One Less Egg To Fry

One Less Egg To Fry

Introduction and Update on Mom
(0:00 - 1:16)
(0:00) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, August 29th, 2021 edition. And today's topic is one less egg to fry. That's right. Today, I'm going to share the power of letting go and how it can enrich your life and your health. And as always, things happen.
(0:26) But first, update on mom. Mom continues to do well. She is now up and at them. From comatose to up and around, what can I say? And the hospice people are busily altering the records to make sure they continue to get paid for stopping by. So mom's okay with it. I'm okay with it. Everybody's happy. Moving forward, it looks like mom's gonna make it to her 90th birthday. She's 89 years old now and no end in sight.
Vitality Capsules and Turpentine
(1:16 - 4:42)
(1:16) Next, Vitality Capsules. Yay! Vitality Capsules have a new look. And next week, I should have a bottle to show you. Our new website is That's They have the usual herbs that you are accustomed to for gentle cleansing that you can do every day.
(1:42) Now, next we have turpentine. Yeah, I've got to take our turpentine. I was just talking to someone yesterday who said ever since she changed her turpentine to every day, she has not a single ache or pain anywhere in her body. And I'm telling you, at 60 plus years old, that's an amazing feeling. Actually, at any age. All right, so we have our spoon. For those of you listening for the first time, this is an American teaspoon, which means that it's 5 grams or 5 ml, depending on where you are in the world.
(2:16) So we'll take our spoon and our white sugar. Yay, white sugar. And you must label your white sugar. Dr. Daniels, why? Because there's a lot of white granular stuff in the kitchen. And you're going to have, as you get more into healing yourself and accepting personal responsibility, a lot of white stuff in the kitchen. Maybe ascorbic acid, maybe anacetyl cysteine, maybe salt, maybe sugar. You might still even have white flour. But a lot of white things, so label them. Yay.
(2:55) All right, so that's your sugar. Next, we have turpentine. Again, label your turpentine. No, you don't have to be perfect. Yeah, just enough so people know that, hey, this is not a beverage to be drank freely. This is not water. This is not castor oil. No, this is turpentine. Take it seriously. And if you want to know more about taking turpentine for your health, then go to and download the free report. It's titled The Candida Cleaner.
(3:26) Okey-doke. So here we have sugar. That's about a teaspoon and a half or two teaspoons. We have our pipette. I like to take a half a teaspoon, which is two and a half cc. So I go right up to the neck there. And let's squeeze the bulb and suck up the turpentine. Ooh, a little bit too much. Squeeze that out. Okay, so you can see it's right there at the neck. All right, so there is our sugar. And we're going to douse it. Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt. Yep, empty that pipette. Done. Very good. We have our trusty glass of purified water. Yum.
(4:30) Learn to drink enough water to get this all the way down into your tummy. Because if you don't, you won't be comfortable. All right, so here we have it. Water chased down.
Taking Shilajit and Its Benefits
(4:42 - 7:02)
(4:42) Next, we're going to take our Shilajit. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. So turpentine gets the parasites to want to leave. As soon as they sense turpentine, they have decided that, oops, we made a bad decision here. It is time to leave. And they literally pack up their bags and leave. And so your immune system does not have to fight them. They're like, nope, we are out of here. We don't like it anymore. And that's really nice because then your immune system can get a lot more work done with its present available energy. And that really accelerates and facilitates healing.
(5:25) All right, so this we have is Shilajit. We're going to peel that open. How cool is that? It is gooey, black, and tarry. And what I do is I just take a chopstick, dip it in there, pull it out. There we go. It's supposed to be 200 milligrams. That is a bit much. So we're going to just scrape the edge off. Oops, that little off the side there, we're just going to tip that right back in. Now, those of you who live in a colder climate, this might be the consistency of tar or actually almost like plastic, but just because of the temperature change. So what you do then is you just scoop it out the best you can.
