It's Complicated

It's Complicated

Introduction and Today's Topic
(0:00 - 0:52)
(0:00) Hello, this is Dr. Daniels, and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, January 31st, 2021 edition. The topic today is "It's Complicated."
(0:20) It's complicated. So many people ask a lot of questions about turpentine, and my immediate reaction is, well, it's pretty straightforward. What's the problem? And I got this question online. Someone said, "Are you sure turpentine is safe for me to take?" And at first, I was immediately like, shocked, how could it not be? Then I said, wait, wait, it's complicated. I understand.
(0:52) So I'm going to share this issue with you today and see if we can't uncomplicate a few things.
Update on Mom
(1:00 - 2:04)
(1:00) But first, I can give the update on mom. That's always easy. Well, I've seen it easier and easier. So mom is full force back to her regular self. She does have a little walking issue, but she's alert, chatty, talkative, and interacting with the rest of the family.
(1:28) So now it's just a matter of figuring out what her physical limitations are and attempting to just meet those, whatever they are. But right now, things are pretty much on a course of just indefinite. Things could go on as they are now for one month, one year, five years, ten years, we don't know. So basically, out of the woods, hospice still stops by the house, I think twice a week. They're totally shocked at her improvement.
(1:57) And so after a year, they will sign off the case, and yeah, we'll be good. So that's the story with mom. There are more complications, but they are not medical.
Vitality Capsules Update
(2:12 - 3:01)
(2:12) Okay, that brings us to Vitality Capsules. Yay! So Vitality Capsules are progressing. We're gathering the ingredients. It's really looking very good. I'm so excited. It's so happy that we've been able to get together a roster of suppliers whose herbs and ingredients are passing our quality assurance screen. Yay! I am so happy about that. So Vitality Capsules, of course, is our sponsor. Please visit and get your Vitality Capsules today. Vitality Capsules is the internal cleanser that is safe enough for everyday use. Yes.
Taking Turpentine
(3:01 - 4:22)
(3:01) All right. And finally, it's complicated. We're going to take our turpentine right now, and we're going to make it super simple. So of course, we start with our sugar, white sugar. A lot of people say, "Oh, Dr. Daniels, can I use something else?" It's your body. You can use whatever you want. But as far as what's going to work best, white sugar. I recommend cane sugar because beet sugar is genetically modified, at least in the United States and possibly other parts of the world as well. Then we have turpentine.
(3:45) And we've got a little pipette. Yay! We've drawn up our turpentine. It's gone up to, you can see it right there, right up there at the neck. Yeah. And we're going to put this here, there, and we're going to empty the whole thing. This is 2.5 cc, also known as half a teaspoon. And as you can see, the sugar turns grayish. Yeah, there you go. All right. We have our water here. We thought about this in advance. All right. Got the turpentine down.
Taking Trace Minerals (Shilajit)
(4:22 - 5:40)
(4:22) Now, because I want to have all my trace minerals so that all of the enzymes and proteins that my body makes will be functioning optimally, I take Mumio, also known as Shilajit. As you can see, I'm not a neat freak. And it is gooey and black like tar. We have a chopstick. So 200 milligrams is the dose, which is a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. You can see that it's clearly more than that. So we're going to scrape this off. Dr. Daniels, does it have to be exact? No, it does not have to be exact. If one day you think you took a little too much, why the next day take a little less.
(5:11) All right, here we go. I think that is pretty close to a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. We're going to take this, put it, oops, this is gooey. There. Now, I am in the tropics. It's very hot here. So mine is goo. If you're in a cooler climate, it'll be actually like almost like rubber or like resin.
Using Homemade Hibiscus Jam
(5:40 - 6:22)
(5:40) Okay. And then to help me get it down, because it tastes terrible, I have my homemade hibiscus jam that I make myself. This is hibiscus season and they are ripe. And you can buy them in the market. Let's see. There we go. Hibiscus jam. I don't put much sugar in mine. I put in about a third of what the recipe calls for.
