Could This Dangerous Thinking Destroying your happiness and Health

Could This Dangerous Thinking Destroying your happiness and Health

(0:02) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, October 10th, 2020 edition, and today's topic is dangerous thinking that is eating away at the happiness and health of our nation, and of course, the cure.
(0:24) So today, I'm going to tell you the story about how I stumbled on an ancient truth, and I'm going to share it with you, and this hopefully will bring you health, wealth, and happiness if only you have the courage to give it a try.
(0:39) So, as always, buckle up, think happens, but first, we've got to take our turpentine.
Turpentine Ritual
(0:50) We have our bottle—yay, turpentine—and we have our white sugar, whoops, yep, sugar, label it sugar. Let's get my spoon. My favorite spoon is a dessert spoon, yum, yum, yum, because it reminds me of, well, dessert, and I have my little pipette here. It just so happens that if you take the turpentine all the way up to the neck here, it's 2.5 cc, which is mysteriously equal to half a teaspoon. So, I'm going to dip it in here, give it a big squeeze, suck up that right to the neck, and no more.
(1:57) It helps to be ambidextrous, and here we go, squirt some turpentine on the sugar. I don't know if you can see, but the sugar is changing color. It becomes like a kind of grayish color as the turpentine drops onto it. We have some water. I want that to go all the way down. You do not want to dilly-dally or linger anywhere.
Shilajit and Vitality Capsules
(2:25) All right, next, I'm going to take Shilajit. Shilajit is a 100% natural preparation. They dig it right out of the ground, slop it in the model, and ship it off to you. Shilajit has a very broad spectrum of trace minerals.
(2:48) Now, it just so happens that your body makes enzymes and proteins for various reasons, and these enzymes or bioactive proteins that your body makes need trace minerals to activate them. This is why when you take this, you will literally feel better in minutes. Why? Because all of a sudden, these enzymes that your body has already made have the trace minerals they need to do their job.
(3:09) All right, so you can use really anything. I'm using a chopstick here. You can use a scientific spatula, or you can use a chopstick, and you step it in there, and there is about 200 milligrams. For those of you who like to measure things, you can buy a milligram scale, or it’s kind of like a quarter of a quarter teaspoon.
(3:42) All right, now we have our water, and we’re going to put it right in there, and you will see it does not easily dissolve, so we’re going to let it sit there, and we’re going to be patient. Let time do the work for us. All right, excellent. I will drink that either at the end of the show or later on today.
(4:01) All right, so that brings us to Vitality Capsules. Yay! Vitality Capsules, of course, is our sponsor, and you can find out about Vitality Capsules at Vitality Capsules are the internal cleanser, gentle enough for everyday use, and they will help you achieve your health, giving three bowel movements a day, and they are just a miracle.
(4:31) As many of you know, we have had stocking issues with our supply chain of ingredients. We only use ground-up herbs—that's it, that's all that's in the capsule, nothing else—and so these herbs are occasionally difficult to find. Even though we may order them, a lot of times they ship us something that’s not what we ordered, so we have rigorous testing in place to make sure of this. What I’m saying is we are now on the search for ingredients to make another batch, and so we’re not going to have a sale if we can’t have stock. So, we do have Vitality Capsules in stock right now, but we don’t have the volume to support a sale, so they are still available, and we are working on procuring ingredients. I will keep you up on that.
Dangerous Thinking: A Threat to Health and Happiness
(5:27) So, that brings us to today’s topic: dangerous thinking that is eating away at the happiness and health of our nation. It is a serious problem.
(5:48) As you know, I’m 63 years old, and my fabulous husband, who I was married to, had a wonderful marriage, and he died three years ago at the age of more or less 74. Of course, I miss him dearly, and the caring and love that he lavished on me was just awesome, amazing. So, I decided that I would create a new relationship that’s just as amazing.
(6:08) I decided I would check out the dating advice on the internet and see if I could get some pointers. I mean, you know, starting to date at 60 was like, oh, I don’t know, maybe I need to catch up on something, I don’t know. So, I figured maybe I could get some pointers, you know, increase my odds of success, that kind of thing.
(6:29) Oh my god, the ladies were having difficulties. Holy cow, there seemed to be something wrong with the guys. This puzzled me. One thing I learned from my husband is guys are generally pretty straightforward and uncomplicated. So, I went to the sites where the guys were being taught how to relate to women. Oh my god, things were even worse.
