If You Could Cure Depression For Free, Would You

If You Could Cure Depression For Free, Would You

Introduction and Updates
(0:00 - 0:22)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, December 12th, 2021 edition, and today's title is If You Could Cure Depression for Free, Would You? Good question, good question.
(0:22 - 0:29)
So, first though, we have to do our updates.
Update on Mom's Progress
(0:29 - 0:56)
Update on mom, oh my god, mom is walking from her bed to the kitchen, unassisted. Yes, unassisted. She did have a little problem, her wound opened up a little itty bitty bit, so she's going to do different types of exercises and try again. But she has decided at 90 years old that it is no fun being bedridden by golly, and she is determined, so that is really, really good.
Vitality Capsules Promotion
(1:00 - 1:37)
Next, we have Vitality Capsules, which you can purchase at vitalitycycles.com. Vitality Capsules, of course, are the internal cleanser that are comfortable and safe enough for everyday use. I developed these when I was practicing medicine back in the 90s, and they've helped so many people to clean themselves out, get rid of their toxins, improve their circulation, and turn their health around. So go to vitalitycycles.com and support our sponsor by getting Vitality Capsules.
(1:37 - 1:52)
Also, at vitalitycycles.com is your copy of the Candida Cleaner Report that tells you all of the information you would ever want to know about adding turpentine to your health regimen, if that's something you want to do.
Questions from Listeners
(2:03 - 2:12)
People do email in questions, and we do answer questions on the podcast. If you have questions you'd like to be considered to be answered on the air, send them to jdaaniels at gmail.com.
Dr. Daniels' Personal Progress
(2:21 - 2:42)
In my progress, I am having an incredible time. So what I'm exploring in this phase of my life is what is good health for? In Panama, we have something called Mother's Day, that would be yesterday. So I celebrated with my adopted family, and I was able to play soccer with the adopted grandkids. Yay!
Fun with Family
(2:42 - 3:05)
And one of them had a truck. The truck was three feet by one and a half feet, and pretty much everything on the truck except the wheels was broken. He explained to me that, you know, he's preparing something, and could I help him? I said, oh, sure. And so we built a parking lot for his truck. Yes, a parking lot. We smoothed out the dirt in a three-foot by, I figured, what the heck, four-foot area.
(3:05 - 3:33)
So I told him, look, we got more space here, and now you got space for two trucks. You can get a second truck. He says, well, I think what I'll do is fix my truck, and then other people can bring their trucks, and I'll fix their trucks too. I said, wow, that's a good idea. So we had just a very good time. Also, as you know, cooking is my hobby.
Cooking Adventures
(3:33 - 3:58)
And so I cooked a turkey roast. What is that? It's a turkey. You take the turkey, and you watch a YouTube video, and you debone the turkey. You put a rub on the outside, or the same rub on the inside, and you put an oil herb spread inside, and you can just fold it over itself. Wait five days as it's refrigerated. Then put in small potato cubes and cooked bacon, roll it up, and cook it.
(3:58 - 4:30)
Oh my god. I usually do not like white meat. I don't say I don't. But this time, it was moist. It was tasty. It was amazing. And so my new adopted family was thoroughly impressed and said, and will you be back for New Year's? I said, absolutely. So I'm having a lot of fun.
Turpentine Routine
(4:39 - 5:18)
So I think, oh, turpentine. We've got to take turpentine. We've got our spoon that we use every week. Same spoon, as you can see by the sugar residue. Then we have our white sugar. This is white sugar. You should label everything in your house if you're going to be creating your own creations. It's important because white sugar, vitamin C powder, and salt are very similar. And borax is too. You could seriously harm yourself by getting those mixed up. So label everything in your house.
(5:18 - 6:04)
So we just take this. We're going to move our keyboard so we don't have to wash it again. All right. So here is our white sugar. I'm going to put that down for a minute while I get turpentine. And this is turpentine. As you can see, your labels do not have to be perfect. They're just informal. I'm going to unscrew the top on this. And we have our little pipette. This is called a disposable plastic pipette, which I have reused. I don't know how many times. And this is a 3 cc pipette. However, at the neck, right here at the neck, is 2.5 cc. So right there at the neck, 2.5 cc. And that's how much turpentine I take, 2.5 cc. So we squeeze all our air out. Boom. Put it under the level of the turpentine. Suck it up. Oh my god, it's exactly right. So the turpentine is right there at the neck. And we're going to get our sugar.
