What Was So Good About The Good Old Days?

What Was So Good About The Good Old Days?

Introduction and Update on Mom
(0:01 - 1:33)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. Today's title is "What is so good about the good old days?" This is the September 10th, 2021 edition. Our title again is "What is so good about the good old days?" So today I'm going to share the good about the good old days and how to have more of them.
As always, think happens.
And first, we have our update on mom. Yay! Mom is doing great, wonderfully. She's doing very, very nicely. She is determined. She's doing her bed exercises. She is alert. She's handling all of her affairs and she is determined to make her 90th birthday. She is 89 years old now, and we're looking for November, and we'll monitor her progress. But we're all really excited and surprised. Well, I guess some people are surprised, but she's doing pretty well.
Oh, so mom's on hospice. As you recall, she was sent home comatose to die. Clearly, that is not the way things are panning out. So mom would like to continue her hospice for a little bit longer. And I said, well, mom, I'm going to trust you with all that paperwork, and I hope that works out just the way you want it to. And we all let her know that if hospice wants to overstay their welcome, let us know. We'd help them leave a little sooner. And as far as them staying longer, we'll leave that to her. So, so far so good.
Vitality Capsules and Personal Progress
(1:33 - 3:06)
Vitality Capsules. Yay! Vitality Capsules are in stock. They are available at vitalitycycles.com. They have a new home. That's V-I-T-A-L-I-T-Y-C-Y-C-L-E-S.com. Vitalitycycles.com. Yes, and it's an amazing site. We are still building it out. So far so good. But if you do find bugs and things that don't work or don't look like the way they ought to, please send an email to jdaniels.daniels@gmail.com, and the IT team will be on it. Thank you.
And then, of course, my progress. Yes. As you will recall, I was doing a split, left front split, right front split, and backbends and bridges. And I'm working my way up to or down to the center split. And I have this machine that helps me with my sit-ups and core and back strength. I had plateaued, and I just couldn't see why I wasn't getting any stronger. And then I realized it needed to be adjusted. So I got out my wrench, changed a few lever points, moved this, moved that, and now the exercises are very difficult again. I'm down from 15 reps to 2 reps. So progress continues.
Turpentine and Shilajit
(3:06 - 7:37)
Next, we have turpentine. And we will be taking turpentine and sugar today. This is a teaspoon. Those of you who are not in the United States, this is a 5 cc, 5 ml, or 5 gram spoon that is used in the United States for tea. Hence the name teaspoon. And what we're going to do is use white cane sugar, granulated white cane sugar. I didn't realize I was that close to the bottom. Let's try it again. Uh-huh. Okay, here we are. I spilled a little sugar on my keyboard, but we'll handle that later.
So this is the sugar. I think that's a little too much. I usually like a teaspoon and a half, to be honest. There you go. That's a teaspoon and a half, more or less. And then we have our turpentine. And you've got to label your things whenever you're making your own home potions. That is important. I use a 3 cc dropper. Why they call it 3 cc's, I do not know because two and a half cc's is right up here to the neck. And that's the amount that I take, which is two and a half cc's, close to half a teaspoon. I try to take it every day, but honestly, I do miss one or two days a week.
We're going to squeeze that bulb, dip it in the turpentine, open up the bulb. Okay, there we go. And as you can see, it's right there, oops, right at the neck. And we're going to squeeze this right onto the sugar. Bam. All right, there we go. And I want you to know, I already took this a few minutes ago, but the camera was not running, so I had to start all over again. And that's why you're going to see some shilajit in the water. We're going to work around that.
Oh, okay. Down the hatch. But Dr. Daniels, you took a full teaspoon. You took a second dose. Yes, I'll survive it. So the dose for turpentine is up to a teaspoon a day. So that would be a teaspoon. So we're good to go.
Next thing we're going to take is shilajit. So this is a trace mineral supplement. Why would anyone need to take this? Because the food chain where minerals are concerned is broken. The way it works is people eat plants, get their minerals, they poop, they take the poop, fertilize the plants, and the minerals go back into the people. And there's a cycle. But that's not what's going on. People instead are using something called flush toilets. And they poop. The poop goes into the rivers or oceans or someplace far away. And the plants are fertilized with NPK, which is a blend of only three minerals, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. So for that reason, modern people using flush toilets who are not fertilizing their food with their own feces are deficient in minerals. That's it. That's all there is to it. And so this fixes that problem.
This is a mineral concentrate made in nature. They just scoop it out of the mountains of Russia, put it in this little container just for you, and this lasts for about a year and a half. Shilajit. S-H-I-L-A-J-I-T. Alrighty. Oh, I have to say, people who want to know more about taking turpentine can get the free, yeah, at no charge, report at vitalitycycles.com.
