Abundance is all around

Abundance is all around

Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and welcome to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, March 7, 2021, edition. Yay!
Today's topic is Abundance is All Around. Yes, today, I'm going to examine the perceived scarcity and how to convert it to abundance. Many people feel that health and happiness are out of reach due to scarcity. So today, I'm going to show you how to remove the scarcity barrier and have abundance at your fingertips. And it's easier than you think. As always, think happens.
Mom's Update
But first, an update on mom. Mom is doing wonderfully. She has mastered the bedside commode, is about ready to ditch her diapers, and is looking forward to her 90th birthday. She is coordinating her own home care, and we are proud of her. Yes, to go from comatose—well, semi-comatose—to a banana is, yay! We are thrilled. Yes, mom survived a New York State nursing home. Oh gosh.
Vitality Capsules and Turpentine
Second, we have vitality capsules. Yay! I tell you, if it was easy, everybody would do it, right? We took all of our ingredients, put them through all our testing, and got the ones that passed all the tests. Then, when we go get a sample, we test it, put it through all the levels of testing, and then we say, "Okay, fine, ready for the batch, bam." But the batch did not pass the testing. So, a setback, but we're still working on it. All right, that's the vitality capsule story. We still have some in stock. Please go to vitalitycapsules.com and get your vitality capsules today.
Vitality capsules are the internal cleanser that is comfortable enough and gentle enough for everyday use. And then we have our turpentine. Yay! We've got our spoon—this is a teaspoon. I used to use a dessert spoon, but I found I like the teaspoon much better. I'll explain to you why as I use it.
Then we have sugar. Yay, sugar. Now, again, these white things in your house could be anything—it could be sugar, it could be salt, it could be cornstarch, it could be arrowroot. Don’t know. That’s why you’ve got to label these things. Okay, so we’ve got granulated sugar.
When I first developed the protocol for taking turpentine, I used sugar cubes because I had too many PhDs in my medical practice, and they needed precise instructions. Granulated sugar would not work. But now that I work with the general public, with varied educational levels, people can understand granulated sugar, and it’s much easier. Okay, so we’re going to take a scoop in here.
The important thing about this teaspoon is to leave the back of the spoon empty. There you go. See, the back of the spoon is empty—that’s going to become important.
Then we have our turpentine. Yay! And you’ve got to label your turpentine. I use my squeegee thing—squeeze the bulb, bam, put it in there, release it, and it sucks up almost all the way. Whoops. I’m going to show you my whoops so you can see how to fix it.
You can see that the turpentine is higher than my dose, which is half a teaspoon, right there at the neck. So I’m going to squeeze that out. Don’t want to take any more than I have to. There we go. And we’re just going to put it on top of the sugar, and you’ll see the sugar turn color.
We have our water at the ready. Yay. The reason to leave a little space at the back of the spoon is so your lips can go all the way over to the point where there’s no sugar or turpentine, and then scoop it right off, not leaving a whole bunch of turpentine on your lips, which is icky. All right, I’m going to wash this all the way down.
Shilajit and Daily Routine
Great. That brings us to Shilajit. People ask, "How often do you take your turpentine?" I try to take it every day, which turns out to be about five days a week. Because I take it for you guys on the show, I used to wait until I taped the show to take my turpentine. But sometimes I’d say, "Oh, I’m not going to take it today; I’ll take it tomorrow." And then it gets too late in the day, and I miss my turpentine. So now I take it every day in the morning, and sometimes I take it twice a day when I do the show.
Turpentine and sugar out of the way. Then we have Shilajit. Shilajit is amazing. It is a trace mineral resource, a naturally occurring substance that comes straight out of the ground. The best Shilajit is in Siberia, yes, Siberia, and that would be from Russia.
I’m going to open this. Yeah, okay, gooey like tar. I like using a chopstick, and I just go right in there and scoop it out. Bam. The dose is about 200 milligrams—that is a little more than 200 milligrams, so we’re just going to scrape that off. Bam. And there we go. That’s about 200 milligrams right there, which would be a little less than a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. We’re going to take that, put it right here in our water, and let that dissolve while we do the show.