(6:03) All right. We have our hibiscus there. We have our stuff dissolving. And we're going to check it at the end of the show today. And if everything's cool, then, in other words, if it's dissolved, I will take it. If it's not dissolved, I'll just take it later. All right. So we're going to put the shilajit away. Put the turpentine away.
It's Complicated: The Turpentine Decision
(6:33 - 9:10)
(6:33) Moving right along here. Man, it's complicated. So I think to understand, so I realized then that the decision to take turpentine or not take turpentine is actually complicated. For basics, please go to, download the free report, The Candida Cleaner.
(6:58) So in order to understand this situation, I took an example from my own life. To help me, I realized that, hey, wait a minute. This is a big decision for a lot of people. So we're all guilty of this, of complicating our lives. Let's take a walk. We can all agree that walking is a good thing. No debate there.
(7:19) How much walking? How far you should walk? Okay, fine. Whatever your opinion is, that's fine. Not a problem. I think we can all agree that walking is a good thing. Okay. So now, in order for me to walk, oh, first of all, I would walk 30 minutes out and 30 minutes back. And I would strap on a three-liter tank of chilled water, which means I had to, the night before, take the water bladder out of my CamelBak and put it in the refrigerator. Then in the morning, I pull out this bladder, reinsert it in my CamelBak, clip it in, thread the hose through, put it on my back, and put the tubing in my mouth.
(8:00) All right. Next, since we're going to walk and it is 90-degree heat, I have a collar filled with plastic ice cubes that I put in the freezer the night before, which is chilling. And I put that around my neck. Not done yet. Then I have to put on, of course, the mask. This is a public masking requirement for the mask. And then I have to put on a backpack over that, which has anything I might need on a one-hour walk.
(8:30) And then, once I get going, I have the stress that the ice might melt in the 94-degree heat, and I would be stranded before the end of my walk. Or I might have to use the bathroom from drinking all that water, and there might not be a bathroom or a private bush I could squat behind. And then, was it a quarantine day? You know, was there a curfew? Was I within those bounds? To say nothing of the pack of wild dogs on my street, which we covered in a prior episode. So it's easy for you to imagine that I walked less and less. It was just complicated.
Simplifying the Walk
(9:10 - 10:28)
(9:10) So what was a simple walk at an earlier time in my life was an emotionally exhausting ordeal. So I shared my plight with a friend who accused me of over-complicating my life. I was understandably mildly offended. Mildly offended. But I swallowed my pride and asked for more clarification. And we actually chatted about this for a while. They touched on a few points and I said, hmm, hmm, hmm.
(9:47) So this is what I did. I used the bathroom and took a pretty good drink of water before I left. And I shortened my walk to only five minutes. That means five minutes, two and a half out, two and a half back. A five-minute walk. And I walked in an area where the mask use is not supervised or enforced.
(10:08) Now what did this mean? Well, this meant I left my house 12 pounds lighter. Breathing freely and enjoying the sunshine. My walk was no longer emotionally exhausting. And the time that I decide to walk, the time I get out the door, is no longer 20 minutes. It is more or less three minutes. And that's probably a long estimate.
Benefits of Simplified Walks
(10:28 - 11:19)
(10:28) So I've made friends walking around the block every single day. And one of my neighbors even gave me a gift today when I walked around the block. And people are waving and the dogs are sitting attentively at the side of the road like an audience watching a parade. The walk is not only simplified, it is now a positive, uplifting, joyful experience. Walk simplified.
(11:07) Now how does this relate to the turpentine decision being complicated? Well, like a walk, I just thought turpentine was pretty straightforward. I mean, at this point in my life with my level of understanding and experience. You know, I know that prior to 1900, every single disease under the sun known to man, even the ones that we describe today, were all cured by turpentine. Just have to read the Merck Manual. It's right there in the Merck Manual. The 1899 edition. The first edition of the Merck Manual. And people were doing just fine. So how could turpentine not be beneficial? It just seems so obvious.