The Problem of "Something for Nothing" in Relationships
(7:07) There’s one guy who has decided to be a bachelor for life, of course, he's dispensing advice, and another one who says, well, you can relate to women, maybe you want a date, but get everything in writing before the first kiss. I’m like, whoa. So, I realized that there must be a fundamental problem here.
(7:16) I have a passing interest in this as well because none of my three children are married, and I realized that I may have stumbled upon the reasons why, what’s going on between the sexes here. So, what I realized, so I took a look at these things, and the one guy, so I had to listen sympathetically for about five hours of these guy podcasts, and after about five hours of the Forever Bachelor podcast, I realized this was a bit negative and not true of all women.
(8:02) Then I went to the Wise Dating podcast. There I found the answer. The host relayed a story that summarized the meat of the matter. He had a client who was wealthy. The client wanted to date and was sad that women only wanted him for his money and nothing else. He wanted these women to love him for him, just for him.
(8:29) So, he wanted to protect his money. What he’s basically saying is that he wanted this lady to love him even if he had no money. So, he wanted the lady to give him what he wanted, even after he stopped giving her what she wanted. In other words, he wanted a woman who would continue to meet his needs for love and affection, even if he could not meet her needs for security and affection.
(9:00) So, are you seeing what I just saw? Something for nothing—the poison of all happiness. And so, the men want the lady to meet their needs long after they stop meeting her needs. And the women want the guys to continue to meet their needs long after they stop meeting the guy's needs.
The Impact of "Something for Nothing" on Relationships
(9:47) So, what they want then is going to be child support or some type of legal court finding with money at the end of it. So, once they no longer want to meet this guy's emotional human needs, they want him to continue to meet their very real human needs.
(10:01) And of course, the guys, on the other hand, are playing the same game, unfortunately. So, this is like each person's got a ball, and nobody wants to play ball. I’m not going to toss you my ball, because you might not toss me yours. And so, now you have these two camps of separate. Why? Because each person wants something for nothing. They want their needs met, and they don’t want to give really anything.
(10:18) So, this was a real shocker when I finally sorted this out. And so, what could be done about this? Something for nothing leads to heartbreak, resentment in relationships. “I did this, and you owed me that.” Each party feels very entitled, entitled to receive long after they stop giving.
(11:00) This is a real travesty because so many people could actually be so happy. This failure in communication, this situation, can be easily remedied. I sorted this out, and I’m going to tell you also how this relates to health. This was like so exciting. So, this is a failure in communication.
(11:24) Neither party wants to be totally honest with the other party. Why? Because each one has to say to them, “Hey, look, I just want something for nothing.” And that little conversation would probably just like doom the relationship from the start, and really just end everything.
(11:39) The remedy, of course, is something for something. Always, always, always be willing to do what it takes, and a little or even a lot more, to get whatever it is you feel is of value.
(11:55) So, look first to yourself and ask yourself, “What am I willing to bring to this relationship? What do I want to receive from the relationship? And when the relationship ends, when I decide to stop giving, should I also be willing to stop receiving?” Of course, you should. Of course.
(12:08) Now, you might say, “Well, the law says he owes me child support.” Well, possibly. However, that now means that men are actually afraid to enter relationships because they realize they’re going to be given, asked to give something, a lot, and receive nothing.
(12:19) So, again, this whole something for nothing—it can’t last long. And what we’re finding now is the chickens are coming home to roost, so to speak. And so, the ladies want something for nothing. The guys want something for nothing. And what is the answer?
Understanding the Root of "Something for Nothing" Thinking
(12:54) Why is the case? Why would anyone want something for nothing? Well, I think, and this is probably a very charitable interpretation, but I’m a charitable person, so whatever. The person who wants something for nothing feels insecure. They do not have the confidence that they can do what it takes to find the next relationship or find other ways to meet their needs once this relationship ends.
(13:22) So, the man may not feel he has the time or skill necessary to secure the next relationship or continue to meet his needs. You know, I got great news for everybody. There are 8 billion people on the planet. Half of them are of your preferred gender. I have to be politically correct, right? There are likely lots of people who are perfect and who are happy to meet your needs, whatever they are.
(13:55) And here’s the plot twist: They have needs as well. The good news is their needs are probably much simpler than you expect and you will be very happy. What is needed, though, is an honest communication of what each side of the agreement wants and the understanding that at whatever time the relationship ends, it ends. So, I’ll give you an example.
