The World Ended Now What

The World Ended Now What

Introduction and Episode Overview
(0:00 - 0:18)
(0:00) Hi, this is Natchi Daniels, and welcome to Healing with Natchi Daniels. You're listening to the Sunday, March 29th, 2020 edition, and the title today is "The world has just ended. Now, what do you do?" Today, I'm going to share with you my tips on how to survive the end of the world. We’re in a worldwide quarantine, and I’ll be discussing what to do.
Turpentine Routine
(0:18 - 3:17)
(0:39) But first, turpentine—yes! I have my bottle of turpentine right here. Let me grab my little dropper. Doop-doop-doop. Let's see, can we get it all the way to the top? Yep, we got it. Now, we're going to get some sugar, and for this, white sugar is best. There we are, we have a spoon, we have white sugar, and we have some water. There we go, down the hatch. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. If you want more information and details on turpentine and sugar, go to and get your free report.
(2:06) Because I drink distilled water, I also make sure I take my trace minerals. This is Shilajit, from Russia. It's very tarry. I have my little stick here; we're going to scoop some out. Now, if you can see it, yeah, that's a pretty big chunk there. I'm going to get a little bit less. That is a bit much—I'm going to take this little tail here, put it right there, take my little sampler stick. As you can see, it does not easily melt, but we're going to give it some time. We'll go on with our show, and I'll drink that right down.
Global Reset and Quarantine
(3:17 - 7:21)
(3:17) So, whenever you have a big reset going on—if you look around us, you can see there are a couple of resets happening. There’s the stock market, which is going up and down, gasoline prices, and now, depending on which government you're living with or in, there's a worldwide stay-at-home process going on. We'll just call that quarantine. So, what do you do? Today, I'm going to share with you my experience with the quarantine and how I'm handling it, hoping it can be an inspiration and help to you.
(4:36) Where I am located, there is a basically 24-7 stay-at-home order. If you leave the house, you can get tickets, fines, or even arrested—all for the good of the people, of course, to help everyone stay healthy. For the record, I am 63 years old. What does that mean? It means I am in that high-risk group that's at the biggest risk and maybe, who knows, should be isolated. But so if you hoarded stuff or did last-minute shopping, then you did, and if you didn't, then well, you didn't. In my situation, people are allowed to leave the house for two hours at a time once a day, depending on the last digit in your identification card. Depending on that last digit, it will tell you which two hours of the day you're allowed to be on the street. Literally, if you go into a store, the store security person will actually check your ID to see what your last digit is and check the clock to make sure that you are within your two-hour window. Just saying.
(6:00) The first thing, of course, was like going to bed one night and knowing that when I woke up—if I woke up—I would not have the mobility I was accustomed to. It was a little, just a little stressful, really. So, I made up my mind as I went to sleep that I would pretend the world had ended. That’s it. If I woke up, when I woke up, that’s it—the world had ended. And of course, since I woke up, that would mean what? It would mean I was among one of the lucky survivors. So, I think that's a very positive way to look at it. Waking up, I felt extremely fortunate that I had made it, that I’d be one of those people who survived it.
Creating a Positive Life During Quarantine
(7:21 - 10:08)
(7:21) The next thing I did was realize: Wait a minute, the world has ended, and I have survived it. What does this mean? This means that right now, my life is mine. There’s no one else in my life. I’m not going to get any random communications from anyone, and sure enough, that was the case. So now, all I had to do was turn this into an amazing opportunity, recognizing the opportunity that I had. The first thing I did was pretend that all the negative people in my life didn’t make it. Yes, that's right—well, you know what? I guess they just didn't make it. And so, I didn't call any of them. Instead, I said, "Okay, I have this new life that is now taking shape, and I want it to be the best life ever." So, who am I going to call? I’m going to call people who I like, who are nice to me, who like me, and who are going to help me maintain my positive momentum into my new life.
(8:06) So now, what do you do? All those negative people who didn't make it—if one of them happens to call you, that's okay, because there’s caller ID. You don't have to answer it, because after all, you're in quarantine. And if someone slips through your filters and wants to bring you bad news, tell them that you're sorry to hear that, whatever it might be, and that you hope things get better soon. Then, end the conversation as soon as possible. Do not interfere with the drama they may be creating for themselves and trying to bring to you. After all, you are creating an awesome life for yourself. They should have the privilege of creating the kind of life they want for themselves. So, this is not the time to tell anyone that they're wrong about anything.
