HWD How to Bring the Party and Why You Should.

HWD How to Bring the Party and Why You Should.

Introduction and Topic Overview
(0:00) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and welcome to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, December 27, 2020 edition. Yay! So today's topic is how to bring the party and why you should. Yes, this is such an important concept and something I've really come to appreciate later in life and actually see it in action. So I'm really excited to share that with you.
Updates and Announcements
(0:35) But first, second and third. First, update on mom. Yay! Then my Vitality Capsules update, and then we get to take our turpentine. Yay! I'm so excited.
Mom's Health Update
(0:51) So first, update on mom. So last time we left this ongoing saga, mom had found her cell phone while in the hospital and sent a frantic call to my daughter saying, "I'm alive. I'm not dead yet. Don't believe anything they tell you." So it was very dramatic, of course. We did know that she was alive, but we were told she was semi-comatose, only able to flutter her eyelashes and that death was close.
(1:25) But since there is the situation, pandemic, no visitors were allowed. So we were able to locate an internal information source and pull quite a few strings, and we got mom home. And so what has happened since she came home? So they bring her home. We've got a special hospital bed set up in the dining room so she doesn't have to ever do stairs. And as soon as they get her in bed and leave, she says, "Well, can I have an egg and bacon sandwich, please?"
(2:08) My daughter gives her an egg and bacon sandwich. She eats the whole thing. And at the beginning, she calls my daughter, saying, "Mom, grandma's eating all day long." And so they can't get enough food to keep up with her. But with that, her strength is coming back. She's able to walk to the bathroom with assistance, and she is alert and chatting away and just really coming back to life.
(2:43) So because she's eating and drinking so much, she doesn't need any kind of IV at home. She doesn't need any medicines at all. And so this means that her home care costs are down by several thousand dollars a month. And she's able to use the bathroom. She's not having urinary accidents at age 89. This is life. So things are looking pretty doable here. So we're all happy to have mom home. And the kids have planned a huge celebration, which we'll talk about later. But that's the update.
(3:19) So we've learned a lot about our little experience with the hospital, the nursing home, the nursing home, the hospital, the hospital, the nursing home, the back and forth, like a ping pong ball. And, you know, what we learned, unfortunately, was that, you know, it really is important to be able to visit your loved ones in the hospital because often the reports that you receive are not entirely accurate. Yeah. And so, of course, mom is thrilled to be home.
Vitality Capsules Update
(3:52) So we'll get back to that. Our next is Vitality Capsules update. Yay! So we are still in the testing process, but we're getting more and more ingredients lined up. So we're chugging along. And like I said, we're very hopeful that we can get the next batch made before the present stock runs out. You can buy your Vitality Capsules at VitalityCapsules.com. And Vitality Capsules is the internal cleanser that is gentle enough for everyday use.
(4:27) Now many people are asking, "Dr. Daniels, are we going to have a sale?" Probably not. However, I'd like to point out that when you buy 20 bottles, the price decreases to pretty close to the two-for-one price. So the more bottles you buy, the deeper discount you receive. So that's a way that you can save on your probiotic costs.
Taking Turpentine
(4:46) Let us take our turpentine. You know, I do this, of course, to help people and encourage them, but also so I can be sure to take my turpentine and remind myself just how helpful it is. And so I received a communication from one of our listeners telling me that her energy was just really droopy. And she was tired. She couldn't figure out why. And she realized after watching my show that she had not been taking her Shilajit. She started her Shilajit and bam, her energy came right back. Of course, she did continue her Vitality Capsules.
(5:31) All right, so we have our spoon. Yay! We've upgraded from a dessert spoon to a teaspoon. Why? Because we're only going to fill up half, half a spoon, allowing the lips to get all the way to the end here and scrape the turpentine and sugar off without getting turpentine all over the outer part of the lips. Major advance. It makes taking turpentine and sugar a lot easier.