(6:04 - 7:48)
Oh my god, things are selling shrimp out there. Okay. I don't need any, so we're good. And if you'll notice, the center there, where I dropped the turpentine, is turning grayish. That's absolutely, totally normal. And we have our water here. I put water in my mouth so that it elevates the stuff off the spoon and I can swallow it with minimal taste. I do not lick my lips, I just wipe it off. So I take my turpentine once to twice a week. I used to take it every day, but now that I take ivermectin once a month, I take turpentine once a week or twice a week is just fine. If you drink water, you've got to get it all the way down to your tummy.
Shilajit for Detox
(7:48 - 8:48)
All right, that brings us to Shilajit. Yay, Shilajit. So wait, turpentine kills parasites, which means you are not sharing your nutrients unnecessarily. It is my opinion, might not be true, I don't know, this is the mechanism whereby it extends life. When I first discovered turpentine, I was surprised to find everyone who took it lived to be 90 years old, even more. I'm like, how could that be? And so after using it myself for about 30 years now, I realized that what happens is you just wipe out that parasitic burden and all of a sudden the amount of nutrients in your body available for your use, the use of your organs for repair and recovery, is much, much greater and this increases your survival.
(8:48 - 10:20)
All right, so here we have Shilajit. Shilajit, as you can see, is a black tar and literally is a natural substance. They scoop it up out of the dirt in Russia and yeah, this is what it looks like. Now the amount that you want is 200 milligrams. This is considerably more than 200 milligrams. So we're going to put part of it back and what you're going to find is some days you'll take a little more, some days you'll take a little less. Now it's recommended that you take these trace minerals daily for about five weeks or so and then take a week off. What I do is I just try and take them every day and I skip one or two days a week and just keep going on like that. Dr. Dan, why do you take these trace minerals? It turns out that since we are living a modern lifestyle with something called flush toilets, all the minerals that we dump out of our body go down the river, literally, to the ocean or wherever. Nature has designed it so that these minerals that leave in our poop are supposed to be used to fertilize the plants which we then eat.
The Mineral Cycle and Modern Society
(10:20 - 11:12)
Since that chain is broken, the minerals that we eat are not recycled. And so the minerals we get from the plants are not adequate to replenish our body. And the Shilajit is a material that comes from basically composted material that is thousands of years old. So here we are. Put this in here. As you can see, it does not dissolve readily. So just let it sit. And I'll take that after the show. It takes a while to dissolve. Now people have asked me, well, Dr. Daniels, can I just mix up enough for five days and then just take in a portion of it? Unfortunately, once you dissolve it in water, it becomes, it spoils easily. And so I personally found that I've had to throw out a fair amount of Shilajit that I have mixed up days in advance. So I don't recommend that.
(11:12 - 11:23)
But I do say you can just, you can mix it up a day or two in advance in the fridge. I've done that and that's worked out really well. The other thing you can do is just have a ritual where maybe you mix it up at night and take it in the morning or mix it in the morning and take it at night. And that way you don't have the stress of hurry up and dissolve. And that's much nicer.
Curing Depression for Free
(11:23 - 12:09)
We've done, I think, everything. And we can now get over to today's topic. Put my keyboard back where it belongs. Move things around here a little bit. Here we are. All right. So today's topic then is if you could cure depression for free, not spend a penny, would you do it? So I personally stumbled on the cure quite by accident. But, you know, because I've been feeling rather joyful lately, almost euphoric. And just really nothing that anyone else does has been able to dampen my spirit. Amazing. And I was feeling so happy that did not even occur to me to question it until I got a call from my daughter. She says, Mom, I'm feeling down, a little depressed.