(6:16) There we go. That's about 200 milligrams there. I'm going to put it in our water. No matter where you are in the world, this does not dissolve readily. So we're just going to let it sit. We're not going to sweat. All righty, put our top right back on because there's enough messes in the world. All right. And at the end of the show, we always answer a few questions or try to. And if you'd like your questions considered for the show, then you can send them to
One Less Egg to Fry: The Power of Letting Go
(7:02 - 17:27)
(7:02) All right. So that brings us back to one less egg to fry. Well, there is an amazing song, it's a hit song, back in, I believe, 19-something, must have been 1970-something. It was a big hit when I was a kid. And this lady is singing this song. And the gist of the song is she had a relationship with this person. The relationship is over and she's reminiscing about all the things that she was doing to maintain the relationship. It's a song by The 5th Dimension. I'm not sure what year, but "One Less Bell to Answer" is the actual name. But I like the "One Less Egg to Fry" because it really captures the essence of the issue. In other words, she was in this very high-maintenance relationship.
(8:18) And it says, "One less bell to answer, one less egg to fry, one less man to pick up after." And since he's left, her life is empty. This is not a bad thing. And I'd like to suggest that examining our lives, especially where there's stress, if we just figure out what's happening, what it is we're trying to... what bell are we trying to answer, what thing are we trying to do that's stressing us, just letting go of it might be the best thing to do. Just let it go. Say, "You know what? Somebody else is gonna have to look into this. Someone else is going to have to handle this. I won't be doing it."
(9:06) And so things like letting go of custody battles. I was just talking to a friend the other day. And so she's involved in this intense custody situation with her children. And I said, "Well, let your partner have custody of all the children full time. Let the kids know. They can email you if they want to. And maybe you'll check them back in a year or two and see how they're doing." And this, of course, would bring tranquility to the lives of the children, the former spouse, and herself. Or letting go of a job that's intrusive on your personal life, a job where maybe they tell you you have to dress a certain way, and you don't like dressing that way, or that you have to talk a certain way, or that you have to do whatever a certain way that's stressful for you. Just let it go.
(10:12) Or if there's property. When I was in the United States, I had a house in the ghetto. It was a four-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath house with a full basement. But the property taxes were worth $300 a month, to say nothing of other expenses. And that's something that I just let go of. Or letting go of anyone who has an opinion about who you should be. Letting go of anyone who has an opinion about what you should do. And build back better, as they say. It's a new catchphrase these days.
(10:49) So once you let go of these things, you have space for people who do not have eggs for you to fry. They don't have that list of stuff that you don't want to do. Or find someone who has either no list or their list matches what you were going to do anyway. And fill your life with people who clean up after themselves. But don't add any bells to answer. Create a life devoid of stress.
(11:14) I'll give you some examples from my life. For example, in medical school, when we started seeing patients, they started giving us 36-hour shifts. I quickly determined that I liked to sleep from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Even better, 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. And so when I opened my medical practice, I organized myself so people didn't call after hours. And when a person called me after 8 p.m. with complaints, I would figure out what was the and make sure it didn't recur. And what I found over time, pretty much 100% of the time, it was a side effect of a drug I had prescribed earlier that day. Guess what? Whenever that happened with a drug, I just stopped prescribing that drug. One less bell to answer. And very quickly in my practice, I was sleeping from 8 p.m. to 6 or 7 a.m., which is just amazing. I loved it.
(12:25) So really just let go of these things. If something is stressing you, try to understand what is stressing you and figure out how to remove it. When I left my birth country, all the bells silenced. No more eggs to fry. Nobody to pick up after. It was wonderful. Not people sent messages. Somehow, though, it was less urgent. Easily ignored because I wasn't there. I couldn't do anything about it. And so the massive space that opened up in my life was an opportunity I cannot even describe. It filled my world.
(13:01) So I filled my world with kind people who had no judgment or expectations or lists for me. I was able to carefully consider everything I allowed to enter my life and politely decline any obligation that created stress or unhappiness. And I was able to carefully reflect on the outcome of each action and ask myself, "Was that okay? Do I want to do it that way again or at all?" The result has been a stress-free life filled with people and activities that I enjoy.
(13:35) Now this is something that's actually available to everyone. All you have to do is let go of people, places, and things. All of it. A lot of people say, "Well, you know, I want to get rid of the bad stuff in my life." It may be that the stuff in your life that you consider good is actually creating the bad stuff. And a lot of times we don't have the wisdom to sort that out. And so simply letting go of everything, relocating. You may not need a different country, maybe a different city. And then as you build your life back and allow things into your life, you might say, "Oh wait, I'm allowing this thing into my life. I thought it was really great, but it's bringing with it this other thing that I don't want." And then it's more easy for you to see those relationships, those associations, and make the adjustments to say, "Oh wait, that thing I thought was good, maybe I could access it in a different way so that the negative part that was there before won't be there."
