You Can Do Better
You Can Do Better
Introduction and Episode Title
(0:01 - 0:06)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, February 21st, 2021 edition, and today's title is You Can Do Better. The emphasis there is on the word you.
Turning Point in Life
(0:06 - 0:25)
So today I'm going to share a turning point in my life that has made all the difference, and hopefully, this will help up-level your health and happiness so that you can do better.
Updates on Mom
(0:25 - 2:16)
So, as always, things happen. But first, we have to do an update on mom. It's just so amazing.
Last time we left mom, she was at home, alert, chatting up a storm, and making just a bevy of totally unreasonable requestsโin other words, back to perfect health. Now, a couple of our caregivers that we hired decided that they were going to quit, and they did. They quit because they just couldn't take it, and I don't blame them. That's why I'm here. I'm not there.
So, the family panicked. They're like, "Oh my gosh!" But mom rose to the occasion by golly. The remaining caregivers she got along with, she arranged for that person to increase their hours and contacted my brother to arrange payment, and things are just gliding along smoothly. So, mom is not only awake, chatting, and feeding herself, she is now actually managing her own caregivers, and we're all absolutely thrilled.
I'd like to say mom was in a nursing home in the state of New York during the situation, and we as a family felt this was extremely dangerous. So every day, we would call her and say, "Mom, how you doing? Would you like to come home?" Finally, after an incredible sequence of events, which you can listen to in prior shows, she decided, yes, she was ready to come home. We brought her home basically semi-comatose, unresponsive, and just basically fed her, took care of her, and she has perked up just like a watered rose.
Sponsor and Product Information
(2:16 - 3:05)
Next is Vitality Capsules. Yay! Vitality Capsules is our sponsor. Please go to, buy your Vitality Capsules, and support our sponsor. Vitality Capsules are the internal cleanser that is comfortable enough for everyday use, and they help you to have three bowel movements a day so that you can take turpentine in an easy, comfortable way. Now, you can find out more about how to take turpentine by going to and downloading your free report, The Candida Cleaner.
Taking Turpentine and Shilajit
(3:05 - 6:09)
And next, we will take our turpentine. Yay! So first, of course, we have to get our white sugar. White sugar. And once you get involved in this home stuff where you do things yourself, like I said, you've got to label your bottles because confusion will happen. When you buy stuff from the store, it's already labeled. But when you do stuff on your own at home, you have to label it. So this could be, without the label, it could be sugar, it could be salt, it could be ascorbic acid, vitamin Cโwe don't know. But we label it, now we know.
All right, so we're going to take our spoon. In the United States, we call this a teaspoon. And we're going to put some sugar on it. Yay, there's the sugar. Then we have a little pipette. It happens to be 2.5 cc's right up here at the neck, and that's my dose I take every day. Well, not every day. Occasionally, I do miss. I'll be honest. I'm trying to get this all the way up. All right, so as you can see, I don't have all of it, but it's pretty close. So we have here, we're going to put this on here. Bam. You should be seeing a little, yeah, you see a little bit of gray there. Notice not all the sugar is turning gray. It's important to noteโif all the sugar turns gray, you have too much turpentine and too little sugar. Alrighty. Turpentine and sugar done. Down the hatch. We'll put that aside.
And next, we'll turn our attention to Shilajit. Now, here's Shilajit. It is black and tarry from Russia. With love, I'm sure. And there is the chopstick. You will see it is quite gooey. Yeah. You only need 200 milligrams of this. This is clearly more than 200 milligrams, which is more or less a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. We're just going to scrape that off right there. Bam. And that looks about right. Okay. We're going to take that and put it in our glass. That's it.
Dear Daniel, aren't you going to put your tamarind in there? And what about your hibiscus jelly and jam? Well, I just got sick of doing that. I decided I'm going to go back to just drinking it plain. Every now and then, you have to change things up, whatever it takes to get this stuff down.