(14:24) Oh, when I say it ends, I mean it ends. I mean that’s it. What do you have at the end of it? You have all the fond memories of all the good times. That’s it. That’s the whole deal, the whole enchilada, the whole ball of wax.
Personal Example: My Relationship
(14:33) So, with me and my husband, for example, my needs were, well, first of all, when we met, he was impotent. I mean, like, flat-out impotent, wet noodle. And he was 100 pounds overweight. So, I told him, honestly, we could be friends like girlfriends, not like boyfriend-girlfriend, unless he fixed that.
(14:47) So, he thought about that. He fixed it. He, you know, got his equipment working and he was 100 pounds overweight. So, I helped him lose 60 pounds in 60 days. Then the remaining 60 pounds wasn’t as critical. And so, he lost those over the next six months. But he went from pooping every four days to three times a day and, wow, weight peeled off. So, again, go to, check it out.
(15:27) So, now he cleared up the two deal breakers. So, that left what? I needed protection and he was armed and dangerous. Like, yay, check that box. And I needed affection. And so, he agreed to maintain his sexual abilities. And transportation—I didn’t have a car. And so, he had a car that was 18 years old. And I said, not a problem. As long as the car does not break down while I’m in it, I’m good. And, of course, since it was his car, he handled all the car expenses. And, of course, I didn’t drive.
(15:56) Now, what were his needs? So, we had my needs, right? He’s like, okay, I can meet those needs. So, his needs were exclusivity, like, he could be the only one. Okay, check that box. Affection, yep, I’m affectionate. And kindness and loyalty. Yep, I had that one covered. And he offered to pay all my living expenses, everything. And I said, well, you know, I’m going to pay everything. You know, I’m working on this little online business, and I’m hoping it takes off. So, I’ll pay for my computer stuff and I’ll pay the internet.
(16:29) The rent at that time was $150 a month. But I told him, you know, since I was already paying it, I would keep paying it, but would he handle food? He says, sure. So, he handled food, I mean, everything. And if we went out, he paid for everything. If we ate at home, he had already bought the groceries. And I was very happy with cooking at home. And I was very happy if we never went out or if we went out maybe once a month or whatever. But he liked going out more. So, that worked out. But that was our exchange.
(16:53) And we also agreed that neither party was obligated to continue to meet the needs of the other party once the relationship ended. And either party was free to leave at any time without notice. No one needed to give two weeks’ notice or one year’s notice or anything. Just leave whenever. And so, I explained to him that I was not one to argue. I wasn’t going to argue with him. But if I was unhappy, I would just leave. I would be, as they say, in the wind.
(17:20) And so, it was simple. We had nothing in writing, but that was the agreement.
The Importance of Generosity in Relationships
(17:37) But wait. What happened when he became bedridden? Well, clearly, my contributions at that point increased. And his contributions clearly decreased. He may have been armed, but he was not dangerous.
(17:51) So, this is where it pays to be a little bit generous and to give more than what’s absolutely necessary. In other words, the minimum. So, had we had the kind of relationship where each person gave the minimum, then at the point where he became ill, I would have felt like, “You know what? I’m good. I’m out of here.” But because he very generously and completely gave everything he could to meet all of my needs and then even sit around thinking of more things to do, at the point where he became ill, I felt quite okay with looking after him and taking care of him for as long as it took for him to, I was hoping, get better.
The "Something for Something" Approach to Life
(18:44) Now, a lot of people say, “Well, Dr. Daniels, what about child support?” I say, ask J.K. Rowling. That’s spelled R-O-W-L-I-N-G. Look it up. J.K. Rowling is the author of the famous Harry Potter book series.
(19:02) The point of this is, J.K. Rowling had been married. She had at least one child. Her husband had abandoned her, and she was on welfare and had, as they say, no prospects. So, she started writing the Harry Potter series. And last time I checked, she was worth $40 million. And that was a long time ago that I checked. So, I’m sure she’s only continued to do even better.
(19:30) And so, what does that example mean? That means that women will survive and do very nicely. And what about the kids? You know, it’s my firm belief you can put a kid to work, literally to work, and that kid can be cleaning the house, can be cooking, can be doing all kinds of things to earn his keep. So, there is nothing that is worth, I think, the unhappiness, the acrimony of two people living together and being unhappy. That’s just not a good idea.
(20:01) So, something for something. If you want something, be willing to give something, and at whatever point you stop giving, be prepared to stop receiving.
