Equality in the gutter

Equality in the gutter

Introduction and Episode Title
(0:00 - 0:15)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and welcome to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, June 6, 2021 edition, and today's title is Equality in the Gutter. Yep, you heard that right, Equality in the Gutter.
Show Content and Updates
(0:15 - 1:47)
So today, I'm going to talk about how equality harms and how to create inequality in your life and benefit from it. Yay! But first, letโ€™s talk about mom. Last time we checked, she had been vaccinated, her face swelled up, and so I got the phone call. She's doing much better now, and she's chit-chatting and back to working on her walking. So we're thrilled, and we will keep an eye on that and see how it progresses.
Next, Vitality Capsules. Yay! So we're in the process of resourcing our ingredient that failed testing. It looks like we found another supplier, and cross your fingers. Itโ€™s passed the preliminary test. We'll see how that goes, and we hope to get into production pretty soon here. Oh, and Vitality Capsules, we still have some in stock. You can buy them at vitalitycapsules.com. Vitality Capsules are the internal cleanser that is comfortable enough for everyday use, and they accelerate and promote your circulation, cleanse your liver, and cleanse your intestines. Yay! Wonderful.
Gymnastics Update
(1:47 - 2:43)
Now, I have to give you the update on gymnastics. Yay! So, as many of you may know, I've been working on my splits. I have mastered my left front splits, my right front splits, and Iโ€™m working on my oversplits and center splits. Meanwhile, Iโ€™ve also mastered my bridge pose or backward bend, and Iโ€™m now working on getting my head all the way back to my heels. Iโ€™m making progress, so I would say Iโ€™m at least halfway there. I hope to figure out enough technology to share pictures with you, so we will work on that in the future.
Main Topic: Equality in the Gutter
(2:43 - 12:32)
Back to our topic, Equality in the Gutter. Now, in order to really appreciate this and get the humor, I come from a family of six children, and the two oldest are girls, now women, and they are mentally retarded. This is important to understand, to know. I mean, like certified, certified mentally retarded. Theyโ€™re so mentally retarded that they started school at seven, and one did not graduate high school. The other one did manage to get a certificate of some sort.
We had lots of fun growing up. Really, we're all the best of friends. But back when I was 11, we were in the midst of the civil rights movement. So the topic of equality came up, and we knew things were fairly unequal. But we kind of looked around, did an assessment. Well, guess what? There's food in the fridge, the roof did not leak, and we got to play jacks, run around, and play with dolls. We could get soap in the bathroom, put it on our face, pretend we were doing a facial, and then start all over again. We had all kinds of silly games that we would play.
But we were keeping a little watch on this equality thing because we were little people, just 11 years old. My sister was 15, and we knew that we were going to have to fend for ourselves pretty soon. So we were watching the progress, and we saw all the privilege that white people had. We thought, huh, that is great. We hope that they keep those privileges. Someone in the United States should be free, and if they keep those privileges, we can one day aspire to that. Well, the legislation came down, eliminating private clubs that were white-only, eliminating nepotism, and other such unequal stuff. We were shocked. We said, oh no, this means that nobody can have a private club and decide who the members will be. No one can help a relative who needs a job or go to work for a relative to help them out. This is terrible. They are taking privilege away from everybody.
So we realized that the so-called advantages of any group need to be allowed so that every group can have those freedoms. This is when we turned to each other, and my retarded sister said, "They are creating equality in the gutter. Whites are being harmed and deprived of freedoms, and blacks are not getting more freedoms." We shook our heads and went back to washing dishes. At home, of course, we're washing the dinner dishes, and kind of thinking like walking down the street and not being harassed by the police. Little things. And now, with the way the world has progressed, even white people have lost that privilege. And so we now have a situation where what was once considered privileges, which were really just freedoms, are now available to nobody. This is a case where equality harms.