(12:09 - 12:48)
Oh, I was shocked. I said, you gotta be kidding. You're at a point in your life where you got the health and strength to do anything, everything you want. There's no limits. How could you possibly waste time with depression? There's so much happiness to experience. And she's not impressed. She said, Mom, I'm still a little down. And so I, you know, gave her some advice. Well, you know, when was the last time you had some liver? She said, well, it's been a while. I said, OK, have some liver. And then drink some water and, you know, get a little exercise. But the liver will really pick you up.
(12:48 - 13:35)
And then I checked my inbox. And sure enough, sure enough, there is an article on exercise and depression. So that led me to do a little bit of research, a little bit of checking. So I checked Google. And sure enough, Google led me to, eventually, the ultimate source of all knowledge, the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And this is what they say. Of course, a .gov site. So this is authority, authority speaking. It's not me, not my research, their research. This is from 2017, the Journal of Pharmacology, Frontiers in Pharmacology. And title is Comparison between exercise and pharmacologic, that would be drug or pill treatment for depression. And what's the story?
(13:35 - 15:04)
I will give you the bottom line here. Since we're pressed for time, we don't have hours to go. So comparing exercise combined with antidepressants, what they found? The two reviews examining drugs versus non-drug therapies as a basis for clinical practice guidelines examined exercise versus antidepressants. And what they decided was exercise is just as effective as drugs. In other words, put it exactly in a term, exercise and antidepressants are equally effective. Yes. And the cost of exercise? No, no, no, no, don't you do it. Don't go out and hire that personal trainer. That's everyone's excuse. Oh, I need a personal trainer. No, you don't. It is helpful. It can be helpful. But don't do it. I think the important thing about exercise is to make it totally doable and to start with something that is going to be effective. Something that's going to absolutely, bam, elevate your mood just that quickly. And the one thing I found that really elevates the mood quickly in terms of exercise is walking. And you've got to walk as if you have no particular place to go and no particular time to get there. Attitude is everything. And the ideal amount of time is somewhere between, well, a minimum of 30 minutes. You can go longer if you want, but only if you want to.
(15:04 - 16:38)
Now, you might not be able to walk 30 minutes off the bat. So you just need to know that that's your goal. So what do you need for this? You might need to spend a little bit of money. I recommend a pair of very comfortable footwear. So it might be sandals. It might be very soft sneakers. It might be a pair of boots with grippers in the bottom so you don't fall on the ice. Whatever that is, something to put on your feet that is very comfortable for you. And clothing, again, whatever is comfortable. This is super, super important. You want something comfortable so that you're going to look forward to putting it on. Don't worry how it looks. Timing. This is important. I personally do it first thing in the morning before I even brush my teeth. Out the bed, put on a pair of shorts, t-shirt. I do take a stop by the kitchen and pick up the dog treats for my street dogs. And a couple pieces of candy for kids if I meet some kids in the way. So the kids get the candy and the dogs get the dog treats. Now, I call them dog treats, but they're meat scraps. So I've been doing this every day now for more than a year. And I'm now used to walking for 30 minutes without a need for water. But it's very important, especially if you're starting, to drink at least a pint of water. If you can't drink a pint of water before you go on your walk, then you've got to carry it with you to drink while you walk.
(16:38 - 18:06)
So if you're just starting out with this, you're pretty sedentary. You want to drink some water, but you want to walk until you hear your mind making excuses. At the first excuse in your mind, turn around and walk back, taking your time. So you might only do two minutes the first time out. That's okay. It might be 10 minutes, but don't push it. When you first start, the important thing is to do it and to keep it doable and keep it enjoyable. So every day at the same time is also good. For example, as soon as I get up, it could be 6:30, it could be 9:30, but it's the same time in my day, first thing. You might decide it's going to be right after dinner. You might decide it's going to be right before bed. Whatever that is, link it to another activity that you absolutely do every day. That's going to be... I find right before works better. But you can either... whatever works for you. But link it to an activity you do every single day. If you have lunch every day, great. You can walk right before lunch or right after lunch. The only caveat I would say is if you're in a hot area, you don't want to walk in the heat of the day.
