Loving Kindness, How to get More of It and Boost Your Health

Loving Kindness, How to get More of It and Boost Your Health

Introduction and Topic Overview
(0:00 - 0:21)
Hello, this is Dr. Daniels and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. Today is the Sunday, November 15, 2020 edition. And today's topic is loving kindness, how to get more of it and boost your health.
Turpentine and Shilajit Routine
(0:21 - 4:10)
So I'm going to talk about simple ways, quick ways to receive loving kindness and boost your immune system today. And as always, think happens, think happens. Yes. But first, we have to take our turpentine. All right, let's see. We've got our spoon. My favorite is a dessert spoon. We've got a little pipette. So we have sugar, and when you're getting to home healing and doing your own potions, labeling is important. All right, so there's our sugar. Next is our turpentine, and I have that label. Yay, turpentine. We have some questions about turpentine today, so hopefully we will get to them. Bam. Wow. Okay. We stuck that right up to the neck of the pipette and we're going to squirt this on our spoon. All of it. For me, this is half a teaspoon and I try to take it every day. Some days I miss, but most days I take it. All right, down the hatch. Next is Shilajit. Ah, there it is. Sugar out the way, turpentine out the way. And that leaves us Shilajit. Now I'm in a tropical environment here, so my Shilajit is a little bit soft and gooey. Let me see if I can show this to you some kind of way. Yeah, gooey. So we only need 200 milligrams of this, and that's about it. Enough to soak a little chopstick there at the end and you have one edge that's kind of scraped off. Even though it is gooey, as you can see, it does not dissolve readily in water. So we're going to sit and wait. When I first started taking Shilajit, I was so impatient. And now I just sit, let it rest, and go do something else. And we've got our top back on our Shilajit. Those of you who have a clean Shilajit bottle, good for you. You are awesome. There we go. Shilajit. And the brand is Momio from Russia. Yes, Momio. Let's see if we can understand that. No, we can't understand that. So for me, it was just the most frustrating thing when I first ordered it because it's written in Russian and I don't have a Russian keyboard. So we just go to eBay and enter Momio. And you can spell it any way you want. M-U-M-Y-I-O. M-U-M-I-O. Momio. Other people around the world are not as fanatical about spelling as we in the United States are. And many things are actually spelled several different ways. What are you going to say? All right, that's that. It took a certain time and Shilajit is settling. Yay!
Vitality Capsules Update and Mom's Situation
(4:10 - 6:28)
Next, we need an update on Vitality Capsules. We are working hard on Vitality Capsules to get our next batch ready. And we are presently screening the ingredients. So as you will recall from times when we've been out of stock for several months at a time, this is a several months long process. And so we anticipate, though, that it will be complete across our fingers before the present stock is exhausted. But just to let you know, we're on it. We're getting a head start here. And you can order your Vitality Capsules at VitalityCapsules, plural, dot com. Vitality Capsules are the internal cleanser that is gentle enough for everyday use. Yay! They are also our sponsor, and they also help prepare your body for turpentine. If you want to know more about turpentine and taking turpentine as a part of your healing regimen, then you can go to VitalityCapsules.com and download the free report, the Candida Cleaner. Okay, there we go. Oh, update on Mom. Mom has decided that she is going to hang out in the nursing home until she feels she has three months left to live and then sign up for hospice. I explained to my mother, it doesn't always work that way. If you feel you have three months to live, you're probably going to live another year. And if you feel like you could just die at any minute, you might just die at any minute. So it's not really possible to call it that easily or quickly or closely. And so she said, well, I have a backup plan. So her backup plan is when she feels she only wants to live three more months, then she's going to go home with hospice with the confidence that hospice will give her the lethal dose. So that's it for Mom. But for right now, Mom is happy as a clam, which is the important part.