(5:52) All right, so here we have sugar. Sugar. I prefer white granulated cane sugar and you don't want any lumps because lumps can get caught in your throat and that is no fun. And my little pipette, yay! And this is my turpentine bottle. Again, when you decide that you're going to take control of your health and use different potions and put them in bottles, you really need to label what the bottle is because months or years later you might not remember like, "Oh, what was in that bottle?" I don't know. Sometimes taking a whiff is not even enough to sort the whole thing out.
(6:49) So we have our sugar. We have our turpentine. We're going to squirt that on there like that. Yay! Bam. We have our water. Yay. That was very easy. I did not even wince. That's how much better it is. When you use a little larger spoon and put the turpentine and sugar towards the front of the spoon. Much better experience. All right, turpentine done. Sugar done.
Taking Shilajit
(7:34) I have my chopstick and our Shilajit black grease stuff. We're just gonna dig in right there. All righty. That is about 200 milligrams. You can see that. Yeah, that's pretty good. And we're gonna put that in our water. Bam. Now, because it does not taste good, hmm, does not taste good. We have here our tamarind. Yay.
(8:13) So we're gonna put this right here. This does taste good. So I put tamarind in with my Shilajit so that it tastes good. I don't know that light brown thing you're seeing is the tamarind seed. They leave the seed in when they make this goo. So we're just gonna take this and put it right in. So now we've got the tamarind and we've got the Shilajit. And we're gonna let them do their job while we carry on the show.
How to Bring the Party
(9:04) Okay. So, how to bring the party. To understand this, we have to go back to mom. So, about, I guess everything started after my father died about 30, 33 years ago, really, to be honest. And every single holiday, we had an amazing big deal. And I had returned back to Syracuse at that time. And so I was able to participate in the holiday celebrations.
(9:43) Prior to that time, I'd been going to medical school, doing a residency, working on Indian reservations. So I was just not around for 11 years. But I returned home and dad had just died. And so we, me, my mother, and my sister started these holiday celebrations. And the first one was Easter. We literally started cooking. We did a Martha Stewart Easter. You can look that one up. You start cooking literally 30 days before Easter.
(10:20) And so that Easter, we had a large poached salmon with homemade hollandaise mayonnaise sauce that went over it. And we used cucumbers to simulate the scales. And the whole thing was a big, big, huge production. Homemade biscuits with prosciutto ham and herb butter. We had salad with Boston Bibb lettuce. So each lettuce was its own bowl that was filled with various things and a homemade sauce and on and on and on.
(10:58) It was a very big deal. And literally, people would kind of position themselves to get invitations to each one of the celebrations. And then, of course, there were most Easters. After that, we did leg of lamb. Then there was the 4th of July, of course, barbecued marinated Chinese spare ribs and a custard tart with pitted cherries and an apple jelly glaze and various other things. And then there was Thanksgiving, which was a feast. And then there was Christmas.
The Holiday Celebrations
(11:32) Christmas was the pièce de résistance. That was the crown roast made with fresh pork, of course. Then there was the smoked ham, which was simmered in a wine, herb, vegetable mix. And then that water was strained, mixed with sautéed mushrooms and heavy cream, and made into an amazing gravy. Then there was, same dinner, a standing rib roast, which was grilled. And we generally had two of each of these because the gathering was so large.
(12:17) Then, of course, there’s rice pilaf. And mom generally started the cookies at least a month before, usually November 1st. She started making the various cookie doughs, and we kids would roll out the cookie dough over time. Like after school, we'd run home, roll out cookie dough, cut out the cookies, decorate them for Christmas, hang some on the tree, and put others in the freezer. And literally, by the time Christmas came, we had an assortment of at least 10 different types of cookies.
(12:56) There were the Annie's cookies, there were the ginger cookies, there were the dried fruit cookies, there were customary sugar cookies, gingerbread, just an incredible assortment. And, again, these were, people would always want to get invitations, and people were kind of angling for invitations. And so this went on for, I guess, about 18, 20 years. Then I left to go to another country to live. And the celebrations continued. And then the kids grew up. The kids are all in their thirties now. Well, I think there might be a couple in their twenties still.
