Why You Should Give Your Housekeeper the Day Off

Why You Should Give Your Housekeeper the Day Off

Introduction and Topic Overview
(0:00 - 0:24)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, September 19th, 2021 edition. Yay! And today's topic is why you should give the housekeeper the day off. Not every day, just every now and then. So today, I'm going to share how giving your housekeeper the day off can be part of your advanced healing system. And as always, think happens. Yay!
Update on Mom
(0:24 - 1:00)
But first, we'll give the update on mom. Mom's pretty much status quo. She's doing her exercises, getting stronger every day, and you know, she's getting more independent. And everyone is really excited and happy about that because that means everyone else gets to live their life as well. So we're all absolutely thrilled that mom has gone from hospice comatose to pretty much being independent. That's the mom update.
Vitality Capsules and Progress Update
(1:00 - 2:48)
Then we have Vitality Capsules. Yay! Vitality Capsules! So this is our new bottle. That's regular in the green. And this is extra strength in the orange. Yay! So at vitalitycycles.com, our new website, you will be able to find both of these. Yay! We're not doing sales or discounts because historically, the sales and discounts have created long periods of being out of stock because the ingredients are so hard to find and because we do test them to make sure they are great quality. So get these while we do have them. They are in stock. Yay! And this batch is awesome. So that's it. Vitality Capsules, the everyday internal cleanser that is gentle enough for everyday use and helps you get those three—count them—one, two, three, three bowel movements a day. Also, it cleans out those bile ducts and accelerates circulation of blood throughout your body so that it can remove nutrients from your cells and that wonderful diet you're eating. Those nutrients can get into your cells. And this is why many people taking these feel such increased vitality because not only is more waste being eliminated, but the nutrients they're eating are actually getting into their cells and getting assimilated because of the effects on circulation. There you go. So check out vitalitycycles.com. Yay!
Dr. Daniels’ Personal Progress
(2:48 - 3:59)
And then, of course, there's my progress. So I'm still working on my gymnastics. It's very, very exciting. And in the future, look forward to it, I'll be developing an informational program and videos showing people how they can go from walking with two canes to doing splits and backbends. So things are moving along. It's difficult to report day-to-day progress, but in terms of, oh, you know, I can do a backflip because those things take time to do. But I am progressing, you know, in that direction. So I feel really encouraged that I'm noticing that I'm stronger, that I'm more flexible, that I can move with greater ease. And I'm just very upbeat. I guess nobody would say, well, you're always upbeat. Well, just even more upbeat. So I really, really would encourage anyone to get up and move at whatever level they're capable of.
Turpentine and Shilajit Routine
(3:59 - 9:09)
Ah, questions. Yay! We got lots of questions. Can't answer all of them. They're awesome questions. But do send them in at jdaaniels at gmail.com. And I answer as many as I can during the podcast. All right. So I think that that is, uh-oh, turpentine time. Let's take our turpentine. Well, we've got sugar. I lost it. I misplaced it. All right. This is sugar. This is white sugar, granulated sugar. I recommend cane sugar because it is not yet genetically modified. There you go. Granulated sugar. And I use a teaspoon. And this is a U.S. teaspoon. That would be five grams, five cc's. With my keyboards, we don't spill any more sugar on it than we already have. And we take it, and we dip it in there. And that's a good amount of sugar. We're gonna put that sugar down. And we're gonna turpentine. Again, label everything. You don't have to be perfect. Just close enough so people know that this is not Kool-Aid or some other beverage. Then I use a 3 cc. I don't know why they call it 3 cc because up the neck right here is 2.5 cc's. So I take 2.5 cc's a day, which is half a teaspoon. So we take this, squeeze that bulb, dip it into our turpentine, suck up our turpentine. And you can see here, and if you can appreciate it, it's just a tad over. I don't like to take any more than I have to. Squeeze that out. Here we go. And then we're going to