What is so good about the good old days?
(7:37 - 15:12)
Okay, so brings us back to what is so good about the good old days. Well, the whole reason for telling you what's so good about the good old days is so that you can recapture it. But everything has a price. Nothing is free. If only the price could be paid in gold, but we pay with our time and our life. And that's unfortunately the truth. And so it is with the expression "the good old days." Either you use the expression, or you're sick of hearing it. One of the two. So we'll look at this from both sides.
When we hear about the good old days, we hear about how this thing was different or that thing was better. I used to think those things were true. The good old days were good because things were better. But at the age of 64, I realized that every generation refers to its prime years as the good old days. And I realized it was not the songs, the food, the clubs, the events. It was, drumroll, the ability to run uphill and not get winded or sore. The ability to bend over and not get dizzy. The ability to sleep and not pull your shoulder out because you slept wrong. The ability to climb up a ladder and fix something. Remember those days? The ability to heal quick and get over it. The ability to dance when your favorite song starts playing. And most important of all, the expectation that you will get better in some way with each passing day. This is what was so good about the good old days.
So what happened? What happened? Maybe you just got old? Don't buy it. Don't give up so easy. What really happened was you got distracted. You developed judgment, poor judgment, born out of fear. Your expectations, you allow them to be lowered. You began placing unwarranted future conditions on what were once simple acts of kindness. You began sitting at a job that paid the bills but froze up your hip joints. Every little reach or stretch causes a groan. Each day you lose more and more of your strength and abilities. Or worse, the very things you mastered, a slide ruler comes to mind, are now obsolete. You make excuses of getting older. Wasn't that important anyway? Nobody expects me to do that. Let the kids get it. I know, I know. I made all of those excuses.
First, let me say that those of you listening who still wake up each day expecting to get better at something, expecting to improve in some exciting way, that is the magic of youth. You are experiencing your good old days. The world is so vast that there's always more to learn and more to master. So keep it up and don't let anyone sell you on the idea that you've arrived and you have nothing more to look forward to. That's not a place you want to arrive at.
So what about those who are noting vanishing abilities with each passing day? Can't run anymore, can't walk fast anymore, can't jump anymore, can't reach anymore, balance is poor, the list is endless. Finally, you find yourself a spectator in your own life, watching your decay. So the first thing you have to do is draw a line in the sand. Decide that it is not okay to wither while you still have breath. Pick something that you want to do or something you don't want to do and then put it in positive terms.
I am embarrassed to admit, but for your benefit and improvement, I will admit it, my turning point was deciding if it was time to use a cane. Yeah, I felt so wobbly that I realized how far away the floor really was. I realized that I could easily fall just from weakness and that I would need to crawl to the nearest piece of furniture in order to get up. That was when I decided no more. I was going to turn things around.
Now, I have to tell you, it was not easy. I was surrounded by people who used canes and showed off how fancy and expensive their canes were. So first, I had to stop hanging out with that crowd. I said, no, I had to stop. So you should stop hanging out with people who have not solved the problem you are trying to solve. So I joined the hiking club. They eventually asked me to leave because I was too slow, but I was not discouraged. I did not give up. I found a guide. I made friends with people in the hiking club who would walk with me when they were not walking with the group. And then I started addressing any shortcomings that I found. If I have a muscle too tight, okay, I stretch it. If the muscle is too weak, I figure out, well, which one? Now I do exercises to make that muscle stronger. Bit by bit, I improved. I do mean bit by bit. It took about three years before I was able to complete a hike that would be a regular hike for the hiking club. They never did let me rejoin.
So what should you do? Well, pick a small but important goal. Focus on that and work on that only. I did not try to get more intelligent, get better skin, brighter teeth. I just wanted to walk well without a cane. Now, I can run uphill and not get winded or sore. I can bend over and not get dizzy. I can sleep and not pull my shoulder out because I slept wrong. I can climb up on a ladder and fix something. I can heal quick and get over it. And I can start dancing when an old song starts playing. And every day, I expect that I will get better in some way with each passing day. The good old days are back. And you can do it too. Yes, you can do it. You have it in you. The good old days are simply a state of having enough power, energy, and juice to be an active player in your own life. So go for it and do it.
Questions and Final Thoughts
(15:12 - 30:05)
That brings us to questions. I want to say we have got to end at 30 minutes because of our technological limitations. And I've had specialists after specialists come to assist here. We can't seem to upload anything more than 30 minutes. So there we go.
All right. So this person says, "Your weekly podcast is so compelling. Thank you." That over the last several months of watching and listening to you, I now consider you a valued and funny friend. Thank you. Thank you for your energy, your intelligence, and especially your giggles. So here's the question.