Strategies for Women: Economic Independence and Family Support
(20:23) Now, many people say, “Well, what does that mean? How’s a woman going to take care of herself?” Well, there are two strategies, right? She can either find the next relationship, which is fine, it’s doable, or she can economically take care of herself. Or, as in the old days, she would just go back and live with her family. So, there are always opportunities or things to do.
(20:40) Of course, she can just keep doing what she would have done had she never gotten married. And many women who have children, as a result of that, they invent more convenient ways to use cloth diapers and become millionaires, starting companies that make cloth diapers. So, there are all kinds of creative things to do. And now, with the internet, even things you can do at home. So, it’s really endless options.
(21:12) And again, it’s that mentality of scarcity, that mentality of, “I need to force someone else to give me something for nothing.” And that’s a failed strategy, always.
Connection Between "Something for Nothing" and Health
(21:30) What has this got to do with health? Well, just as this something for nothing policy, as you can see, has totally ruined the relationship between the sexes—I mean, it’s really just, it’s a very unfortunate situation.
(21:49) Of course, just by the way, if you happen to be in that situation, navigating that whole dating scene, whatever, is, again, just communication. Just realize that you want something and realize what that something is that you want. And it lays a list of 20 things, narrow the list down to—as you can see, my list was only three or four things long. In fact, it really wasn’t even that long. It was just, be nice and pay your own bills and don’t ask me for money. And we’re good.
(22:15) And he’s like, “Oh, I can do that. Is that all?” “Yeah, that’s it. All we need to do is just have fun together.” And, you know, if you want to do something, then you pay for it, for us to do it. And, you know, I’ll pitch in where I can. But we have to be okay with me saying, “Hey, you know what? I can’t pitch in. I guess we’re staying home and we’re just going to have fun at home.” So, our challenge was simply just to enjoy each other’s company. That was it. That was like the whole deal.
(22:52) So, when I was younger, like in my 30s, I had this long, long list, which is, it’s nonsense, by the way. It’s just nonsense. And, of course, I stayed very single. Well, my list was down to basically two things: have fun and don’t borrow any money from me. We’re good. It’s easy.
Health Care: The Importance of Effort and Commitment
(23:29) This brings us back to health care. Something for something. If you want some health care, you have to pay the price. That’s it. Nothing comes free. No pill can make you healthy. People search for health in a pill instead of paying the price for health, which is very simple. It’s good habits in exchange for good health. The price of good health is good habits. And because people don’t want to pay the price, which is good habits, they search for something for nothing.
(24:07) And this leads people to demand that government tax their neighbors, other people, to pay for health care when health care can never result in health, because health is an inside job. Ask any wealthy person. They will tell you money cannot buy health. They tried. They will tell you health is an inside job. Only you can make you healthy. Nobody else can make you healthy.
(24:41) This alone exposes the modern-day practice of health care as the science of something for nothing deception that plays on this human weakness of wanting to believe that there is a free ride, that there is a free lunch. Sorry, Charlie. No matter how many times someone else washes their hands, it’s not going to clean yours. No matter how far away they stand from you, no matter what kind of mask, goggles, or hazmat suit they wear, they cannot make you healthy. Nobody can do for you the things that make you healthy. This is the fundamental reason that health care, health insurance, or any taxation plan cannot make you healthy.
(25:30) The free lunch type of thinking, something for nothing, robbing Peter to pay Paul, Robin Hood theory simply does not work. We wish it did. This wishful thinking leads people to beg for taxes, to pay exorbitant amounts every month in health insurance, and these things create poverty, not health. It creates the illusion that someone else can pay a price and make you healthy. It’s not true.
(26:07) So, what is the price that only you can pay in order to be healthy? There’s a question.
Steps to Achieve Health
(26:14) So, I prepared a free report entitled The Candida Cleaner that reviews these very steps, and you can get this report at Now, I’m going to cover them briefly here—very simple—but you can get your free 31-page copy. It goes into extreme detail of people who’ve done this and had great results, done that, and didn’t have great results. So, you can get this report at It also covers the healthy use of turpentine.
(26:53) But let me just summarize the highlights here. First, drink clean water. There are those of you saying, “Well, the government provides municipal clean water from water processing plants.” That is what I’ve heard. I’ve heard that too. In fact, I even lived in a municipality in the United States where the government did provide what’s called tap water, and the quality of the water was such that the government issued boil water advisories, which basically is an advisory saying, “Sorry, the water we’re pumping into your house is not safe to drink.”