Get the top back on this. That goes over there. Yay.
Shilajit is a trace mineral, a type of fulvic mineral. It’s different from the fulvic minerals in Utah in the sense that it has a broader spectrum of trace minerals. Why does anyone need trace minerals? Because we have flush toilets. How does that work? Because people flush their toilets, the waste from your body, the minerals you dump every day, are not being used to fertilize the food or crops that you eat. This cycle of exchange of minerals from human to crops, back to humans to crops, back to humans, is broken. So our diets don’t have the broad range of trace minerals we need to flourish and function at a very high level.
That is the reason for trace minerals. I also personally drink exclusively distilled water. Why? I drink distilled water so I can have clear skin without age spots. Yes. And distilled water also gets in there and really cleans the debris out of your joints so that you don’t have arthritis and aches and pains. I’m 63 years old. Yay. And I have no aches and pains. Yay. I’m so happy. That alone keeps me in a seriously good mood. Okay.
Topic of the Day: Abundance is All Around
What we’re going to talk about today is perceived scarcity. I’m going to give you an example. It’s laughable, but hey, it’s an example, and you can easily see how scarcity is created, how scarcity is relieved. Then I’m going to give you an example in the health realm of extreme scarcity and how it can be relieved, and how that abundance that’s created actually multiplies. Yes.
As many of you know, I take great pride in being able to clean my house and keep it clean. Over the course of this activity, I sweep the floor daily. I noticed regular brooms are a bit heavy, hard to push, and don’t really get all the dirt off. So I came across this amazing straw broom, which is very light, very easy to use, and with one swipe, bam, it moves about ten times as much dirt and dust as a regular broom with about one-tenth the effort. It’s like a joy. It’s very quick and very easy to sweep the floor.
Unfortunately, this grass broom started losing some of its pieces of grass, and it got to the point where it was not very useful. So I had to replace it. I went from store to store to store and could not find another broom. I purchased this broom for about $2.50, and it never occurred to me I wouldn’t be able to find another one.
I then asked people where I could find a replacement. Finally, they told me I had used a decorative art piece—a grass broom made by indigenous people—to clean my floors, and the only way to replace it would be to travel nine hours to a special place where the artists who make this broom were located, and I could get another. Well, I panicked. I would never be able to effortlessly get smooth, clean tile floors with a mere flick of the wrist in a fraction of the time. So sweeping the floor would become a time-consuming, difficult chore. The floors would be just a little too dirty to walk on barefoot, and I was overcome with this immediate feeling of doom, apprehension, and reluctance to sweep my floor because I had to use the heavy, bulky broom. I know, first-world problem, but no less, it was real.
As I was being overcome with this problem, I checked out Amazon. The closest thing to my favorite little grass broom with four stars or more was $37—a tenfold increase in price—and that did not include international shipping. That’s when I decided that the scarcity situation was out of hand, and I needed to look at this situation a little differently. So I picked up the broom and examined the bristles. It was grass. As I walked around the block—every morning I walk around the block—I looked closely at the grass. Not everyone cuts their grass, thank God. There are also some vacant fields, and as I looked closely, I saw that the very same material that was in the broom was right there on the ground, growing. That was exciting.
When I returned home, I searched online for instructions on do-it-yourself grass brooms. I could make a broom in five minutes, good enough to sweep my house, and just toss it in the yard when I was done. No storage problem. I could use it about two times. This was amazing. To take what was a $37 problem that was creating apprehension and panic and disorder in my life and solve it for a cost of just about zero dollars. Amazing.
