Now What?

Now What?r

Introduction and Topic Overview (0:00 - 0:30) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, May 30th, 2021 edition. Yay! And today's topic is... What's going to happen now? What's next? In today's show, I'm going to talk about how these types of questions create confusion and fear, and how to replace them with a more productive approach that will give you health and success.
Update on Mom (0:30 - 3:02) But first, we have the update on mom. Yay! As you know, mom is 89 years old. Last time we left mom, she was at home, thriving, and making her way to ambulating from her bed to the doorway, hopefully to the front door of the house, and overcoming her confinement in bed. Okay. That's what I thought. All was well. In the previous episode, just to update you guys, mom said, "Ah, vaccine, not for me. I'm 89; I must be immune." Okay, mom. Sounds good. So I get a phone call from my daughter, a rather urgent phone call. "Mom! Mom! What could possibly be making grandma's face swell up?" I said, "Well, you know, maybe she agreed to take a drug the doctor recommended, or someone put some poison in her food, that's pretty much all there is to it at this point." She said, "Oh." She got vaccinated. I said, "Oh, well, that's your explanation." So then my daughter proceeded to explain how a subgroup of grandchildren mobilized to get grandma vaccinated because it was the right thing to do.
So, you might be wondering, why would grandma get vaccinated after she said she was not going to get vaccinated? The reason mom got vaccinated was to please her grandchildren, to have their approval, and to feel that she was doing her part and that she was a responsible member of this social unit. Now, what has happened since her vaccination? Of course, her face swelled up. However, it has strengthened her relationship with one of her children, my brother, her favorite son, and they now communicate every single day, sharing all kinds of information and happiness. Mom is happy as a clam. We will have updates on that as they're available. That's the mom update.
Vitality Capsules Update (3:02 - 4:01) Then we have the Vitality Capsules update. We're still sourcing the one failed ingredient, and we have several alternate suppliers now and are in the process of testing those ingredients. So we will give you an update on that. Meanwhile, of course, supplies are dwindling, and now is a good time to order. Vitality Capsules, of course, are the internal cleanser that is gentle enough for everyday use. They promote circulation, so the blood gets all around the body, removing waste from places it hasn't been in a while and giving nutrients to places that haven't received nutrition in a while. They also have herbs that accelerate the movement of bile and cleansing of the liver. Amazing, amazing, amazing, life-changing, and you can get them at
Turpentine and Shilajit (4:01 - 7:59) And, of course, last but not least, we cannot forget to take our turpentine. We have a glass of water here. We have our sugar. I know it sounds dumb, but you must label it sugar. I have another one that's labeled salt, by the way. Where I am, it's so humid that salt is prone to caking, so you have to put it in a wide-mouth container where you can literally spoon it out. All right, but again, in your house, label these things so you know what they are. A lot of things are white and granular. All right, so our spoon. This is an American teaspoon, 5 cc capacity, or 5 grams capacity. You just want to get about that much sugar. Leave the bag empty because this makes your experience a lot easier. Then we have turpentine. Again, label, label, label, turpentine, just enough so you know that it's turpentine, not some other beverage. Then I have my pipette. This is a plastic disposable pipette, but quite honestly, I reuse it. Right up the neck there is 2.5 cc, which is half a teaspoon, and that's the amount that I take. We're going to dip in this jar. Squeeze. Up, up, up, up, up, up. Not quite enough. So when you don't get enough, you just turn it upside down, expel a little bit of air, dip it right side up in the liquid, and suck it up, and you get more. And there we go. We're right there at the neck. Perfect.