Realization of Complications
(11:19 - 12:22)
(11:19) But then I thought back over my medical practice of all the people that I've helped use turpentine and the issues that they had. And I said, oh, it really is complicated. And then of course, I looked at my friends and other people and I realized it is actually very complicated.
(12:06) So let's take a look at these complications. And again, the question that prompted this person said, "Are you sure turpentine will be good for me?" And the answer unfortunately is, I think it's complicated.
Personal Experience and Secrecy
(12:22 - 14:44)
(12:22) So I'm going to just give a full disclaimer here. I had to keep my turpentine use a secret from my own family for quite some time, months. Even when they tried it, even when it benefited them, they condemned me for taking a chance, doing something dangerous. And it really cast a whole negative kind of aura around me where my family was concerned. So it created that distance.
(12:57) And I think that I realized looking back that for many people, it's the same thing. For example, I had one patient who had arthritis, fatigue, and she was about 40 pounds overweight. And so she came to my office with these problems. I said, you know what, I really think that if we can just change your diet a bit and add some turpentine and a little bit of poop, you know, all these things will go away.
(13:29) She says, well, okay, I'll try it. So she tried it and I'll be darned. She lost the 40 pounds. She had more energy. She's really happy, upbeat, and things were going great. So of course, I was very happy, happy to have been so helpful to her.
(13:51) Then she comes to the office and nearly in tears, I'm like, how could this be? Things are going so well. And she tells me that her husband is very upset with her taking turpentine and that she has to go into the closet to take the turpentine so he wouldn't know. And he caught her taking turpentine in the closet. And it was a very big blow-up. And he felt very strongly about it and that she was killing herself.
(14:27) He even would humiliate her in front of other people, making jokes about her drinking turpentine. This was absolutely devastating for her. And she stopped taking turpentine. Of course, she gained the 40 pounds back, the aches and pains came back. And I said to her, "Well, can't you just take turpentine?" She says, "No, that would destroy my relationship with my husband. And you know, can't do that." I said, "Oh, okay, I understand."
(14:44) So for her, taking turpentine was very complicated because the value of losing 40 pounds, of not having aches and pains, had a conflicting value, which is remaining, keeping harmony in her household. And the destroyed relationships, just from the incredible secrecy.
Professional and Social Concerns
(14:44 - 18:08)
(14:44) You can imagine taking something that's making you feel so much better, that's getting rid of your aches and pains, giving you energy. You lost 40 pounds and you can't even talk to your spouse about it. So she stopped taking it. And that was that. But she remained married and happily so.
(15:54) Now, another thing. So another person who was taking turpentine, he was, you know, executive, banker type, and he wore a suit to work every day, financially very successful. And he realized that if anyone found out, it could be a serious loss of revenue situation. People might really question his judgment. And he could lose customers, lose credibility, and it would be a devastating thing. Even though, again, taking turpentine gave him more energy, more mental clarity. He felt sharper, able to actually do his job better.
(16:34) But he realized that he could not allow anyone to realize that he was taking turpentine. He certainly couldn't let it slip out. So he stopped taking the turpentine. So for him, taking the turpentine was not okay because of the potential revenue loss and disruption to his whole kind of global quality of life thing.
(17:10) Then there's well-meaning friends. So another individual who was taking turpentine, you know, you take turpentine and when you take turpentine, you're eating it, right? And you're taking it with sugar. So where are you going to keep it? Duh, in the kitchen. And if you're taking it twice a week or even every day, well, of course it goes right on the shelf next to the salt and pepper because you're using it pretty frequently. Like you might not use your oregano spice as often, for example.
(17:49) So he had the turpentine on his open shelf in the kitchen and a friend happened to be at his house and the friend saw the turpentine on the shelf and said, "Oh my god," grabbed the can off the shelf. "You can't put this here, you might eat it by accident." And then shoved it down under into a bottom shelf and said, "Really, really, you shouldn't have it in the kitchen at all."
