Advanced Cancer Patients Better Without Chemo

Advanced Cancer Patients Better Without Chemo

(0:02) Introduction:
Hi, my name is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. Today's episode is entitled Advanced Cancer Patients Doing Better Without Chemotherapy. So today, I'm going to review the latest results and give you the English translation. As always, think happens.
(0:24) Turpentine Ritual:
But first, we've got to take our turpentine. Let's see what we have. We've got our bottle of turpentine by the gallon. I just put it in this bottle for convenience so I don't spill it all over the place. All right, there we go. And we have, of course, our white sugar, the villainous white sugar. People say to me, "Well, Dr. Daniels, how can white sugar possibly heal anything?" And what I said years ago is, "Well, you take one poison, white sugar, put it with another poison, turpentine, and together they heal. Amazing." Now, this dropper happens to hold half a teaspoon, and I found that for me, that works really nicely. So that's what I take. I take it about three times a week when I get around to it. And so, here we go. I put a little bit of water in my mouth, and that makes it come off the spoon easier and go straight down my throat without me having to taste it. A little chaser. There we go. Turpentine, done.
(1:53) Shilajit Supplement:
Next is Shilajit. Amazing tar dug out of the ground in Russia. Thank you, Russia. This is a trace mineral supplement because I drink distilled water. I take my trace minerals, and this is the richest trace mineral source there is. And the price can't be beat—20 something dollars for a year's supply. There you go. There's the black tar. We're going to put that in the water, let it dissolve while we chat, and take it later.
(2:27) Discussion on Research Standards:
So this is an interesting concept. Many of you are very excited and interested in research. The gold standard in research is the double-blind placebo-controlled trial. What does that mean? It means you compare your proposed intervention to doing nothing. That's the classic definition. This has unfortunately morphed or changed into comparing one high-revenue option with another high-revenue option. This means that the effect had a patient done nothing is totally not even measured anymore.
(3:18) Alternative Cancer Treatment Options:
But in the area of cancer, a high-revenue option has emerged that does not involve chemotherapy. What they've done is they've compared chemotherapy to this other high-revenue option. Now, whether this other option is effective or not against cancer, of course, we don't really know because that's not the way research is designed. But it does give us a peek into what's really going on, and we can maybe draw some conclusions.
(3:48) Article Review - Medscape Report:
This show is inspired by a news release from Medscape, the international authority on all things medical, and the voice piece for the medical industrial complex. Notably, this comes from Barcelona, Spain. The headline is, Could All Patients with Advanced NSCLC Go Chemo-Free? NSCLC means non-small cell lung cancer, so we're going to cross that off and put "lung cancer." Can all patients with advanced lung cancer go chemo-free? What does advanced mean? Advanced means it spreads to the rest of their body or someplace outside of the lungs. Pretty serious and generally, well, deadly.
(4:57) Immunotherapy as an Alternative:
From Barcelona, Spain, treatment with combination immunotherapy, that means not chemotherapy, or more precisely, immunotherapy is something administered to the patient that gets the patient's immune system to fight the cancer. It should improve overall survival when compared with chemotherapy in patients with untreated advanced non-small cell lung cancer, even without the programmed death ligand expression. So we can cross out the "even without," because that means "with or without." So it works either way.
(5:57) Immunotherapy vs. Chemotherapy:
This is interesting because in the past, immunotherapy was compared with immunotherapy plus chemotherapy or chemotherapy alone. And immunotherapy plus chemotherapy was superior to chemotherapy alone. That is considered what I would say is a piece of marketing diplomacy. You take your competitor and say, "Well, we're going to test my product with your product." So we're not going to cut into your market share; we're just going to add our product to it as an add-on purchase. What was found then is that chemo plus immunotherapy was better than chemo alone. So the folks in Barcelona, not the United States, took the next step: Could immunotherapy be used instead of chemo? But not only that, is immunotherapy alone, in other words, your immune system alone, fighting the cancer superior to chemo? There's a question.
(6:58) Hope for Chemo-Free Treatment:
This offers hope for chemotherapy-free treatment for all comers, says the investigators. "All comers" means you don't need to do any kind of expensive testing. You got cancer? Immunotherapy, not chemo. The new data come from the part one final analysis of the Checkmate 227 trial, conducted in over 1,700 patients with stage four or recurrent lung cancer. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either a combination of immunotherapy (nivolumab plus ipilimumab) or chemotherapy alone, or nivolumab alone, or nivolumab with chemotherapy. Notice there is one option here that is conspicuously absent: no therapy at all. That's what keeps us from having a truly valid placebo-controlled trial. Instead, what it is is a marketing comparison trial of one product versus another product.