Discussion on Loving Kindness
(6:28 - 17:03)
And that brings us to our present topic, which is loving kindness and how to get more of it and boost your immune system and boost your health. Now, we talk about loving kindness. What we hear about is giving, giving, giving, loving kindness. But, you know, really deep down, what we want is we want to get loving kindness. And so I want so a lot of us or every one of us has stressful points in our life where it's difficult to feel like positive, loved, and uplifted. But these feelings of positivity, feeling loved and uplifted, are extremely beneficial and strengthen the immune system. It's not just some self-centered selfishness. So I want to really just give you some methods. Some people around the Web, we always check Dr. Google, are giving for loving kindness. While I don't doubt that these may work, they're a little bit tried. But let's just go through the headlines. Loving kindness meditation practice greater good in action. As we all know, the greater good is a good for people like not you, right? It's the greater good is something that's good for everybody else except you. But somehow it's good, even though it's no good for you. I did a whole radio show on that. So this is the problem with loving kindness meditation. It takes time, and it may not benefit you. Next, how to practice loving kindness. Lions roar. So now you're going to put your body at ease, soften your belly and chest. Recall feelings of love and kindness. And a lot of times when you are so stressed that you feel you need loving kindness meditation, it's tough to recall feelings of love and kindness. So we're talking about today is how to create them. Bam, like that.
Loving Kindness Techniques and Challenges
(17:03 - 24:08)
So four ways to practice loving kindness in your daily life. Oh, this is 10 ways to deepen your loving kindness practice. You have to think of kindness as a strength, not a weakness. How many people have been or feel they've been taken advantage of, right? So that's a tough one to do. Look for the good in yourself. Again, if you're feeling down and things are like really difficult, a tough one. Remember that everyone wants to be happy. If we look deeply into any kind of behavior, we will see an urge to feel a part of something greater than our own limited sense of self. So now what you're saying is, well, pretend that you don't exist and go look someplace else for the kindness. Yeah. Recall those who have helped or inspired us. Again, this can be challenging when you're kind of in the thick of it, in a stressful situation, whatever it may be. And practice at least one act of generosity a day. Yeah. So again, you can do this. But the saying it may be a smile or an attentive conversation. But or let a stranger get ahead of you in line or give a co-worker a small gift or write a late night note of appreciation. Again, when things in life are not going well, it's really tough. It's really tough not only to do these acts of random kindness, but to feel improved by them. And doing loving, loving kindness meditation each day. Take the time to hold others in our hearts quietly and wish them well. Now, this is great. This is nice. But again, when you're totally stressed out and you feel like you have needs, you know, it's difficult. And of course, they want you to listen. And it's tough to listen when you're distracted by your own discomforts, whether it might be a broken relationship, a house destroyed by a tornado, economic difficulties, personal difficulties, health difficulties. It's difficult. Include those who seem to be left out. Like in a conversation with a group of people, try to include someone who's left out. I have tried this before. And a lot of times they communicate to me that they want to be left out, that they just prefer to be quiet. And so, again, this is difficult. Refrain from speaking ill of others. There's a difficult one. Sometimes you just have to not say anything at all. Like, again, we all have our own tragedies and disasters. And so when I was going through a few of mine, it was real tough to speak no ill of anyone and positive of everyone. I just had a lot of quiet time. Walk a mile in another person's shoes before you pass judgment. In other words, feel their misery. And that will give you more loving kindness. So as you can see, this can be a really frustrating long road. And you might not get to the loving kindness part. And this person has a meditation for 15 minutes. You can just go check out their video or audio. This site's selling good luck charms. And it says, How to Practice Loving Kindness. May I be happy. And so you sit down and you meditate for your happiness. This says, I did not really believe that I could possibly find happiness, safety, ease, and freedom from being offended through this practice. Maybe we didn't even deserve it. But when I put my hand on my heart, as we're often asked to do during this practice, I felt numb and disconnected. I thought of loving kindness as an unnecessary additive to the more important foundations of mindfulness. I ignored the practice for many years. So this person then felt that she softened her heart over time, of course, with great effort. Yeah. And here we have four ways to practice loving kindness. They're writing two hearts in the sand. If you're not near sand, well, good luck with that. And they can see that life does present us with countless challenges. And what they are recommending is a regular meditation. Yep, regular meditation. Think of yourself or someone close to you that you love deeply and place an image of that person in your mind and send them feelings of love and compassion. Then send the love to yourself and then send it to others. I just can't tell you the time I spent on yoga retreats, going to ashrams, trying to clear my mind, improve my spirit with loving kindness in the midst of my tragedies. And it really was not that effective. While giving your time to a cause that is close to your heart. And again, if you're emotionally stressed, financially stressed, otherwise challenged, especially nowadays, they're suggesting you not even get within six feet of people, it's tough to go give time to a cause, whether it's close to your heart or not. And then after a heartbreak, what do you do after a heartbreak?
