Early Detection

Early Detection

(0:00) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, September 20th, 2020 edition. Yay! Today’s topic is early detection, and I’m going to share with you one simple test you can do every day to monitor your health and what to do if you find something.
(0:26) But first, we have got to take our turpentine. Yay! Okay, so my favorite spoon is a dessert spoon. I just scoop out some sugar. Yay! I scoop out my sugar, making sure there are no lumps because you can choke on those lumps. I like to just gulp it right down, so I don’t spend a lot of time with the flavor lingering in my mouth.
(1:05) And I have my favorite pipette. Yay! It happens to be 2.5 cc's right there at the neck. I’m going to dip it in my bottle. Scoop. We don’t have quite enough, so this is natural healing where you want to get things pretty close to just right for you. The more, the better—that rule does not work. All right, as you can see, the bottle is labeled. When you're doing stuff yourself at home, you really have to label your stuff so that someone else does not make a mistake or use it inappropriately—or so that you don’t make a mistake.
(1:46) All right, here we are. Sugar. Yay! White sugar. White cane sugar. And turpentine. Yay! Yay! Yay! All there. Good. We’re going to put the top back on our bottle so we don’t knock it over. We don’t want to waste any turpentine. And we have our water. Yay! Standing by. Yum, yum.
(2:25) Next, because I drink distilled water, and even if I didn’t, I take Shilajit. These are trace minerals from the mountains of Russia—that’d be Siberia. This is Shilajit, a brand that I use and love. It is Mumio. This little 100-gram container is enough for about a year and a half. Yeah. And I’m using a chopstick. Super simple. Just stick it in there and pull it out. You see all that goo? That’s a little bit more than what I want, so I’m just going to scrape off the tip. There we go.
(3:14) And this is the rest of my water. I’m just going to put it in here. As you can see, it does not readily dissolve. Yeah, it dissolves a little bit, but you still have a lot of goo on the chopstick. So we’re just going to let that sit there, and I will drink it at the end of the show or later on today.
(3:39) Shilajit is a very nice trace mineral blend of more than 80 trace minerals. Your body makes amino acids and enzymes, which take amino acids and make proteins called enzymes. These proteins have a sequence of amino acids, which is nice, but they also need what's called a tertiary structure, which means they have to fold in on themselves and make a certain shape in order to work. It is these trace minerals that help the different parts of the chain fold correctly on each other to have the proper configuration so they can work.
(4:21) Literally, when people take this, they actually feel better and stronger in minutes. Why? Because the enzymes their body has already manufactured are suddenly able to work. Huge, huge difference. This is famous in India and Russia, and the nickname is “Destroyer of Weakness.” Major breakthrough. Also, in terms of pricing, this little thing is a year-and-a-half supply, and it runs between $20 to $50. So $50 for a year-and-a-half supply of any supplement is major good news. The price varies and fluctuates, but the comparable product is fulvic minerals, which you can get from the United States. However, the same amount of money only gets you a month’s supply. So this is a major win in your healing program.
Vitality Capsules
(5:17) Okay, next is Vitality Capsules, our sponsor. Yay! Vitality Capsules is a collection of natural herbs and spices. It’s an internal cleanser that is safe and gentle enough for everyday use.
(5:43) I started making these in my kitchen. I would grind the different herbs into a powder, and my son would pack the capsules in the dining room. Patients were thrilled with them because they promoted emptying of the colon, the small intestine, and the bile ducts, as well as promoting circulation. So now the blood could go all around the body, picking up toxins that had previously just been deposited and allowed to sit. People experienced a tremendous increase in their energy and vitality just because now their body was cleansing more effectively. Hence the name Vitality Capsules.
(6:28) So go to vitalitycapsules.com and get your bottle. Give them a try, or get three bottles—you get a discount with three bottles or more. While you’re at vitalitycapsules.com, there are two other things you can do. You can get your free report, The Candida Cleaner. This report tells you all about turpentine, my experience with it when I was practicing medicine in the 90s, how I’ve used it, and, quite frankly, as you can see, I still take it today. It’s wonderful. I would not be without it.
