A Cat Has 9 Lives

A Cat Has 9 Lives

Introduction and Update on Mom
(0:00 - 1:16)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the January 2nd, 2022 edition. Yay! Wow, a new year, that is fantastic. And today's title is, "A Cat Has Nine Lives. You Should Have More Than One." But first, we have some updates, updates, updates.
How is mom doing? Mom is doing great! She's tooling around in her walker. She is regularly walking with her walker. What's "regularly" mean? It means about once a day. And she continues to do her exercises and she will keep us posted on her ambitions. So we're all very proud of her. Remember, a little more than a year ago, she came back from the odyssey of the nursing home, hospital, nursing home, discharged comatose to home to die. And she's now 90 years old and quite revived.
Vitality Capsules and Progress Update
(1:16 - 3:43)
Then we have VitalityCycles.com. Our sponsor is Vitality Capsules. So please go to the website VitalityCycles.com and check out Vitality Capsules. These are the internal cleanser that is comfortable and safe enough for everyday use. Yay! Also, we have the Home Healers Course at Vitality Cycles. Yes, what everyone has been waiting for! This is a compilation of audios and videos, as well as recipes and herbal formulas, to help you be prepared in these times and be independent in terms of your healthcare and able to handle pretty much whatever comes up in the privacy of your home. So, check that out—the Home Healers Program at VitalityCycles.com.
And my progress—so, for those of you tuning in for the first time, I am 64 years old. Yay! I’m still working on my splits, getting them into over-splits, and working on my center splits. I’ve mastered the left front splits and the right front splits, and now I’m working on the center split. It’s getting better and better, but I need to be more diligent. My New Year’s resolution is to work steadily every day, at least 15 minutes, on my center splits. Also, Taekwondo—I’ve achieved my yellow belt with a green stripe, and I’ve realized that the green belt is in sight and I can do it. I hope this inspires those of you who are in the 60-plus, senior citizens category to be inspired that you can do it—it can be done. I’m very excited about that, and I hope you’ll get your own little project going that you can enjoy, entertain yourself with, and express your health and being healthy.
Taking Turpentine
(3:43 - 7:17)
Next, turpentine—yay! I’m so excited. I only take my turpentine once or twice a week these days. I used to take it every day, but now I only need it twice a week because I take ivermectin once a month. Wow, that has been a big help. To just take ivermectin once a month and only have to take turpentine once a week, maybe twice a week if I remember, and still feel fantastic, is a major convenience, especially since turpentine doesn’t really taste that great.
Here we go—we’ve got white sugar. When you’re doing something at home, label it! Because who knows—it could be salt, could be vitamin C, don’t know. But it’s sugar—we know it, and we label it. Move the keyboard out of the way so we don’t get sugar on it. Here we are—you want a mounded teaspoon, not a level one. This is a teaspoon, an American teaspoon, which is 5 cc’s or 5 grams. Then we have turpentine. I keep mine in this bottle because it’s small and manageable. It doesn’t have to be a dark brown bottle—this just happens to be the bottle I had handy. It’s labeled well enough that people know this is not a beverage.
We have our pipette—when you’re doing natural stuff, you need to know what you’re doing and how much you’re taking. So, to say, “Ah, I took some turpentine,” uh-uh, probably not a safe thing to do. You need to know how much. I take half a teaspoon—this is a pipette, and half a teaspoon is right there at the neck where it begins to get fat. So, we take our pipette, squeeze the air out, dip it in our turpentine, release the bulb, and usually, it comes up—no, it’s not. But usually, it does come up to the neck. Let’s try another pipette. We have another one here. Squeeze—ah, this one’s working. Okay, just to let you know, so you can see, it’s a little higher than the neck, so I’m going to squeeze out that excess so it’s just right there at the neck. You can see it right there—it’s just right at the neck. So now, we’re going to squeeze this onto the sugar. You want it to cover most of the sugar but not all—anywhere from 50 to 75% of the sugar. You can see it’s a little bit grayish where the turpentine has touched the sugar. We need our water to wash this down. I put a little water in my mouth to help this stay floating and go down the throat with minimal taste impact. Drink enough water to get it down your throat, past your sternum, into your tummy. Do not scrimp on the water.
Now, you just heard me burp—burping is normal. Some people don’t like the burping because it brings up the flavor of turpentine. Those people will take it later in the day or at bedtime, so when they’re burping, they’re asleep, and it doesn’t bother them.
Shilajit and Its Benefits
(7:17 - 11:29)
Next, Shilajit. Shilajit is a trace mineral supplement, and this is important because people are now using toilets, and they put their waste in the toilet. It’s flushed out to sea or to some stream and is not used to fertilize the food that people eat. So, people take in minerals, use trace minerals, and it goes out of their bodies but doesn’t go into the soil that their plants grow in, allowing them to eat the minerals and recycle them again. This is a cycle of nutrition, and this cycle is broken because these 86 trace minerals go right through our bodies, as they’re supposed to do, but they end up in the ocean, not in the food we’re eating. The food we’re eating is fertilized with NPK—that’s three minerals: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It’s quite a bit shy of 86. This is why a trace mineral supplement is needed.