(27:38) Uh-huh. So, even as a kid, when I heard the boil water advisories, I’m like, “You mean the government let us down? Again, simple-minded 10-year-old, right?” I said, “Oh man, the government let us down. I mean, we can’t count on them because I know mom and dad are paying their taxes.” So, as we found out in Detroit scandal, it is clear that no amount of taxation will produce clean water from the faucet. It is just not something the government takes seriously, not saying they should or shouldn’t, just saying they don’t.
(28:12) So, drinking clean water is something you have to do. How do you do that? Super simple. If you’re on the high end, you can buy a $250 distiller and distill your water. That’s what I recommend. Or you can buy a Sawyer Mini, S-A-W-Y-E-R, Sawyer Mini, cost you $20. Even if you’re on welfare, you can do it. And Sawyer Mini will purify, I think they say, 10,000 gallons of water for $20. Darn cheaper than buying a bottle of water. So, I would get the Sawyer Mini if you’re on a budget. And the neat thing is you can even clean the filter by just back-flushing it. How cool is that?
(28:42) So, drink clean water. There is no substitute for that. There is none. So, that’s clean water. Now, what about the amount of water? Just take your body weight, divide it by 50. That’s the number of quarts to drink in a day. Now, let’s say you’ll say, “Oh, Dr. Daniels, I can’t drink that.” All right, I get that. But if your health is less than perfect, then aim for that amount. Start with where you are, build up, do the best you can. But again, no one can drink water for you.
(29:18) Next, eating fresh home-cooked food. Home-cooked food, and you start with fresh ingredients, not processed or refined ingredients. Start with fresh ingredients. Need some water, but we happen to have our Shilajit right here. Let’s take a look. And that’s what it looks like when it’s dissolved. Down the hatch.
(30:05) Eating fresh home-cooked food. So, food that you cook at home yourself or someone else in your house cooks, and it has to be cooked by somebody who likes you a whole lot. Someone who thinks that your health is important and someone who values you and loves you. And that positive feeling will actually be infused in the food and be a major benefit to your health.
(30:28) And finally, pooping three times a day. Yep, count it. One, two, three. Three times a day. Bam. These are all things you have to choose to do yourself. No amount of health insurance, hospital beds, ventilators, pills, or taxation will create any of these three things. Yet, all of these three things are within the reach of even the poorest among us.
(30:51) Something for nothing will destroy your life in every area or aspect of your life in which you choose to apply it. If you want something for nothing in your housing, you will soon be living under a bridge in a cardboard box. Or even worse, you’ll be living in government housing with poisonous materials and a dangerous situation with gunfire and drug dealing. So, something for nothing just simply never works. It’s not going to work for your housing. It’s not going to work for your health. It is not going to work for your love life. It is definitely not going to work for your finances.
Conclusion: The Power of "Something for Something"
(31:33) But what is that something? That something is invariably your personal effort, commitment, and your habits. So, the something for something plan will work every time. Every time without fail. Every single time. So, I hope that you will take this to heart and live the healthy, joyous life you were born to live. The something for something life.
(31:58) And as always, please go to to get your free report so you can start paying the price for good health.
(32:17) And that brings us to questions. Yay! Let’s see, what do we got? What do we got? What do we got?
Listener Questions
(32:28) Hi, Dr. Daniels. Thank you for all that you do. I trust that you are well. Yes, I am. In some of your previous shows, you mentioned a way to look up the FDA package insert. Okay, so you can just type in the name of the drug you're interested in, a space, and the word "package insert" and hit return. And then what's going to come up in the first three to five options, skipping the ads, three to five options, is going to be the package that the FDA by law requires every drug company to insert with the drug when those drug samples are dispensed to the doctor or the whole bulk bottle is dispensed to the pharmacy. So, simply the name of the drug, space, package insert, hit return, and bam, there you go. Can you please tell me how to do this again since I cannot remember exactly what to look up. Okay, done. Thank you so much and looking forward to your next show. Great seeing you. Okay, you're welcome, Katrina.
(33:09) Hi, Dr. Daniels. Love your podcast and information. I have metastatic breast cancer. I know I have parasites and candida. I'd like to do the turpentine protocol, but I'm concerned about fueling cancer further with the sugar. Do you have any thoughts on this? Now, you have to follow the Candida Cleaner Protocol at least where it comes to three bowel movements a day. And if you do that, you'll do just fine. The sugar is not going to be an issue.