(13:40) And so mom became ill, and the celebrations stopped. And the kids looked around and said, well, where's the party? Where's the party? The party. And so, a couple of the grandkids did do a Thanksgiving party, but didn't invite the other grandkids. And so the ones who were left out said, "Oh, oh no, we were not invited." And so they called and said, "Hey, why weren’t we invited?" And they were told, you know, you were not invited because in prior celebrations, your contribution was not substantial.
Creating the Celebration
(14:29) And so the three kids who were snubbed, so the one other three that were snubbed, one inquired as to why, the other one said, "Oh, well, I guess it wasn't invited. It's okay." And the third one, I don't have a report. So the three got together and said, wait, we've got to do something about this. And so they decided that they would create the party. They would create the celebration, and they would create their own contribution, and they would invite all of the other grandkids.
(14:55) And so, this year, the three kids, which happened to be my three offspring, got the recipes. So grandma was an early adapter for the computer and all the recipes she has in computer files. So they got the recipes, meals, they got the ingredients, and they cooked. So they split up all the tasks. The biggest and most difficult task, of course, was getting mom out of the hospital. So my oldest daughter tackled that.
(15:34) And so she arrived on the scene literally three weeks before that, before Christmas, and began the process by telephone, communicating with the hospital, with the nursing home, with the social workers, with hospice, with our inside person who was getting us the real information. And we managed to get mom, she managed to get mom home, and she got there early. She cleaned up the whole house and made the arrangements.
(16:12) So one little loose end we have is when you go into a nursing home, they make you sign over your social security check. And so even though mom's not there, they're still collecting her social security check. So we're in the process of terminating that process. So the money can go into her bank account, and she can use it to live. And so what they did was they invited everyone, and they had the celebration at grandma's house, with grandma as the guest of honor. And they did a very good job.
(16:57) They did not, of course, start the cookies a month in advance, but you know, they did manage sweet potato pie, homemade cheesecake, prime rib roast, the customary ham with the mushroom gravy made from the ham drippings, rice pilaf with pine nuts, and salad. Very respectable, very good job. And a good time was had by all.
Moral of the Story: Bring the Party
(17:22) Now, what's the moral of the story? The moral of the story is bring the party. And so what resulted was an experience really that everybody was happy with. Everyone was happy with the food. They had a very good time. Everyone was thrilled to see grandma sitting up and talking and eating and just everyone really enjoyed it.
(17:50) And so how can you do this in your life? Well, very important ways with your health, you know, get the recipes. Lorma creates health. Get the ingredients, clean water, clean food, clean air, frequent bowel movements, three a day I recommend, and create your health. Believe it or not, you are actually right now, as we speak, creating your health every day. Why not bring the party? Why not make your health fantastic? You can do it. Just like the children who became adults when they decided to, you know, bring the party to create the kind of celebration that they wanted to be a part of. You can do the same thing.
(18:35) Create the kind of health that you want to experience to have the kind of body that you want to live in. It's your party. You got to bring the party. You don't want to be a guest at your own party. No, no, no, no. That is not fun.
(18:57) So bring the party, make your health fantastic. If you're a longtime listener, you know that I have many products that help you do this. There's Vitality Capsules that help you poop three times a day. For many people, that just brings their health to the next level, being cleaned out, having better circulation, having bile ducts that function. It's amazing. And the next thing is the Home Healers Program. Literally, I give you the recipes. I give you a map, a road, a plan to bring your own party, to bring your own health, to bring it up to the level where it can be and make the improvements that you want to make to have the quality of health and life that you want.
(19:41) You can go to VitalityCapsules.com and check out both of these things. Now, of course, as always, I always answer questions during this broadcast, but I might not get to all the questions, or maybe when I answer your question, you want even more information. And for that, there are appointments that you can also sign up for at VitalityCapsules.com.