(7:02) So get your free report, The Candida Cleaner, at vitalitycapsules.com before you take turpentine. I explain in great detail what can go right and what has gone wrong, so you can avoid any discomfort and have a nice, smooth, beneficial experience. Also, I will be answering questions that people email to [email protected]. I may or may not get to all the questions, and there is a limited opportunity for appointments. You can schedule appointments as well at vitalitycapsules.com. There’s a little button that says “appointment.” Click that, and it’s automated, explains the appointments to you, and you can pay and schedule right there at that link. Yay!
Topic: Early Detection
(7:51) Which brings us to today’s topic: early detection. Early detection has become quite fashionable, the buzzword. People are always worrying: Am I healthy? Is something growing inside of me? Do I need to catch it early? Do I need to take action now? Should I be taking this pill to prevent this and that pill to prevent that? And the answer is, of course not.
(8:19) Today, I’m going to talk about a simple test you can do in the privacy of your home, and you can do it in the course of your everyday living. In other words, it is convenient. Like I said, it’s a trend to worry and take drugs for conditions that people are worried about, even to submit to painful, humiliating, invasive tests to detect conditions early. But what if you had a way to detect conditions early and do something about them before they became something? Today, I’m going to share with you a simple method that will free you from appointments and humiliations, leading you to a lifetime of health, which is what I’m experiencing. I’m 63 years old, take no medications, have no medical appointments or obligations, and deliberately live in a place where I would not be accessible to hospitals.
(9:18) So everyone’s going to die. We’re all going to die. But wouldn’t you like to be in excellent health until then? I mean, wouldn’t that be great? Everyone wakes up every day—otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. So this is a test you can do every day immediately upon waking as you get out of bed. I stumbled upon this as I was getting up and reflected on the many times over the years that I woke up and didn’t always feel this good. I realized I was feeling the best I had felt in literally decades. So here’s the test: When you wake up in the morning, of course, you open your eyes. The next thing is you get out of bed. The question is, how long does it take you to get out of bed?
(10:04) I was taught in medical school that it’s okay to take up to 30 minutes to get out of bed—30 minutes! The first part of the test is how long it takes you to get out of bed. The answer is: From the time you open your eyes to when your feet hit the floor should be no more than 15 seconds. And that’s long, okay. So the first thing is, it could take you longer than 15 seconds to get out of bed. Why would that be? Well, usually, it’s because one, you don’t feel like getting up, or two, you’re just feeling weak and trying to gather your strength. That is a problem. That is not normal, and you need to nip that in the bud. If you don’t, that’s where you end up getting more serious diseases.
(11:08) So what does it mean when you’re too tired to get your feet on the floor within 15 seconds? Again, this is something that’s consistently happening every day. It’s definitely a problem. If you stay up late one night or something, sure, not a problem. But if this is your baseline, it’s a problem. So what do you do? A morning inability to get out of bed because of that reason is a liver deficiency. You need to add liver to your diet. It needs to be either chicken liver or calf liver. Those are the two that I’ve experienced work great. The recipe is super simple: salt, pepper, liver, onions. And because liver has 78 times the nutrition of, say, an apple, it’s packed with nutrition.
(12:00) So you can’t just eat liver. You’ve got to put a little spoonful of starch, like some rice, with it, some cooked vegetables, and a little bit of salad. Liver will be a great meal to have for breakfast. It’s amazing how it gives you energy all day long. The dose is anywhere from four to eight ounces, and you’ll find that you’ll be able to get up in the morning just fine.
(12:26) Now, you’ve gotten up, you’ve swung your feet out of bed, and your feet are on the floor. You did that in 15 seconds or less. Yay! Congratulations. The next thing is you’ve got to stand up. Now, a lot of things can go wrong when you stand up. First of all, you can stand up and realize, oh, it hurts somewhere. Or you could try to stand up and realize you’re a little stiff—got to be careful. Or you could stand up and realize you’re a little wobbly. These are different things caused by different problems.
(13:04) Let’s say you swing out of bed, your feet hit the floor, you’re standing up, and you notice a pain somewhere. If you’re able to localize it, like right there or right there, and you can put your finger on it, that is dehydration. When I say dehydration, I mean it’s acute dehydration, like immediate dehydration. Usually, a pint of water right there on the spot will wipe the pain away. Stiffness is another matter. Stiffness is a condition where your lymph system and your connective tissue are filled with toxins. Water helps, but the real help, the real solution, is turpentine.
