Are you Grasping at Pennies and Ignoring Millions

Are you Grasping at Pennies and Ignoring Millions

Introduction and Episode Title
(0:01 - 0:18)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, November 14th, 2021 edition. And today's title is, Are You Grasping at Pennies and Ignoring Millions? Yes, that's you. Making low-value decisions is often at the center of suffering. Today, I'm going to highlight one such decision and how to enhance your health, your prosperity, and your happiness. As always, think heavens.
Update on Grandma
(0:18 - 1:06)
Alrighty, update on grandma. Grandma is doing great, having an awesome time. Yay! 90 years old, yesterday the 13th. And the grandkids have gathered, and a good time was had by all, so we're all super excited. Congratulations, grandma, 90 years old.
Vitality Capsules and Webinar Announcement
(1:06 - 2:44)
Alrighty, next, Vitality Capsules. Yay! Vitality Capsules, here we are. We have regular and extra strength. These are both available at, and we are sponsored by Vitality Capsules. So, get your Vitality Capsules today. They are the internal cleanser that is comfortable enough for everyday use. Yay!
Also, I miss all of you so much that we're having a customer appreciation webinar on November 18th. Yay! It's going to be from 4 p.m. onward on the 18th, that's Eastern Standard Time. People who have purchased Vitality Capsules since August 1st will be invited, and you can attend live. I'll be there. Or you can email in questions. Yay! So, I look forward to answering your questions. Keep it brief. No 500-word questions. All right, all right, you got that? You got that.
My IT team is working on it, and they will let me know and you know which platform/format we'll be using. I will certainly be able to answer questions live, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to even, you know, have two-way audio. So, we're like yay! And I'll have pictures so I can show you my videos of all my fantastic backbends, splits, and other things that I'm doing.
Personal Progress
(2:44 - 3:08)
Which brings us to the next topic, which is my progress. So, backbends are getting stronger, and now I can backbend all the way back to the ground without any assistance or spotting. Yay! Working on getting back up without assistance. A poco a poco. That's Spanish for "little by little."
Questions and Contact Information
(3:08 - 3:51)
Our next thing then is questions. If you have questions for the show, you can email them to and we will consider them for the show.
If you have information about Vitality Capsules, how to purchase them, that kind of stuff, you can send those inquiries to Awesome!
Topic Introduction: Are You Grasping at Pennies and Ignoring Millions?
(3:51 - 6:10)
Every now and then, it doesn't happen often, but every now and then, I cannot think of a topic, and your questions inspire me. So, today's topic is inspired by a question.
Now, let's go back to the topic. Are you grasping at pennies and ignoring millions? Making low-value decisions is often at the center of suffering. So, today we're going to talk about, we're going to examine a low-value decision and elevate it to a high-value decision. Yes, one that hopefully will net you millions. No, it's not a stock pick. Oh my god, no.
Listener Question: Forced Vaccination and Personal Autonomy
(6:10 - 8:20)
Alright, so here is a question that I get frequently. I'm going to read the whole question. Yes, the whole question.
"Dear Dr. Daniels, I am going to ask the dumbest question ever. There's a red flag right there. The person thinks their question is dumb. Okay, my employer is forcing us, I don't know who us is, I'm not sure what the force is, to take the vaccine by a certain time frame. My question is, everything you taught us with the three bowel moves a day and the one gallon of water a day plus dripping time. Once the vaccine is in us, do that mean our life is almost over? I remember you saying antibiotics and vaccines do not create immunity."
We’ve got to break this question up because this question shows that this person is stepping over millions of dollars, amazing health, and phenomenal happiness to pick up pennies, illness, and misery. Okay, so on the face of it, it seems like a difficult question. Maybe, but maybe not.
So first, the person is asking the wrong questions. So we're going to take a look at the question and we're going to kind of reinterpret it. Yeah, so actually it's not a dumb question. What might be dumb, sad, or tragic is they had to ask it, but the question itself is not a dumb question.