(9:02) The next thing you have to do is totally relax and feel the freedom of not having to go or be anywhere. So now, instead of having an obligation to be at home, you now no longer have the obligation to be anyplace else. Feel the freedom to create an amazing life with amazing people. This means you need to create your own vision of your optimal existence and selectively add the positive people to your life that you want. So, what I did was I actually just looked at my contacts list—oh yeah, I messaged that person, oh yeah, I messaged that person—and started positive conversations with those people. You'll know you picked the right people because they'll be so happy to hear from you.
Aligning with Abundance
(10:08 - 12:58)
(10:08) The next thing you need to do is reassure yourself that things really are awesome, amazing, and this really is the perfect time for you to have an amazing life. How do you do that? Well, the first thing you do is look around. In my case, I checked it out—the sun rose, the sun is still rising, good thing, and it set, even better. There are cows still growing in the fields, eating the grass. The grass is still growing. The iguanas in my yard are still in the yard, running around. The cactus, which had been very skinny last week, is now plumping up and getting new branches. The streams are flowing, and the earth continues to provide everything that I, as a human, need. And I don't even need to—I don't have to manage the iguanas or manage the flow of the stream. Once you look around and realize these things are still there, you realize you really do have everything you need to have an awesome, amazing existence from this day forward.
(11:12) So, next, think of how you can align yourself with this abundance and not have stress over the perceptions of others who may wish to dispute this abundance and pull you into their negativity. What you've got to do is realize you have everything you want. But the next step is to realize that the world ending has gotten rid of a lot of things you don't want—a lot of drains on your time. So, be very careful about what you add back or what you allow to be added back. I don't have a TV, so I can't say I turned mine off because I did that a few decades ago, but I would definitely advise against things like a TV, newspaper, or radio.
(12:04) The next thing is the end of the world has created a situation where your schedule has been cleared. This is awesome. The next thing you want to do is take a look at the things—especially things in your house, since that’s where you are—that you no longer need, that you will not need as you move forward into your optimal life. In other words, clean your house. Remove, box up, or bag whatever you no longer need. How do you know you don't need it? You can go on YouTube—they have all kinds of amazing videos about this. But I say if you haven't used it in two years, that's pretty safe—toss it. Maybe you will need it, in which case you can buy another one, or even better, borrow it from one of your awesome friends that you've made. Tell yourself as you box up stuff that you have not used that you are making room for new, positive things to enter your new and amazing life.
Cleaning and Rearranging
(12:58 - 15:06)
(12:58) This is very important. So, for me, what I did was I swept and mopped my floors. It sounds odd, but I have had people coming and going, coming and going to my house, and every day I mop my floor—it only stays clean for five hours, maybe overnight. So, I was so excited. I mopped my floors, and they have been clean now for a day and a half. That's amazing. I love it.
(13:31) You would be shocked at the things that can totally change the way you feel. Then walk around your house, sit in each seat, sit in each chair, ask yourself what you usually do in that chair, and see if just turning the chair a few degrees will make it more comfortable or more convenient or feel better. Just go around your house not only cleaning but rearranging things so that they are close to where you want them to be. Something as simple as, I like to cook, for example, and I had this one slotted spoon that I don’t know why I had it on the other side of the kitchen. As I was cooking, I realized, hey wait, why don’t I just hang that right here next to the stove? So, little things like that. Realize that your life is your life, and you can make it a custom life—just customize every little thing just the way you like it.
Clearing Out Your Schedule and Eating the Stockpile
(15:06 - 17:04)
(15:06) The end of the world has cleared out your schedule—thank God. You're cleaning out your house. The next thing to do now—there's no rush here, right?—because we might have a day of this, we might have a month of this, we don't know. So just joyfully take your time and start someplace, anyplace.
(15:36) Next, eat the food that has been sitting in your freezer for months or years. Start eating that food. If you have stockpiled food, if you've prepared for the end of the world, pat yourself on the back and start eating that stuff.
(16:14) Now, here are some things that I have done already, and it's only been a few days. I finally had time to do my stretches and work on those center splits. Now, I have to be working on center splits. Does that mean you should work on center splits? No, it means you should pick what you want to work on and work on that.