squeeze it right on top here. And you'll notice that the sugar turns gray as the turpentine hits it. And you'll also notice, yes, that not all the sugar gets soaked. We have our glass of water here at the ready. Yay! Now, I put the water in my mouth so that when I put the sugar and turpentine in, the water gets in, lifts up the turpentine sugar off the spoon, and I can swallow it and not get it all over my mouth. Yep. We're gonna get some tissue and wipe the turpentine off. All right. Tap on the sugar. I would put the tap on turpentine, but hey, it's not seen to be locating itself. So we will go on. Oh, there's the tap. We will go on to the Shilajit. This is Shilajit. Shilajit is a trace mineral supplement. It's a substance naturally occurring. And they scoop it up right out of the earth, just as it is, and plop it right in this little tub for you. As you can see, I've been using this tub for a while, so the labels are a little bit less distinct. The dose is 200 milligrams a day, and it is black like tar. Yep. You can see I've gone through about half of this. And this is about a year and a half supply right here in one little tub. Major, major good deal. And this is a Russian Shilajit. So we're just going to poke the chopstick in there and pull it out. You can see all that goo. Now, you'll get pretty good at eyeballing this, but that is a little bit much. So we're going to just scrape that off. So you can see I scraped some of it off. And that's, even that's a bit generous, probably. I'm going to scrape a little more. Let's see. Yeah, that's not bad. That's about 200 milligrams. We're going to take this, put it in the water, and you will see it does not readily dissolve. It sticks to that chopstick. So we're going to let that sit there, which is what I recommend you do. Just let it sit there, go do something else, come back to it, half an hour, an hour later, the chopstick will be totally clean, and just stir it up, and you can drink it.
Discussion on Health and Modern Lifestyle
(9:09 - 16:06)
Dr. Daniels, why do you take Shilajit? Well, I take Shilajit because the mineral cycle that guarantees people get enough minerals is broken. What happens is people eat plants, they receive minerals, they poop out the minerals, they use the poop to fertilize the plants, the plants soak up the minerals, create food, people eat the food, and get the minerals back. So this is the mineral cycle. In modern-day civilization, what has happened is we have flush toilets where the poop is flushed down the rivers, oceans, never to be seen again. And the plants are fertilized with NPK, that's nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. And there is no return of those minerals to the human being. So people are constantly being depleted of trace minerals all the time. And what this does is it restores those trace minerals. This is a blend of more than 80 trace minerals, and so you don't need to get expensive tests determining which trace mineral you're deficient in because it's all in there. Cheaper than the test. All right. Oh, turpentine. So why would I take turpentine? So I take turpentine because a lot of what we call modern disease or the aging process is really simply parasites just nibbling away, nibbling away ever so slowly, ever so slowly. And what happens when you take turpentine regularly is those parasites are knocked down, they are removed from your body, and the aging process, we'll call it the deterioration process, is greatly, greatly slowed. For those of you who don't know, maybe it's your first time here, I am actually 64 years old. Yep, 64 years old. And doing gymnastics with the teenagers. So it makes a big, big difference. With taking turpentine, I have no arthritis. I do have the usual pains that a gymnast has. As anyone who does gymnastics, they get sore just from all the jumping, twisting, and tumbling. But that pain is not even a bad pain. It's just like being an athlete-type discomfort. And since I'm not competitive, I'm not doing the Olympics, I don't have to overdo anything. I can just stop whenever I want to. So turpentine helps me with having full use of my joints and my muscles. I am thrilled at the effect on my eyesight. I don't need reading glasses or cheater glasses. And I can actually read, print, and read books with just my regular glasses. And the number of benefits is just really endless. But to find out more, go to vitalitycycles.com. You can download the report, The Candida Cleaner, which tells you all about turpentine. And guess what? It's even free.