Loving Kindness and Food Connection
(24:08 - 29:01)
What if I had? And only if. Sometimes we blame others. We won't say who. In such cases, a dose of loving kindness either directed at ourselves or another can be exactly what is needed. And again, when someone has done something like really bad to you, it's difficult to meditate on them because a lot of times that brings up and intensifies negative feelings. So what's a person to do? And what got me thinking about this whole loving kindness thing? Well, I was interviewed earlier this week by a host who I've known for 30 years now. It's been a while. And he was concerned that poor people, people without money could not possibly achieve a healthy lifestyle because, well, they didn't have money. Now, money is important, don't get me wrong, but it will only get you so far. And so I said, and so he said something that really triggered me to understand loving kindness. He said what he said. And he said, and then I was filled with feelings of love. I said, that's it. That's it. That is the secret to loving kindness. And you can get it in an instant, like one minute or less, actually. Yeah. So this vague advice about being kind to your enemies and people who maybe haven't been kind to you is really tough. So it turns out it's a lot easier than that.
Now, the first thing you have to realize is you are human. That's the good news. The good news. So it means that since you're human, you are actually designed so that certain things will trigger feelings of love and kindness and receiving of loving kindness almost immediately. Yes. And unfortunately, we are programmed in our culture, in the Western culture, to ignore these things and not to seek them out, not to value them and not even to appreciate them when they show up. So it seems that that is a better, I think, quicker, easier way to go. I'm not saying you shouldn't meditate. Hey, go for it. I'm not saying you shouldn't be nice to your enemies. What the heck? But I am saying if you're trying to improve on your bad day or your feelings of angst over your particular life situation, there might be a quicker way to get there. And so this is a story that this host told me. And I said, that's it. That's it. So he told me he was so excited about his wife. He was in a swoon and he was almost moved to tears. His exact words. And I love her beets. And when I eat her vegetables, it fills me with love.
Now, so I realized that people are designed to feel love when they eat healthy food grown without pesticides, without worker abuse, without food being stressed or losing its nutrients by long travel distances or picked when they're under ripe and forced to ripen with gas. And so really what moved him to this immediate sense of experience and receiving love and kindness was eating vegetables his wife had grown in their garden. That was it. As soon as he bit into the food, it was like, oh, wonderful. So these things we do to our food allow to be done to our food. Even going to the grocery store for many people is stressful. It destroys nutrition and the very things in food that create feelings of love and kindness and appreciation. And these very things increase the bond between people and make them love each other more and want to be on this earth longer. They've done studies showing that when you eat food within 30 minutes of when it is picked, literally there's electromagnetic energy that communicates with your spirit and uplifts your spirit. And so if you're eating food that's bottled or canned, or even from the grocery store, right, because it's a 30 minute drive from the grocery store to your house, even if they picked it right in front of you, you're not going to get that piece of energy. And eating this kind of food is an immediate bam, wow, I feel so loved.
Practical Tips for Incorporating Loving Kindness
(29:01 - 32:00)
And what it does is it puts you in an immediate space of appreciation. So immediately, when you pick a leaf from this plant and eat it, you immediately feel, wow, this plant was not created by me. Whoever created the earth created this plant. The same thing that created me created this plant. And now I'm receiving this incredible emotional boost. Now, I got some tips on where to start with this. I'm not starting a garden, it's too much work. I get that, I get that. So you don't have to be, it doesn't have to be anything huge. I recommend starting small. A basil plant that you water maybe once or twice a week, okay, low maintenance, easier than meditation. Then add a few leaves or, you know, to whatever you're eating. Just pluck some leaves from the basil plant, put it on your plate and eat it. Or if you're really stressed, what the heck, just pluck the leaf, chew it, and eat it every now and then during the day. Mint works as well. In fact, mint is even easier. It grows like a weed. So when you do this, you will immediately feel the love. You'll feel the kindness. You'll feel the gratitude that the plant even exists. You don't need to devote 15 minutes to listening to some random who knows whatever. You don't need to even contemplate your enemies. In fact, when you eat this, you will forget them. They won't even exist. Your world will literally be filled with you focusing on positive elements and appreciating. Then, once you get really advanced with this, now you can start sharing. Share a few leaves with family. You can even discriminate. Just share a few leaves with folks who deserve it. Yeah, yeah. Put a little attitude into it. Not a problem. And expand your gardening efforts from there.