(18:08) So of course, this individual did not have the, I want to say gumption, but he didn't, he wasn't at that point ready to disrupt the relationship with this obviously very caring friend over a turpentine argument. And so what of course happened was the turpentine was removed from the kitchen and it wasn't in the kitchen where you keep the sugar and the spoon. It wasn't convenient to take it. He stopped taking it and of course, his health deteriorated.
The Real Question: Quality of Life
(18:08 - 19:44)
(18:08) But the problem here is the decision is complicated. That whether or not turpentine is going to get rid of your aches and pains, give you more energy, make you mentally sharper, is only, it's not the real question. The real question is, is turpentine going to improve the quality of your life? And the answer, it's complicated.
(19:27) So how do you uncomplicate your life? First of all, go to Download the Candida Cleaning Report, which is a turpentine report. Read it. Read it again. Think about it and decide if you think it would be helpful for you to take it. If you think it would be healthy and helpful for you to take it, then we can go to the next step.
(19:44) If after reading the report you're like, "Whoa, no, no, no, no, not for me," then that's pretty much your answer and that's fine too. But let's say you decide it is helpful. It would be helpful for me, but it could destroy the rest of my life. I could lose my family. I could lose my job. All these things that people found out that I drink turpentine.
Handling the Complications
(19:44 - 23:00)
(19:44) So how do you handle that? There's two ways to handle that. One, of course, is full disclosure. That would be to don't ask your family if they think it would be a good idea. Ask them if you would still be welcome at Thanksgiving dinner if you took turpentine. And if they say no, that's your answer. You can either find another Thanksgiving dinner to attend or just don't take turpentine. That's the way that works.
(20:36) And so you take each one of these conditions. Let's say your job is especially difficult if you're in a, I would say high earning job, but more precisely a job that's meeting your financial needs, whatever they are. So in other words, you could have a low-paying job, but it's paying all of your bills. But I'm saying a job that is financially meeting your needs.
(21:11) So then ask yourself, geez, would I lose my job or get a demotion if it became known that I was taking turpentine? And you know how these things are, right? So social media, there's a friend you can find, and there's all kinds of stuff, right? So if the answer is no, then you're good to go. If the answer is yes, then you have to say, how important is that job? Or do I need to get a different job where whether I take turpentine or not is irrelevant, and then I can access the healing powers of turpentine?
(22:00) So that would be a way to approach that. So what you need to realize is there are many dimensions to deciding whether or not to do something, like take turpentine for example. It might be pretty obvious that it's going to be helpful for your health, but it might be that you have lifestyle issues that preclude its use. This is the reason why I can't say, oh, everybody should take turpentine, or I can't say, oh, you and you and you should take turpentine. It's really a personal decision that you have to make.
(22:55) And I tell you, to this day, to this day, members of my family ridicule me and laugh at me because I take turpentine. Just one of those things. So it's not, you know, so it is complicated. So what I've done, and this is not something that everyone may want to do, or maybe everyone should do, is I've arranged my life so that I don't have any part of my happiness that hinges on not taking turpentine.
Simplifying Life Choices
(23:00 - 24:20)
(23:00) So in other words, people who would disapprove of it simply aren't a member of my, I guess you could say, friendship circle, or even social circle, or I guess a lot of cases too, I don't even talk about it really. So you have to figure out how and if it would fit. And maybe it wouldn't. But I guess what I really want to say is, when people say it's complicated, I understand.
(23:46) You know, on my little walk around the block, it was complicated. So shortening my walk to five minutes instead of 60 minutes, huge difference. Now I can take the walk every single day. I still take 60-minute walks, but every single day I get the five-minute walk in. And so just being able to walk around the block, breathe the air, experience the sunshine, is just amazing.
(24:14) Also, I now do it earlier in the morning, which means it's much, much cooler. It's not 90-something, it's more like 80-something. And so it's very easy to make it all the way around the block and just feel great.
