Do Not Let Your Good Health Ruin Your Happiness

Do Not Let Your Good Health Ruin Your Happiness

(0:00) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, January 10th, 2021 edition. Today's title is "Do Not Let Your Good Health Ruin Your Happiness." Today, Iā€™m going to talk about some cases where good health actually did ruin people's happiness and how to not only maintain your good health but also preserve your happiness.
Update on Mom
(0:39) But first, I want to give an update on my mom. Last time we talked, mom was home and had successfully navigated Christmas and New Yearā€™s, which we were all very happy about. After the holidays, a group of relatives, including children and grandchildren, visited mom to see how she was doing. Everyone noticed significant improvementsā€”sheā€™s now alert, chatty, talkative, and coherent. This has amazed all of us, and weā€™ve got hospice involved in her care.
(1:29) The hospice worker came in, and upon seeing her condition, remarked, "Oh my, you are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed." She seemed shocked and disturbed by my motherā€™s improvement. Interestingly, the hospice team also took notice of the house, admiring the nice woodwork and furniture, even asking, "Who went to Harvard?" My daughter felt uneasy, thinking these people might be casing the joint, ready to rip us off.
(1:59) On their next visit, they seemed surprised again by momā€™s condition and asked if we were giving her the morphine, suggesting we do so daily. They even called my daughter, pushing her to make funeral arrangements, which made my daughter feel very uncomfortable. Meanwhile, mom has been making demands, like asking for falafel from her favorite restaurant and requesting her credit card back. We took away her car keys about a year ago, so this is about all she can ask for now. Despite everything, sheā€™s trying to rejoin polite society.
(2:53) For those of you who are either entering a phase where you might require care or are caring for an elderly person, this is a common experience. Hospice is actually obligated to have its patients dead within 90 days. If patients live longer and this happens too often, the government investigates and may decertify that hospice. So thatā€™s where we are with mom. Sheā€™s doing fine, talking, and reasoning very well. My daughter is wrestling with understanding how much assistance mom will need and how often, as well as hiring the necessary help for the appropriate days.
(3:54) Weā€™ve been very frugal and calculated that it would cost about $1,100 a week for momā€™s care, which is a bit more than her income. I explained to mom that because the cost of staying home is higher than her monthly income, itā€™s necessary to liquidate non-critical assets to cover the difference. She responded by saying sheā€™d just lower her expenses, which led to an interesting conversation. I explained that reducing costs like eating beans and rice instead of hamburger wouldnā€™t be enough. Instead, if she wanted to lower costs, she could master using the bedside commode and wiping her own butt, which would reduce expenses to about $500 a week. Mom was shocked at the cost of such care and resolved to start exercising and working out to build her strength and cut down her expenses. Weā€™ve calculated that her savings and income should last for at least three years, and I reassured her that if things get really low, we could always send her to Thailand, where care costs only $1,500 a month. She reiterated her commitment to exercise and mastering the potty, so weā€™ll see how that goes.
Podcast Updates
(5:51) Next, I want to talk about the podcast. Currently, our podcasts are being uploaded to Vimeo, and every time someone watches or clicks on a Vimeo link, it consumes bandwidth. If our bandwidth usage exceeds a certain amount, it could cost us between $30,000 and $50,000 a year, which is quite expensive. So, weā€™re asking people to download the videos and then re-upload them wherever they want to share. This way, streaming the videos doesnā€™t cost us anything, and people can still share and watch them as they wish. Weā€™re all for sharing; we just want to make sure itā€™s done in a way that we can afford.
Questions and Contact Information
(7:00) Weā€™re receiving a lot of great questions, and I want to remind everyone that if you have questions, you can send them to [email protected]. We check that inbox once a week, gather all the questions, and I try to answer as many as possible during the show.
Vitality Capsules
(7:35) Letā€™s talk about Vitality Capsules. Please visit, check out our sponsor, and buy as many as youā€™d like. These capsules are an internal cleanser gentle enough for everyday use. Iā€™ve been making these for over 20 years, and people have been enjoying them and getting great results, so be sure to check them out.