Personal Achievements and Announcements
(6:09 - 7:28)
Now, probably some of you are looking at this toy over here on my shoulder. I want you to know I assembled that all by myself. I did not even have the grandkids help me. I did it myself. And these are the plantains from my banana bread recipe. I was surprised to learn that plantains actually taste better in banana bread than bananas do. So now I make plantain bread, which is convenient because, well, they grow in the backyard.
We have a lot of appointments, a lot of questions todayโreally good questions. So I want to be sure to get to them. But if I don't get to your question, appointments are available at, again, Just click the appointment button and bam. Also, there's a Home Healer course, which helps you become the healer in your home and makes health contagious. The episode this next time around is your home emergency kitโwhat expires, what doesn't, and of course, I'll review how to use it. You can find out more about that as well at There'll be a button to click.
Main Topic: You Can Do Better
(7:28 - 17:02)
Now for today's topic. Yay! You Can Do Better. This is a time, I want to say, in our life on Earth of extreme opportunity for everyone on planet Earth. I want to share with you today something that happened in my life. It was a turning point, and most people would see it as a tragedy or crisis, but it was a major turning point for me and has been the source of my happiness, health, and peace of mind. So I hope that you'll draw inspiration that you can apply in your life.
So let me give you the punchline first, and we'll repeat it throughout the show. Your choice of what is most important to you is a better choice than anyone else can make. Your choice is always going to be better. So no matter what choice someone else makes for you, you can do better.
Like I say, at the age of three, and again at the age of five, this is my experience, I had a traumatic experience. Unlike the youth of today, I processed it as, okay, I didn't know what PTSD was. I just said, well, I guess this is just the way things are, and we just have to get on with things. So I just figured out things. This is just what life is, and I've got to figure a way around it. So basically, what happened at the age of five was my parents had moved into a suburban United States neighborhood. This must have been 1962, and the neighbors were not happy with this. So the neighbors got together one evening, got together in a crowd, threw rocks at our house, yelled things indicating they were unhappy, and broke our big beautiful picture window, among other things. This happened when I was three, and again when I was five.
As a five-year-old, I said, wait a minute, this is not okay. My parents told me, well, go to one of the back bedrooms. That way, if they throw more bricks or whatever through the window, it won't hit you. I was like, hmm, I don't think it's a good solution, but I'm going to go do that. So I went to the bedroom. The police showed up, and of course, my parents were relieved. And I was like, oh great, the police are going to help. And so the police turned to the crowd, said, okay, we're here, we're going to help, we're going to help. And they explained to my parents that they could not live here, that they had to just leave. My parents said, but wait, we bought the house. And the police said, we bought the house? Oh no. The police had to turn to the crowd. My parents went and got their deed or whatever paper showing ownership. The police turned to the crowd, apologized, and said, I'm sorry, we cannot evict them. They own the house. I will be going back to the station and going home. I suggest you all do the same as well. So the crowd dispersed.
I didn't think that was a very good solution, because it seemed to me that this could just happen again. The next day, the minister in the neighborhood, there's a church in the neighborhood, and the minister came to express his concern and sympathy. He sat down on our couch, and mom, knowing the minister was coming, put on a nice pretty dress for meโa little five-year-old wearing this frilly, lacy, white little dress. The minister whipped out his Bible and read to us that when bad things happen, you should turn the other cheek. Now, I was only five. I knew you only had two cheeks, and we'd already had this incident happen twice. So now what do we do? We've given up two cheeks. We got to give up an arm next time, a leg, we'll have two. So I was not thrilled with the minister's solution to the situation.
Even as a modest five-year-old, I determined that a plan was needed to keep this life-threatening action from happening again. The church, the solution they offered, would not achieve my goal of preventing future situations like this. The police, again, their plan of everyone going home tonight, was not workable, that would achieve my goal of no more incidents. And my parents' approach, which was go to the back bedroom so I would not get hit by a brick when the next one came through the window, didn't work for me either. None of these solutions achieved my better plan of not having the event happen again.