Why Give the Housekeeper the Day Off
(16:06 - 20:01)
All right, that is it. So that brings us to today's topic, which is why you should give the housekeeper the day off. So giving your housekeeper the day off really can be part of your advanced healing system. And this is very important for you to have, especially if you want to have, one, superior health, and two, independence from what has become a very expensive, cumbersome system that first-world countries have evolved to deal with their health concerns. So what this does is it gives you an early warning system. So when I went to medical school back in 1979, a long time ago, I feel like an old-timer, there was a question we asked every patient: are you independent in ADL? Now we had to call it ADL to make it sound scholarly, but all ADL is adult daily activities. Things like washing the dishes, mowing the lawn with a push mower, can you imagine? Dressing yourself without assistance. When I say without assistance, I do really mean without assistance. So in other words, you don't need someone else to lay your clothes out for you. You're able to put them on yourself without someone helping you. Are you able to walk the dog? Separate junk mail from the bills and pay the bills? Make your own bed? Hang laundry on the line? Yep, that was a thing. Fold clothes, shop for groceries, weed the garden, cook your own meals at home. Now, these are things many people of whatever economic strata no longer even do. A lot of people don't cook meals at home. They just get a package, they open it up, heat it up, and bam, done. No chopping, mixing, blending, none of that stuff. Many people take their clothes to the laundromat. They don't even hang laundry on the line. If you hang laundry on the line, what are you doing? You have to lift your hands up overhead to put the clothes on the line. And you have to pretty much keep those hands in the air, clipping the clothes on the line. Ask me how I know. I do my own laundry, and I hang my clothes on the line. I'm very proud of that. And people don't fold their clothes. They have really amazing organization methods online. They say, skip it, don't fold your clothes. It's just a time-consuming step. Roll them up in a ball. And what this does is it takes a lot less coordination. People don't even shop for groceries. Now they're delivered to your door. So we have processed packaged foods, we have dog walkers, we have housekeepers, we have lawn maintenance companies. So all of these things where adults, modern-day adults, are actually no longer engaged in activities of daily living or adult daily activities. And what this means then is people don't even have any indication that their health is failing. So your difficulty with these tasks is your first sign that you're out of shape, and you can fix it before it gets out of hand.
The Importance of Daily Activities in Health Maintenance
(20:01 - 23:23)
And many of us, as I said, have delegated these tasks so we wouldn't even be aware that we can't stand long enough to wash the dishes. Many people have a dishwasher these days or stand long enough to stir a pot or climb a step ladder to hang a picture or concentrate long enough to double a recipe. Most people just say, I'll just take two of those. Or make a list of missing ingredients and figure out how much of each you need. About, I would say, seven years ago, I was actually confronted with a situation where I had a recipe, and I had to check to see which ingredients I had enough of, which ones I didn't have at all, which ones I needed more of, and make a list of what I needed and how much I needed. And I realized I couldn't do it. I was like, uh-oh, we gotta fix this. That was when I was vegan and becoming incredibly forgetful. A piece of liver took care of that one. But your difficulty with these tasks, like I said, it's your first sign you're out of shape. And also, it can prevent illness. Tasks like washing the dishes keep you from getting fungal infections from growing under your fingernails. Also, you'll notice when you clean your own house, all of a sudden, you know where things are. And when you try and wash dishes, you'll notice when you lift a pot, maybe you can't lift that pot anymore, like, oh my god. And that's what happened to me. I have this very nice cookware I bought, All-Clad. I was very proud of myself that I bought All-Clad, which transmits the heat just fine. It gets even cooking. The food doesn't burn. I mean, all these plus, plus, plus, plus. It's amazing. However, the pots are heavy. And I realized I could not lift the pot to wash it. I had to prop the pot in the sink and wash it out, but I could not lift it. And that's my indication that I had weak arms. Also, putting items away on the bottom shelves. If you are putting your dishes away in your kitchen, you have bottom shelves, you will notice if you have a weak back, weak shoulder, and those things need to be addressed. Now, taking out the trash is another one. Oh, this is a real education for me. Of course, I learned that my arms are weak, but what I also learned was it's better to take the trash out every day, then, one, the bag is lighter, and two, the kitchen doesn't get smelly, and it's more hygienic. Walking the dog. I actually had a dog, you know, when I lived in the States. And I realized when I tried to walk my dog that I had very poor conditioning from excessive sitting and a low-nutrient vegan diet. The other thing you'll notice if you decide to walk your own dog is you may realize that your life is so filled with stuff that you don't even have time to enjoy your pet. And that's your signal to rearrange your life so you can do things that you enjoy.