Main Topic: Striving for Inequality
(12:32 - 19:04)
First of all, I'd like to suggest we should strive for inequality in most, if not all, areas of our lifeโ€”in everything we do. Inequality. First of all, kindness. Now, people say, oh, we should be kind to everybody. Yeah, I think so. I agree with that. However, there are degrees. Youโ€™re going to have a different level of kindness for a husband, for a lover, for a neighbor, for a sibling, for a parent, or for a child. Those are all kindness, but theyโ€™re different kindnesses. So if you gave your husband the same degree of kindness you gave a stranger, or you give your lover the same degree of kindness you give a sibling, it might not work out. So we have to recognize that to maintain and enhance our happiness, we need inequality. Itโ€™s important.
Also, money. You have to be very, very unequal. Youโ€™ve got to spend more on this, and less on that, and not on the other thing. Spend more on things that you want or things that promote your happiness, and less on things that donโ€™t promote your happiness. This is very, very important. Equality is the enemy. I mean, really? Should everyone have a certain amount of money they set aside to spend on heroin? Of course not. Now, a heroin addict might decide that he wants to put a lot of money there, but other people should have the choice of saying, you know what? Iโ€™m gonna spend maybe zero dollars on that. You need inequality just in order to organize and give shape to your life.
And people. Should you treat all people equally? Of course not. People who do things you like and approve of? Praise them. Smile. Encourage them. And people who do things that you donโ€™t approve of, that you donโ€™t like? Maybe you could remain quiet. Thatโ€™s okay. But certainly donโ€™t praise them for the things that you donโ€™t like. So you want to exhibit inequality. The more inequality you exhibit, the more you will get of what you like, of what you value, and the less youโ€™ll get of what you donโ€™t value. Itโ€™s super important to maintain that inequality.
Exchanging Value
(19:04 - 23:01)
Now, letโ€™s talk about exchanging value. This is going to be complicated, so listen up. This is going to be serious inequality here, and youโ€™ve got to listen carefully to get the extreme inequality and just how wonderful it is. This is called exchanging value. A lot of people like numbers, so we're going to end up using a few numbers here. But weโ€™re going to keep it simple, like 10 and 1.
So, hereโ€™s where equality is seriously the enemy. Never aim for equality here, or you will truly suffer. You need to give what is of lesser value to youโ€”thatโ€™s one value. But of higher valueโ€”thereโ€™s your inequalityโ€”to the person receiving it. They need to give you an amount of value that is higher than the value youโ€™re giving up but less than the value they receive. So, these four inequalities make this work and literally create an engine of satisfaction.
Hereโ€™s an example. Perfect transaction. You are giving something, letโ€™s say, thatโ€™s of 10 cents in value. And youโ€™re receiving revenue called a dollar of value. But what about the other person? Well, the other person in the transaction is giving you a dollar. Thatโ€™s how you receive a dollar. But the value theyโ€™re receiving from whatever it is theyโ€™re getting is $10. So, you can see that because of the inequality, youโ€™re gaining tenfold, and they are also gaining tenfold. But this can only happen when thereโ€™s inequality.
Vitality Capsules Example
(23:01 - 26:10)
Now, if we look at this situation with Vitality Capsules, itโ€™s a certain value for me to create Vitality Capsules. The person pays a large amount for the Vitality Capsules, letโ€™s say $41 a bottle, but the impact on their health could be $10,000. Like, huge! That is value. That is value exchange. That is inequality, and thatโ€™s the kind of inequality you should strive for in your life, where the value the other person is giving you is greater than what it costs you to let go of that value, but the value to them when they receive it is phenomenal.
When you create and look for these inequalities, you develop a life where people want to interact with you. They want to have an exchange with you because they know, wow, itโ€™s going to be great. Then this is where things like How to Win Friends and Influence People comes in, for example, the book. Because many people, they donโ€™t have enough compliments in their life. They donโ€™t have enough smiles in their life. They donโ€™t have enough pleasantness, kindness, and it costs nothing to give those things, by the way. But youโ€™d be shocked how many people would literally pay a fortune for that. In fact, most people would, just by the way.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
(26:10 - 26:30)
So, it is in our lives. The food we eat, for example, has to give us far greater value than the price of the food. It must contribute to our happiness and health above and beyond the life it sustains, even on the cellular level. The cellular level.
Conclusion and Q&A Segment
(26:30 - 27:10)
All right. That is it. That brings us to the end of today's show. And as always, think happens.