(14:46) So this is something really open to everyone. And how this relates to health is, first of all, when you allow stress, stressful people, stressful things in your life, it wipes out, depletes your B-vitamins. And this means your brain, your liver, and your heart are literally destroyed and compromised. In case you didn't notice, those are three vital unpaired organs. Yes. So you've got to let go of these things, at least just for the sake of your life and your health.
(15:18) Now, the next thing about letting go of these things is the life that you build as you allow things to enter your life. Because you've removed external judgments, which would be family, friends, government, society. You can actually take a look and say, "Hey, wait." And you can listen to your own voice as to what you prefer and not say, "Oh, I should do this. Oh, I should do that." In fact, I would say if anything is preceded by the word "should," it's probably something to let go of in your life. Because if you should do it, then maybe there's someone else who really wants to do it and is excited about doing it. And that person should do it.
(16:13) In terms of health, you might clear out all of your dietary choices and say, "Okay, my health is so lousy that everything I'm eating I will no longer eat. I'm going to change and eat something else." So let's say I was eating oatmeal for morning. Right. Skip it. Nope. Try something else. Maybe eggs and bacon would work better for you. But really take a look at everything you're doing, especially if you're unhappy or uncomfortable, and make up your mind that you're just not going to do that anymore. And you would be amazed at the wonderful changes in your life when you have one less egg to fry and no bell to answer and no one else to pick up after. You may find you want to make people into your life who pick up after themselves. What a pleasure. So go for it and definitely do it.
Questions and Answers
(17:27 - 33:45)
(17:27) That brings us to questions. We've got some really interesting questions today, and I just want to make sure that I left enough time for them because they're so interesting. All right.
(17:31) This one says, "Hi, Dr. Daniels. I just discovered you about a year ago. Where have you been all my life? You provide life-changing information. Cannot thank you enough. I'm a 49-year-old former, that means used to be, RN, who endured disfiguring surgery for a breast cancer diagnosis before I had a chance to red pill myself. Live and learn, right?" So we can deduce that she got disfiguring surgery for what is maybe ductal carcinoma in situ, which is a breast cancer that's no longer considered to be cancer. All right. So I'm in the process of unpacking my brain from all the nonsense we have been taught and replacing it with empowerment and optimism. Yay. Good, good, good, good. My question.
(17:44) "Sometimes I cannot make it to the bathroom in time and have a little urinary incontinence where I have to change my pants. That's pretty big urinary incontinence there. No other symptoms like burning. I feel like I'm in excellent health otherwise and avoid fear-mongering doctors now. What can I do to resolve this urinary weakness? Thank you for your time. The world is blessed to have you." Why thank you. It's very thoughtful. This is from Tanya in New Jersey.
(17:51) All right, Tanya. First thing you have to understand is you created this whole situation and it's created by sitting. Sitting weakens the urinary bladder muscles and the pelvic floor. This is the same with men and women as well. This is what causes the weakness. So what do you do? Stop sitting. Minimize your sitting. Sit less. That's easier said than done, but just start with noticing how much sitting you're doing and trying to think of ways to get rid of or to stop the sitting. One easy way is to go for a walk and start walking more. That's just a start. The real cure is to recondition those pelvic muscles. When I was your age of 49, I didn't have actual leaks. I had a lot of almost leaks and really just mad dashes to the bathroom. And since I started doing stretches for my splits, bam, not a problem. I can be aware that I have to use the bathroom and I can literally take my time and walk to the bathroom. I can literally wait for at least an hour. It's amazing and I'm 64. So one is you can do the stretches.
(20:13) Next, the stretches alone will not work. You need to eat, I'll just say a piece of steak, some piece of muscle meat, preferably beef, strong muscle meat. And what will happen is your body will rebuild those muscles and you will find that you have urinary strength, not weakness. All right, Tanya.