(13:57) Yep, turpentine. If I skip my turpentine for like five days, I notice that when I swing my legs around, hit that floor, and stand up, I just feel a little bit of resistance, stiffness. Now, let’s say you have stiffness or discomfort along the center of your body. That would be ankles, knees, hips—those areas. If you have ankle, knee, or hip discomfort, then you have been sitting too long. You’ve not been using your legs, and the joints are literally stiffening up on you. What’s happening is your body is storing deposits in those joints. If you ignore this, it’ll get worse and worse, and one day you’ll say, “Hey, I think I have arthritis.” You may erroneously attribute it to getting old. Then, maybe another five or ten years down the road, you’ll have cancer. Why? Because your body has stored all the toxins it can in your joints, crippling you with arthritis, and now your immune system has decided to make a tumor to store these toxins so that they don’t kill you.
(15:09) You can nip all that in the bud by doing this simple morning checkup. If you’ve got your feet on the floor, you’re attempting to stand, and you notice a pain somewhere, you’re going to drink water. If you notice generalized stiffness, it’s a turpentine problem. If your stiffness is not absolutely everywhere or difficult to locate, especially in the central line of your lower extremities, that is a disuse issue. What I’ve found works best for this is something called hip opener exercises. These exercises work your hip joints, knee joints, and ankle joints, moving those toxins out of your joints like a sump pump pumping waste out. You don’t need to get crazy with the exercises—two or three reps are enough. Some people are so far along the path of doing nothing for so long that they can’t even do one rep. But you can just Google “hip openers.”
(16:26) Now you’ve got yourself going here, right? We’ve handled localized pain, stiffness, and the joints in the midline. But what if you drank a pint of water, and the pain is still there? Or even worse, what if once you get on your feet and take a few steps, you notice a nagging pain that just hangs around and doesn’t seem to go away? Again, this is early detection, right? So we’re not talking about being crippled yet. That’s a second malnutrition issue. What this means is you are malnourished to the point where your body does not have the resources to maintain its joints. You don’t have the tendon connection between your muscles and your joints, the fluid in your joints, the tissue surrounding your joints, or the collagen and cartilage. Your diet is not sufficient to maintain those.
(17:37) You need to change up your diet. A lot of people have no problem eating different foods, but the problem is they eat these foods out of context. They’ll eat one food, a lot of it, and that never works—it just creates another imbalance in another direction. So don’t do that. If you have any level of discomfort during the day, then the next step is you’ve got a nutrition deficit. Some foods build you up, and other foods clean you out. If you’re just eating foods that clean you out, clean you out, clean you out, you’ll really flush yourself down the drain and will not be able to build up or maintain your body. Your body will literally dissolve before your eyes.
(18:35) I’m now, as you see, 63 years old. What I discovered the hard way after being 26 years vegan was that my body was literally dissolving right before my eyes. I was getting exhausted and frail, so I had to back up and figure out what was missing and add that back. You can’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. Just because eating vegetables only was not a good idea, it doesn’t mean eating meat only is a good idea. The meat products I recommend are products that will build up your muscles, joints, tendons, and connective tissue. However, you still need to eat at least two to three times the vegetables as meat by volume. What that does is it helps rinse out any residue from the meats that your body doesn’t need. This is where meat eaters go wrong—they don’t eat enough vegetables to go with their meat, and often, they don’t drink enough water either.
(20:01) Especially if you’re eating meats, you really do need to drink your body weight divided by... Okay, we had a little lapse there in our technology. You really do need to eat your body weight divided by 60, and that’s the number of quarts of water every day that you need to drink. Of course, the water should be distilled. Distilled water rinses the joints. An easy way to get this in is to take your regular meal, whatever it is, and eat it as a soup, automatically liquefying it. Soups definitely improve arthritis.
(20:56) So what this does is this little test—since you get out of bed every day, you should do it every day. Pay attention. You will find that you will catch things early. At the point where malnutrition is mild, you can catch it and fix it. At the point where toxins are beginning to accumulate and cause you inconvenience, you can catch it and fix it. At the point where dehydration is beginning to accumulate, again, you can catch it and fix it. What happened, and I was trained this way in medical school, is all these little things are dismissed—“Eh, don’t worry,” or “Wait for it to become something important.” But that’s not correct. If you do this test every day and take action to remedy the situation, you’ll find that you’re not going to get more serious issues. And when you eat your connective tissue to fix your joints, you’ll have skin like mine, because guess what? It’s the same connective tissue.