(16:54) Also, where I am, we are allowed two hours a day outside for whatever reason, so I take that time to ride my bike, and I take the time to go for walks. I get in at least a 30-minute walk every single day.
Being Creative and DIY Projects
(17:04 - 18:58)
(17:04) I've always wanted to make my own laundry detergent. When I had kids at home, I had three kids myself. I would buy buckets of liquid laundry detergent—it cost a fortune back then, it was nine dollars for a bucket. I don't even know what it is anymore, but I went on YouTube, got a few do-it-yourself videos, and made my own laundry detergent. Darned if it didn't work. Yes, so for two dollars, I made ten gallons of laundry detergent. So really, knock yourself out. Be creative, whatever floats your boat. This is just stuff that I get excited about, but there's stuff that you get excited about, and that's what you should do.
(17:57) I make my own bleach. I’ve started brewing my own bitters. I always make my own vinegar, but that's just another thing you can do. These are things that don't take a lot of time and that you can do in about ten minutes or so. You can even make your own mustard now. Limitation: maybe you don't have the ingredients. If you don't have the ingredients, don't do it—do something else. Just, you know, go down your list.
Exercise, Sunshine, and a List of Enjoyable Activities
(18:58 - 21:16)
(18:58) Next, it’s so important to exercise and get sunshine. So, I said I do 30 minutes a day. I live in the swamp, so it's very, very hot here. So, 30 minutes a day outside in the blistering sun is plenty. But you may live in a different situation—you may live up north where it's cold, and you just kind of bundle up and go outside. But whatever is convenient to your location.
(19:49) Next, make a list of things you enjoy that you can do and the things you've always wanted to do but never had time to do—and do those things. You would be surprised if you make a list of those things, many of them only take two minutes or only take five minutes, but somehow life—you were just in such a rush that you just never got around to it. For me, for months, I've been sweeping and mopping my floors and saying, "That dirt in the corners, I'm gonna get to it. I'm gonna get that." I never did. Finally, I did. I took a toothbrush, and you know, it only took—I want to say 10 seconds to do each corner. I was shocked. I was so surprised I actually walked around the house a second time to look at all my clean corners.
(20:41) But really, you just need to make a list of all the little things that you have wanted to do but not gotten around to doing. Just make a list and make up your mind that you're just going to do maybe one of those every day. And sometimes, once you get started, you're like, "Wow, that made me feel so good."
Focusing on What You Can Do and Simple Shopping
(21:16 - 23:34)
(21:16) Next, it's so easy to focus on things that you're not able to do, you know, because you can't go outside or for as long as you want. So make a list of those things whenever they cross your mind. Just write them down and say, "Okay, but I'm gonna get to do that when the end of the world is over, and we have the reset, and people are, as they would say, free to go."
(21:45) Okay, so in every country, I think people are allowed limited shopping for whatever. I would recommend don't shop the way you used to shop before. Don't just say, "Oh, I ran out, I'm gonna buy more." No, no, no. It's a new world, it's a new day, everything's new and different. So, think differently. So, what should you buy when you go to the store? When you go to the store to buy groceries? Well, first of all, ask yourself, do you really need to go? You may be in a situation where you can look in the backyard—there's food in the backyard if you had a garden, especially if you grew kale or collard greens, then it might still be out there, and you could eat out of the yard. So, if you can do that, just do that, save yourself the trip altogether.
(22:34) But if you go, you want to just shop simply—beans and rice and maybe a small piece of meat or vegetables and rice and a small piece of meat. Just keep it super, super simple. The reason that you're doing this is because it's allowing your immune system to be stronger. It's allowing your immune system to not have to process artificial color, artificial flavor, preservatives, fake sweeteners, all of these chemicals that would overburden your immune system, diminish your health, diminish your happiness. You're not gonna pick them up, just leave them right there on the shelf. So, that's it—beans, rice, and some vegetables and some fruit, a couple of pieces of fruit, maybe.
