Handling Setbacks

Handling Setbacks

(0:01 - 0:10)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Jammin' with Jen. This is the Sunday, March 20th, 2022 edition, and today's topic is Handling Setbacks. Yep, we all have them, and today I'm going to share with you one of my setbacks and how I handled it, hoping to inspire you. And as always, think happens.
Mom Update
(0:23 - 1:18)
But first, an update on Mom. Mom is really doing great. She’s 90 and fully expects to reach 91, and quite frankly, she’s doing so well there’s no reason to expect she wouldn’t. She’s just taking each day one day at a time, which is excellent. Before, she felt that the end was near and was very stressed, but now she’s realized that it might be a month, a year, or even 10 years. It’s really nice and so much easier to talk with her, chat with her, and enjoy her company. That’s Mom.
Home Healers Course
(1:18 - 3:24)
Next, let’s talk about the Home Healers Course. You’ll hear more about this in today’s show, but the Home Healers Course is a phenomenal collection of recipes and instructions to help you handle any emergency that might arise at your house quickly—in less time than it would take for an ambulance to arrive. It literally is your ticket to health and independence in the privacy of your own home.
Please go to vitalitycycles.com and check out the Home Healers Course. We’re having a promotion until April 1st. If you sign up for the course between now and April 1st, 2022, you’ll receive two bonuses—well, two and a half. The first bonus is a question and answer session. You can send in any questions you have and be live on the call to ask your questions. I will be live answering all the questions, and as always, I will stay until every last question is answered. The actual Home Healers webinar Q&A session will be a couple of weeks after the April 1st deadline to give you time to go through the course and gather any questions that may arise as a result of looking it over.
The next bonus is that I will pick one person who purchases the course and signs up to do a case study. If you’re selected, we’ll let you know, and we’ll also send you additional questions that will help me do a more in-depth examination of your situation.
Sponsor: Vitality Capsules
(3:24 - 3:50)
Next, our sponsor—yay, our sponsor, Vitality Capsules! We have regular and extra strength. Check them out at vitalitycycles.com. This is the internal cleanser that is comfortable enough for everyday use—I take them myself! Yay!
Turpentine Protocol
(3:50 - 5:56)
And finally, turpentine. Gotta take our turpentine! The first thing I’m going to use is white sugar—this is cane sugar. For those of you who don’t have the guts or whatever to use cane sugar, maybe you need more information—go to vitalitycycles.com and get your free report, The Candida Cleaner, which tells you all about cane sugar and turpentine.
So, we’re going to take a spoonful of sugar, which does help the medicine go down. That’s the sugar. Then, we’ve got turpentine—and you must label everything if you’re going to do stuff at home yourself. Label the turpentine. I use a pipette—this is billed as a 3 cc pipette, but honestly, it’s 2.5 cc’s right up there at the neck, and that happens to be my dose, which is half a teaspoon (2.5 cc’s). We’re gonna suck it up—there it is—and we’re gonna squirt this. It’s important not to soak all the sugar because the sugar acts as a slow-release vehicle and reduces the toxicity of the turpentine, so you don’t have side effects and it’s a comfortable experience. And then finally, we have some water to get it down. You’ve got to get it all the way down—so drink as much water as you need to get it down to the bottom of your sternum. That’s this bone in the center of your chest. You want to go all the way down.
Handling Setbacks
(6:06 - 17:06)
Now, let’s get into today’s topic: Handling Setbacks. We can also roll this into the "My Progress" section. We all have setbacks, and today I’m going to share with you one of my huge setbacks and how I handled it—I hope I can inspire you.
As you know, I’ve been doing splits, tumbles, and Taekwondo while managing all my household activities and daily activities. So, what happened? Well, I decided I would do a milk fast. Why? I wanted to flush out my lymphatic system and replace it with new cells.
This was day two of my milk fast. I took my usual supplements, and on my way out the door to Taekwondo class, I drank a mix of Shilajit, Vitamin C, acetylcysteine, bitters (which I make myself), and ginseng. I started not feeling very well as I was walking up the hill to class—it’s about a 10 to 15-minute walk, uphill, which is usually no problem. I started class, and as usual, poured out sweat—my whole Taekwondo outfit was soaking wet, which is just usual. But then, four minutes before the end of class, I felt weak. I walked to the nearest seat, which is unheard of in Taekwondo class—you’re supposed to ask permission for this and that.
Things continued to worsen. I developed pain in my left groin, more sweat started pouring out, I developed the shakes and chills, and at this point in any first-world country, they would have called an ambulance. However, this is not a first-world country. But I felt as if one of those Star Trek transporters was dissolving all of my internal organs from the mid-chest down to the pelvic area. My heart was racing, I was shaking, and freezing in a tropical space with no air conditioning. I realized the end could be near—yep. I didn’t want to alarm anyone—dying is one thing, but why create a commotion?
When my instructor asked if I was okay, I said, "Nope." He asked, "What’s wrong?" I told him, and he said, "Oh, you’re just having a low sugar attack." So, I handed him a dollar and asked for the most sugary drink they had, as the Taekwondo studio sells beverages on the side. He came back with Gatorade. I was so ill I could only put it in my mouth but couldn’t swallow it. I thought, "What are we going to do now?" My teacher said, "I know you bring candy to class—do you have any?" I said, "Yeah, I do." He said, "Eat some." So, I pulled out my cookies and cream white chocolate kisses and started sucking on one of them. It went down easily, and I immediately felt 10% better—that means I stopped feeling worse.