(22:04) So when you see wrinkles on your face or sagging skin, that is your body’s signal that it’s cutting back on connective tissue to maintain the essential connective tissue internally. You are literally wearing your malnutrition on your face. I have this face, as you can see, without any plastic surgery or fancy creams—I don’t go to the cosmetics counter at all. There’s nothing I buy there. So you can actually maintain this level of skin and health by adjusting what you eat.
(22:49) What’s the connective tissue that you should eat for your joints if you’re having, say, persistent joint pain somewhere? I used to recommend gelatin, but I don’t anymore because eating the actual meat or animal part the gelatin is made from is so much more powerful—it’s shocking. The results can be felt within days, as opposed to weeks of using gelatin. Also, with gelatin, you can only get so much—it’s difficult to eat much more than even a quarter cup of gelatin a day for many people. It’s a pretty big stretch, but if you eat the actual food that it comes from, then you can easily eat that and more.
(23:40) The list of foods is pretty long. If you are able to eat pork, that seems to work the best—that would be pig ears, pig tails, pig feet. If you’re a cow person, it would be oxtail and cow feet. Those are the stronger ones. You really do need a bigger animal to get the oomph and strength that you need. You can get some benefit from fish, but you’d have to eat the fish head. That would mean the fish lips, the fish eyeballs, and all of that skin in the front of the fish. The tail of the fish, although very tasty, can’t send a boy to do a man’s job. It’s super, super important.
Early Warning System
(24:39) The other part of this early warning system is if you notice stiffness—the stiffness is the giveaway. It means your body is storing toxins throughout your lymph system, and your immune system is becoming compromised. Once you develop allergy symptoms, that means your immune system is compromised. All allergies are is your liver making a decision that it is overloaded. There’s one more thing coming in, and it has to go right out. Let’s sneeze it out, sniffle it out—the liver’s going to take a pass on it. The liver’s not going to filter it and put it into the intestines to go to the toilet. So these things like allergy symptoms are simply an early warning that your liver is overloaded.
(25:38) The answer is, basically as I said before, to drink water, improve your nutrition, and get going with the turpentine. You can get the Candida Cleaner document at my website, vitalitycapsules.com, and that can get you started. But you definitely should not ignore these small symptoms. The remedy is so simple and it’s right there at home, costing pennies a day.
(26:03) Now let’s talk about bowel movements—that’s super important. Part of what makes your lymphatics and connective tissue fill with toxins is that you’re not pooping three times a day. I know, I know, I know. In medical school, we’re told that one poop a week is fine. If someone’s pooping more than once a week, tell them to stop focusing on their poop and get on with their life. And of course, as a medical student, even at age 22, I thought, “That’s really curious.” I didn’t really think anything of it—I knew that I went every day, sometimes even twice a day, but I just didn’t think anything of it. And of course, I believed that everything they were telling me in medical school had been scientifically researched, and this was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.
(27:01) So those of you who think that one poop a day is fine, I say, if you’re feeling great, go with it. But if you find yourself with stiffness, if you find yourself with aches or pains somewhere, then recalibrate and give three poops a day a try. Give it a try. You can go to vitalitycapsules.com and get some Vitality Capsules, regular or extra strength, to help you with that. When I was in medical practice, I noticed that I could give people the healthiest diet in the world, make all the changes, and they could be 100% compliant, but they did not get better unless they started pooping three times a day.
(27:53) In fact, one of my patients said, “Dr. Daniels, you make a pill, help me poop, I take it and I poop.” So that was my inspiration for Vitality Capsules. I made the capsules, he bought the capsules, he pooped, he was thrilled, he was happy, and he got all better. You really cannot underestimate the power of your immune system deciding what needs to be removed, and you just giving your immune system some help by removing what it needs removed. Imagine if you took out your trash at home once a week, once every two weeks.
(28:35) I remember when I lived in the United States, we took the trash out once a week. Oh my god, that meant that every day we would take a trash bag and put it in the larger trash can. By the end of the week, this family of six generally had two to three big trash cans on wheels that we had to drag out to the curb. It was a big ordeal, and it was so awful that people would actually argue about taking out the trash. Fast forward to another country, the tropics—the trash is taken out every single day, and the trash is picked up three times a week. It’s a simple, easy matter. I just take out my own trash—it’s not a problem. It’s a smaller bag, I can carry it, and I have a nice little container by the road. Just dump it in there, easy.