(33:36) Hi, Dr. Daniels. I've been dealing with mouth problems for a year since I had a root canal upper molar pulled. Okay, so one year, but wait, why did you have the root canal? You had a problem back then which led to the root canal. And by the way, it's the same problem that you have now. So, we'll get to that in a minute. I believe I have candida in my gums from this. That's entirely possible. What does candida do? It eats dead necrotic tissue. Why do you have dead necrotic tissue there? Well, we'll get to that in a minute. Would I do the same protocol to kill this infection in the mouth? Love your show. Thank you so much. So, your primary problem here is not the candida. Unfortunately, while the candida is a problem, it's actually the solution to the problem that you have not fixed. So, you must fix the first problem, then we can fix the candida. So, your first problem is that you have a diet that does not contain the building blocks necessary to repair your gums. So, you had the root canal because you didn’t have a diet that would maintain your tooth. You had it pulled, and then your immune system says, well, we got to heal that area where it was pulled. And it went and looked for all the spare parts and said, oh, no spare parts here. So, that's your problem. And the candida says, well, I guess we're not going to make those repairs. Let me go in there and just eat up the dead tissue, try and clean up the mess here. So, that’s where you’re at. So, the solution is for you to get cow foot, C-O-W, yep, cow foot, F-O-O-T. That's a part of the cow from the knee down, just so you know. And boil it up and make a soup out of it, and that’s what you eat. Eat about a cup or two a day of the soup, and you will see your tooth will just miraculously start healing. Now, you can still do the Candida Cleaner Protocol. It looks like maybe a dose of like maybe a half a teaspoon a day of turpentine would work. But you have to go to and download the report, and please do read it.
(35:04) Hello, Dr. Daniels. I was diagnosed—let me move this over here so I can see. I don’t know why that’s moving that way, but it is. Okay. Hello, Dr. Daniels. I was diagnosed with purigo nodularis 16 years ago. Right now, we know the condition is harmless. Okay. November 2018, I printed out your report and followed it. I bought the Vitality Capsules, kept my bowel movements at three a day. My skin is still the same, and the dermatologist is killing my pockets. What else do I need to do to have clear skin again? Thank you, Vondrika.
(35:45) Okay. Vondrika, I don’t know where you are. That’s an unusual name, but let’s just think for a minute that maybe you’re in the United States. Hopefully, you are. First of all, for the audience, we have to go over what is purigo nodularis. First of all, I just have to be very honest with you. This term did not exist when I was in medical school, but the condition did. It’s common in medicine to do this frequently. Simply rename conditions like, hey, just rename it. Yeah. Pretend we cured it. Rename it. Make it sound like something new. Yeah, sure. All right. This is a skin disease that causes hard, itchy lumps to form on the skin. The itching can be intense, causing people to scratch themselves to the point of bleeding or pain. Scratching can cause more skin lesions to appear. The itching is worsened by heat, sweating, or irritation from clothing. In some cases, people with this situation have a history of other diseases. Okay. If you have been working on this for a while, let’s just say you’ve been taking turpentine and you’ve been pooping three times a day, you’ve been drinking water, you’ve been following the Candida Cleaner Report to a T, you might not have purigo nodularis. So, another disease that fits this description perfectly is scabies, S-C-A-B-I-E-S, scabies. And the cure for scabies is Eurax, E-U-R-A-X cream, which is over the counter. So, you can go get Eurax cream over the counter, apply it to your whole body, head to toe. And while you’re doing that, you need to clean your whole house. Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup. Every piece of clothing that you—everything you own needs to either go into a plastic bag for 14 days, or it needs to go through the washer, and more importantly, the dryer on high. And then all the hard surfaces in your house need to be just washed with additional disinfectant. That gets rid of all the eggs and bugs that might be there. And then if you have anything like a rug or upholstered couch, that needs to be vacuumed and do the same with your car. So, if it’s scabies, and it does sound more like scabies to me, then that is the treatment. If it is truly this purigo nodularis, then you have not adequately followed the report, and you should make an appointment or reread the report and see if there’s something you can improve. But if you sincerely believe you followed the report, the Candida Cleaner Report, then I would go the Eurax route, because maybe it’s not purigo nodularis, maybe it is scabies.