Whenever I take turpentine, a little over a half teaspoon with white sugar, I get bright red bleeding from my rectum. Now we have a history of things, which actually retrospectively is very important because this person, while she is going to list about five different problems, only has one. Count it. One. One problem. All right. I have suffered hemorrhoids. First of all, she's got bright red bleeding from her rectum. Got that. I have suffered hemorrhoids most of my adult life. Okay. That's the second problem. I had my first daughter at 21. My second daughter at 32. I'm now 56. By the way, all that is, well, actually the daughters are not quite relevant, but only in the sense that the daughters are even more depleting. In 2015, before my 40th birthday, I required a full hysterectomy. Uterus and cervix removed. I was bleeding out due to adenomyosis or so the surgeon said. So again, heavy bleeding. Problem number three. On July 9th, 2015, this is after January, I turned 40. I needed an emergency colon resection. So they had surgery and they cut out a colon. A fatty, benign, harmless lump caused my small intestine to intussuscept all the way up to my transverse colon. Surgery removed it all. And my appendix. Okay. So let's be clear. We now have problem four, intussusception.
Anyways, I healed from both surgeries uneventfully. The outcome is that waste travels to me faster and less digested food. Should I forego turpentine? Or is there something that I could be doing diet-wise or any other treatment-wise that would allow me to enjoy the benefits of turpentine while not causing my hemorrhoids such distress as to make them bleed?
Okay. So she only has one problem. One problem only. Her one problem is her connective tissue is depleted. And the connective tissue is so depleted that it caused her to have heavy bleeding from her uterus, that it caused her to bleed when she takes turpentine, that it caused her intestines to suck up inside of each other. So she only has one problem. So what's the answer?
A simple answer, since we're focusing on the connective tissue deficiency in her rectum at this point, is for her to eat cow large intestine. No, it's not at your local grocery store. So I recommend starting with your organic farmer, asking him what butcher he could recommend or what cow farmer he could recommend that would be able to cut out that part of the animal. So the large intestine of the cow will work, or the small intestine of the cow. The small intestine is much, much easier to cook because there's no fat attached, and it's super clean. And it cooks in 30 minutes. The large intestine is thicker, tougher, stronger, and I think it would actually work better for this problem. But you know, whatever you can get, that's what you're going to use. And there is a lot of fat on the large intestine. I'd recommend taking that fat off the intestine, rendering it into tallow, and using it separately in your cooking or whatever. So yeah, you just want to boil it up. You can boil it up with some salt and pepper, add some tomato sauce, maybe some bay leaf, garlic, and you're good to go. And maybe eat about 8 to 16 ounces. That's the pre-cooked weight. When you cook it, it just shrinks up to a very small amount, by the way. So about a pound a day, I would say daily for four days and then maybe once a week. And it'll clear up your problem, clear up your hemorrhoids and your intestinal bleeding. And then wait a month of doing this and you can give turpentine another try.
Alrighty. Okay, what are we talking about here?
Hi Dr. Daniels, let me start off by saying what a blessing you are for all of your viewers. Thank you for always being straightforward and to the point. I have read the Candida Cleanup Report and plan on following it. All right, good. I was wondering what are your feelings about all of these boosters they're pushing? I have not taken the shot and don't plan on taking it. My mom, who has a lot of pre-existing conditions, just got COVID, and I'm worried about her. She did not get the shot, and I know you're probably thinking, well heck, what does it matter now since she's already had it? I was just wondering if you had any recommendations on what you can do to get past COVID and to help prevent from getting it again.
Yeah. All right, so let's just start with the easy one. What are your feelings about all these boosters? Feelings, feelings. But I actually have some thoughts about it too. So I'll share my thoughts about it, not my feelings. They are different. Well, actually, I'll share both. So what are my thoughts about the boosters? So first of all, why would you need a booster? You need a booster because, well, the first shot didn't work. So let's take this, let's back up at the beginning. So you have two shots you take. It's supposed to prevent you from getting infection. You take one shot and say, you know, that shot doesn't really work well enough. So we're going to give you a second shot. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Those two shots, they don't work. So we're going to give you a third shot. So we've already got two shots that don't work, and we're hoping the third one will work. The third one, by the way, is identical to the first two. But wait, let's look at the horizon. So I want to draw your attention to Medscape.com. You can search under variants. This is what they're telling the doctors. They're telling the doctors that there are an endless number of variants, and a vaccine for each would entail hundreds, if not thousands, of vaccines. Meanwhile, one of our pharmaceutical companies, I forget which, has picked one variant. How they picked that one, I don't know. But they picked that variant, and that's the variant they're going to make the next vaccine against. But wait, wait, we just said that that variant is not one of the more deadly variants. In other words, they picked a harmless variant among all the thousands of variants, and that is the one they're making the next vaccine against. So, put more precisely, if you took a vaccine, let's agree to it, let's agree to take any and all vaccines, if you agreed to take three vaccines a day every single day for the rest of your life, it still could not, would not protect you from all the variants. The word they use is endless. Endless. That means without end. Yes. So, the strategy of vaccination for the present viral situation has no chance of working. That's according to what the medical website says. As a strategy, vaccination is not going to protect you from the virus. Vaccination is not going to provide protection. But does that mean we should not vaccinate? Absolutely not. It means we should vaccinate more. That's, again, this is the medical website speaking. You draw your own conclusions.