(29:36) So it’s the same thing. If you poop once a week, it’s likely to be a pretty big, stinky affair, and it’s going to be difficult. And if you get everything out, it’s going to be pretty time-consuming, and you may even, just like my patient, argue about whether or not you really want to do this. I had another patient who pooped once a month—yes, once a month. She was a supervisor for a large corporation locally in Syracuse. Some of her subordinates were my patients, and they said to me, “She has got to see you. She has got to see you. She’s such a miserable person. We can’t stand working for her.” I said, “Well, of course, I’d be happy to see her, but I don’t want to see anyone who doesn’t want to see me.” They said, “No, no, no, we’ll set it up, we’ll do it, we’ll do it.” So they got her to come.
(30:33) She tells me she poops once a month, and I keep a straight face. I said, “Hmm. Well, you know, really, you would do a lot better if you pooped three times a day.” She said, “Oh, three times a day! Oh my god, that’s obscene.” I said, “Well, how about once a day? I mean, you’re already doing once a month, let’s go for once a day.” She said, “Well, I don’t know about that.” So we got her up to once a week. She said, “You know, I’m really feeling better, feeling a lot better.” Then we got her up to once a day. She said, “Wow, I am feeling great.” I said, “Yay! Let’s go for three times a day.” She said, “Oh, no, no, no, no, no.” But at one poop a day, we took her from one poop a month to one poop a day. Her subordinates reported back to me that she was a most agreeable person, a joy to work with, and they thanked me profusely for increasing the quality of their life at work.
(31:32) It really does mean something when people say that you’re full of it. And you know, check it out. See how much happier you feel letting go of all that stuff. So that’s the daily check, the daily test everyone can do. How long does it take you to get out of bed, get your feet on the floor? When you stand up, does anything hurt, any stiffness? And once you start walking, does the pain persist?
(32:02) You can get even more information on diet at my website, vitalitycapsules.com, from the free report, The Candida Cleaner. So definitely get that. It’s an amazing document that has improved the lives of so many people.
Update on Mom
(32:22) Now, many of you have expressed an interest in how my mother is doing. This is a bird’s eye view, and first of all, I thank everyone for their concern. But at the same time, I think mom’s experience is really an amazing learning experience for all of us who love her and are helping her. It can serve as an instructional experience for her children and grandchildren, and really for people in general. Most people don’t go through something like this very often because generations are now separated by 30 years. People aren’t having babies at the age of 15 anymore, which means that grandchildren don’t get to witness the decline of a great-grandparent, grandparent, and parent. So when their time comes as they age and progress through life, they don’t have any perspective or appreciation.
(33:44) You can vicariously have that experience through my mother. So last time we left mom, she had re-entered what I’m going to call the hospital—actually, it was the hospital because the rule of her insurance is that you can’t go straight to a rehab facility from home. You have to go to a hospital first. So she went to a hospital, and from there she arrived at the rehab facility. I check in with her every couple of days—I don’t want her to feel like I’m treating her like a kid. I just check in, say, “Hey mom, how are you doing? How’s it going?”
(34:21) Now, if you will recall, the family—the kids and grandchildren—unanimously agreed that mom would do just fine at home with 24-hour care. Mom decided, “No, no, no, I’m going to go to the experts and get rehab, and they’re going to teach me how to walk again, and I’m going to do just fine, thank you.” Mom is 88 years old, and she also felt that if she was going to be at home, surely her own 67—yes, 67-year-old daughter—could help her to the bathroom, wipe her butt, and do all those little things without any problem at all. Of course, we all fact-checked this, and no, her daughter was not enthusiastic about that. So then we had the grandchildren doing one- and two-week shifts in rotation.
(35:00) So mom went to rehab, and rather than tell her the obvious truth—“Mom, the rehab center is not going to help you; they have no intention of helping you, it’s just going to be one more negative experience”—we said, “Okay, look mom, if you want to check into rehab, that’s fine. We’ll just keep tabs, let us know how you’re doing, and we’ll see how it goes.” Mom’s been in rehab for two weeks, so I said, “Hey mom, how’s it going?” She says, “Well, they’re not...”—she gives me some upbeat information: “The sun is shining, and there are people here.” I said, “Okay, fine. How’s the rehab going?”