(8:29) Results of the Trial:
The results show that in patients with certain cancer marker expressions, overall survival is improved by 21%—from 15 months to 17 months—with combined immunotherapy versus chemotherapy. Furthermore, the results show the combination of immunotherapy plus low-dose immunotherapy was associated with a survival benefit in all patients, with the effect lasting beyond the two-year treatment period. So now, if we totally eliminate chemo, survival is enhanced even more. Currently, there are no new safety signals, meaning there are no new side effects. Fewer patients experience treatment-related adverse events than those given chemotherapy, so it's a much easier ride for the patient, and people are living longer.
(9:49) Presentation and Publication:
These findings were presented at the European Society of Medical Cancer annual meeting, and the results were simultaneously published online in the New England Journal of Medicine. The investigator said that in her opinion, the results are practice-changing. In other words, doctors should change the way they practice based on these results. Based on these results, patients are getting better outcomes, living longer, feeling better, and having fewer side effects. So why not switch therapy?
(10:28) Algorithm Development:
She emphasized that the next step is to develop an algorithm to select the best frontline treatment for each patient. Now, it's noteworthy to observe that this test was done on people who had never received chemo. So the immunotherapy was given only to people who had never received chemo. What does that mean? It means their immune system had not been impaired or damaged by chemo. We need to wait a little more time (this was done at the two-year mark) to see which treatment really gives rise to improved long-term survival—in other words, the five-year mark.
(11:18) Comparing Toxicities:
The second critical point would be to compare toxicities, which is a fancy word for poisoning. We can then have an informed discussion with our patients, she added. The new data in Italy said that although the results show we have a new treatment option for the first-line treatment of metastatic lung cancer, we don't yet know if the findings are practice-changing. So we're going to wait a little longer and see. The premise of the current results from the trials is that patients can have long-lasting responses, meaning a long life, without chemotherapy. But at the same time, we have to go back to the bench and to the bedside and act as scientists to understand who are the right patients to be treated with immunotherapy, plus immunotherapy, with a combination of chemotherapy, or just a single agent, she said. In other words, they're saying, "Well, well, well, chemotherapy, guys, we're not going to take all your cheese. We're still going to say there's those chemotherapy patients, chemo plus immuno, and now we have this little group that can do immuno alone and, of course, not suffer."
(12:54) Future Research:
The process could take several years—additional research. These immunotherapy agents, one, restores anti-T cell function; it enhances pre-existing T cell response, and another one inhibits tumor cells—or, I'm sorry, it accelerates your immune system's ability to inhibit tumor cells. So basically, the basic message here is that your immune system, working against cancer, is superior to chemotherapy killing your immune system and presumably the cancer as well. This is shocking, amazing.
(13:59) Limitations of the Study:
Now, again, we still don't have the true placebo-controlled trial, which would be to compare no therapy with the immunotherapy. As a cautionary tale, I have the New York Times here—gotta love them. So this is the New York Times, and usually they have a date on their articles. April 26, 2018. Some cancer doctors choose not to mention immunotherapy to dying patients, arguing that scientists first must gather rigorous evidence about the benefits and pitfalls and that treating patients experimentally outside a clinical trial is perilous business. Truth be known, it's perilous business even inside clinical trials, but that's another story. But here is the notable phrase: Many, that would be doctors and probably relatives, still shudder at the fiasco (failure) that unfolded in the '80s and '90s when doctors started giving women with breast cancer extremely high doses of chemotherapy and radiation on the theory that more must be better. The doctors did not systematically collect data. Instead, they reported occasional patient stories claiming success. Then a clinical trial found that this treatment was much worse than the conventional one. Cancers remained just as deadly when treated with high doses of chemo, and the regimen itself killed or maimed a lot more women.
(15:29) Questioning Traditional Approaches:
So you have to ask yourself, yes, you have to proceed with caution with new therapies, but if more is worse, could less be better? In other words, if more chemo and radiation created more death and disfigurement (this is in breast cancer), could less chemo and less radiation give an even better outcome? So this article was written in 2018, and the research study I just quoted came out in 2019. So in 2019, we now have evidence that at least for lung cancer, chemotherapy, you can just take that, put it on the shelf, and enhance your immune system's ability to work better. And that your internal equipment, call it an immune system, is apparently better equipped to heal you than chemotherapy is.