Examples of Foods that Boost Loving Kindness
(32:00 - 35:02)
Now, another easy-to-grow plant that produces POW! BANG! Immediate happiness, excitement, and joy is Sun Gold Cherry Tomatoes. I would have these in the office. Literally at checkout, we would give a Sun Gold Cherry Tomato to the person as they checked out. They would bite into it and go, Wow! Immediately. This is what we did in my medical office. Literally at checkout, you would get a piece of homegrown food that had been picked that morning. I had an agreement with the farmer. He would drop the stuff off and I would just pay him. That's what we handed out at the checkout. We stopped handing out candies. So, this plant fills people with love, happiness, gratitude, and it really just takes your existence immediately, usually in 15 seconds or so. Woo! Lifts your spirits. Now, another food that I would give out at the checkout at my office was squash. Delicata squash. Delicata squash are about 5 inches long, more or less. Basically yellow with streaks of green lines on them. You cut them in half. Scoop the seeds out if you want to. Put them face down on a cookie sheet. Cook them for anywhere from 30 minutes to half an hour. Again, you take a spoonful of that squash and, Woo! You are immediately elevated into the space of loving kindness. You don't have to give random acts of kindness, worrying that this is not improving my situation, or wondering when the universe is going to give you the kindness back. No, no, no, no. Delicata squash. Now, these three things are easy, easy, easy. These are inexpensive foods and plants you can enjoy that will easily, instantly fill you with feelings of loving kindness. No long hours of meditation. No exercise that you can't stand. No diet restrictions. No exhaustive random acts of kindness that are not reciprocated.
Benefits of Loving Kindness and Final Thoughts
(35:02 - 37:45)
So, the feeling of receiving loving kindness increases your personal happiness, it strengthens your immune system, and improves your health. What's the cost? Alright, everyone wants to put a dollar amount on everything, right? A basil plant. In most places, you can get it for five bucks or less. And water it twice a week, you're good to go. You can even keep it in your kitchen, no matter what your geographic climate is. And, you can even get a free clipping from a friend, yes! Same with sun-gold tomatoes. Sun-gold tomatoes you can buy, you can just get a clipping from a friend who has sun-gold tomatoes. And they are prolific. Literally, it's like this little tree that gives you 10 to 20 tomatoes at any time. Super, super easy. No excuses. Now, for those of you who want to spend a lot of money, I get it. You can go to a florist shop and get the plant. Sun-gold tomatoes, again, or start with basil, or mint. Now, there are mints, and there are mints. My favorite mints are water mint or chocolate mint. Chocolate mint, one bite into the leaf, and you think of Andy's Candies. Guess what? It does not rot your teeth, and wow, it tastes great. So, that is it. Loving kindness. How you can get more of it and boost your health. It's easier than you think. Yep.
Question and Answer Session
(37:45 - 32:23)
And that brings us to questions. Yay! Alright, we only have a few minutes here, but question number one. Dr. Daniels, thank you for the opportunity to contact you with questions. I'd like to say we don't have time to get to all these questions, or actually most of them. There's a lot of questions here. So, there's always the opportunity of getting an appointment at VitalityCounsels.com, or at the moment, I do have a group program, Home Healers, which is also available at VitalityCounsels.com. I'm asking for a family member. Okay, already a bad sign. The family member is not motivated to ask on their own behalf. Who would like to schedule time with you? Is there anything you can recommend for sickle cell anemia? Actually, yes, there is. She would like to make an appointment with you if you have hope for this issue. Yes, there is. However, I am very discouraged in working with people who have sickle cell because a lot of them believe in genetic determination of their fate. So, I would like to say to any sickle cell sufferers out there, is if you have gone, let's say, in your life, things were just fine until you were 13 or 15 or 20, then those times can be restored. In other words, you need to understand that it's your lifestyle habits you've adapted after that point in time that triggered your situation. So, prepare your relative for the possibility that I'm going to recommend that they change something other than their genetics. If they're okay with that, then an appointment would be a good idea.
Closing Thoughts
(32:23 - 32:33)
Okay, we are at our limit. Let's see if we can – no, we don't have any quick questions. Okay, we will see you in a week. As always, think happens and check out VitalityCapsules.com. There's a lot of resources there and, of course, there's always Vitality Capsules.