I decided right then and thereโwell, first of all, I was a little upset because I thought we needed help. I mean real help. I was five years old, and I knew Popeye. If I was olive oil, Popeye would solve this. But Popeye didn't show up. I said, "What? What? Popeye did not show up?" I was upset. I was disappointed. I mean, you can't count on Popeye. What's going on here? And why is he going to show up every Saturday morning? Huh? Huh? I said, "Well, wait a minute, wait a minute. Popeye only helps olive oil, and I'm not olive oil. I get that. What about Superman? He helps everybody. I mean, Lois Lane, even everybody else. Superman. Superman didn't show up either." I said, "Wait a minute. Superman did not show up." So now I was really disappointed. I said, "I know, I know. Batman. Batman would show up. He's got the Batmobile. He's got the Batcave. He's got resources, right?" Well, Batman didn't show up. And I decided that I couldn't rely on these people. I was so upset. I stopped watching Saturday morning comics. I said, "Forget Batman, Superman, and Popeye. I am not watching any more of those shows because they did not show up when I needed them."
Now, I decided that I had to work with my parents because they had the best plan of the three, and they were feeding me and providing me shelter. So the rest of my life was guided by thatโthe belief that I could do better, that I actually had a better idea. Of course, my idea was to not have any more of these problems. This was the big turning pointโthat one, I had a better idea, but number two, that I could do better. Better than the police, which would be the government. Better than my neighbors, who were clearly not on my side. Better than my family, and better than what at that time the church was offering.
So I was confident that I had a superior goal and disappointed that the adults in the room had not thought of it. But hey, I only went to school half a day, had lots of time to think about things, and maybe, you know, I saw that my parents were working full day, both of them working full time. Maybe they had other things on their mind. So my short-term goal was no more attempts to murder me, and my long-term goal was peace of mind and living in harmony far away from people who did not like me.
Now, as a five-year-old, I did not process this as a racial situation because there were a lot of white people in my life who were pretty civil. So I realized that I could do a better job of picking the objective and a better job of reaching the objective because it was clear to me nobody else was focused on the same outcome as I was.
The Importance of Personal Responsibility in Goal Setting
(17:02 - 19:06)
I believe this may be the same with you. No one else is able to choose your goals as well as you are. In other words, you can do better. You can do a better job of picking your goals. Nobody else is able to determine the next steps toward these goals because they are focused on different goals of their own, and they have a different perspective. Maybe a politician wants to get elected, and you want a safe neighborhood. Those goals may or may not be related. His next step may not be the next step needed to reach your goal. The reason that others may not be a good guide is because they may not be aware of your goals, and they may have other plans. They may not know how to help you reach your goals.
This is why you, no matter your intelligence level, you can do better when you pick your own goals. You can do better than the government, your relatives, your friends, marketing geniuses that make those fancy commercials, even artificial intelligence at deciding what goals you should reach for and how to get there. And you can still do better. Even right now, today, you can do better. I could do better, and I did do better as a five-year-old, and you can do better.
Action and Effort
(19:06 - 21:20)
Do you want your life to go back to what it was a year ago? I would like to suggest that no matter how good your life was a year ago, you can do better. You can imagine better happiness, increased peace of mind, better health, or whatever priority you have, and embrace that as your guiding goal. You can improve even on this.
So now, let's just say you figured out that you can do better and you've done better by picking your own goals. You can even do better yet. Next is you have to act. It turns out the effort you put into achieving your goal is about a hundred times more important than any government policy, spouse, mother, sibling, family, community guideline, or cosmic movements of the bodies can provide simply because you have inside information. Don't be ashamed, angry, or embarrassed because someone doesn't want to be part of your grand plan and assist you. Simply ask yourself, "What can I do?" Make a list. Anything on the list that will result in certain death, you should take a little closer look at it and see if you can either A, reach your goal without dying, without it, or B, if the risk of death is worth it, in which case, do it. And commit to doing everything on the list that you can. Notice I didn't put safety on the list. Yeah, because safety is a value, and you're entitled to put whatever value you want on safety. Personally, I have a lot of different values like maybe peace of mind, good health, and safety is there, it's on the list, but it's not as high as those two. Just saying.