And let's see. I see where my... There's my camera. Okay, good. And we're going to squirt that out. Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt. As you can probably see, part of the sugar is getting gray, part of it is not gray. That's very important. If you get every last granule gray, then you have the wrong ratio of turpentine and sugar. I drank enough to get it all the way down. Not just to here, but all the way down to my tummy. All right, that's done. Next is Shilajit. Shilajit is an amazing blend of trace minerals, totally natural. You simply scoop it out of the ground, slop it in a container, and send it off to you. Yes, that's it. Natural, no processing. This is Shilajit from Siberia, that would be Russia. And you can see the size here. It's 100 grams. Yeah, 100 grams right there. All right. So we open this up. Bah! As you can see, it is black and tarry. This is 200 milligrams a day. This is a chopstick I found that's very useful. And we just pull that out. Whip. That's a lot. So I only need 200 milligrams. We're going to scrape that off at the edge there. And that's about right. That's about 200 milligrams right there. For those of you who like to measure things, it's pretty close to a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. And we just take this, put it in our water. As you can see, it does not readily dissolve. So we're going to give it time. We're not going to stress ourselves. I'll drink that later. I try to drink it at the end of this show, but honestly, I'll probably drink it later on today. All right. So that is that.
What's Going to Happen Next? (7:59 - 19:39) Now, off to the show. Today’s topic was inspired by the question, "What's going to happen next? What should I do?" People are asking me this question. "What should I do? What's going to happen next?" That's the first time in my life that I've heard this question, and I will confess, I've actually asked this question a few times myself. So, I'm in a perfect position to discuss it. But to understand this question, I think what I have to share with you are the times in my life when I have asked the question.
When I was 10 years old, when my mom was pregnant and I was 10, I did ask, "What was going to happen next?" And of course, I was informed, "My mom's going to have a baby." Oh, okay. There were already five of us, so what the heck, one more, you know, not a problem. I mean, in my infantile mind. But then I didn't have any curiosity about what was next or what was going to happen now, because I was just so busy. I mean, I could play jacks and play cards. There was always jump roping and then riding my bicycle, then running around the block, and then roller skating or skateboarding. I mean, there was just so much to do, and I was so busy. So the "what's next" or "what's going to happen now" really wasn't an issue, especially when the refrigerator was full of food and the roof was not leaking. So as a kid, it was not top of mind. My life was pretty straightforward until I was about 35-ish.
But what I'd like to share is that the future was clear. It was clear. It was bright. It was in sharp focus. And I never worried about what was going to happen next or what was going to happen now. Why was that? It was because I knew what I was going to do next. And I knew what was going to happen in my life next. And even more so, I had a very clear, sharp vision of the future 20 years down the road. Not the way it was going to be, but the way I wanted it to be. So I had a clear objective. At any point in time, it was clear to me what to do next to get closer to that objective. And if I didn't know, well, I would just go find someone with experience in that area, ask them, think about it, investigate things, gather information, and make a decision about the next step, the next step, the next step. So "what's next" was always something I could figure out. I even was able to figure out maybe the next three or four things. It was a time of really security, confidence, and fairly low stress. Other people looking at my life might have felt it was a stressful life. Maybe it would have been for them. But for me, it was pretty straightforward. Oh, what to do next? Oh, not a problem. So I had some really straightforward objectives.
So from the time I was 11, I'm like, "Oh, I know. I'm coming back to this itty-bitty ghetto, and I'm going to start a medical practice and practice medicine." Yeah. So that plan, which was very clear and in sharp focus, guided me for literally the next 23, 24 years. Now, here's the problem. My crystal ball got pretty blurry, really blurry, around age 34, 35-ish. I had returned to my itty-bitty ghetto. I purchased a city block. I built a medical office building. The practice was thriving. The medical practice was thriving. And I could not see the future. It was a blur. It was a blur.
But I just want to mention when I was at Harvard, for example, I was very self-directed because I had this vision of where I was going. I had no interest in what others or even Harvard University had planned for me. This didn't matter. If they had something planned, great, maybe I would consider it. But I had everything laid out. I knew where I was going. I knew what I was doing. So what other people were doing was pretty much irrelevant. And in medical school, it was the same. People were talking about, "Oh, you know, go into research, get a medical school appointment, go into public health, tell the world what to do." And I said, "No, no, no, no, no. I got my little plan, my little goal here." And that was not on the way to my goal.