(37:04) All right, so this person says—let’s see, move all this stuff around here. Okay, so this person says, “I had laser surgery to put two small holes in my eyeball seven years ago for narrow-angle glaucoma. All right, since then, and once a year, I go to check, and my pressure’s been good. Lately, the ophthalmologist found a pressure of 25 millimeters mercury in both eyes and prescribed drops to keep the pressure lower. Since he had said the holes in the eyes were still working properly, he diagnosed it as open-angle glaucoma.” Isn’t that great? So, it doesn’t matter if it’s open or closed-angle glaucoma. What they’re saying is that the fluid is trapped in a certain part of your eyeball and causing a high pressure. It doesn’t matter if the angle is open or closed. If he drills holes, by golly, you should have a leaky bucket, and there should be no pressure that’s able to accumulate. So, what that means is the holes are not working, all right? Holes are not working. Okay, so we’ve established, according to your doctor, the holes are not working. So, since I had the appointment with the optometrist two weeks later, I postponed taking the drops and waited to see what pressure would be like. And, lo and behold, it was 17. So, for those of you who are listening, normal ocular pressure is between 17 to 21, or 10 to 21. You always, always, always, whenever doctors start throwing numbers at you, you can ask Dr. Google what the normal range is, and then you’ll know. Okay, I then made an appointment with another optometrist, and the pressure was 21 three weeks later. I do not wish to take drops unless I absolutely have to. So, is there a natural way to keep eye pressure down? Okay, so you’ve already done it. 17 is normal, and so is 21. So, your eye pressure is normal. You don’t need the drops. If so, how often should I get the pressure checked in my eyes to ensure that what I do is working? So, right now, we already know that what you’re doing is working because the pressure is normal. It’s between 17, it’s between 10 and 21. You can check it, I would say, once a month should be fine. And then, if it’s normal, like three months in a row, then check it twice a year. If it’s normal for a whole year, then check it once a year for two years. If it’s normal, just go on with your life. Don’t even bother. So, what’s the natural way to keep the eye pressure down? More vegetables, less meat, more pooping. Super simple.
(38:39) Hi, I love your videos. Thank you for making them. You’re welcome. My question is, I feed my dog—okay, I am not a veterinarian, but we’ll see what I can do. I feed my dog raw organs, meat, and bone. He also gets veggies and green tripe. Can I also give him turpentine? What about the cat, also on raw? Okay, so you’re feeding your dog. You need to recheck your organ meats concentration for dogs. If you feed them too much organ meats, they get into trouble. So, check with whatever your dog sources are and adjust that. So, I had a dog and I started feeding her bones. Oh my gosh, she loved it. She chewed the bones and ate them up. Oh my goodness, she got this big husky shoulder situation going on. She’s a chihuahua. Big husky shoulder. She started waddling. I’m like, oh my goodness. So, I had to cut back her bones. All right, so can you give turpentine? The answer is yes. Dose is one drop per 10 pounds of animal weight. That would be for the dog and for the cat too.
(39:36) Is there a problem in my body if I feel dizzy or a little strange after doing an enema? Absolutely. You are dehydrated for sure.
(40:02) Thank you, Dr. Daniels, for your amazing work. Can you shed some light on your thought on overactive bladder syndrome? Do you think it’s caused by parasites or is it more to do with an embedded UTI? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Overactive bladder syndrome. I tell you, there is no end to the labels the medical industrial complex will make up. So, instead of saying things like overactive bladder syndrome, it’s simpler if you just give me what your symptoms are. So, doctors make up these terms and then when you use these terms, it becomes very vague because what doctors do is they throw more and more and more meanings into this one term. Before long, it becomes meaningless because there’s so many different things that describe it. So, what is this? Overactive bladder syndrome means the bladder squeezes suddenly without you having control and when the bladder is not full. So, I don’t know what that means. Is she wetting her pants? I don’t know. A common condition where no cause can be found for the repeated uncontrolled bladder contractions. So, is this person having bladder pain? I don’t know. Let’s just say she’s having bladder pain with some contractions. Then using the Candida Cleaner Protocol and at the same time putting some turpentine over the bladder area, which if you have this, you should know where your bladder is. It’s contracting. Ouch. Put turpentine over the bladder area two or three times a day and that should clear it up. That’s if you’re having pain there. If you’re incontinent and you’re losing your urine, like you’re wearing a little mini pad or something and you have these leaks, that is a different problem. That is a lack of muscle meat in your diet. So, if you eat steak maybe, I don’t know, two or three nights in a row, that’ll clear that right up. So, I hope that that was helpful. If not, you can always go to and click the appointment button.
