance to reveal and create a healthy, perfectly functioning human being. But you can’t do it without either.
(20:44) So does this mean a vegetarian diet is always bad? No. If you have a history of very heavy animal intake, then a vegetarian or vegan diet for a day, a week, a month, a year, or even five years might be appropriate to regain your gender balance of male-female.
(21:09) If you have a history of a very heavy vegetable diet, in my case, I was vegan for 25 years, then a very heavy meat diet for an extended period of time—in my case, it took about four years, literally eating a lot of meat—in order to restore my balance. Now, I can eat a salad several times a week, and I can eat vegetables every day, and I feel fine—it’s just great.
(21:47) It’s a matter of combining yin and yang. Just in the course of living, there’s always a tendency in any one moment to have more of one than the other. In the next moment, you make the adjustment. It’s like driving a car—to get from one place to another, you’re going to adjust the steering wheel from time to time. Does that mean that you’re wrong or that you’re lost? No. It’s just driving a car.
Real Health Example
(22:14) Let’s go over a very real health example of what people do. When I work with people who come to me with particular problems, this is generally the essence of their problem—they’ve embarked on a totally yin situation.
(22:35) If someone, let’s say, has cancer, they’ll come to me and say, "Oh, well, I’m doing the Gerson protocol, and I’m doing this protocol, and I’m doing that protocol, and I’m cleansing, cleansing, and cleansing, and I’m killing parasites, and I’m starving myself in jail." What they’re doing is hastening their demise by an excessive yin course.
(22:58) On the other hand, there are other people—these would be your type 2 diabetics, for sure, and your heart disease people, for sure. They have a situation that’s way too heavy on the yang. For them, adding vegetables is exactly what they need and taking away meat—maybe taking away all of it, part of it, but simply reducing the amount of meat they’re eating drastically and dramatically increasing the amount of vegetables.
(23:29) You’ve got to incorporate yin and yang in your strategy, which brings us to today's example—my skin.
Gender Approach to Skin Care
(23:38) I have to say, I’m 64 years old, but I want you to look at my forehead. I pulled my hair back so you can see my forehead. Also, you can look at my skin in front of my ear. Notice there are no folds there. Then, of course, there’s the neck and this part there. And the side of my eye—just see there are no crow’s feet. No, no, no. Yeah, no crow’s feet.
(24:09) How can that be? Well, that can be with a yin and yang approach to my skin. First of all, when handling my skin, I never, ever, ever use soap. Soap is totally not permitted.
(24:29) So what do I do? I take a tablespoon of vitamin C powder, I add about a quarter to a half cup of water to it, and I apply it head to toe, every place. I start with my head and work my way down. By the time I get the vitamin C liquid, which I just made myself, all over my body, it soaks in and loosens up the sebum and oils that might be accumulating in my pores.
(25:07) That’s the yin. The vitamin C is very yin—it’s loosening up and dissolving the grease in my face. Then I come back through with some rice bran. I take about a third of a cup of rice bran and add about two-thirds cup of warm water, stir it up, and it gets kind of thick. I add enough to make it like a loose pudding.
(25:30) I come back over and scrub my whole face, whole body, all the way down. What this does is dermabrasion—it removes a few layers of skin and pops up all of that crud that the vitamin C loosened. I rub this all over my skin.
(25:59) Now, we’ve got a situation where the pores have been emptied of their excessive plugged wax or whatever might be in there. So now I come back through with the lemon pulp. The lemon pulp—you can think of that as if you go to a restaurant and they cut a lime or a lemon into wedges. Imagine if you squeeze the lemon wedge on your food and you have this wedge, and there’s the pulp, which still has some moisture from the lemon juice. I take that and rub it over my face and all of my body. It takes about four limes. Thank goodness, there’s a tree in the backyard—not a problem.
(26:47) What does that do? It tightens up those pores that have had the toxins removed, pulling them together really tight, getting rid of wrinkles that I might have. So, I’ve just done the yin—vitamin C softened the wax in my pores. Then the rice bran pulled it out, and the lemon juice tightened up those pores.
(27:25) Now, I subjected my skin to a lot of yin, and we need a pretty big yang rescue here. I rinse off all the yin, pat my skin dry, and come back in with castor oil. If you look at the yin-yang, male-female gender of foods, you will see that oil is considered to be yin, but fried food is considered to be yang.
(28:01) This happens a lot where one item is classified in one case as yin and in another case as yang, because yin or yang is a function—like a person can be asleep or awake. That, for me, was very confusing, which is why I could not get my head around the yin-yang or gender concept because I thought, "Oh, this one thing is always this gender." No.
(28:40) In this case, the oil is very yang. It covers the face and restores the acid coating to the skin, seals it, and allows it to rest and rejuvenate.
(28:50) That’s not the only yin or yang that I do. The super yang—yay, for those of you who have enough nerve—is to eat really super strong collagen. That would be pig’s feet, pig ears, cow feet, chicken feet—really strong collagen. I eat super strong collagen at least three times a week.
(29:13) That is the gender approach to skin. You can see the results—64-year-old skin, gender, gender. Remember, gender, male-female, gender.
(29:32) Do not engage in gender-neutral healing. Don’t do it. Your results will always be disappointing. You’ve always got to have the yin-yang, male-female, gender balance.
(29:47) I hope that’s helpful. We have some time for a couple of questions. Let’s see—where are our questions? Here they are.
(29:59) Can turpentine be used to help a fatty liver and also cysts within the kidneys? The answer is yes. But do go to and download the Candida Cleaning Report. Don’t go blindly on that one—get it right, it’s very important.
(30:43) How long can I keep a bottle of turpentine after I start using it for the Candida Cleaning Treatment? Truthfully, turpentine does not have an expiration date. As long as you put the top on it and screw it on, it should be about as good for as long as you are.
(31:03) There is a product that’s made from sea-based nutrients that’s supposed to stimulate adult stem cells in the body to rebuild eye tissue and get rid of floaters. It’s advertised on Amazon—what’s my opinion?
(31:12) Well, I don’t know what sea-based nutrients are, but the only thing that’s going to rebuild the body is an animal product. It seems to me you could get the same or better results from boiled fish head. The fish eyes are very helpful in this regard. I don’t recommend it because it’s so hard to get anybody to do it.
(32:27) I would like your opinion about the subject of dementia and Alzheimer’s. I remember my grandmother using turpentine medicinally. A close relative of mine is fighting dementia. Super simple—just feed them pig brain or cow brain. That’s the simple answer. The results are just amazing. The person will become more intelligent in days. Serving size is two ounces—that’s pre-cook weight.
(33:10) Our time is up. And as always, we’ll see you next week, and think happens