Then I noticed there were leaves in my yard, more than I wanted, and not where I wanted them to be. So a rake was needed. Now, to be honest, I do have a rake. It’s behind a door in the laundry room on a fancy $10 rack attached to the wall. As I looked around my yard, I realized that it was easier to grab a dead palm leaf branch and rake the leaves together, then toss the palm leaf on the pile when I was done. Simple. I had overcomplicated by purchasing a rake for $5, a rack for $10, paying a handyman to install the thing for $10, when I could have done it for free. I created this $25 sequence of events. Time-consuming because you can’t just pay the guy $10. Oh no, no, no. You have to be home when he shows up, be there while he does the work, pay him when he’s done. So it’s a fair amount of logistical investment here.
So I share this with you as an example of how easy it is to create scarcity in your life and use massive resources to do something that can be done and enjoyed for far less cost and effort, thus freeing up resources and creating extreme abundance.
Relating to Health: Scarcity vs. Abundance
So, how does this relate to health? An amazing example is beauty—skincare, to be precise.
When I was 40 and vegan, I noticed the first hint of a wrinkle. Being a first-world individual, I went shopping. I went looking for anti-wrinkle cream. Yes, sirree, Bob, I sure did. Today’s equivalent of shopping is to check out Amazon. Back then, which was 1990-something, the wrinkle creams were at least $50 an ounce, and they went up from there. That was so expensive. I was honestly afraid to put it on my face because what was I going to do when the little one-ounce $50 jar was gone? Then I had to buy another one, and that totally stressed me out.
If you look at these creams, the ingredients are retinol, vitamin A, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. Hyaluronic acid and collagen both have the same origins, by the way. We’re talking vitamin A and collagen as the leading ingredients. I looked for the best five-star-rated cream, and it was $165 for 1.6 ounces. That would be $103 an ounce, relying on inflation from 1990-something. That’s about right—$103 an ounce for a cream that reliably gets rid of your wrinkles.
So, I think we can agree that if you use the cream daily, you’ll likely use two ounces in a month, at least. That would be $165 for two ounces. This particular brand I looked at—you have to put this on your face, your neck, and this chest area that might show up when you wear your evening gown. Yeah, a first-world problem, but a problem nonetheless.
$165 for two ounces. That’s an extreme scarcity situation. Even if you have a few hundred thousand to spare, do you really want to spend $165 on two ounces of cream? You’re probably going to run through maybe 10 ounces a month, which is going to be easily over $1,000. So, that’s another way to look at this problem.
One way to look at the problem is the wrinkles were not there, say, 20 years before or 30 years before. How did they get there now? The answer is your body’s not repairing and fixing the skin like it used to. So, what you really want is your body to fix and repair the skin, and all you want is beautiful skin, really. The other question is, well, how can you get this? You can get your own source of hyaluronic acid and collagen. Just thinking about it differently, you can put collagen in your diet. How? Pig ears are an excellent way. The pig ears are 50 cents a pound. I looked it up online at Creation Valley Meats. That would be 6.25 cents for two ounces.
So, a problem that, because of perspective, one might try to solve at $103 an ounce can actually be solved for six cents for two ounces. Now that creates instant abundance. Buying the jar of very effective, don’t get me wrong, anti-wrinkle cream is 2,640 times more expensive than simply putting the collagen in your diet.
A lot of you would say, “Well, Dr. Daniels, why don’t I buy collagen powder?” The truth is, they’re just not nearly as effective as either the creams or the diet. We wouldn’t get involved with the $7,467 surgical fee for a facelift. Oof. That’s just the doctor’s piece of it, by the way. They didn’t even have the balls to add in the hospital and anesthesia.
So, instant abundance. I know those of you who are going to quibble and say, “But Dr. Daniels, it’s going to take more than two ounces of pig ears a month to fix my face.” Answer: Yes, and that’s why I’ll allow a tenfold difference. So, the savings will be only 200 times less. That is half a penny on the dollar to achieve even better results by eating your collagen—call it pig ears—instead of buying collagen cream.