So my vision of the future became very blurry once I had failed to set a next goal. Once I had achieved my goal of returning to my neighborhood and setting up a medical practice and being of help to my neighbors and anyone and everyone I could help, that was it. And so the problem then was I did not set another goal that was 5 to 20 years into the future. That made everything fuzzy. I became worried about "what's next," "what's going to happen now," and "what should I do" because I didn't know what I was going to do. And so the trail went cold. I couldn't see what the future held. I couldn't understand what was next. And then when I was on my own, the medical practice was gone. I had no freedom of movement, no ability to earn an income, a position many people find themselves in today. And by the way, you can find yourself in that position regardless of external circumstances, just by the way.
I felt if only I knew, if only I knew what the future held, if only I knew what was next, then I could turn things around. I could become part of the next wave of, I don't know, activity, success, whatever. And so I guessed. I took a guess. People showed up and said, "Jennifer, it's the Internet." I said, "Nah, that's crazy. No one would go for the Internet. There's no privacy or security." They said, "Jennifer, it's cell phones, it's cell phones." I said, "Nah, one phone per house, two if you're rich. One person, one phone. Who would engage in such extravagance?" So you can see where I'm going with this, right? My crystal ball was broken. I believe it's still broken, by the way. In other words, I cannot predict the next trend. But guess what? You don't have to, and I didn't have to, and you still don't have to.
Creating Your Future (19:39 - 21:01) So how did I move on to what's next? Well, first, I realized I could not predict what is next. I even went to fortune tellers, I want to tell you. They were no help, just saying. I started going to them once or twice a year, just for entertainment. I didn't have a TV. And fortune tellers, at 20 bucks a pop twice a year, cheaper than a TV. Then I abandoned all attempts to predict the future and decided to build and create a future. That's when things turned around. I sat down, imagined a future, and then took all possible immediate action to move in that direction. Then the way became clear. I could see the next step, and from there the next step, and so on. There was peace that came from this, a lot. First of all, I did not need to know what any country, government, or person, or even the economy is going to do next. It didn't matter. All that mattered was having a goal and working towards it. Looking around for any and all available resources, circumstances, and situations that would favor that goal, seeing what skills I lacked, and teaching myself those skills.
Health and Personal Development (21:01 - 26:53) So how does this figure into your health? First of all, there's no need to predict the future. Just create it. Stress gone. Next, you need to decide what health is. The physical and mental ability to do whatever you need to create the future you have decided, that is what health is. Sometimes you lack a skill or the ability to develop that skill. This is not sickness. It is time to seek out others who have what you're missing and exchange value. As long as you feel good in your body, you're healthy. No tests are needed. I want to just go over the external events of my lifetime. And we can start with 1957. Did you know, because I sure didn't know, in 1957 was the Asian flu pandemic. I was born in the midst of the Asian flu pandemic. And guess what? My family breathed not a word of it. Totally unaware. Of course, I was only an infant in '57. And so these are all economic downturns, by the way. My family was in the midst of a profound economic depression during mom's pregnancy, which would have been 1956. But as you can see, there was no flu pandemic, no economic issue then. But my particular family was experiencing extreme financial difficulties. Mom and dad were both, well, unemployed.
1960 was another economic downturn. Things turned around. By then, dad had a job. Mom did not have a job. Then 1969, we didn't notice the 1960s downturn, by the way. We were doing just fine. Everything was great. And I think mom got a job then, too. So both of them were working in 1960. And things, economically, were pretty darn good. We were living in the suburbs, and everything was cool.
1969, wow. Major economic downturn right after the civil rights riots. And again, I did not notice a single economic negative outcome. Things were great. We even had the money to flee the riots. Just picked up and left.