I quickly determined I couldn’t walk home from class, but I calculated that I could probably make it across the street. As luck would have it, there was a cab stopped at the light, and he wasn’t otherwise occupied. I crumpled myself into the cab, made it home, threw up, and ate six wafer cookies. Bit by bit, I felt better, and I went immediately to bed. I ate cookies throughout the night. When I got up, I was happy, of course, to be alive, but I could only make it to the bathroom, not the kitchen. So, I went back to bed, and by noon, I was able to make it to the kitchen—yeah, victory!
Now, what I knew from my background as a doctor is when your blood sugar is low, you can’t just treat it and bring it up—you have to keep treating it until it goes up and stays up. I could not wash dishes, prepare food, or get the laundry off the line. It was 2 p.m. before I had the strength to walk with the wild dogs that are not mine. A good friend took me to get some greasy smoked brisket—thank God! The hole in my midsection was now one-quarter the size it was the day before, and I was able to walk on the beach with assistance. I knew I needed organ meat to finish repairing and fixing all these organs in the center that literally had been blown out.
I found a wonderful international chef who agreed to make an organ soup. The next morning, he killed a goat and boiled up all the organs in a very tasty soup. As I ate the soup, I could feel the hole filling completely, and I was able to resume my stretches. Two days later, I resumed Taekwondo classes, and I’m happy to say I am on the mend.
But wait, what happened? Good question. What happened? This is what you should do whenever you have a crash like this—ask, "What happened in the 24 hours before?" I had a milk fast—it was milk, but it was a fast nonetheless. Milk has a little bit of sugar, not much, a fair amount of cholesterol, and some fat. Also, I had extreme exertion, very low blood sugar, and apparently dissolving many important structures internally—I could literally feel this emptiness or vacancy there.
So, what’s the solution? First of all, this can happen to anyone. The first thing to do is stop—S-T-O-P, all caps—stop whatever you’re doing, wherever you are. Drink some water as you sort things out, and notice if the water helps or not. In my case, the water was not helping. Review the events of the prior 24 hours, and you’ll notice you have a lack of something—like not enough water, fat, cholesterol, sugar, or vegetables. Clearly, on a milk fast, I had a sugar deficiency and no vegetables. Bowel movements were okay, water was fine, fat and cholesterol were fine. The problem was extreme exertion on top of these deficiencies.
If you’re not sure what’s missing, don’t worry—add what seems to be missing. Slowly put something in your mouth and see if your body accepts it. If not, try something else. I tried the Gatorade—no. I tried the sugar, and my body accepted the chocolate kisses very nicely. Once I got the chocolate kisses down, my body was willing to accept the Gatorade. Monitor yourself for improvement—do more of what makes you feel better. Notice the location of discomfort and focus on that. In my case, my whole area of internal organs was affected, so I found a chef who could supply me with some internal organs. He killed a goat in the morning, and I had soup that evening.
Finally, do not return to the activity that provoked the problem until you feel totally recovered. In my case, I skipped Taekwondo classes for nine days. When I resumed classes, I was able to do the full 90 minutes. I made sure to eat two cookies and cream kisses before class. This feeling of emptiness came back slightly during class for a week, but it went away, and I resumed class. I continued to eat organs for a few more days, and I am fine.
The moral of the story is: it’s okay to stop when your body says stop. Also, you can heal yourself—refer to the Home Healers Course at vitalitycycles.com. Simply avoiding an ambulance ride, to say nothing of outrageously expensive tests at a hospital, would have paid for the cost of the course many times over. You’ll learn how to do this and more in the Home Healers Course.
So, stop what you’re doing, review the prior 24 hours, and check for deficiencies. It’s usually one of a few things: water, fat, cholesterol, sugar, or vegetables. Add those things, try a small amount at a time, and see what your body accepts. For me, it was the wafer cookies—thank God I had grandkids and just happened to have this sugary thing in the house because of them.
(17:06 - End)
This brings us to questions. We’ve got a lot of questions today—we can’t get to all of them, but I encourage you to get your copy of the Home Healers Course so you can have your questions answered at the live webinar.
Let’s do a few here.
Q1: Handling 5G and Microwave Symptoms
Hi, Dr. Daniels. Do you have any answers for the 5G network rollout and microwave symptoms on our health?
A1: Yes, I do. What we’re talking about is irradiation here. The answer is black squid ink. Squids have black ink that they release to protect themselves, and this ink contains melanin, which is a building block for neurotransmitters, and dopamine, which controls the body’s electrical system. The dose is a teaspoon a day, stirred into warm water or poured over pasta, and take it with a meal.
Q2: Athletes Dropping Dead Suddenly
What is your opinion on 100-plus athletes dropping dead suddenly?
A2: They were likely stressed, possibly due to vaccination, as it’s a requirement for athletic activity. That’s pretty much the size of it.
Q3: Receding Gums and Loose Teeth
Thank you for everything you do. How can you stop severe receding gums and loose teeth?
A3: The answer is pig’s feet, though I recommend cow feet, which are stronger. One listener shared their experience using oxtail and pig’s feet, along with turpentine, which helped rebuild their tooth and gum material. So, eat cow’s feet or pig’s feet, drink plenty of water, and maintain regular bowel movements with Vitality Capsules.
That’s all the questions we have time for today. As always, remember, think happens—and let it happen to you.