(20:01) So bring the party, and you can even go further. Just as when you bring the party, other people can enjoy your party. When you bring your health to a higher level, not only do you experience better health in your body, but you can actually make health and healing contagious. Yeah, it can be contagious. So this is an important thing for you to do.
(20:31) And the reason you should do it, it's the only way to be sure there is a party. It's the only way you can be sure that you do have health and you can get the results you want. Disappointment is less. Like with my kids, don't just sit around waiting for an invitation and wonder why you don't get one or waiting for health and wonder why it doesn't show up. You know, you can do it. You can make even more success and more happiness possible once you have health. And it’s an amazing boost for your joy and your happiness, just being healthy. It cannot be underestimated.
Shilajit Update
(21:08) Now that brings us to, actually it could bring us to questions, but first, let's check on that Shilajit. All right, we have here our chopstick. Let's see how clean it is. It is not quite clean. Let's check out our tamarind. Tamarind is a toughie. It is goo on top of goo on top of goo. So what we do is we get the chopstick and the tamarind together and we clean out this spoon with the chopstick. And there we go. Got a little bit of tamarind left. It looks pretty bad, but it tastes pretty good.
(22:00) So here, if you can see it, we're hitting that tamarind around and we're getting it all mixed up. We got a few lumps in there, but that's the nature of tamarind. And so while we're pounding that around, let's see how our, oh, got all of our Shilajit off. Okay, so let's give this a try. I'm just going to give this tamarind a little more pound. My favorite part is at the bottom there, the tamarind clump. It's like a treat. Put the seed back in there. All right, there we go. Got the Shilajit down.
Q&A Session
(23:07) Okay, this brings us to questions. There are a lot of interesting questions here. So, for those of you who have any doubt, I'm, you know, I'm 63, kind of winding down. So I'm going to be pretty direct here. But like I said, if there's anything that's not answered, there's always an opportunity for appointments. They fill up quickly, but they are there.
(23:40) Recently, my aunt was diagnosed as having pancreatic cancer and is supposed to be doing chemotherapy soon. Supposed to be? Hmm. My father and I are looking for an alternate healing method for cancer. Any suggestions on how to proceed with treatment in terms of diet, treatment time, and Vitality Capsules? Well, we are putting the cart before the horse here, so let us be blunt and direct. We have here a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. And we're looking for a healing for this cancer. Pancreatic cancer is pretty dismal.
(24:23) So the only way to heal pancreatic cancer is if you never had it in the first place. Just being really honest with you. Okay. There are a lot of people who get the cancer diagnosis and they don't have cancer. About 80%. Just telling you. So pancreatic cancer, a fair amount of research has been done by the medical industrial complex itself. You can go look it up. The survival with pancreatic cancer is actually better without treatment. That's number one. Number two, the intervention that seems to work is more frequent bowel movements. That would be your Vitality Capsules. Very important.
(24:59) The turpentine, it helps with parasites. Very important. And you want a diet that's, the word would be simple, easily digested. So soups with animal broths and cooked vegetables. Pretty much. Go easy on the raw vegetables. So the point here though, is with therapy, you're going to live about three to six months. Without therapy, with just bowel movements, hydration, and a diet with no preservatives, you're probably going to last about two years. So that's the pancreatic cancer story.
(25:48) Alrighty. I am a 38-year-old male noticing pain in my right testicle, which has been building slowly over the past few months. When I feel a testicle, it seems that the epididymis is what is sore to touch. The pain is like a dull ache, which when touched is sharp. Okay. So we got some information here. One, it's the right testicle, not the left. Good to know. And it's been getting worse over the past few months. So if it's been getting worse over the past few months, then you know for sure that what's making it worse is something that you were doing.
(26:16) So the epididymis is part of the kidney system. In other words, you have a blood supply, it goes to a kidney, and the kidney takes out waste, which goes down the ureters, to the bladder, which goes, if you're a guy, it's a tube that goes through the prostate and then circles around, there's output through the testicles, and then urine goes to the toilet.