Story: Autonomy and the Value of Life
(8:20 - 13:00)
So I'm going to tell you a story. This is a true story. It really happened, and then we're going to take it back to the question here. I had a classmate in medical school. He was amazing. He was funny, energetic, really nice guy, but unfortunately, he happened to be the son of the director for medical affairs. And so the story goes, before he went to medical school, he ran away from home and went to Honduras, Central America, to fight with the Sandinistas. His father got wind of this and as soon as he landed, before he could pick up his gun and get to work, his father had him kidnapped and brought back to the United States and enrolled him in medical school so he could have a future.
This poor kid, not that fighting a war with the Sandinistas is a good decision. We're not even going to get into that, but the point is his autonomy had been so violated that why even live his life? That's what he felt. He felt that his life was not worth living because it was being governed by his father/parents forcefully intervening and forcefully cutting him off and saying, "No, you can't do that." I mean forcefully. To hire a team to go there and kidnap him, that's pretty dramatic. So he did the only thing he could do. He killed himself. Yes, killed himself. Didn't take long. He was dead by, well, by Thanksgiving to be honest.
Analysis: Personal Autonomy and Health
(13:00 - 16:01)
So his spiritual self decided it's not his life anyway, so why live it? So by saying that you are going to do something, using the word "forcing" means you plan to do something that you don't want to do. That some external whatever called the employer, in the case of this story it was the kid's parents, doesn't matter who, but you are allowing this external entity to rule your life and take away from you your personal autonomy. So what you are doing is you're aiding and abetting the death of your will to live. So once you've lost even the ability to make the most basic decisions in your life, life is just not worth living.
Now even if you don't get this, which maybe you don't, your immune system gets this. So even if the vaccine is harmless, let's just give it that, harmless, your immune system will take you out because your spirit has been violated. Being an adult is meaningless if you cannot even protect the integrity of your own body. Let's just talk about sex. Sex is the easy one, right? We can all agree that sex in itself is not necessarily life-threatening. We don't need to ban all sex. However, sex against your will, forcefully against your will, is called rape, and it's not permitted or condoned or encouraged. Why is that? That's because when you do things to people against their will and force them, it destroys their spirit, it destroys the integrity of their body. And contrary to popular opinion, you can't live without the spirit, even though of course you need the body as well. So even if you don't value having ownership of your body, your spirit does.
Forced Vaccination: A Matter of Principle
(16:01 - 19:58)
So should you violate your body to keep a job for the sake of your health and happiness? No. Also, this is forcible rape. Once you submit, the demands will just become more numerous and more onerous. If you are having difficulty with this request that you be stabbed with a needle and injected with substances that maybe, I don't know, you've decided for whatever reason are not a good idea, just wait until you see the next request. Buckle in, it's coming.
So two questions here. One, should you make the decision to take a shot because you feel you want the intrinsic health benefits of the shot? The answer is you can decide yes or no. Not a problem. If you decide yes, you think it's healthy, fine, go take it. Not a problem. But what if you decide that it's not a good idea for you? What if you decide it's a bad idea for you? Well, the second question then becomes pertinent once you've decided that this intervention is a bad idea. If you decide that you do not want it, should you be forced, raped, have your body violated against your will in order to take the shot? Or in this case, let's say keep your job. That's implicit in the word force.
Everyone who wants it should have it. And they should also pay for it, by the way. But everyone who does not want it, but gets it, is being raped. That's a huge violation of your person. So the next question, of course, is once the vaccine is in us, and the person speculates, does it mean you're going to die? Well, first of all, you're going to die anyway, so let's just calm down about that part. But what happens once the vaccine gets in you is totally unknown. There's not even a package insert. A package insert is a document the FDA produces indicating that it has examined a drug or injectable and has found that it has blank, blank, blank ill effects, but may be given according to blank, blank, blank dose with blank, blank, blank frequency, and the ill effects are acceptable to the FDA. This shot exists for every drug on the market except these new injections. So this document for the shots does not exist. They are making it up based on what happens when someone gets jabbed.