So why is this? By eating your collagen, you’re going to fix your joints, boom, arthritis gone. You’re going to fix the fascia that covers your muscles, increased strength. It’s just a real snowball effect with fixing the collagen everywhere in your body. Literally, for half a penny on the dollar, you’re not only going to solve the first problem, which is wrinkles, but you’re going to solve the other deeper problems, which are joint problems, mobility problems, and so on.
The savings don’t end there because guess what? You’re going to eat something anyway. Pig ears at 50 cents a pound versus chicken at $2.50 a pound—now you have another savings, a fivefold savings reduction in food costs. So now you’re spending 20 cents on the dollar for your food instead of the full dollar. So, immediately you have savings in that area as well.
This brings us to the next point. Often, a lack of efficiency in one area creates inefficiencies in other areas, and there’s a multiplier effect creating the illusion of scarcity when what is going on is a snowball effect of ignoring abundance and creating scarcity. This is something I really had to confront myself with in my life. As you get older, you look for more efficient ways to get things done because you just don’t feel like putting all the time and effort into whatever it is you’re doing. You want things to be more efficient, easier, quicker, and you want to have more abundance in your life, more ease. I realized that in many cases, I was actually creating the scarcity. But by reexamining the situation, focusing on the outcome I wanted, I was able to get that same outcome with a lot fewer input resources. This is how abundance can just show up. Once you go down that path, you notice there’s abundance everywhere. Things become so much easier, and things that maybe you thought of as being very expensive—because you focus on your outcome that you want—you realize you can get the same outcome for pennies on the dollar.
So, abundance is everywhere. Whenever you feel scarcity, examine your objective and imagine other ways of reaching the same goal. Realize that there’s a good chance that you are placing a large amount of emotional and material resources in a direction that is not effective at reaching your goal. So, rethink. As always, think happens. Think happens. And so, really, this abundance is absolutely all around us and is something everyone can access because, well, it’s abundance.
Questions and Answers
Question 1: Dr. Daniels, what are your thoughts on keto? I found the zero-calorie sugars to be sickening. Is sugar in fruit okay?
Dr. Daniels: Let’s just stop right there. My thoughts on keto are that there is no one diet that’s appropriate for all people at all times. Different people will do better on different diets, and different diets are appropriate for different times in a person’s life. That goes for keto, vegan, vegetarian, water fasting, juice fasting—all of these things. They are not all the best option for any one person at a particular time, and for any one person throughout their life, it is not the best option throughout their life.
Question 2: Is sugar in fruit and homemade bread that bad?
Dr. Daniels: The answer is no.
Question 3: Please tell us your diet.
Dr. Daniels: If it doesn’t move, I eat it. No, that’s not true. My diet is very diverse now. History is I was vegan for 26 years. For 26 years, I had no animal products at all, so my body became very, very, very deficient. Now my diet focuses on organ meats with lots of vegetables and lots of carbs. Today, while I’m taping this show, I have ham hocks and pig feet in the slow cooker with some vinegar. I purchased some—actually, I obtained, that’s another story—obtained pig blood, which I will puree, add to the pot, stir in with spices, and I will have what’s called a Dinguan stew. It’s a Filipino dish. Basically, it’s a stew with pork meat and pig blood. What I found after visiting England and eating the full English breakfast, which contains blood sausage, is that the dish with the blood added gave me incredible energy and really made me feel amazing. It made it easier for me to do all the stuff that I want to do with my day. I also drink plenty of water. I do take some supplements, but basically, it’s a diet of vegetables. There are some carbs. Sometimes I get my carbs from beans, sometimes from rice, sometimes from potatoes. I eat fruit. Actually, today I’ve already had a little slice of watermelon, but that’s pretty much the size of it. I drink about three liters of water a day.
Question 4: Hi, Dr. Daniels. On the bottles of vitality capsules, it says not to take them if you’re on blood thinners. Does that rule out turpentine as well?