(41:53) The question is, do you have advice on type 1 diabetic neuropathy in my feet and peripheral neuropathy? The pain is so bad I cannot walk some days. My vision is worsening and it can lead to blindness. Thank you. So, there’s something going wrong here. Like maybe your type 1 diabetes is not controlled. So, I can tell you peripheral neuropathy is pretty much diet-related. It’s pretty much always diet-related. So, if you’re a type 1 diabetic, get on the scale. If you’re overweight and you’re a type 1 diabetic, then you’re being overdosed on your insulin. Straight up. Easy. But you need to change your diet. So, I can’t really tell you a whole lot more than that. So, start with water and then you can also, you know, soak your feet in castor oil and that will remove the toxins from your small peripheral blood vessels. So, what’s called peripheral neuropathy is actually not peripheral neuropathy at all. It’s blockage of the small peripheral blood vessels and because the blood vessels are starved, the nerves don’t get a blood supply. The solution is to restore the blood supply by unclogging the blood vessels with drinking water, with soaking them in castor oil, then the neuropathy clears up.
(43:19) Can you take turpentine when taking blood pressure medicines? Yes. There’s no interaction there. And if so, what is the best brand? People on the internet, oh my god, they hate on me for not recommending some high price whatever. But honestly, when I was in the United States, I just went to the hardware store and that’s where I bought my turpentine. And because this is a public broadcast, I can’t give you the brand for the hardware store that I use because they’ve threatened to sue other people and harass people who mention that turpentine can be used internally and mention their brand with it. So, there you have it.
(44:22) Hi, Dr. Daniels. I’d like to know if turpentine can heal high blood pressure. That is what I need to lower. First of all, you need to find out what your blood pressure is and understand what a healthy range is. So, the normal range doctors are now reaching for blood pressure, not the healthy range. So, you have to know what is the blood pressure you’re trying to treat and what’s the goal you’re trying to reach. So, what I found is 150 over 90 is a reasonable number. What does that mean? That means if you treat a blood pressure at that level or lower, you’re not going to in any way help the person’s situation if you treat that blood pressure with drugs. That blood pressure can be treated, though, with simply drinking water. But go to, download the Candida Cleaning Report, follow that diet, and it will lower your blood pressure very nicely. Can turpentine help? Yes, but the diet and pooping three times a day is even more important. And you may find that you don’t need turpentine, that once you drink the water that you need and once you poop regularly that your blood pressure is normal.
(45:57) Okay, so Carol says, Hi Dr. Daniels, I hope you’re doing well. Yes, I’m happy and healthy. Thank you so much again for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. I’m very grateful for the work on turpentine and vitality capsules and more and more and more. You are welcome. And let’s remind people you can get vitality capsules at You can also get the free report on turpentine at And the name of the report is the Candida Cleaner.
(46:46) What are your views on HPV virus? I’ve done a whole show on HPV virus, but you’ll be happy to know that the healthy people who don’t get cervical cancer have more HPV than people who get cervical cancer. So, people who get cervical cancer have a lower incidence of HPV. It’s almost as if HPV actually protects against cervical cancer. Shocking, isn’t it? So, the virus does not appear to impair health. Now, another thing to know is more or less one woman in 100,000 is going to die of cervical cancer. One in 100,000. Your average OBGYN doesn’t even see one case of cervical cancer in a career. So, when your doctor does a pap smear, he is literally looking for a needle in a haystack. He is looking for a unicorn. He is looking for something that does not exist. So, the probability of his pelvic exam being beneficial to your health is just about zero. And we call this ritual rape. Why? Because the doctor is engaging in sexual touching without giving you full disclosure. In other words, you cannot give informed consent or consent if the doctor is not telling you the truth, which is, so listen, I’m helping you. I just love reaching my hand in here and it pays pretty good. So rather than tell you that inconvenient truth, basically what’s going on is women in the United States are submitting to this ritual rape. And I mean, that’s your choice, fine. But that’s all it is. It is not a health maneuver. So that’s the HPV opinion, the pap smear opinion. I did a whole radio show on pap smears as well. And the vaccines. So the vaccines, there really is no benefit to them. So that’s pretty much the end of that discussion. So there is no benefit and there appears to be some level of harm. So the benefit cannot be worth the harm if there is no benefit. So that’s pretty much it.
Final Remarks and Reminders
(54:23) Okay, we are done. Yay! Again, I’d like to remind people to please visit and get your report, The Candida Cleaner, to learn the health-giving properties of turpentine and how you can use it in your life to your benefit.
(54:47) And remember, something for something. No such thing as something for nothing does not happen, does not exist.
(54:54) All right, awesome. And as always, think happens.