Turpentine as a Bartering Tool
(24:20 - 26:10)
(24:20) Now let's talk about how other people have solved this turpentine issue. So I had one patient, I explained to her all the benefits of turpentine. I explained to her that I thought it'd be very, very helpful for her. And after listening to my explanation, she said, she decided it was not for her because her particular job, she had a white-collar executive job at a local hospital. She said, "Oh no, no, no, no, this will not work." And so she decided she was not going to take turpentine.
(25:00) However, she was having work done in her house and she had some immigrants who were doing the work. And one immigrant, he was sick and he mentioned to her that he was sick, he wasn't feeling well. And she says, "You know, my doctor recommends turpentine." He said, "Really?" And she told him how to take it and he took it and it made him better.
(25:43) And he said, "Wow," he came back to her. He told her, "You know what, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. That made such a difference in my life." And he offered to do additional work for her at no charge because he was so grateful for this wonderful information. So even though you might not decide to use turpentine for yourself, it has great value in, certainly as a bartering tool. I had no idea. I never would have thought of it.
(26:10) The other thing you can do if, you know, you decide, hey, not for you, then you can suggest it to other people. You can say, "Hey, you know what, this sounds crazy. I don't know what you think of it, but check it out. Read it. Maybe it'll help. Maybe it won't." And people will see you then as just an unusual source of information that they couldn't otherwise get. So again, it's going to, that way it can enhance your life, even though you decide not to take it.
Nutritional Considerations
(26:10 - 27:26)
(26:10) And of course, finally, you can take it yourself and experience the benefits yourself. Now another thing about turpentine is turpentine presupposes that you're alive. In other words, you can't throw turpentine on a rock and the rock is going to start breathing. Right? So the turpentine presupposes that, you know, you're breathing, you have blood, the blood's circulating, so a little something's going on there. So some people are severely malnourished. And obviously, the worse your nutrition is, the less benefit you're going to get from turpentine.
(27:18) So that's why it's a great idea to go to and download the Candida Cleaning Report. And it goes over diet there, it goes over hydration and everything you need to know to take turpentine and everything you need to know to decide if you're going to take turpentine. There are people who might read that report and say, "You know what, not for me." And that is okay. So don't feel like just because you read something, you have to do it.
Wrapping Up
(27:26 - 27:46)
(27:26) All right, so that is today's topic: It's complicated. So today we're going to cover, answer a couple of questions. We've got a little bit of time here.
Questions and Answers
(27:46 - 31:27)
(27:46) Hi Dr. Daniels, I am from Australia. Well, welcome, Australia. I am a huge admirer of your work. I'm interested in your turpentine protocol for parasites.
(28:23) All right, well go to and download the Candida Cleaner Report. And it is free. It used to sell for as much as $900, but now it is free. Yeah, so check it out.
(28:31) Okay, Dr. Daniels, I have a concern about my skin. I have had skin cancer, which I've treated. However, I keep getting skin problems and I suspect it's either parasite or candida related. Is there a topical remedy? Would you combine turpentine with castor oil for topical use? If so, what ratio would you leave it on overnight?
(29:04) Okay, so a lot of times you learn more from the question than you, the question is more important than the answer. Yeah, so if you have a skin problem, in general, to be precise, a topical remedy for a skin problem is ill-advised and will cause the skin problem to persist and continue to recur. Why? Because a skin problem has really only two causes. The first cause is your liver is clogged and so these toxins are going to your skin and showing up and your doctor's calling them cancer. Or two, your diet is deficient in connective tissue and you don't have the building blocks to repair and maintain your skin.
(29:44) So those are the two ways to go on this. It sounds like you might want to try with the connective tissue first and you would see an improvement in about, I would say it's only by two weeks. My favorite connective tissue for this problem would be pig ears and the dose is about four to eight ounces a day and you do it like maybe five days a week and the other two days could be like vegetable days.
Final Question and Closing Remarks
(31:27 - 32:29)
(31:27) All right, so we've reached the end of the show. We don't have time for more questions. People can send questions, though, to, and those questions sent to that address are considered for future video shows.
(32:29) Okay, that is it for today, and as always, think happens, and it doesn't have to be complicated.