Someone asked a question about drinking urine—how does drinking urine help you? The way it helps you, clearly, is this cycle, which is a normal cycle, where these minerals and many nutrients in our food go through our bodies. We’re supposed to fertilize our plants with it and then eat it again. This cycle is broken, so when you urinate and drink your own urine, you’re actually replenishing those minerals. This is how many illnesses are improved by drinking urine. It’s also why there are many illnesses that may not be improved, right? Because if the person is already severely deficient, drinking urine will just keep that deficiency at bay but won’t increase the amount of nutrition in their food. You can’t put nutrients out in the urine that you don’t have in your body. So, if you’re so sick that the nutrients aren’t even in your body, then drinking urine will be of limited benefit.
So, we’ve got our Shilajit here—thank goodness. I say I’ve been eating my Wheaties, but I don’t eat Wheaties—if I’m doing my Taekwondo, I can open this thing. So, we have some pretty stiff stuff here—let me see if we can open this up. Yeah, okay, we got a little bit here. The amount you want is 200 milligrams, and that’s pretty close to 200 milligrams. This is a quarter of a quarter teaspoon—could be a little bit more. So, that is too much—that’s too much. We’re going to scrape part of that off. You’re going to eyeball this, and some days you’ll take a little too much, and some days a little too little, and it’ll balance out.
How often should you take Shilajit? Strictly speaking, you should take it every day for about six weeks, then take a week off. I say take it every day and miss one or two days a week—that’s the easy way to do it. You take this, put it in water, and as you can see, it doesn’t readily dissolve, so we’re just going to be a little patient with this and put it to the side. I’ll deal with that later.
Today’s Topic: A Cat Has Nine Lives
(11:29 - 20:48)
Alright, awesome! So, that brings us to our topic today. A cat has nine lives, and you should certainly have more than one. Today, I’m going to share my many lives and encourage you to have more lives. As always, think happens.
I was inspired to cover this subject by none other than Mike Tyson. Yes! If you recall, depending on your age, but I’m 64, so I remember—when Mike Tyson first came to my attention, he was a boxer. How did Mike Tyson even enter my consciousness? Well, I decided to make something of myself. Yes, at 64, I said, “Look, I’m going to make something of myself.” So, I started binge-watching Jim Rohn, an inspirational individual, and his videos online. The algorithms then fed me a video done by, well, Mike Tyson. When he was a boxer, I thought to myself, “Wow, he’s a great boxer. I hope he continues to do well.” Then I went back to my doctor life and didn’t notice things for a while. The next time I became aware of him, I noticed he was no longer boxing. I thought, “I hope he continues to do well in whatever he picks.” Then, a few years later, somehow, he entered my consciousness again, and I said, “Geez, he’s doing something on TV. I didn’t own a TV at the time, but he seems to be doing well and happy. That’s wonderful—I hope he continues to do even better.” Now, in this video that I recently came across, he was giving advice and telling a story about his life. He said something that really struck me. He said there’s a whole generation that only knows him as an actor. They don’t even know that he was a boxer. That’s when it hit me—he had at least two lives, probably a few more, totally separate in time, space, and activities. That’s amazing! Then I took a look at my life and realized, “I’ve had a few lives of my own.” I counted them—at least five. I now believe the more lives, the better.
So, what’s the point of having one more life? Well, if you mess up this one, you can always just have another one, which is a wonderful thing to understand and creates an incredible sense of optimism. Now, getting from one life to another can be difficult—well, uncomfortable. Usually, the life you’re in blows up, and if you’re still breathing, you go and create or build another life since you’re still breathing. Let me share with you my five lives, and I hope that inspires you to have a few of your own or take a different and more positive view of the lives you’ve already had.
My first life—I guess you could say it was from age three to eighteen. That life was shaped by a lot of fear. I think most young kids are fearful that they’re not strong enough, that maybe they won’t make it. In my case, people had attempted to kill me a few times. I used to live in a bad neighborhood, I guess you could say. I figured if I was valuable to the world, if people thought I was valuable to their life, maybe they wouldn’t want to kill me. So, I decided I would make myself valuable to the world. I figured I needed to be of service, which meant I had to get skills. I tried to get every single skill you could think of—I learned how to sew, how to cook, couldn’t figure out how to clean. I started teaching myself to type. I worked very, very hard, did very well in school, and learned as much as I could to be valuable. At the end of that process, I left high school only to find it wasn’t worth very much. That didn’t work out. So, my next life was driven by the fear of missing out. I decided to be a good American. I said, “My country needs every citizen to do their best, and if the country falls apart, by golly, it won’t be because of me. I’m going to do everything I can and do all the good that I can.”