Turpentine Time
(8:05) Now, itā€™s time to take our turpentine. Here we are with our turpentine, and remember to label your bottles so people know itā€™s not water. I use a pipette, but you can use anything with a measure youā€™re comfortable with. I like to take 2.5 CCs, which is half a teaspoon, and thatā€™s marked on the pipette. Iā€™ll dip it into the bottle, squeeze out the air, and suck up the turpentine to the correct measure. Itā€™s right there at the neckā€”perfect! Next, I have white sugar. I get a lot of questions about using white sugarā€”yes, itā€™s not the healthiest thing, but when combined with turpentine, it can have healing effects. I use white pure cane sugar, but you can use organic cane sugar if you prefer.
(9:40) As I add the turpentine to the sugar, you can see that not all the sugar turns color, which is exactly what we want. If all the sugar turns color, itā€™s not goodā€”you can experience dizziness and other issues when thereā€™s not enough sugar. Now, Iā€™ll take this mixture down the hatch! That was pretty easyā€”didnā€™t even have to wince. Iā€™ll refill my water and move on to the next step.
(10:30) Next, we have shilajit. As you can see, the label isnā€™t in Englishā€”itā€™s in Russian. Since Iā€™m in the tropics, itā€™s a bit runny, but in cooler climates, it wonā€™t be. Shilajit is a black tar, and if youā€™re sold something else thatā€™s not black tar, itā€™s not shilajit. Iā€™ll take a bit of this, about 200 milligrams, which is roughly a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. Weā€™ll add this to water, along with some tamarind paste, which is a natural ingredient here in the tropics. Iā€™ve separated the tamarind to avoid seeds in my glass. Now, weā€™ll let that sit and dissolve while we continue with todayā€™s show.
Main Topic: Health and Happiness
(12:36) Letā€™s dive into todayā€™s topicā€”donā€™t let your good health ruin your happiness. Health and happiness are both crucial to a fulfilling life. Having one without the other isnā€™t much fun, so itā€™s important to balance both. Many of you have been listening to the show for a while, so I assume youā€™ve achieved a good level of health, which is great. However, Iā€™ve noticed that when people start improving their health, they often turn to their spouse or loved ones and insist they do the same. They start telling their spouse what to eat, what to do, and how to live, which can overwhelm the other person and create friction.
(13:28) Thereā€™s an old nursery rhyme that comes to mind: "Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean, but between the two, they licked the platter clean." This rhyme highlights that people are different, and each person has their own preferences and needs. These differences can be about anythingā€”food, bedtime routines, water intake, or health practices. When someone improves their health through a particular practice or diet, thereā€™s a strong urge to share that with loved ones. For example, someone whoā€™s underweight might benefit from pressure-cooked beef ribs, which are rich in connective tissue and can help them gain strength and weight. On the other hand, someone with congestive heart failure might need a vegan diet with no processed foods to reduce swelling and improve heart health. These are two completely opposite approaches, yet both can be effective for different people.
(14:52) The key is to recognize that different people need different things. When you experience incredible health results and try to impose your methods on others, especially in a forceful way, it can create negative feelings, friction, and resentment. This can ultimately destroy your happiness. Thereā€™s a popular song called "The Greatest Love of All," and while the lyrics talk about self-love, I believe the greatest love you can give another person is to accept them as they are. Even more than that, itā€™s important to respect, encourage, and even celebrate the decisions and preferences of others, even if they differ from your own. Each of us has one life to live, and none of us will get out of it alive. So, no matter how healthy or unhealthy someone is, they will eventually pass away. The best way to show love is to respect the path theyā€™ve chosen for their life, communicate that you care for them, and be kind, letting them know that you value their choices, even if they differ from yours.
(16:23) Itā€™s also humbling to realize that the same health practiceā€”whether itā€™s exercise, diet, or cleansingā€”can be helpful for one person but harmful for another. The same healing practice can also become harmful when done to excess. So, itā€™s essential to approach health with humility and compassion. Once youā€™ve made lifestyle changes and achieved amazing health results, itā€™s important not to be forceful with others. Let others live their lives and experience their own journeys while you enjoy your good health. Share your love, kindness, and acceptance, and if someone asks for advice, provide it. But I would suggest never offering advice unless asked. People can see how healthy you are, and if theyā€™re interested, theyā€™ll ask you.