Modern Lifestyle and Health Issues
(23:23 - 25:11)
Now, what I noticed here, another country, is that many people who are out of shape, who cannot walk their dog, can't even walk themselves. They drive in a car all the time. They just let their dogs out. Let the dog walk himself. And, you know, this is not, I'm going to say, well, you know, that's a bad dog owner. Not exactly. That's actually a person who is out of shape, has poor conditioning. And sweeping the floor will let you know if you're weak, if you're inflexible, if you have a poor core. These are the real screening tests, and these are the things that let you know when your health is going off the tracks so you can correct it before you get a thyroid problem, before you get adrenal problems, before you get chronic fatigue, before you get chronic pain. So every now and then, you can do it once a month, four times a year, but give your housekeeper, dog walker, dishwasher machine the day off, and see if you can really do that stuff yourself. Now, what do these things really mean? Well, these soft markers are indicators of dehydration, malnutrition, accumulated waste, and inflexibility. And when these are ignored, or you don't even realize they're there because you've got all of these conveniences that you're using as part of modern lifestyle, these things—dehydration, malnutrition, and accumulated waste—progress to diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and people search for a fancy label in a pill. So spare yourself the agony and expense of uncomfortable tests and therapies. Give your housekeeper the day off, do your own test, and then sort it out.
Health Tips and Questions
(25:11 - 30:37)
If you're weak, well, maybe you need some red meat in your diet. Easily exhausted, maybe you need to eat some liver. Not flexible, maybe you need to eat some beef tendons or chicken feet or pig ears and do stretching exercises. A lot of people make the mistake here when they're not flexible of just doing stretching exercises. If you just do stretching exercises, you're going to tear your tendons and your muscles, and it's going to be bad. Why? Because the reason you're so stiff, part of it's inactivity, but the other part of it is a dietary deficiency where you're not eating the foods to maintain your tendons. And so if you have early arthritis, then you need more water and bowel movements. If you're short of breath, you know, more water and more conditioning. So drinking more water, eating more nutritious foods, and having a few more bowel movements, you can really nip disease in the butt. So give the housekeeper or lawn boy or dog walker the day off. Try it. You'll be surprised. I certainly was. I was very surprised. And don't be discouraged by what you find out. I mean, if you find out like, oh my God, I couldn't walk my dog if I wanted to. Don't despair. Just say, okay, fine. Why am I not able to walk my dog? Am I too weak? Okay. Eat some beef. Am I too tired? Exhausted? Eat some liver. I just don't have time. Rearrange the activities in your life. So just go bit by bit by bit. But these tests that you do by participating in adult daily activities or activities of daily living give you valuable information so you can handle things like kidney problems and not go into kidney failure. How does that work? Well, a lot of times when you're tired, you actually need to drink more water. And it's that additional water that saves your kidneys and keeps you from going into kidney failure. But when people try to cut back their water so they don't need to use the bathroom so much so they can be more efficient in their work, that's what starves the kidneys. That's what makes the kidneys go bad. So just these little tests and focusing on increasing your nutrition either with organ meats or higher quality vegetables, depending on what the problem is. And no, vegetables and meat are not interchangeable. If you need liver, you need liver. There is no vegetable source or substitute. Sorry. And if you need broccoli, you need broccoli. There is no meat substitute. So unfortunately, it just depends on what your situation is, which one you're going to need. In dehydration, water is water is, well, water. So water is not lemon water. Water is not smart water. Water is, well, water. So keep it simple and, you know, be honest with yourself. If you need water, drink water.