1973 to 75 was the oil embargo. Those of you who remember, turn down the oil, gas lines, wear a sweater. I went to my parents and I said, "Well, it was an economic downturn. What are we going to do?" They said, "Ah, don't worry. That's just white people's stuff. The white people are just worried about stuff. We're just going to let them worry. It doesn't affect us." Oh, okay. I was just a kid. I was, by that time, in high school. And I was like, oh, okay, fine. And, of course, then President Carter told everyone to get a sweater, put on a sweater. I was like, a sweater? I went to my parents again. I said, "We don't have any sweaters in the house." No one had a sweater. Even though we lived in Syracuse, New York, it was freezing cold. None of us kids had a sweater. And my parents said, "Eh, don't worry. We're not getting any sweaters. Just turn the heat up." Oh, okay. Didn't notice it.
1980, another economic debacle. Depression. I was in medical school at that time. Did not notice a downturn. I was just studying away.
1982, still in medical school, studying away. Did not notice it.
  1. In 1990, there was a bank crisis. Again, I did not notice. I've been saving my money now for over 10 years. And I just had enough to buy a city block and build an office building. And that's what I did in 1990. That was it. I also had a baby in 1990. The economics of the crisis of the situation of the day? Irrelevant. No impact. And I'm saying this because it's really the same with your life. You need to focus on what your goal is, and the 6 o'clock news broadcast telling you how bad things are and how bad they're going to get is irrelevant. I did an experiment. I stopped the news. Totally stopped it for about a week. Then checked back in. Of course, my life had not changed in the week. And oh my God, all the bad news I missed. You get the point. There's an invasion of cicadas. That's an insect. There's a mosquito invasion. There are UFOs that showed up in the last week. Another pedophile was supposedly uncovered. Amazing stuff. But guess what? All of it? It just didn't make any difference. It wasn't something I needed to know in order to make my future plans. So don't put your plans on hold by asking what's next. You're what's next, and whatever you create is what's next.
Questions and Final Thoughts (26:53 - 30:18) We have a couple of questions here. I'm going to try and get through them quickly. First question: "I need to know what to do for my mom. She's at SELF Regional Hospital in Greenwich, and her oxygen is in the 80s. She's addicted to hydrocodone, that would be a narcotic, but thinks it's helpful for the pain. What is healthy and best for my mom?" Okay, so if your mother's in a hospital hooked to oxygen and narcotics, there is nothing at this point that's healthy for her. We'll just cross that right out. The question is what's best for her? You need to talk to her about this. Of course, mom's got chemo for lung cancer. You need to talk to your mother about this. It might be the best thing to do is to turn up the morphine for her to have a comfortable exit. So you've got to be careful that you're not being insensitive here and torturing your mother. So ask her what she wants. If she wants you to turn up the morphine and say goodbye, then I would do that. But let's just say she wants help with the pain. The hydrocodone causes constipation, which makes pain worse, and that's why you need higher and higher doses of it. So I would be nice to her and give her an enema or give her some prune juice or some castor oil to relieve her constipation, and that's going to relieve her pain. That would be the next immediate step to take.
Next question: "If I don't have Shilajit, can I use 12-cell salts for minerals?" Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Can't send a boy to do a man's job. In other words, get the Shilajit. Yeah, get the Shilajit. No, 12-cell salts are not going to work for minerals.
Next question: "Is it safe to take Shilajit if someone has a metal implant?" Yes. The person asks, "Since Shilajit gets rid of heavy metals, is it going to dissolve the implant?" The answer is no. Shilajit only removes heavy metals from living biological organisms. What happens is Shilajit, which is your natural trace minerals, moves in, and your body, a living cell, takes in the organic minerals it needs and expels the heavy metals it doesn't need. That's the mechanism it works by. Since your hip or knee transplant is not a living system, then that's not going to affect it.
Last question: "I love your show and look forward to the updates on your mother. It's quite remarkable the progress she has made, thanks to being home again. I especially enjoy the underlying messages of your shows. You certainly have a neat way of conveying a message in a positive tone. And thank you for inventing the Vitality Capsules." Yes, and, as you know, Vitality Capsules are available at
Well, that brings us to the end of our show. And, as always, Think Happens!