(20:33) This next one is very interesting. "I have a three-year-old son." Congratulations, that's very good. "I am concerned about speech delay. My son has not received any vaccinations." That's nice. "He eats plenty of fruits and vegetables." Very good. "He loves water, especially coconut water." Oh, red flag. Coconut water is not water. It is sugar water. Tell you that right now. So you feed this kid coconut water, he will probably never talk to amount to anything. So if you must feed him coconut water, then at least make it one part coconut water and four parts regular water. But I would just take it out of his diet totally. All right, he has three to four poops a day. All right, good. On the right track. However, he's not using sentences to communicate. His vocabulary consists of 150 words. He makes his needs known with the words he knows and pointing. What can we do to help him engage in conversation and communicate verbally?"
(21:39) All right. So first of all, your kid is obviously normal and you are creating the problem. So let's help you uncreate the problem. So I will help you by sharing a problem our family had. So my brother did not talk, not a single word, until he was seven years old. Your kid is three years old, 150 words. That makes him, well, a genius. But, so my brother did not talk until he was seven years old. Unfortunately, we were middle class. What does that mean? Oh man, mom took him to this speech therapist and then that speech therapist. Oh, this. But his first word, he spoke at age seven years old. So what happened to this person who didn't talk until they were seven? Well, he grew up to be an IBM IT specialist, earning six figures and supporting a family of three children very nicely.
(22:22) So if your kid is 150 words at three years old, there is hope. However, when we finally talked at seven years old, we had to ask him, "Eugene, why didn't you talk until you were seven?" He said, "Well, things were going pretty fine. There was no reason to speak up or say anything." So what finally got him to talk was he was outside playing and another kid handed him, well, he asked the kid, could he have, no, he didn't ask the kid, he wasn't talking. But the kid offered him some candy in a box. Now and later, those were, no, not now and later, but there was another box, it came in a box and lots of pieces. So the guy handed him the box of candy and he was very happy, of course, to receive this generous offer. But he looked at the candy box and found it was empty. He was enraged and he said, "It's all gone." And those were his first words. And after that, he just started talking and saying whatever he wanted.
(23:44) So what's that got to do with your situation? Your kid is only talking as much as he has to. As long as you are satisfying his needs when he's pointing, he's going to keep pointing. So if he makes his needs known with the words he knows and pointing, you need to ignore when he's pointing. So when he's pointing, you need to pretend that you didn't hear a thing and you don't understand a thing. In fact, just ignore it. You will see that he's going to start talking real quick and saying a lot of things. So you need to change your method of communicating and eliminate pointing. The other thing is help engage him in conversation. No, this kid is a sensible kid. He's not interested in pointless conversation. So don't try and make a down-to-earth, straightforward kid into a trivial blabber. So there's no need to say anything. Don't say anything. And clearly, you don't have four or five children. If you had five children, my parents had five children at a time. They were actually happy for his silence because they had four other kids who were just blabbing away. So I say he's only three years old, have a few more kids for sure. And stop bothering this kid about conversation. And as long as he communicates his needs verbally, just let it slide. At least give him until seven years old, for Christ's sake. But it sounds like there's nothing wrong with him. What is wrong with him is you're trying to engage in trivial conversation and you're playing charades with him and recognizing his pointing. So just stop that.
(25:37) Let's see how we're doing. This is a follow-up to my daughter's CT scan, which by the way, I don't remember. So after I do these questions, I just wipe my brain clean. So I don't keep a record here of the previous, previous, previous, previous, previous. So we're just going to take this thing at face value.
(26:01) Can you suggest anything to resolve this issue? Thank you, Dr. Daniels. Okay. So the question is, of course, what's the issue? More conspicuous nodule of the medial left lower lobe, series five, image 170, measuring three by five millimeters, more conspicuous than prior with mostly faint ground glass focus on prior. Okay. So what we need to understand here is conspicuous means the radiologist noticed it. Measuring three by five millimeters means it's irrelevant. Nothing less than 10 millimeters is relevant. That's it. Done. End of discussion. I don't care if it's growing, shrinking, doesn't matter. Less than 10 millimeters is harmless. Ground glass just means it's gray. So the radiologist saw something that was gray and of no importance, but he did notice it, which means he gets paid more. Okay. There are a few punctate nodularities within the superior segment right upper lobe series image five, image 16 unchanged as compared to prior. Punctate ground glass nodules in the right upper lobe no longer present. Okay. So punctate means the size of the head of a sewing pin or less. Again, it means irrelevant. So there are a few irrelevant pinhead dots on the upper segment of the lobe. Again, irrelevant. Unchanged, even more indication that they're irrelevant. I don't care if they were 15 millimeters in unchanged. The fact that they're unchanged, again, it's irrelevant. This is not a cancerous thing. Punctate ground glass nodules in the right upper lobe. Some are no longer present. So basically everything that is seen on this x-ray, every reading here is something that is of zero consequences for the health of the person who received the CAT scan. But a lot of big words are being used here to justify the CAT scan reading fee. So I hope that helps you sort that out.