The Uncertainty of Vaccine Effects
(19:58 - 23:10)
So what's going to happen once you get the jab? The answer is round and round and round she goes. Where she stops, nobody knows. In other words, nobody knows. So a lot of people are online, making speculations this and speculations that. All I can tell you is there's no documented benefit to the shots. All the documentation we have based on real-world evidence, which is we can look at Israel data, we can look at Singapore data, we can look at Vermont data, all the real-time data on vaccinated populations has shown the vaccine is not protective against infection, against whatever is the virus of the day. So we do know there's no benefit in terms of getting infected or not getting infected.
So once you've received the injection, you can still catch and spread what the vaccine is supposed to prevent. So it does not prevent. It's like a leaky condom. So there you have it. That's that piece. And the final answer, the final question, antibiotics and vaccines do not create immunity. That is absolutely true.
Solution: Change Your Beliefs or Actions
(23:10 - 28:10)
So wait. Can't leave you right there. We need an answer. We need a solution. A solution. What's a lady to do? First of all, you've got to do one of two things. Off the bat right now. You've got to change your beliefs or change your actions. The real problem here is you're being violated against your will. Raped. That's the problem here. It's not is the shot healthy, is it not healthy. Everyone makes their own decisions. If you decide to take it, fine, take it. But if you decide not to take it, here's another issue. The only way out is to refuse a vaccine or change your belief and decide that the jab is the best thing since sliced bread and taking it is your will and indeed your greatest desire. If you decide to change your view, problem solved.
But wait, what if you're not going to change your view? What if you've decided it's a really bad idea? You have to, you must not comply. You have got to walk away. And the example I gave of my classmate is the reason. Now I was in a similar situation. I was asked to do what I clearly thought was wrong, betray 5,000 patients by making their records open to the government or lose their medical license and my ability to work. So I chose to do what I thought was right. And I'm here to tell you it worked out fine. And I will tell you why. Spoiler alert, it is not my intelligence.
Personal Experience: Losing My Medical License
(28:10 - 30:27)
So I had a five-year pity party. So I'm trying to help you cut your pity party short and maybe even skip it all together. So when I lost my license, it wasn't just no license. I didn't stop at that. You can't, not only can you not work as a doctor, you can't work for any government entity. You can't work for any entity that has the government as a client. And you can't work for any entity that receives government funding of any kind. That was interesting. So I invested in all kinds of schemes and I lost money on everyone.
Finally, someone said to me, so I'm not going to say this to you. I'm going to tell you what someone said to me. That was very helpful. But it did hurt. This person said to me, Jennifer, you are stupid. Like, oh, stupid. Yes, they told me I was stupid. Invest in yourself. You are your most valuable asset. Put another way, you're already worth millions. And I'm going to tell you right now, you personally are already worth millions. I mean, millions of dollars. All you have to do is figure out how to convert some of that value while you're still alive into a spendable currency.
Examples of Success After Job Loss
(30:27 - 35:07)
Thank goodness we have quite a few examples in our lives and in the world of what happens. So what we have going on in America, they say is a mass resignation. Let's just believe it for a minute. So there's 10,000, I'm sorry, 10 million vacant jobs and 3 million people looking for work. So right off the bat, if you want another job, you can just quit your job and there's tons of jobs out there. Not a problem. So if you feel that you would be violated by receiving an injection, if you don't want the injection, then just quit your job, go find another job. There's tons of jobs out there where they're willing to pay you a bonus, train you, and no vaccine needed. That's one option.