(36:06) She tells me that the people who are supposed to be helping her with rehab spend all their time complaining to her about their pay and their work conditions, and no one seems to be concerned about helping her move her joints or get around better. It’s a pretty negative atmosphere. I know mom as a pretty positive, upbeat person—some people might say borderline unrealistic, but she’s upbeat and positive. She’s 88 years old. Of course, she’s been tested for COVID—that’s a regulation when you go into the nursing home, excuse me, rehab. So she tested negative for COVID, but they’ve told her that even so, they’re just going to put little equipment things in her room, and she has to pick them up and exercise herself. Well, that’s her problem—she can’t do it herself, and that’s why she’s there. So she’s being treated like a leper and not receiving any assistance of any kind.
(37:09) As you will recall, last time we examined the menu at the rehab place and found it severely lacking. So her daughter-in-law mobilized to cook and bring in food. Yay! We find that the food she’s cooking and bringing in is being thrown away, so my mother is not getting all this nice, healthy, home-cooked food that we are spending so much time cooking for her—it’s being thrown away. Of course, mom finds the food at the nursing home lacking in flavor, and to my observation, lacking in nutrition, so she’s not eating much. We have a slightly downward trend there, and of course, they’re not giving her the help with bathing and that type of stuff.
(38:14) I said, “Well, mom, what do you think?” Mom says, “You know, I’m okay with going home and having home care, but how would I get rehab at home?” I said, “Mom, there are videos on YouTube, yes. We can look on YouTube for videos to rehab for walking, and we can hire a personal trainer—yes, a personal trainer. They’re out of work these days. A personal trainer will come to the home and help you use the YouTube video, and you can do exercises with the personal trainer.” She says, “Oh, well, that’s really good. How would I get the videos?” I said, “Mom, we have given you a smartphone.” “Oh yes.” “Mom, that smartphone can throw videos to your television.” “Really?” “Yes, mom.” “How would I set that up?” “Mom, you would not set that up. Don’t you worry. We have people, people will set that up for you.” She says, “Oh, okay. Well, whenever you guys have everything ready, then I’ll go home.” I said, “Okay, mom.”
(39:17) Mom informed me that her insurance will pay for eight more weeks of this interesting rehab experience. I said, “Well, tell you what, mom, it’ll take us a while to get things in order, but I think we could probably get stuff going maybe in two weeks or so. Would that be good?” She says, “Oh yes, that would be fine.” So that is where things are with mom. We’re hoping that she doesn’t deteriorate too much in the next couple of weeks, and we’re setting up things for her at home.
(39:48) I also asked her, “Mom, now, we’ve been looking for people to help you out, and we realized that whoever helps you is going to have to lift you.” She says, “Well, yeah, that’s true.” I said, “So, would it be okay if we got a guy? Guys are stronger and can probably lift you.” She says, “Well, yeah, you know, that’s what they do here. They have the guy lift me and help with all that stuff.” I said, “Okay, good. Then we’ll probably get a male physical trainer to lift you and help you out.”
(40:13) Right now, the grandkids are organizing. She has one son who’s just incredible with coordinating insurance contracts and technical stuff, and he’s coordinating the payment mechanism for whoever’s going to assist her. Then we have grandkids who are coordinating with finding a place that will send 24/7 care and separately finding a personal trainer who will assist mom in recovering as much strength as she’s able to recover. So that’s where things are going with mom. We remain optimistic.
(41:00) The most important thing, I think the take-home message, is that every step of the way, we are respecting her wishes. We are saying, “Hey mom, what do you want? How do you want to do it?” Even though we, coming from a different perspective, were able to see weeks ago that going to the hospital and rehab was like a waste of time, we allowed her the dignity of making her decisions and coming to it on her own. Meanwhile, we stepped in just to mitigate the consequences of her decision. We brought her water so she had water to drink, and food so she had food to eat. Now, we’re going to modify and adjust the food situation. My sister-in-law, her daughter-in-law, was bringing food once a week, and they have a rule where they throw everything out after three days. No one told her the rule, so now we’re going to have her bring food three times a week, and that way nothing will be in the fridge more than one or two days, and mom will be able to eat fresh food made from home, not the stuff from the menu at the rehab facility.