And in your own list, what I'm saying is the safety you can put wherever you want. People, I know they care about me, I appreciate that. And they'll say things like, "Be safe." I'm like, "Be safe? How safe? Okay, leave my house." Anyway, I digress. So even if it involves the risk of dying, assess the risk and see if you feel it's worth it. A good example of this is the decision to get pregnant and have a child. There is an increased risk of death over not being pregnant. It's small, but people who are mothers decided that the risk was worth it. So just because there's a risk of death doesn't mean the goal is not worthy or the action is unwise.
Health and Independence
(21:20 - 21:20)
So how does this relate to health? Well, an expensive pill someone else produced and your tax dollars paid for, or a glass of water. The pill is clearly a handout, clearly part of a plan to enrich a long supply chain of companies. It may not help you reach the goal of good health, if indeed the problem is dehydration. Similarly, making monthly payments endorsed by the media, subsidized and regulated by the government to give you access to an industry that specializes in therapies is similar to expecting Popeye, Batman, or Superman to intervene and rescue you. Those three superheroes let me down as a child, and nothing has changed, only the names. Better to be independent and see if a glass or two of water might solve the problem. Be suspicious of any handout. The item in question that's being handed out generally advances the goal of the giver, not the recipient. Examine it to see if it is inducing you to take a path that will keep you from realizing your goal. Now, if it's something that will move you further along your path, that's again your assessment. For example, becoming reliant on a government program of any kind may keep you from ever attaining peace of mind. Just saying. Becoming dependent on a drug may keep your body from healing. So the very happy ending is that being healthy and having peace of mind are totally within your control. Go for it.
Q&A Segment
(21:20 - 25:00)
Start by going to and getting your report, The Candida Cleaner. You may not decide to take turpentine, but there are a lot of other tips in that document that can get you feeling better, faster. You can do better. Go for it. And that brings us to yay, this week's questions.
(21:32 - 30:14)
Oh, let's see here. They just give me a few more buttons to click, you know. All right. Hi, Dr. Daniels. I thought my gums were receding, but the dentist said they were not, and it is the loss of enamel at the gum line. Let's give the English translation. I thought my gums were dissolving, but the dentist tells me my teeth are dissolving. Okay. I was surprised. Is it possible to rebuild enamel? Yes, it is. And if so, how? Through a diet. I use an electric toothbrush. Bad move. So go back to a manual toothbrush. It could be that you're actually overbrushing with this electric toothbrush. So go back to manual. I eat fish. Stop it. Stop it. You have an electric toothbrush. So I guess I'm imagining you might be in a first-world country, which means that your fish is probably fish filet, which means your fish is dissolving your teeth. So stop eating it. And chicken occasionally. Probably another bad idea. Vegetables. That's not building any teeth either. Seeds and nuts and fruit and more in the summer. So you're on a diet that literally dissolves your teeth. And that's what's happening. Your teeth are dissolving. I just started taking bone broth and Shilajit. Bone broth, that's nice, but you're sending a boy to do a man's job. We'll get to that in a minute. And Shilajit. Okay. Shilajit is nice, but we got it. It's good. You got to do better. Oh, and I take magnesium citrate. If that helps you poop, that's fine, but long-term can cause kidney failure. So I wouldn't get too dependent on that. And liquid iodine. Irrelevant. I also take your vitality capsules. Yay. Marvelous. I love them. Your wisdom is appreciated. Many thanks, Joanne in Wales. Ah, the UK. Yes. Okay. First world country. Okay, Joanne. You have got to just change your ways. So basically, you have nothing except possibly the bone broth in your diet that is helping to maintain your teeth. Your body has a cycle that goes through your whole body. It literally takes your body, dissolves it, and rebuilds it, dissolves it, and rebuilds it. So every 10-year cycle, 7 to 10 years, literally not a single cell in your body was there 7 years ago. It rebuilds the whole body. So when you have a diet that is deficient in the materials needed to rebuild teeth, then what happens is your body's dissolving function, dissolving your teeth, still goes on. But the rebuilding function does not, and your teeth start dissolving, and they wither. So what do you do? The answer is you start eating food that's going to maintain your teeth. And what would that be? That would be pig's feet, ham hock, cow feet. My favorite is cow feet. So I would recommend for you some cow foot soup. And about two cups serving, at least three days a week, and you will see that your teeth will actually recover.
