What to do when the plague does not come

What to do when the plague does not come

Introduction and Episode Title
(0:08 - 0:31)
Hi, this is Dr. Jennifer Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, January 23rd, 2022 podcast, and we are jamming with Jen. Today's title is What if the Plague Never Comes?
Show Content and Updates
(0:31 - 1:07)
So today I'm going to share with you my preparation for the plague and how it's been going. Just to recap prior shows, Mom is doing great. She's 90 years old, heading towards 91 without any problem at all. She's getting involved and running her life however she wants, and we're all thrilled for her. So that's the Mom update.
(1:07 - 2:04)
Vitality Capsules, our sponsor—yay! Please go to vitalitycapsules.com and check out Vitality Capsules. Vitality Capsules are the internal cleanser that is comfortable and safe enough for everyday use. They can help you get those three bowel movements a day so that you can take turpentine. To find out more about turpentine, go to vitalitycycles.com and get your free report, The Candida Cleaner, which tells you all about turpentine and how it has helped so many people in the past. It might be something for you to consider. So please get that report, check it out, and check out Vitality Capsules at Vitality Cycles.
Topic Discussion: Plague Preparation
(2:04 - 3:07)
Okay, today's topic: What if the Plague Never Comes? You need a little bit of background on this. My husband was a serious prepper, and I am seriously not a prepper. During our marriage, he would come up with all these amazing schemes to prep for whatever, and I would calmly downgrade the scheme from, say, $10,000 to $49. Recently—actually, not that recently—five years ago, he died of natural causes, which left me to prep for myself.
(3:07 - 3:44)
My background is that my father was totally anti-prepping. He assured us the world was going to end, but not in our lifetime. Therefore, it made no sense whatever to prepare for the end of the world because it wasn't going to happen in our lifetime. Nevertheless, in the absence of my husband, I felt I should do something. As early as 2018—or actually even earlier than that, back in 1979, during my first year in medical school—we were told that a plague was coming that would endanger all of mankind. We, as doctors, would be right there on the front line, and we should do whatever the government tells us.
(3:44 - 4:16)
The end of the world via plague has been touted and promoted rather continuously for some time. But since my husband's passing, I decided I needed to take it seriously. So, what did I do? I got together about a quart and a half of prime organic local honey and several pounds of garlic. I spent quite a few hours peeling this garlic, putting it in the honey, and storing it in a jar. I did this in 2018.
(4:16 - 4:54)
Now, since 2018, I have not had a sniffle, not a cold—nothing. It is now 2022, and the plague has not come. I have this jar, and I'll show it to you. This is the jar, and you can see it's gathered quite a bit of dust. It is filled with garlic and honey. Over the four years, the garlic has certainly aged. So, I was looking at it the other day, thinking, "Well, the plague did not come. Now, what am I gonna do with this jar?" I've invested hours peeling the garlic and preparing the honey. What could I do with this?
(4:54 - 5:39)
Well, as luck would have it, I've been working on the whole connective tissue issue—regenerating organs, repairing connective tissue, repairing skin—and that means meat and meat products, some pretty tough ones. It turns out if you check out the recipes online, which I have (I've even binge-watched these recipes so much that ads for weight loss started appearing because, obviously, if you eat a lot of this stuff, you're gonna gain weight). My favorite by the way is Big Monkey—yes, he's about 400 pounds! Anyway, all of these recipes have something in common: sugar and garlic. I thought, "Wait a minute. I have a jar of honey and garlic that's been aged for four years. Can't I use that to marinate my meats and braise my meats?"
(5:39 - 6:08)
You will be thrilled to know that I have been able to successfully repurpose my plague cure so that I can use it for flavoring meats and meat sauces. Honestly, the stuff tastes tremendous—I love it. The liquid part is just wonderful, even to put on toast. The garlic is very tasty. I'm guessing there's some medicinal value remaining, but certainly, it's not toxic. So, my preparations for the plague did not totally go to waste.
Moral of the Story
(6:08 - 7:53)
So, what's the moral of the story? Oh, I have to say one more thing. Once I prepared for the plague by putting together my honey and garlic here, I thought, "Okay, plague handled. Now I need to focus on being healthy." And so, my focus for the past four years has simply been on being healthy. What has happened? I've been perfectly healthy—no plague—and I didn't really think about the plague until I looked up on my shelf and saw this jar. I thought, "It would be terrible to waste that."
The moral of the story is: keep your focus on your health, on being healthy, and on doing the things you enjoy doing with your good health. You can give the plague a little attention, but I think two or three hours of attention in a four-year period is reasonable. Then, put it aside and enjoy your life. So, that is today's message.
Would I recommend someone peel garlic and put it in honey? Absolutely! It is amazingly tasty. What did I do with my focus on health? I continued my turpentine and sugar regimen—anywhere from daily to weekly. I take my little walk every day, drink plenty of fluids, make sure I poop three times a day with my Vitality Capsules, and spend time with people who are really nice to me.
So, that's what I would recommend you think about, give it some consideration, and, yeah, the plague didn't come, so I'm just gonna continue to enjoy my life.
Listener Questions
(7:53 - 10:33)
All right, we have got so many questions and so little time. Let's see...
Hi, Dr. Daniels, I know you need to get straight to the point, but I'm gonna write 500 words anyway. Is there any way to cure eczema? It's everywhere.
Okay, so what if you try a three-week course of an antibiotic, topical steroids, epinephrine? That's it. I have to talk to you about this before. I don't know—eat pig ears, okay? And did she eat pig ears? Eat the pig ears. Oh, eat the pig's feet, okay? Piece it up every hour on the hour. At night, I wear my gloves and socks to bed. When I wake up, it's like I have no hope. I wet towels, oiling myself with Vaseline. Great.
Okay, so I don't really have enough information here. Let's just say you're eating pig's feet. I would suggest, as far as your cooling goes, try some air conditioning as opposed to wet towels. The point is you want to keep yourself cold. As far as soap, no soap, no scratching, and no hot water if you can manage that. It is challenging, but you should do that, and you will find it heals up. I also found that turpentine and sugar does help cut the itch, even though you are eating, say, pig's feet.
Final Thoughts and Farewell
(10:33 - 14:30)
All right, that is all the time that we have today. We will see you again next week jamming with Jen, and I will share with you another healing recipe. So, at least today we've cured the plague. And as always, thank you!