(42:26) The food that they feed these people is such that if you’re not sick, you soon will be. So we’re pretty thrilled with that. But I think the take-home message so far is really to respect the person’s decision-making and allow them to have their dignity and happiness. Period. Have their dignity and happiness, and then we’re just stepping in to assist in maximizing her quality of life for each day that she has remaining.
(43:13) That brings us to questions. Yay! Question number one is about an 89-year-old lady. Again, rule number one when you’re helping someone who has made it that far in life—89 years old, with all the decision-making they’ve made along the way—they’ve made a lot of bad decisions and a lot of good decisions, but they made it to 89. I think they certainly deserve total respect. Let’s see what this person has to say about their 89-year-old relative.
(43:38) “Hi, Dr. Daniels. I enjoy your show and knowledge, although I’m not sure about pig’s feet and ears. Laugh out loud. Can’t see myself indulging in that. My 89-year-old mother was in the hospital for blood in her stool a couple of weeks ago.”
(44:01) Stop right there. If someone has blood in their stool, we know where the blood came from. It’s obvious—the blood came from the intestines, so the intestines are leaking blood. We don’t know why. Her general practitioner recently prescribed iron after her blood test came back with a low red blood cell count. We know she’s going to be anemic because she’s losing so much blood. They ran all the usual tests: colonoscopy (that means they put a tube up her butt, call it sodomy), upper GI (they put a tube down her throat, form of rape, if you ask me), and only found diverticulosis. Her blood count was low, so they gave her blood to get it up.
(44:55) How do I get a blood transfusion? She was a healthy, energy-filled woman until she was placed on blood pressure medicines and had a pacemaker put in a few years ago because of AFib. We can deduce here that had her AFib been untreated, she’d probably be in pretty good shape. She’s now on a blood thinner and in AFib most of the time, and she feels terrible. Her blood pressure medicines and pacemaker are not working for her AFib, totally ineffective. She’s on a blood thinner, and the blood thinner is causing the intestinal bleeding. When you’re taking blood thinners like Coumadin or Eliquis, it’s very common to lose blood through your intestines—this is just the way it is. It’s like, you know, you swim in the ocean, you get wet—one of those things.
(46:12) It is so sad to see, but she has bought into the medical mill. Now, this person who believes her mother has bought into the medical mill has herself bought into the propaganda mill by refusing to eat pig’s feet, pig ears, and connective tissue. So I think we need to respect our elders and realize that we ourselves are not perfect and have our own blind spots. Just because my blind spot is not your blind spot and vice versa doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person or I’m a bad person or one person is superior to another. We just need to be really cautious about that and have a very high level of respect for people we think we’re helping.
(47:02) “I tried to warn her, but she buys into all the doctors tell her, sadly. Any suggestions or ideas why she has blood in her stool and therefore a low blood count?”
(47:07) Okay, she has blood in her stool and a low blood count as a side effect of her blood thinner. So what we have here is a spiritual dilemma—her mother has placed her faith not in Jesus Christ, not in Buddha, not in Allah, but in doctors and the medical-industrial complex. As a result of the faith she has placed, this is her outcome. The only cure for this, if indeed there is a cure, is for her to place her faith elsewhere. Now she’s 89 years old, so I think the way to handle it is to talk with her, explain the situation to this 89-year-old lady, and if she wants to continue her blood thinner, let her continue it. If she does not want to continue her blood thinner, then explain to her that she needs to increase her water—that’s a blood thinner, a blood thinner that will not cause her to bleed. She needs to increase her water intake.
(48:04) The next thing she needs to do to thin her blood is to take, I would go gentle for someone her age, she’s 89—I would give her curry seasoning in her food (curry seasoning has turmeric, garlic, and those thin the blood). Or you can give her two garlic pills a day—that would be pretty gentle. I would go really gentle on the whole thing. But that’s what I would do. But you need to realize that this is a faith-based problem because her faith is causing this problem, and the actions she’s taking are a result of her faith. My burping is from the turpentine—turpentine causes burping, and it’s totally normal. But you need to also recognize, this person who’s trying to help her 89-year-old mother has her own faith-based situation going on here as well. So be compassionate for your 89-year-old mother—offer her choices and respect her decisions. Again, she’s 89, and she’s made her own decisions this far in life. I think it’s okay to respect her decisions a little longer.