(25:00 - 30:14)
Hi, Dr. Daniels. I have been working in post-op for 25 years. And last week, I had a lot of pain in my right shoulder. I couldn't even dress myself. I went for x-rays, and they said I have calcific tendonitis of the shoulder. They want to do physical therapy. If that doesn't work, then maybe surgery. I'll tell you right now, physical therapy is not going to work. And they're just giving you the slow walk, the surgery seduction routine. All right. I'm taking apple cider vinegar and honey and eight ounces of water three times a day. Yes, that will help to dissolve it. I'm feeling better but still in pain, wondering if I have the best plan. No, you do not. Thanks for all your help and all you do. You're welcome. All right. So what's a better plan? A better plan, believe it or not, is sauerkraut. And I would drink maybe a half cup of sauerkraut juice three times a day. Apple cider vinegar and honey is nice, but again, you're sending a boy to do a man's job. Most people who take the sauerkraut juice, half cup, three times a day, notice that the shoulder pain is gone, usually about either hours to at the most a week. And he gave you a big name, calcific tendonitis to the shoulder to make surgery sound like a really good idea.
(30:14 - 30:33)
Hi, Dr. Daniels. I loved your Valentine's video Sunday. Oh, you're welcome. Thank you. I'm getting on very well with your turpentine protocol and vitality capsules. I have found my vision has improved and my dystonia is reduced. Yay. I have a question. I take turpentine from Creekwood Naturals. Who are they? Let us investigate. Creekwood Naturals. 100% pure gum spirits turpentine. Yay. The best turpentine available here in where? Ah, okay. I have seen this before. All right. So, I would say about turpentine is I don't recommend any particular brand because I don't have any control of the quality. As this person says, I just reordered a bottle and got it. It seems to be more clear and less strong as the last bottle. So, they just have poor quality control, that's all. Do you think they're decreasing the potency of it? What brand do you take? I take turpentine from the hardware store. I'll show you my jug. This is the jug I get from the hardware store. Yeah. You notice the label? See the label there? Yeah. So, I go to the hardware store, and they give me that jug of turpentine. And when I finish that jug, I go back, and they refill it for me. And they go in the back. I don't even know where they're going in the back room. And they pump it out. So, I don't know where they're going. I don't know. So, I identify my turpentine. I've been taking it long enough now by the smell. So, what I would say is try different brands of turpentine. And now that you've taken turpentine, you've had good results with it, you know what the stuff smells like that gives you the good results, that's what you're looking for.
(30:33 - 31:20)
We only have two. Okay. Could you give me some advice about how to help a 16-year-old who has been put on ADHD psych meds because he was disruptive in class and impossible to control? He's a very intelligent boy with many talents in music and art. I'm concerned that as a society we're destroying our boys because they're acting like boys. He is raised by a single mom, my sister, and also my dad helps. He spends a lot of time with Ethan. All right. So, the problem is not the boy. It's the school. I would say take him out of school and have him spend more time with his music and art where he has talent and not worry about the rest of his curriculum. That's the simplest answer. And take him off the ADHD medicines, of course. But what he really has is malnutrition. You can solve that very easily by getting rice, R-I-C-E, bran, B-R-A-N, and the dose is a quarter cup a day. You can pour it in hot water, feed it to him as oatmeal or gruel, or you can stir it into rice that you're cooking, mix it into his food, whatever. Just have him eat it, and you will see that he will recover very nicely. And you're concerned he's starting to use marijuana. Don't worry about it. Marijuana is better than those drugs he's taking. Thank you, Dr. Daniels, for all you do. Your knowledge base is incredible. I am very impressed with the way you share your vast medical experience with the public. It is refreshing to hear an honest doctor that is not using big pharma and a knife to help people. You are welcome.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
(31:20 - 31:33)
That is it. We are out of time. We're at the 30-minute mark. As always, think happens, and remember, you can do better.