Creating an Enjoyable Experience on Your Walk
(18:06 - 20:01)
Also, create an experience on your walk that you look forward to. Maybe a tree that you check to see how the leaves are growing or if they've turned color or if the one branch is still the same. I check the street dogs that are not mine to see if they're still there and wagging their tails when I come out. In fact, I look forward to it every day. So that's the walking part. So in summary, if you make sure you're comfortable, drink some water, take some with you if you have to, keep it doable, start with what you can do, and create an experience on your walk that you look forward to.
(20:01 - 21:01)
Okay, now once you've got out the door and you're on your walk, now you've got incredible opportunity. Pay attention to any difficulty or discomfort that you have and that's going to help you guide your exercise program. For example, you might notice you have difficulty turning your head. Maybe you can't turn your head to the side. Maybe you can't look up at the sky. You might notice some things or maybe your hips feel a little tight. So if you notice these things, then practice neck range of motion exercises while you're at home sitting in a chair. If it's a neck problem or if it's a hip or knee problem, you might want to stand up, hold on to something, and practice bending your knee.
Using Your Walk to Assess Physical Challenges
(21:01 - 21:59)
So that's what you've got to do with your walk. So your walk is an opportunity. So each step, let's just say each step is exhausting, then get rocker bottom shoes that move you along and transfer your weight. Maybe lifting your foot for each step is challenging. Get a small step ladder and practice going up one step and back down while holding on. Or you can do this if you have a stairway with a banister. Again, working on like low cost, no barriers here. You might not be sweating yet. So just by the way, they figured out strenuous exercise gets rid of exercise much, much, much easier and quicker, bam, than low-intensity exercise. So the walking though, for some reason, that has not really been clarified by the scientists is extremely effective, even though it is low intensity. But once you get beyond walking, you must at that point get a sweat going.
Stretching to Elevate Your Exercise Routine
(21:59 - 23:04)
So how do you do that? Okay, so to take it to the next level, the next class of exercise to do is stretching. And I have found that I can stretch for about the seven-minute mark and I am sweating. Now, the other thing you have to do is prepare to sweat. So for this, it's important to drink at least a cup of water before you start. Sip water whenever you feel the slightest discomfort. The other thing you need in order to sweat is salt. You've got to add salt to your food. Salt everything, salt to taste. So figure out how much salt you want, put that in there and then just a little more. And how do you know that you have enough salt? You know you have enough salt when you can lick your arm and it's salty. Easy, lick your arm, it's salty, then you have enough.
(23:04 - 24:18)
Yeah, so stretches are the next step after you do walking. I would recommend doing the stretches that correspond to achieving the left front or right front splits. You may never achieve the splits, that's actually not the point. It doesn't matter. The stretches will get you sweating easily and quickly. Also, these stretches are detoxifying. In other words, they get your liver, intestines, everything to pull toxins out of your body, even your lungs. So it gets all of your organs detoxifying. And it exercises multiple muscles simultaneously. So start with five minutes and someone to be at your side to help you. Place pillows to cushion your joints or hand you some water. So this can be a grandkid or it can be a friend or whatever.
Diet and Energy for Exercise
(24:18 - 25:12)
Now, most of the stretches are on the floor in the sitting position. So you don't have far to fall, right? You're already on the floor. So I still don't recommend investing in a thick exercise mat that you feel okay falling over on. And that will go a long way. So there's your exercise part. Now, what about diet? A lot of people don't exercise because they're tired. I know when I was younger, I didn't exercise because I was exhausted. I had three kids, three part-time jobs, one full medical practice. And then I did volunteer work. I was just wiped out. However, if you are tired, then add a half pound of liver a week to whatever you're already eating. I literally mean that. What does that mean? It means cook the liver, chop it up, and sprinkle it in what you're already eating. Do not make a project out of this. And so that's a start.
(25:12 - 25:47)
Once you've mastered that, you can add beef tendons. This is a little more, you know, like 202 level cooking. So beef tendons are seriously tough. But, you know, hey, let me make it even easier for you. You know those beef bones, you hear about the beef broth, bone broth? Don't make bone broth. So boil the beef bones or pork bones. Either, they both do or will work. Boil them until the meat and stuff falls off the bone. You want to eat that solid stuff that falls off the bone. It's a little rubbery. But it's going to replace and rejuvenate your tendons so that they can stretch. It'll make your exercise easier.