I would like to present you with another option. And for this option, we need to go to South Africa. Yep, South Africa. It's a little embarrassing to talk about that and loud black people, people of my complexion, don't like to talk about South Africa. Once upon a time, a long time ago, call it 1980 something, there was apartheid in the South Africa. No, it's legally, it was okay to treat blacks one way, let's call it bad, and treat whites another way, let's call it good. And so the government was filled with all these white people who had these bureaucratic jobs and economic security. They would just come to work, shuffle papers, go home. Yeah, pretty much, that's it. And blacks were excluded from these jobs.
Okay. Rollerball, rule change, all these whites were fired. Fired. That's it, they had no income, I don't even know if they were given a severance, but they were fired. So what happened then, and of course the jobs were filled with people this complexion, or darker, probably darker. And what happened to those white people who were fired?
Now, they were not happy about being fired. And to this day, many of them are pretty upset. But what happened was they became phenomenally wealthy starting their own businesses. And so now, this is 2021, the government wants to come back and get and take their businesses away from them. Like, whoa, whoa, whoa, back off, back off. I thought you people said that if only you could have legal equality under the law, fire all these whites, take their jobs away from them, put blacks in these jobs, and then tax the whites to support the blacks. I mean, hey, makes sense, right? Well, what happened? I'm only going to focus on what happened to the whites.
So what happened to the whites is they became incredibly prosperous, and they actually earned even more money than they earned as bureaucrats. And so it's the same with you.
More Examples: Michael Moore and My Children
(35:07 - 40:00)
Another example, Michael Moore. So Michael Moore is a famous film producer, but we need to pay attention to what happened. Michael Moore worked for a car production plant in Flint, Michigan. And they decided, hey, Mike, out of here, don't need you. And he's out of work. Out of work. And he was a good worker, I'm sure. I'm sure he came to work every day, did what they told him to do. But they just said, hey, you're done. So he took a little camcorder, put it on his shoulder, walked around town, took a few pictures and some videos and made a movie. And now he's a multi-multi-millionaire. The best thing that happened to Mr. Moore was he was fired. The best thing that happens is he was fired. Do you think he was saying in the movies, the best thing that happened to me was I was fired. If I hadn't been fired, I wouldn't be a multi-millionaire today. No, that's not his message. But he does make umpteen millions of dollars giving that message.
So if he had any confidence in you, if he thought you were as good as he is, which I think you are as good as he is, he would tell you, quit your job, for God's sakes, quit your job. You can do so much better and so much easier. I'm sure he works fewer hours now than he did when he was an employee.
Alright, any more examples, right? You're not convinced. My children. My children, I want to tell you, are darker than me. I don't have a single kid light brown as me. They're all darker. Okay. And there's three of them. One doubled their income during the last two years. He did that by switching jobs. The other one tripled, oh, increased their income. Yeah. No, not that one. Tripled their income again by switching jobs, which I'm suggesting you do. But the other one, the other one increased their income five-fold. Why? By just creating a job. I mean a business, a business. Now, I did not give any assistance to any of them. Not a one of them. I am, this is why I'm directly opposed to reparations of any kind. These three dark-skinned kids did just fine. And they did not have reparations. They didn't even have help from their mother. And I have to say, if you cannot make it in America, you cannot make it anywhere. Government oppression, government's not perfect. Government oppression is not the problem.