(49:46) Next question: “60 Minutes did a story a while back on frontal temporal dementia, and they say it’s on the rise. Dr. Daniels, do you think there’s an increase because of cell phone use? Or maybe other factors?”
(50:00) Yeah. So I personally exclusively use my cell phone on speakerphone. I never, ever raise my cell phone to my head like this. At worst, if the person can’t hear me, I might hold it like this. The frontal part of the brain is here; the temporal part is here; the cell phone is here. The location of the cell phone is very distant—it’s location-dependent, right? So the phone is going right here, but the part of the brain they’re talking about is the frontal and the side temporal part up here. So it’s unlikely—anything’s possible, but it’s unlikely it would be the cell phone.
(51:07) So Dr. Daniels, what could it be? My opinion—opinion only, you know, it’s just my opinion, there’s no medical anything going on about this—but it is the low-cholesterol diets people have been duped into following. Your brain is mostly cholesterol, and when you lower the cholesterol in your diet, your immune system literally dissolves your brain so that that cholesterol can go to maintain the cell membranes throughout the rest of your body in vital organs. And that’s really what’s going on here. So if you’re taking a cholesterol drug, or if you’re following a low-cholesterol diet, or you’re trying to keep your cholesterol below 200, that’s exactly what’s causing this dementia. Again, it’s simply another social faith-based cultural practice. People need to, I think, put their faith somewhere else.
(52:23) Next question: “I was wondering what your take is on this whole germ theory versus terrain theory discussion. I have seen it numerous times taking place online since the present situation, pandemic.”
(52:52) Okay, we have to focus. We cannot be distracted. So really, at the base of this question, germ theory versus terrain theory is asking: Should this person protect themselves in the present pandemic by fighting the perceived infectious agent, or should they just strengthen their immune system? That’s really what they’re asking. I say, step back. As we say in the ghetto, back up. Back up. The first thing to understand is that there is no infectious agent going around from person to person causing anything. There is nothing contagious going on here at all. Nothing. The tests now have been exposed as not capable, not even designed to indicate whether indeed a virus or the virus is present. So all of this testing has been nothing more than smoke and mirrors, nothing more than rolling a three-sided cube with one side of the cube labeled “gotcha.” That’s really what’s going on here.
(54:15) So I think you should maintain your focus, which is the only thing you have to protect yourself against is your belief in something for which there is no evidence. I say, if you’re going to have faith in something, believe in something, I would definitely pick Jesus Christ, Allah, Muhammad, or Krishna, or something like that. I would not pick the medical-industrial complex on any level.
(54:47) Pertinent to the situation, I would ignore the germ theory or even terrain theory because they’re irrelevant, as there is no infectious agent. The terrain theory is excessively complex. What’s really going on is that the agents the medical-industrial complex is attributing disease to don’t actually cause disease. Anything more elaborate than that is obfuscation, dissembling, lying.
(55:43) So basically, many times in medicine, like let’s say for a strep throat, they’ll do a culture, they’ll find strep, and they’ll decide that the strep is causing the soreness in the throat. However, most people have identical symptoms, and there is no strep in their throat. Many people have strep in their throat and no symptoms. So yes, there is a disease process. Yes, people are ill. But to date, we have absolutely no evidence that any particular germ is causing this.
(56:20) Now, what about terrain theory? The problem with terrain theory is it exposes the individual to a different tyranny. The first tyranny is: there’s a germ, you’ve got to take this drug. The terrain theory is: we get to tell you how to live for your own good. I personally reject both theories.
(57:05) In our present situation, there is no scientific evidence of a virus, period. There’s no scientific evidence even of the presence of a virus. We haven’t even got to the second step, which is that the presence of the virus causes disease. Since your question presupposes the presence of a virus, the answer to your question is going to be itself a lie. You’re telling me to pick A or pick B because I want to address C when C doesn’t exist. That’s like you got a man, he’s got no feet, and you ask him, “Do you want sneakers or high heels?” Doesn’t matter, he’s got no feet. So that’s where we are. That’s where things are right now.
(57:55) Okay, that brings us to the end of today’s show. We have a lot of questions here we did not get to, but maybe we’ll get to them next time. We’ll see you in the future. And as always, think happens.