(25:47 - 26:36)
Now, what do you do with the broth? What I do with that broth is I just use it when I make my rice. Now, what if you're vegan or vegetarian? Well, if you're vegan or vegetarian, you're definitely going to get less than optimal results. But what you can do is instead of liver, you can buy the nutrients that are in the liver. Not all of them, because they're not all for sale. You can get zinc, 8 milligrams a day, selenium, 200 micrograms a day, copper, 1 milligram a day, vitamin A, 25,000 IUs a day, B-complex, 50, 2 a day. That's just the beginning. And that will replace enough of the liver to give you a running start. From a vegan point of view, there is not a good replacement for liver.
(26:36 - 27:29)
If you're vegetarian, that means you eat eggs. You want to really increase the amount of egg yolk that you're eating. So if you're eating eggs, definitely eat the yolk. In fact, increase it. As you can see, it's easier, cheaper, and more effective to just eat the liver. Now, of course, the liver is high in cholesterol. So what's this got to do with anything? Well, when you walk, the sun hits your skin. And the cholesterol, which is circulating in the blood vessels right under your skin, absorbs the sun rays and makes vitamin D. How cool is that? So you need a pretty high cholesterol level for your body to make vitamin D. And this is why there's so many vitamin D deficiencies in the United States. Back in 1979, first year I checked it, people living in the northern climates, at least Syracuse, New York, were able to make more than enough vitamin D by having their hands, just their hands, and their face exposed to the sun for 15 minutes, no matter what time of year it was.
Cholesterol and Vitamin D Production
(27:29 - 28:48)
So 15 minutes a day, even on a cloudy day. Fast forward to 2021, nobody, unless they're living on the equator, seems to be able to get enough vitamin D. And now vitamin D deficiencies are even being seen in tropical climates. Why is this? This is because people have lowered their cholesterol. Well, Dr. Daniels, what cholesterol level are we talking about? Good question. The cholesterol level we're talking about is 300. At a cholesterol level of 300, it's been found that people have increased longevity and lifespans. So there you have it. That is the thing to do. And this is the cure, the cure for depression. That's it. You can do it. Now, what? So there's no, there's no, uh, there's nothing in your way. You can just proceed.
Listener Questions
(28:48 - 29:02)
This brings us to questions. Okay, let's find one. Today's question is about cooking pig ears. The cookbooks say, okay, so just take your cookbook and burn it. It's kind of like running a bra. Just get rid of it.
(29:02 - 30:03)
An unpleasant odor will be produced. I live in an apartment building. This will cause a problem with my neighbors. Do you know of any non-offending cooking methods? First of all, I've cooked pig ears quite a bit. I've not noticed any odor amounts. Now, your cookbook might also be telling you to boil your pig ears on the stove. That creates odors. Just all that boiling. So it takes hours to boil them. So I would recommend either pressure cooking or slow cooking them. That's one way of reducing odors. The next thing is the pig ears you start with. They should at least be odor-free when you start. So give a whiff. And if you can smell something, not the best. If they don't smell absolutely rotten, but just have some kind of odor, then just scrub them and clean them and go from there.
(30:03 - 31:04)
Dear Dr. Jones, my only granddaughter has one ovarian cyst. She's 22 and they're talking about removing her ovaries. Both of them. I would just say, stop seeing your doctor. Just, you know, hey, stop, see some of these cysts. Okay. This is a very long vitamin D question, but the summary of the question, the person has a parathyroid issue and a slightly high calcium. On a second check, a few months later, calcium went down to a normal range, but the parathyroid hormones stayed the same. Clearly the body is healing all by itself. There's no need for any surgical intervention at all. And if you're supplementing with D3 and you believe that to be the cure, again, you need to eat high cholesterol foods. Let me suggest liver and get some sunshine. That is the best thing to do.
Closing Remarks
(31:04 - 31:16)
All right. We are at the end of our time and we will see you again next week. And as always, think happens. Bye.