Final Thoughts and Questions
(30:37 - 32:44)
All righty. And that brings us to today's questions. We have some time for today's questions. Yay! I'm 47 years old, and I've been going through perimenopause for two years. I don't know what that is. I would like to suggest to you that you've not been going through perimenopause. You've been going through malnutrition. I want to have more children before I'm 55. So in other words, if you're going through perimenopause, you're telling me that you're still having periods. What I would recommend is you begin attempting pregnancy immediately. And for your fertility, you want to eat some ham hocks, liver, and cow brain. And what that's going to do is boost your fertility, help you get, you know, pregnant quicker and complete the pregnancy. But do not delay. You're 47 years old. You need to get started, get working right now. And at 47, it may take you two years to get pregnant. So if you get started right now and you eat those foods, you might be able to squeeze in, you know, I don't know, two or three kids. So is there a natural way to delay menopause? None that I know of. Extended fertility, yes. Eat those foods I told you about. So do the best you can with that. How do you kill parasites that are outside your intestines? Don't do it. Do not do it. Let me be clear. Do not kill intestines that are outside your intestines. Do not kill parasites that are outside your intestines. That is a seriously bad idea. Why? Because if you kill the parasite that is not in your intestines, then that parasite will explode and release toxins everywhere in your body. And you are going to be one sick pup. So what happens is you remove the parasites that are in your intestines, and then the ones that are not in your intestines move to your intestines for removal. And it's a system. It's an orderly exodus. Unlike Afghanistan, okay? So what you want to do is you want to keep the intestines clear. So that would be something like Vitality Capsules. Go to vitalitycycles.com and get regular or extra strength depending on what you prefer. And you'll have information there helping you decide which one is better for you. So let's say you've got your three bowel movements a day. Yay! Then the parasites are going to be leaving your intestines on a regular and accelerated schedule. Now your immune system will bring more parasites to the intestines. And they'll even seek out the intestines themselves, especially if you use turpentine. That will help the parasites move to the intestines to be removed. So you do not want to kill parasites that are in your body. You want them to leave your body. Dr. Daniels, can Candida build resistance to turpentine? No. If the turpentine protocol stops, can Candida return? Interesting question. The answer is, because you are human, and because you eat food, and because you just live in the world, parasites are always entering your body. It's a steady stream. Always entering your body. Always entering your body. So you need a steady system to always remove them. Always remove them. Always remove them. This is a steady cycle. And when the cycle stops, for example, when you stop removing the parasites, they accumulate and they make you miserable. You die early, and it's a miserable death. So does Candida build resistance to turpentine? The answer is no, because the turpentine just gets the Candida to leave. If the turpentine protocol stops, does Candida return? The answer is yes, because you're constantly ingesting parasites despite your best efforts. Does the turpentine kill yeast in the body? No, it does not. I'm loaded with yeast, according to my doctor. I'm very overweight. I'm already taking the Vitality capsules daily. I'm up to two bowel movements a day. Thank you so much. You are welcome. Go up to three bowel movements a day. You will see that you feel a lot better, and you're going to start losing weight. A lot of that weight will be, of course, yeast. So you don't want to kill yeast. Again, you just want to leave your body. Like, okay, yeast, party's over. Thanks for coming, but it's time to go. That's the basic attitude. No drama. This is a nice question. So, Dr. Daniels, please tell us what a 60-year-old man can do about gout and trouble sitting still. First of all, a 60-year-old man needs to stop sitting. That's a problem. The number one thing to do about gout is to increase your water intake, increase your bowel movements. I've had many people, the gout just bam, gone with extra strength Vitality capsules. Now, dietary, you need to get rid of your high-protein foods. No more boneless, skinless meat. No more skim milk. So all these high-protein supplements, maybe protein powders, stop them. Gout is simply your body with protein overload combined with dehydration. So that's the gout problem solved. And stop that sitting. Get some walking going. Even if you need a cane, whatever you've got to do, walk. A dear friend of mine is seeing doctors at the VA. Well, there's a problem right there. So if you're still going to the VA hospital, I'm just going to tell you either you're uninformed or you're not serious about your health. I'm not sure which one it is. Please address issues perplexing a 50-year-old man who's been diagnosed as having breast cancer. Thank you very much. Why would a man even allow himself to be diagnosed as having breast cancer? Why would a man allow his sparse tits to be compressed in a machine and then allow someone to biopsy them? Okay. But he did. So what I would do if I were that guy is I would ignore the diagnosis. I would just walk away. Goodbye. Thank you. It's been real. I appreciate the diagnosis. Goodbye. Then having walked away now, what does he do? He needs to get rid of all of the estrogen in his diet. That would be the most common is dairy products. Second most common is tap water. Yeah, surprise, surprise. And obviously, all of his plastic dishes. At least do that. And then he can download the Candida Cleaner Report, follow that, and that will cut out his estrogen, and then he should get some exercise. All right. How are we doing here? Oh, we have done it. We're at 30 minutes. We've got to stop at 30 because our upload capabilities just don't work beyond 30 minutes. It's very difficult to get these shows out to you. All right. Awesome. That is the end of today's show. And as always, think happens, and for goodness' sake, give that housekeeper the day off.