(18:04) If youā€™re not healthy yourself, focus on improving your own health before offering advice to others. Focus on being a better version of yourself so you can express your acceptance and love in more ways. Radiate health and be an excellent example for others. Iā€™m 63 years old, and while I have a few gray hairs, I have smooth skin with no wrinkles or age spots, and I feel great. The other day, I went mountain biking and hiking, and even at 63, I didnā€™t feel exhausted or need a day off to recover. When I was in my 30s, I would have needed a full day to rest after such activities. Iā€™ve come a long way in improving my energy and health, and many people my age, and even those half my age, look at me and wonder what Iā€™m doing to stay so healthy. This is what you need to doā€”be an excellent example. One way to do that is by listening to more of these podcasts and exploring the archives. But even better is to check out my Home Healers Course, which teaches you how to be the healer in your home.
(20:29) In the Home Healers Course, I teach you how to handle emergencies at home quickly, often in less time than it takes for an ambulance to arrive. Youā€™ll learn how to heal your family with different foods, dishes, and remedies, and how to understand whatā€™s going on in the body so you can intervene effectively. The interventions are often extremely inexpensive, sometimes just involving water or a simple spice. These are things you can do at home that can significantly improve your quality of life and save you a lot of time and money. For example, if someone in your home gets a burn, you can apply an aloe leaf or a few drops of lavender oil, and the burn will be gone in minutesā€”no need for an emergency room visit or dealing with pain. You can just get back to enjoying life with your family.
(22:02) This is the essence of the Home Healers Course, which you can find at
Questions and Answers
(22:13) Weā€™re almost ready for questions, but letā€™s check on the shilajit. Itā€™s still dissolving, so weā€™ll leave it for now and get into the questions.
(22:48) The first question comes from someone who has Vitality Capsules and turpentine and has downloaded the Candida Cleaner Cure from my website. They ask if itā€™s okay to take these with leaky gut before their stomach lining is repaired. The answer is yes, it is.
(23:21) Next question: "Hi, Dr. Daniels. Happy New Year. How would a woman stop hairs from growing on her chin and cheek? Also, how do you reduce puffiness under the eyes?"
(23:32) For chin and cheek hair, I used to have about 12 hairs on my chin that I would tweeze out once or twice a month. When I gave up dairy completelyā€”no cheese, no ice cream, no sour cream, no bread with milk powderā€”those 12 hairs reduced to just two. To get rid of the final hair, I started eating connective tissue, like chicken feet, and now I only have one hair left that I pull out about every two months.
(24:49) To reduce puffiness under the eyes, you need to address your diet and make sure you have no processed foods, no refined products, and no fake milks like rice milk, oat milk, almond milk, or soy milk. Stick to water as your main beverage, and ensure youā€™re pooping at least three times a day. If waste backs up, your body holds onto fluid, which shows up as puffiness under the eyes. Another place fluid can show up is in your ankles, so if you have puffy ankles, thatā€™s a warning sign. I take my Vitality Capsules every day to ensure Iā€™m dumping waste properly, and thatā€™s what you need to do to get rid of puffiness under your eyes.
(27:04) Weā€™ve got time for one more question. This person has congestive heart failure and ascites, with a left ejection fraction of 7% and a right ejection fraction of 12%, and theyā€™re scared. My advice is to download the Candida Cleaner diet from and follow it strictly. I had a patient with a left ventricular ejection fraction of 10% who lost 30 pounds in four days by following this diet and was able to stop his heart medications. So give that a try.
(28:47) Another question asks about the cause of bone loss from birth and the inability to form bone. This personā€™s relative is a teenager with weak bones, particularly in one leg, which has now become mush after years of operations, bone grafts, and metal plates. The operations have likely contributed to the bone loss, as drilling holes in the bone removes tissue, preventing proper healing. The body is constantly in a state of forming and reforming bone, but in this case, the teenagerā€™s body is likely taking resources from the bone to support growth in other areas due to a deficient diet. My recommendation would be to stop all medical interventions and start consuming cow leg soup about four times a week to provide the necessary nutrients for bone formation.
(31:01) Thatā€™s it for todayā€™s episode. As always, think happens, and Iā€™ll see you back next week!