Now, so, my thoughts on it are if you're trying to avoid getting an infection, avoid getting sick, then vaccination is the wrong strategy. That's number one. What are my feelings? My feelings. My feelings, you know, I'm human. Feelings. So, what are my feelings? My feelings on it are whether or not you take the shot has nothing to do with whether or not there's a virus or whether or not there's a vaccine, whether or not the vaccine works, or even whether or not the vaccine is safe. Those are all irrelevant considerations when deciding whether or not to take the vaccine. Yeah, those are my feelings. And so, my feelings are that when you're in a situation that's a tyrannical situation, you don't have control. Sometimes the best strategy for long-term survival is cooperation or submission. So, you have to figure it out for yourself what is going to work best for you. Is submission, taking every shot that comes along, or, you know, whatever, is that the way it's going to work? I don't know. That's why I can't say to someone, oh, you should take the shot, or oh, you shouldn't take the shot. We'll just give you an example, slavery. The most rebellious, difficult slaves, they just got exterminated. So, rebelling was not the best strategy. So, I can't tell you the best strategy for navigating these times. What I can tell you is taking a vaccine is not an effective strategy for protecting your health. That is, that's very clear. It's pretty straightforward. But that doesn't answer the question as to whether or not you should take the vaccine. So, whether or not you should take the vaccine is another question, which is how do you survive the present tyranny? I don't know. I mean, I don't know for your situation what would be best. And I'm not going to be cavalier and say everyone should do this or everyone should do that, because everyone's personal situation is quite a bit different.
All right. So, we handled the shot questions. What's the next question? I was just wondering if you had any recommendations on what you can do to get past COVID and to help prevent from getting it again. So, what is COVID? Well, first of all, it's a positive, let's just say it's a positive test. What does the test test for? The test tests for material, debris, junk. So, three poops a day and lots of water, and you'll poop right out the bottom end. That's the best strategy. Now, you can add to that strategy, you can throw in some N-acetylcysteine, which is capital N, capital A, capital C, quarter teaspoon to half a teaspoon a day. But hydration and pooping three times a day, that is the bedrock of your strategy, which is to get the debris out the bottom end and stay hydrated.
So, if she has a lot of pre-existing conditions, then she already has chronic dehydration. Diabetes is simply dehydration. Hypertension is another form of dehydration. Arthritis is dehydration. So, she's already, as we can say, dehydrated times three, so to speak, with these pre-existing conditions. So, her best strategy is to alter her lifestyle to eliminate at least one of her pre-existing conditions.
All right. So, what's the next question? I don't know if I answered this one, but it's such a fun question. I'm going to answer it. Whoops. I'm trying to hit this to get it the right color. Excuse me. There we go. Okay. All right. All right. So, where's the question? Down, down, down. Okay.
This is so sad. There are so many questions. Let me just take this one. I don't know if I've answered this before. I have a three-year-old son. I'm concerned about his speech delay. My son has not received any vaccinations. He eats plenty of fruits and vegetables and loves water, especially coconut water. I think I might have answered this. He has three to four poops daily. However, he's not using sentences to communicate. His vocabulary consists of 150 words. He makes his needs known with the words he knows and pointing. What can we do to help him engage in conversation and communicate verbally?
First of all, ignore him until he starts talking. If he wants his needs met, pointing isn't going to get it. He's going to learn all the words he has to learn to get what he wants. If you're giving him what he wants when he points, why learn any more words? Why bother to speak? At three years old, 150 words is plenty. He shouldn't have to point with that many words. I would say the problem is the way that you are responding to him. If you think that he has a problem with his speech, you'd like him to get more words, you'd like his brain to work faster, then I would definitely feed him some more, put some liver in his diet, and that would be it. But you need to understand that he's not the problem, you are. The problem is that you're responding when he points, so don't do that. Stop doing that.
Okey-doke. All right, and that is all the news that we have time for. We're coming up on 30 Minutes Exactamonte. We will see you next week, and as always, THINK HAPPENS!