Cooking from Scratch and Sharing the Love
(23:34 - 25:33)
(23:34) Okay, so at the end of the world, you’ve cleared out your schedule, the people in your life that might not be contributing to a positive, optimal, fulfilled future, and also the activities that you don't need, and you're clearing out your house. Next, of course, is your body. So, cooking from scratch—you have the time, do it. If you don't have the ingredients, don't worry about it. If you have something, use it. Use more of it. If you don't have it, leave it out. Words of wisdom from Helen Nearing—yes, Helen Nearing, you can look her up on the internet, she lived into her 90s, and she was a very basic, down-to-earth kind of lady. But don’t worry, just cook from scratch. If you have it and the recipe, use it; if you don't have an ingredient, use a little less of it or don’t use it at all.
(24:33) Above all, share the love. How do you share the love? Here you are in quarantine, how do you do that? First of all, let people know how much you love them. Again, only the ones you decide to bring into your happiness and fulfillment and carry into the future. The others, which you may love but you decide not to carry with you into the future, simply mourn their loss. Yes, no need to contact them—after all, they're not gonna be part of the future.
(25:33) The next thing is you get to fill your home with love. How do you do that? I’ve got you covered. It turns out that there are certain spices that actually create a feeling of being loved in people who eat the food. So, just simply use those spices generously wherever you can possibly fit them.
Spices for Creating Love and Harmony
(25:33 - 27:37)
(25:33) Some spices are savory, some are for desserts, and some can go either way. So, here is the short list—this is very short, you might already have a couple of these at home. Vanilla—not the imitation, but the real vanilla extract. You can put this in teas, you can put it in any kind of baked goods that you make. Vanilla is very, very powerful; it makes a person feel that whoever they're with loves them.
(26:00) Cinnamon—awesome. The nice thing about cinnamon is it can go either way. You can put it in a bean dish or a vegetable dish, or you can put it in a dessert dish. So, very, very flexible. The nice thing about cinnamon is it gets people feeling good for no good reason—yes. So, cinnamon will add happiness and pleasantness to your home.
(26:33) Cardamom is a profound spice. It gets people feeling emotions very deeply, very deeply. Cardamom comes in three ways: it comes in pods, it comes decorticated with the seeds that are in the pod, and it comes as a powder. I'd recommend, if you already have it, use what you have; if you have not bought it and you're going to next time you're out and about, I'd recommend buying the decorticated seeds. These cardamom seeds can be easily ground into a powder, and they maintain their potency for many years. Cardamom—very little bit goes a very long way. If you have a pot of food that's going to serve eight people, a quarter teaspoon or an eighth of a teaspoon is more than enough to get the desired effect. If you're making an 8x13 bread like banana bread or a regular cake, for that, you can use an eighth of a teaspoon. Cardamom—people literally take a bite out of the food and look at you and say, "I love you." People have actually done that to me. I’ll make something with cardamom, and they will take a bite and say, "I love you." So, it's a very powerful spice. It binds people together; it creates harmony, happiness, and acceptance, so that is one to definitely use.
(27:37) Then you have clove. Clove is a clove bud. It’s like a black stick with a little fat end. Clove is extremely powerful. People probably know it more as an antioxidant, antiparasite, but it gets rid of combativeness. With clove, you will not have arguments in the house. Clove, similar to cardamom, is very strong, so you don't need a whole lot. Again, a pot full that's going to serve eight people—maybe three clove buds. But again, these are things to use, and it's going to make your time at home with your family just filled with love, happiness, and harmony, and you'll remember with fond memories the end of the world.
The Power of Cooking and Setting the Stage for a New Beginning
(27:37 - 29:01)
(27:37) Okay, so again, as you're cooking whatever you can, these are best added—it's only the cinnamon, cardamom, and clove—to things that simmer for a long time, and it'll totally change the mood of your home. It will really set the stage for you to move into a future of happiness, fulfillment, and just the understanding of just how lucky you are to have the opportunity to start over—just look at it as an opportunity to start over again and build an amazing, awesome life without the hindrances that we so often have in our culture.
Cleaning Out Your Body and Maintaining Health
(29:01 - 31:29)
(29:01) Finally, you’ve taken the time to clean out your house, to remove the things that you don't need. Now, you need to do the same for your body. And what does that mean? Three bowel movements a day—very, very important. This is what your body needs to dump all the stuff it doesn't need and to create a new beginning. One reason why my face is so clear and there are no age spots is I dump my junk, and I think you should dump yours too. You'll just find that you're so happy—life is so much easier, and it's just so much more fun.