That began my trek—my studying and working at Harvard, I say working as a student studying. Then in medical school, being compassionate, kind, and caring to my patients. It extended into me being active as a physician, helping to improve the community, improving housing, improving the streets, eliminating violence, and getting rid of all the murders without the judicial or police being involved. Interesting, right? I figured out where the murders were happening, removed those places from my neighborhood, and the murders stopped. How cool is that?
Then, once I got my license, I said, “Okay, fine, I’m going to heal every person in my practice to the very best I can and help everyone get healthy.” That’s what I would do. That life ended abruptly when it turned out that wasn’t really the agenda of the world around me. I was in the wrong place. So, I couldn’t do that from a medical practice, and that life ended. Then I decided, “Okay, I’m going to expose the medical industry.” That was a series of radio shows and information, and what put an end to that particular life—even though it was going pretty well—was my husband’s death. I said, “Hmm, that’s not going to be good.” Then I decided, “Aha, I will intensely heal naturally—that’s what I’m going to do. Heal naturally, keep myself healthy naturally, help other people heal naturally, and that’s it.”
As you cross certain age stages, and I guess it was really the big 6-1 that did it for me, I said, “Wait a minute, healing naturally is nice, but what about being an example of good health and happiness?” That’s where I am now. This phase of my life, or this new life I have, it’s not centered around a country, it’s not centered around an industry, but it’s centered around being an example of good health and happiness, and inspiring people through the positive example of doing whatever it takes to be happy and to have good health. That’s the life I have right now.
Now, the good thing is you can choose the life that you have, and you can choose to just let go of the life you have and create another one. For most people, if things are going anywhere near well, they’re like, “Meh, I’ll just keep this life—it’s just so easy to keep going in the direction I’m going.” But I’d like to encourage you to take a look at your present life and also take a look 10, 20 years ahead and say, “Hey, is this still the life I want or will want in 20 years?” Then feel creative and start building elements of that new life. Living is so much more interesting and fun when you have several lives, several perspectives. It actually breeds empathy because each life you have gives you a different perspective to view the world and other people in the world. My generation—people who are 64—we were taught that we should go out and make the world a better place. But in other words, we were taught that the world was the problem, and we need to change the world. Now, I’ve come around full circle to understanding I don’t need to change the world; I can just change myself. That’s very, very exciting, and that allows me now to move easily from one life into another.
I hope you found this helpful and inspiring and that you’ll take up the challenge. Look at your life—see if you want another life, and really go for it. You can always work towards building your new life even while you have this one.
Questions and Final Thoughts
(20:48 - 31:07)
Okay, that brings us to questions.
First Question: Any tips on how to remove calluses under the feet? Yes, soak your feet and use a foot file. I recommend a solution of one gallon of water heated up to almost as hot as you can stand it, with a quarter cup of Epsom salt, a quarter cup of sea salt, a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar, and you can even add a quarter cup of Listerine mouthwash. Soak your feet, and then use a foot file (F-O-O-T F-I-L-E) to shave that right off. If you have a lot of calluses, do it maybe two times a week to start, then after a while, you can do it once or twice a month. After a certain point of removing calluses, you might get foot pain because the calluses are helping to protect your foot. So decide how much you want to remove—you don't need to remove all the calluses.
Second Question: How to dodge menopausal weight gain? Menopausal weight gain is caused by holding onto toxins that would have been dumped during monthly bleeding. Simply increase your bowel movements—Vitality Capsules, probably extra strength, would be better. You can get those at VitalityCycles.com. Also, you've got to get some kind of physical activity built into your life. For example, I go for a 20-minute walk every morning—something that moves your intestines and gets your bowels moving. As far as what to add to your diet, you can eat liver at least once a week, which will dampen your weight gain. These three things will definitely keep the weight down.
Third Question: What can you do for dry eye? I'm currently taking blah blah blah, and I had a da da da procedure done to help release debris and loosen oils in the eyes. I also have cataracts—what can I do to relieve dry eye, cataracts, and enhance my eyesight? First of all, the dry eye—do the same thing for all three: take some ginger, 15 slices of ginger, a cup and a half of water, simmer it for 10 minutes, strain it through a tea strainer, and now you have a concentrated ginger water solution. Take a quarter teaspoon of that, put it in a cup of water, and use a diluted mixture to put in eye cups. Blink, blink, blink—move your eyes in circles and repeat until the cup is gone. You should feel a mild sting; if not, add more ginger concentrate to the water. That will get rid of your cataracts and your dry eyes.
Final Question: I have been diagnosed with severe arthritis. Severe arthritis is caused by a lack of range of motion exercises and a lack of collagen in your diet. Bone broth will not do the trick. So what should you do? Start with the same bones you use for bone broth—boil them up, and eat all the solids in there. The broth is not what you're after; you want the solids. Eat everything off the bone. If the stuff in the bone is too tough, boil it until it falls off, then eat all of it. Also, eat cow foot soup—that will repair and fix your knee joint and your hip joint. You want the red bones, not the marrow bones—the red bones are the joints and joint lining.
Alright, awesome—that is it for questions. We'll see you back next week, and as always, think happens.