(28:33) Here's our final question. Dear Dr. Daniels, many women across the country are dealing with bacterial vaginitis. Some of the at-home treatments have been hydrogen peroxide, boric acids, suppositories, probiotics, etc. Can you offer any information or advice on this diagnosis? Yes. Again, bacterial vaginosis is harmless. Totally innocuous. It is annoying. You can put it right up there with not even as harmful as pimples. So these ladies are dealing with it. I guess I would have to tell them to get a life. But wait Dr. Daniels, they have a discharge. It's oozing. It's making their pants wet. Now of course, for those of you out there, bacterial vaginosis does not burn, sting, or itch. It can occasionally have an odor. So the quickest way to resolve bacterial vaginosis is to first check to see if you're constipated. Because a lot of times if you're constipated, your body will try and dump bacteria into the vaginal area. And there you go, bacterial vaginosis. So one way of getting rid of it would be literally to do enemas daily. Or you can buy Vitality Capsules. I recommend Extra Strength. You can get those at and get those three poops a day going.
(29:56) Next thing you can do is bacterial vaginosis is also caused by the diet. If you have any kind of packaged or processed food, even if it is organic, even if it is from the health food store, it will aggravate your bacterial vaginosis. Let's give you a few lists. I just happen to have something over here. Okay. Bottle, tomato, basil, spaghetti sauce. Nutri-grain, strawberry bar. Skinny cow, vanilla ice cream sandwich. Fruit punch, bottle, Gatorade. Give you a list. Annie's Organic Swirly Strawberry Really Peely Fruit Tape. Minute Maid Lemonade. Nutella. What else? I'm supposed to have 30 of these. Where's the rest of them? Well, these are a few. I don't know where the rest of the 30 is that they promised. 27, 26. Smucker Strawberry Jam. Special K Fruit and Yogurt. Silk Chocolate Soy Milk. Or eat some more. Sweet Baby Raised Honey Barbecue Sauce. These are just a few processed things that can give you bacterial vaginosis because there's sugar content. Tropical Original No Pulp Orange Juice. High sugar content. Kashi Black Bean Mango Bowl. Clif Bar Carrot Cake. I'll tell you, they got some imagination. Hats off to the marketers and the product developers. They are really working hard on this stuff. Planters Tropical Fruit Nut Trail Mix. Dannon Fruit On The Bottom Cherry Whatever Yogurt. Oh yeah, that'll really give you bacterial vaginosis. Kellogg's Raisin Bran. The Giorgiano Traditional Crust Four Cheese Traditional Pizza. Quaker Apples and Cinnamon. Mott's Applesauce Package. Campbell's Slow Kettle Style Tomato Sweet Basil Bisque. Hope you're getting the idea here. Ocean Spray Original Craisins. These are all extremely expensive, processed foods that people take great pride in being able to consume, but they will make you sick. Healthy Choice Sweet and Sour Chicken. Thomas's Bagel Cinnamon Raisin. Fruit and Nutty Bare Naked Granola. That's cute. Sun Dried Tomato Vinaigrette. Activa Greek Yogurt. Yay. Almond Milk. Almond Breeze. All of these things are so high in processed junk and so low in nutritional value that they will definitely give you bacterial vaginosis. And finally, Kind Bar Almonds and Apricots in Yogurt. Yes, you want bacterial vaginosis. These foods and foods like them are where bacterial vaginosis comes from.
(33:19) The good news, though, is bacterial vaginosis is harmless. So if you choose to ignore it, you can. You don't need to worry about it. But if you want to deal with it, the primary solution is to deal with your diet and to just stop eating this stuff that causes the problem.
Final Thoughts
(33:45 - End)
(33:45) All right, there we have it. That's it for today's show. And as always, one last thing to fry. Yay. And we will see you in about a week. As always, think happens.