(29:53) So, what does that mean? Three poops a day. A lot of people have told me, "Oh, I can't do that." Why can't they do that? Well, because they have a long commute to work. Oh, quarantine—no excuse. Yes, so now you're at home, and you have your own toilet. Yay! So, you've got a lot of the essentials, and hopefully, running water as well, so that's good.
(30:37) Simple methods for pooping three times a day—drink 32 ounces of distilled or reverse osmosis water for every 60 pounds of body weight. This can be challenging. I have a device here—bikers recognize this, this is a CamelBak. What I do is I put this on, and then I have a tube. I put it in my mouth, and as I'm walking in my house, I suck on this. It is so easy to get in three quarts a day because, well, when I would be nibbling, I'm just sucking on this. What's in my CamelBak? Water with bricks of ice, because, well, it is the swamp, and so it does make a difference. Since you're home, you can use the potty as much as you want.
(31:29) What else can you do to poop more often? You can change your diet. Yeah, celery is awesome—awesome. So, half a head of celery, they sell it in bunches or half a bunch, which is like honestly five or six stalks, and you just chop it up. You can juice it, eat it raw, sauté it—it doesn't matter, it works. However, you take it, and it will flush you out.
Vitality Capsules and Enhancing Health
(31:29 - 34:11)
(31:29) Next, what else? Raw tomatoes—cooked ones don't seem to work so well, raw tomatoes work really well. So, raw tomatoes—about three a day should be about a pound of tomatoes a day. Or cucumbers—two to three cucumbers a day. Of the three, I find the celery is the easiest because I have my little Instapot, and I chop the celery and just toss it in there with a Ziploc bag of broth from the freezer and a dash of salt, and I am good to go. For those of you who just don't want to do that, there's Vitality Capsules—yep, Vitality Capsules at I developed those 20 years ago—oh my God, 25 years ago. Twenty-five years ago to help my patients poop, because I found that my patients who adopted healthy lifestyle habits did not get better unless they pooped.
(32:36) One of my patients said, "Doc Daniels, if you make a pill that'll make me poop, I'll take it, and I'll poop." And he said that's it. There is nothing else gonna make him poop. He was not gonna do the vegetables—no, no, no. And so, I developed Vitality Capsules. Now, Vitality Capsules—there's two types: regular and extra strength. At the moment, we are out of stock of regular, and all we have is extra strength, but we are working on that—on getting the ingredients. There’s one ingredient that's holding us up, but we do have extra strength in stock.
(33:16) Extra strength has cayenne pepper—cayenne pepper promotes circulation and gets all the trash from all around your body to go to the liver for disposal. We also have in Vitality Capsules ginger—ginger stimulates circulation as well, and it also helps with the stomach for the intestines to be more calm as they are receiving the junk or the trash. Then we have garlic—this enhances circulation as well so that bothersome chemicals and parasites can be transported to the liver and nutrients can reach tissues. This is why the Vitality Capsules also give people the feeling of more energy, because these circulation stimulators—the cayenne, garlic, and ginger—move nutrients out to the tissues as well as bringing in waste from the other cells.
Final Thoughts and Getting Rid of the Unwanted
(34:11 - End)
(34:11) Then we have cape aloe, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and has laxative properties, causing the bile ducts and the colon to empty. It also strengthens the intestines as well as improves things like gastritis and ulcers. The extra strength contains senna—senna is a laxative which aids in emptying the intestines. So, we've got the circulation herbs that bring all the trash to the liver, we've got senna that gets the intestines to empty because the liver empties into the intestines. Then there’s cascara sagrada, which encourages movement of the bowels and tones the muscles of the intestinal tract, but it also enhances the functioning of the liver, getting the liver and the bile ducts to release their toxins and poisons that they've been holding onto into the intestines and aids chronic indigestion and chronic liver disease. The presence of ginger in the formulation decreases unwanted effects of cascara sagrada. Then there's barberry—barberry also strengthens the bile ducts. So, you can see, there's many herbs here—the aloe, the cascara sagrada, the barberry—that clear out the liver, moving the junk to the intestines, and then barberry has a double action of also getting the intestines to empty as well. So, that is Vitality Capsules extra strength.