Dr. Daniels: No. Blood thinners are medication. If you’re on a pharmaceutical agent designed to thin your blood, then vitality capsules are not the thing to take. The reason for this is because your doctor, when he prescribes blood thinners, is prescribing a deadly dose. Because he’s prescribing a lethal dose of medicines, you can choose to take it. Not a problem. But when you add something to it like garlic, ginger, or cayenne pepper, which are ingredients in the vitality capsules, it can cause a slight increased thinning of the blood, which would lessen your degree of safety.
So it doesn’t include any natural ingredients like, say, turpentine or whatever.
Question 5: Hi, Dr. Daniels. I really enjoy your program, and I’m so glad your mom is doing so much better.
Dr. Daniels: Thank you. We all are. She’s very independent.
Question 6: Will you recommend a good place to buy Shilajit?
Dr. Daniels: The best place would be on eBay from the Russian Federation.
Question 7: And turpentine?
Dr. Daniels: Turpentine is up in the air. You really have to just look and insist on 100% pure gum spirits with turpentine.
Question 8: I know that the present situation is only the flu, and this whole situation is trying to ruin our economy and bring in socialism. Do you think taking turpentine can help people who decide to take dangerous toxic medications? Dr. So-and-so gives a very dim outlook for them with a year of getting it.
Dr. Daniels: I think that when you allow yourself to be poisoned, bad things happen. That’s it. But everyone as an adult has to decide for themselves what degree of poisoning they want to accept. Life is not risk-free. Many people choose to allow themselves to be stabbed and have things injected into their body because they feel, "Okay, if I get stabbed and get this injected, then maybe I’ll be able to go someplace or travel or whatever." Each person has to make their own decision about that. Some people say, "Wait a minute. If I get injected with poisons and chemicals, then I might get so sick I won’t be able to travel." So each person has to make their assessment and place their bets in the casino of life. I hope that that is helpful.
But I think another way of looking at it is, again, just like we talked about the abundance situation—you’ve got to focus on your objective. The way to create abundance and happiness is when you have an objective, to think of as many ways as possible of reaching that objective, and then pick the route to that objective that does not involve abuse or harm to yourself. Now, many people don’t like this step. It’s difficult. It is not easy. That’s why I say, think happens. And you really have got to think. This is a time, unfortunately, in history where people cannot afford to just go along to get along. People cannot afford to just reach for the most convenient option presented to them.
If people are thinking of taking what they believe to be a poisonous drug or allowing it to be injected into themselves, they have to ask themselves, "Why are they doing it? What are they trying to accomplish? And is there another way to accomplish that same thing?"
Question 9: Hi, Dr. Daniels. Does turpentine need to be in a 5 mL dose with sugar?
Dr. Daniels: No. I only take 2.5 mL, so I take half that amount.
Question 10: Can you take it straight?
Dr. Daniels: No, don’t take it straight. Bad idea. Not turpentine. Like you would take red pine needle oil. Red pine needle oil is not the same as turpentine. Red pine needle oil is from the pine needles, not the sap. Totally different material, basically.
Question 11: Does turpentine have a negative effect on your kidneys and liver? Some holistic health practitioners believe that toxins can build up and poison the kidneys and liver.
Dr. Daniels: First of all, anything can have a negative effect on anything. So let’s just eliminate that situation. This is why I wrote the Candida Cleaner Protocol, which you can go to vitalitycapsules.com and download. When you are well-hydrated, which the protocol has you do before you even start taking turpentine, there’s not a problem with the kidneys. And when you have the three bowel movements going on, which is what the protocol recommends, there’s no problem with the liver.
Some practitioners believe—belief is like a religion, something for which there is no evidence. You can believe in Buddha, you can believe in Jesus, you can believe in Allah, you can believe in a lot of things. But I think when you’re talking about your health, you’ve got to ask for a little more evidence or proof, right? If the toxins build up, then you haven’t followed the Candida protocol. I wrote it precisely so that you would not have any kind of negative organ effects and that there would be no buildup. So go to vitalitycapsules.com, download the report, and follow it. If you don’t follow the report, anything can happen.
Okay, that is it. We are at the end of our show. As always, think happens. We’ll see you in a week.