Conclusion: Empowerment and Prosperity
(40:00 - 42:59)
So, in every case, lack of a job or quitting a job led to extreme freedom and wealth and happiness and increased improved health. But why? Why? There's the kicker. There's the kicker. So, I'm going to tell you something that most people are not going to tell you. But here it is. In America, there is so much regulation heaped on the employer that's linked to the employee that the employer can only afford to pay the employee one-tenth, one-tenth of the sales that the employee creates for the company. This is unfortunate. So, because your employer is only paying you at best one-tenth of the wealth you are generating, all you have to figure out is how to generate value equal to even one-tenth of the value you are creating in your job. And if we want to do a strict mathematical analysis here, you have to have one-tenth the IQ of your boss. Exactly. You don't need to be a genius. Don't overcomplicate this. So, this is unfortunate. So, I used to look for ways to pay my employee more. Small business. I was a small business person. I could see that my employee was struggling. I walked by the front desk several times a day. I could see that she could use a little more money. So, I took a look at how can I get her more money? How can I get her more money? And I saw that even though this is years, decades ago, she was only getting $20,000. I had a whole other pile of $20,000 that I was spending due to government regulation in order to employ her. I would say, well, maybe, yeah, $20,000, at least another $20,000. I'm like, man, how can I break off some of that money and give it to her? So, I thought about it, thought about it, finally found a way I could do it. So, I said to her, what if I pay you $350 more a month and we would drop that government-regulated thing over there? Oh my God, she refused. She decided to keep that piece of government regulation and not have the $350 a month, which she seriously needed, I felt, to feed her children.
So now, this thing happened to be health insurance. I had already dropped my own and I knew health insurance was a waste of money. And so, I invited her to join, at least in part, join my prosperity by me handing her the same cash I'd handed myself. And she said, no, no, no, no.
Final Thoughts: Taking Control of Your Life
(42:59 - 47:21)
So, let's take a look at this. There's benefits packages, the retirement you'll never collect, or that will inflate to being worthless by the time you collect it, or the health insurance that harms you, or the disability that you have to fight in court to collect, or of the one-year salary, any frugal business that now knows he has to put in reserve in case there's another shutdown so he can pay you that one-year salary. Then the cost of space that you occupy, the cost of materials you use, the government forms that need to be completed, government fees that need to be paid, the cost of social distancing, masking, enforcing vaccine mandates, it's endless. So now, the cost of an employee in the United States is so huge. Can we even fit it in the screen? No, we can't even fit it in the screen. That's how expensive an employee is.
Because of those inflated extra expenses, you can quit your job, go out on your own, figure out how to generate this much money, and actually end up with more money in your pocket. So, the answer to the question is, it breaks my heart that a person is even blaming their employer. So, let's not put the word employer there. You can put in my spouse, my children, fill in the blank. Whatever it is you believe is wrong, don't do it. It's your spirit telling you this is not a good idea.
And so, what this person really needs to do is, first of all, obviously quit your job. But you have built a whole life, this person who sent this question, has built a whole life of doing what they feel is wrong. And what I would suggest is just unpack one thing at a time and make the changes one thing at a time and say, okay, I think this is wrong. I'm going to stop doing that and do what I think is right. And just one piece at a time in your life. And you will see that, first of all, your income is just going to explode beyond what you could even imagine.
Conclusion: Take Charge of Your Health and Wealth
(47:21 - 49:00)
Not that I'm super rich or anything, but the gap between my bills and my income has widened greatly. And that's what you want. You want your income to be up there somewhere and your expenses to be down here somewhere. That gap is what generates confidence and happiness and health. But once you stop doing the things that you feel are wrong, and it's not what I feel is wrong, irrelevant. It's what you feel is wrong.
So just take those things one at a time. What you're going to find is your health is just going to explode. It's going to really improve because you're not going to have the stress, which means your brain is not going to start chewing up all these vitamins and nutrients that the rest of your body needs to be maintained. And so your health will just soar and your happiness will explode. And again, because all you have to generate is somewhere between one-fifth and one-tenth of the value your employer is receiving from your work. It's easy. You know, your job is pretty small.
(49:00 - 50:09)
Alright, that is it. I hope that that has been helpful today. And a lot of people say, oh, Dr. Daniels, can't you just give us, you know, recipes for herbal teas and formulas? I could. I could. But honestly, if you will listen to what I said today, maybe even a few times, I think you will find it more valuable than any herbal remedy or solution.
Alright. Awesome. I hope to see you on the 18th. Check out If you're not a customer, become one. And I'll see you then. Alright. As always, think happens.