(35:31) You can go to to find out more about those, but also at, you can get your free report, “The Candida Cleaner.” This tells you about turpentine, which you saw me take at the beginning of the show, but even more precisely, it also tells you about a cleansing diet—a diet that you can use to help push your restart button for your new life.
(36:13) That brings us to questions. People who have questions can send them to JDaaaaaniels at That’s JDaaaaaniels at I can’t promise that all the questions will be answered, but they will be considered, and they may even serve as a basis for a future radio show if I don’t get to answer them on a particular program.
(37:07) Alrighty, so here we go. David says, “I have been listening to your podcast off and on for the past few years. Thank you for your great insight and information.” You are welcome, David.
(37:24) David says, “For a week or so, I’ve been having problems with breathing. It feels like the lungs and heart are constricted. I can't get a full breath in without it feeling difficult. Went to urgent care. Blood tests normal, blood pressure normal, EKG normal. I take a baby aspirin every day because I had a mini stroke three years ago.”
(38:15) Alright, well, this is pretty straightforward—what you're having very simply is an aspirin side effect. Yeah. So, first of all, what caused the TIA mini stroke? Answer: dehydration. So, the first thing you do is take your weight divided by 60, and that's the number of quarts of water you should drink every single day. And if you do that every single day, you will never ever have another stroke. Aspirin—irrelevant. Well, let's just say, "Oh, Dr. Daniels, I've been taking this thing every single day for three years. I have got to take something. I can't just stop it. And besides, who's perfect? There might be a day I don't get quite enough water. Then what?" I understand. We've got you covered. So, you can take a half teaspoon to a teaspoon of ascorbic acid in a cup of water or a quart of water, diluted however much you want, and drink it down. You can buy ascorbic acid online—Amazon—that way you don't have to break your quarantine. Not a problem.
(39:59) Okay, so let’s generally go over these questions here. If you don't want to be put on heavy heart medication, just don't show up for any heart tests. Simple. And don't go see the doctor. Simple. I made up my mind a while ago—I didn't want to be put on any drugs, so guess what? I don't go see doctors. I don't make doctor appointments. I don't keep doctor appointments. My friends have instructions—if there's an accident, don't call the ambulance, just take me home, put me to bed. I'll make it. Maybe I won't, who knows? But I will not submit to drugs. So, if you don't want to submit to drugs, just don't show up. When you show up, it's taken as implied consent.
(40:49) Okay, so if walking improves whatever you have, it's not your heart or your lungs. Yeah. Alright, so I hope, David, that that is helpful to you.
(41:24) Diana says, “I've been battling high blood pressure for a number of years.” Okay, Diana, relax. Relax, you have been battling yourself. So just chill. I've done almost everything, including removing some of my bad teeth filled with mercury. So, my opinion, Diana, your teeth have nothing to do with this—it's certainly not your mercury. This process is annoying. Don't do that.
(41:58) Can you give me some advice because maybe there's something I'm missing? Yes, Diana, there's a lot that you're missing. So, simple answer—go to, download “The Candida Cleaner” report, follow the diet, take the supplements there. There aren't very many, they aren't very expensive, and yeah, maybe even some turpentine. It’ll bring your blood pressure down.
(42:58) Sharon says, “I have a bleeding hemorrhoid—plural. And I'm being told that the only cure is surgery. What would you suggest I do naturally to assist my situation?” What would I suggest? I would suggest, Sharon, that you get a bidet. Bidet. Mm-hmm, bidet. What's that? A bidet is something that attaches to your toilet, and it spray washes your hemorrhoids and your butt. What really makes hemorrhoids grow and stay inflamed is when you have a bowel movement—that stool is caught within the folds of the hemorrhoid and of your skin and keeps the hemorrhoid growing and itching and painful. So, you have to first keep the area super, super clean. And then, of course, you have to buy a nice, soft cloth to just dab, dab, dab, dab, dab, dab, dab, and get that clean.
(43:58) So, my favorite bidet is the Neo 185. You can go check that out online, and you'll see what it looks like. They are presently out of stock at the moment because of the situation, but you can just get a similar model of bidet that looks like that. Do not get the hose bidets—those are too harsh. Don't get those. So, get that bidet, dab your bum dry, stop using toilet paper, and I think that's the best way to go.