(26:54) Okay. So what's that got to do with anything? What's got to do with anything is there's a clog in that system and you're experiencing it as pain in your testicle. So what do you do? You need to increase your water so that you pee more often. That's important. You also need to increase your pooping so that you poop at least three times a day. Why? Because those toxins that are going into your testicles could be, and should be, going out through your intestines into the toilet.
(27:29) Let's say you're already pooping three times a day. Fine. Then if you're pooping three times a day, remember this is only if you're pooping three times a day, then you can take a teaspoon of activated charcoal, put it in a cup of water, and drink it somewhere in the evening, like maybe two hours after dinner. What's that going to do? That's going to act like a magnet, pulling more toxins into your intestines and cleaning them out so that those toxins will not be circulating and going to your testicles to cause you pain. And then turpentine would be helpful, but only after you're pooping three times a day and after you're hydrating yourself.
(28:14) Hydration? Just take your body weight, divide it by 50, and that's the number of quarts of water you drink daily. So that's what you should do. Now, once you are pooping three times a day and you're well hydrated, if you want to, you can put a little bit of turpentine externally on the area that hurts. Now, for guys, that skin that covers your testicles is very, very, very tender. So be gentle with yourself. If you dab it with a little turpentine and that is uncomfortable, then dilute the turpentine with almond oil. Almond oil is a nice vehicle. Almond oil. Or baby oil with aloe.
(29:07) Hi, Dr. Daniels. Is there anything you can do if you have stage 4 lung cancer? We're not doing chemotherapy or radiation. My mother is 89 years old and was diagnosed on December 15, 2020.
(29:18) All right. Let's take a look at the average age span for a female in the United States. We're going to go with a white female. That's the longest age span. 78 years. 78 years. So your mother can expect to live 78.6 years if she's a healthy American. She is presently 89. 89 years old.
(29:59) What I would recommend is doing as much nothing as possible. Because what we're now looking at, as we are with my mother who's 89 years old, is we just want her to have the highest quality of life possible while she's alive and have a smooth and easy death when the time comes. That's what I would do.
(30:32) Back to the lung cancer. The thing to do if you have stage 4 lung cancer is definitely don't do any treatment. So what you want to do is you want her to breathe better. Easiest way to get her to breathe better is to put her on a raw food diet. As close to raw food as you can. No refined stuff. No dehydrated foods. Because the lung situation is a consequence of dehydration. So if you give her dehydrated fruits, dehydrated anything, it's going to be bad.
(31:03) So in other words, give her raw fruits, raw vegetables. You can puree them. And if she wants other food, that's fine. Just give her an increased amount of the raw stuff. The next thing you can do for her is you can put or slather Vicks Vaporub over her front and the back of her chest. Definitely either turpentine or any anti-parasitic. I like turpentine because it's easy. It's only once a day and it's pretty effective.
(31:35) So for somebody who's got a lung cancer situation, first you want to get her pooping three times a day. Very important. Then you want to hydrate her. Very important. She is 89, so we're talking encouragement here. Take her weight, divide it by 50. That's her goal, how many quarts a day. If she doesn't quite make it, fine. Don't give her a hard time. But you want her to drink about an 8-ounce glass of water with about 6 drops of turpentine in it. What that does, by putting the turpentine on top of the water vehicle, that pushes the turpentine into the sinuses and the respiratory tract.
(32:14) So then the turpentine is deposited into the lungs, not via the intestines or stomach. Those things should help her quite a bit. But what I would say is the best thing to do with your mother of 89 years is to stop all medical intervention and you'd be surprised how well she's going to do. And then try those things that I mentioned.
Closing Remarks
(32:45) Okay, that brings us to the end of today's show. I'd like to wish everyone happy holidays and a wonderful new year. And we'll see you again next week. And as always, THINK HAPPENS!