(44:48) As far as your diet goes, go to, download “The Candida Cleaner” report, and pretty much follow that diet as close as you can. It’s a very non-inflammatory diet, and it'll help calm things down. For hemorrhoids, you've got to keep your bowels moving. You've got to poop at least three times a day. And again, that's where the bidet comes in, because now you can spray wash the poop from around your hemorrhoid. If you use the toilet, even if you're not having a bowel movement, maybe all you're doing is urinating, turn the bidet on anyway so it can just spray wash your hemorrhoid area and keep that nice and clean for you.
(45:56) Addie says, “My friend has been diagnosed with inflammation which causes pain in her extremities.” So, inflammation is your body's reaction to parasites and poisonous chemicals. Alright, let's look it up. So, you don't want to get rid of inflammation. You want to get rid of the poisonous chemicals that are causing it. How cool is that? Yeah, so never, ever, ever do you want to get rid of inflammation. You always want to get rid of the parasites and the toxins, poisons, or chemicals that are causing the inflammation. Because when you get rid of the inflammation, you basically have to destroy the person's immune system, which is what the doctors have done here—prescribed steroids, which cause a lot of other problems. Is there any help for the inflammation? Exactly, yeah. So, she needs to adjust her diet. Simplest way, again, go to, download the free report “The Candida Cleaner,” follow that diet, and that diet will get rid of inflammation. Then she does need to poop three times a day so the body can remove the parasites and chemicals that are already there that are causing the pain in her extremities. Of course, not all questions can be answered here, and you may read the report and still have a few questions, and so you can get appointments as well at
(47:56) Gia says, “I want to say I love your work. I have been following your advice and listen to you for a while now. I was wondering if you had any advice in regards to the coronavirus.”
(48:43) Okay, so far my family has been doing all the usual—hand-washing, got that, check that box; keeping everything wiped down; eating oranges, lemons, and other healthy foods; I have a humidifier going all day with a mixture of essential oils, and I add silver to it. Do not take the silver out of your humidifier. Mixture—essential oils, okay; silver, not okay. The problem is silver—if you put it in a humidifier, depending on people's metabolisms, you can overdose certain people in your household, and they'll turn blue. And once they turn blue, they don't turn back. That's it. They're blue.
(49:28) We have just recently started steam treatments the old-fashioned way—from steaming water on the stove, and also prayer. Do you think the steam will actually help protect from the virus? Thank you for your time. So, sometimes when you don't have enough humidity in the air, it can be a problem. But since you have a humidifier going all day long with essential oils, that is enough. If you add steam to that, you're going to start growing mold. So don't—don't overdo the humidity. Don’t steam water on the stove. Prayer never hurts.
(50:24) So, what do I think about the virus? First of all, I think the virus is just about as real as the Easter Bunny, so you should take all precautions against the virus that you would take against the Easter Bunny. I leave that to your imagination. Well, first of all, I'll tell you the precautions I take against the Easter Bunny. I do not buy any chocolate on Easter—telling you right now, I don't do it. I don't buy any eggs or egg coloring, and I certainly don't buy those kits. I don't go hiding eggs or boiling eggs, so I take every precaution against the Easter Bunny. I just don't invite him in. That's it. No problem.
(51:06) Now, you have to make up your mind what you want to do and how far you want to go. I personally think you should turn your attention to something more productive, like having a fulfilling life. That's what today's show is about, which is simply focusing on what's real. What's real is that you're alive, that you're here, you have an awesome opportunity to really shape your life in any way you want, especially now that your needs are met and you don't have to go to work, and you don't have any obligation of must-do busy work. You don't have to take the kids to school. You don't have to pick them up from school. You don't have to take them to basketball, pick them up from basketball—ba da ba da ba da ba da ba da ba da. So, all of the busy work, nonsense activity has been removed from your life, and so you should take advantage of that and use that to build a new life that suits you and make a decision as to which, if any, of the non-fulfilling activities you will continue to exclude from your life. That’s what makes the most sense.
(51:59) This situation of quarantine is really just an amazing opportunity—a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that usually only the rich have—to sit down and contemplate their life and plan and arrange it going forward and to be able to spend a week or two weeks doing it. So, that's what I'd recommend that you do with your good fortune and your newfound opportunity. Well, as always, think happens, and we'll see you again next week.