(16:49) Immunotherapy Manufacturer:
Of course, the immunotherapy is manufactured by drug companies who do tests, and this is Bristol Myers Squibb. Five-year outcomes demonstrate durable long-term survival benefits in patients with advanced melanoma. So melanoma is basically a cancer of the immune system. Let's see, when is their press release out? So they say they have five years of data. This is also from a Checkmate trial—Checkmate 067, as opposed to 227. So five-year overall survival rates were 52% for the chemo plus immunotherapy, and as high as 74% with the immunotherapy. So this is a substantial increase in survival.
(18:15) Immune System's Role:
The first question is: Is the immune system superior to chemo? The answer is, it appears so. The next question is: How do you enhance the function of the immune system? Well, if you ask Bristol Myers Squibb, they would say, "By nivolumab." Yeah, of course. Sounds good. But I think the real take-home message here, the moral of the story, is that your immune system is really doing the job here. It's really your immune system that's healing you. And that should not be overlooked.
(19:20) Lifestyle Change:
A lot of times, there's a big temptation to look for a silver bullet or a quick fix. There is not a quick fix. People's illnesses, cancer or not, are created over a period of time due to their actions. The only way to reverse it would be through a change in actions or basically a lifestyle change.
(20:24) Chemotherapy vs. Immune System:
The first step in chemotherapy, or the concept, is that your immune system is bad, your body is bad, it's evil, we've got to destroy it. Destroying something generally is not a way to improve things. I guess if you're a bush, harsh pruning might help. But we're talking about human beings here.
(21:04) Take-Home Message:
What would be the take-home message? There are degrees of interpretation here. One is, if you're into drugs and you're given a choice between chemo and immunotherapy, take the immunotherapy and maybe even skip the chemo. That's one. The next more drastic interpretation would be to skip the whole shebang and just give your body a better diet—give your body clean food that you prepare yourself at home without chemicals or preservatives.
(22:00) Healthy Lifestyle Recommendations:
So that would be your best bet: to simply follow a lifestyle that's healthy for the human body and for your immune system, which would be drinking purified water, having three bottles a day, and eating food. Ideally, food that you grow in your backyard, maybe your neighbor grows in their backyard, but if you can't get that, then directly from a farmer that does not use chemicals. The good news is you can let go of chemotherapy. Of course, that was always the case, but now there's actually research showing that—you don't have to torture yourself. You can simply maximize the quality of each additional day. You don't have to destroy your quality of life in the hopes of prolonging it because, according to these studies, destroying your quality of life does not prolong it. So there you go—no need to torture yourself because there is no upside to it.
(23:00) Shilajit Check:
All righty. Let's get this over here, put that over there. Okay. So that brings us to questions. Yay! Oh, wait a minute. We have our Shilajit here. As you can see, it has dissolved. It's turned brown. Our little paddle here is clear.
(23:36) First Question - Tachycardia Ablation:
First question here is from Addie. And by the way, people can send in their questions to And I'd like to also thank all of you out there for sending me best wishes for my cold. It is getting better. Thank you very much.
(24:10) Addie's Question:
Addie says, "My relative had an ablation for tachycardia last December." All right, let's just pause right there. So the medical industrial complex itself has concluded that ablation for atrial fibrillation is the same as placebo. In other words, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But it doesn't work any more often than placebo does. Okay. So this person just had an unnecessary—let's just say ineffective—medical intervention. Got that. Every month, her jaw swells. She also has neuropathy and diabetes. What can help the pain and burning? Is there anything she can do for relief for the swelling, pain, burning, itching?
(25:00) Dr. Daniels' Response:
The first thing she can do is get rid of her diabetes. For that, she can just go to and download her report on the Candida Cleaner and just follow the diet. Her diabetes will be gone in about two weeks. The diabetes is responsible for the weakness in her immune system, which is allowing the jaw swelling and all the other bothersome symptoms.
(25:32) Cindy's Question - Migraines with Aura:
Cindy says, "Hi, Dr. Daniels. Could you give me any help on understanding migraines with aura and treatment? Thank you. I appreciate all you've done to help me and my family."
(25:42) Dr. Daniels' Response:
You're welcome, Cindy. Migraines with aura, which are characterized by visual disturbances like streaks of light or lines of light, can be quite uncomfortable. The underlying cause of migraines, including those with aura, is often related to toxins in the blood, which irritate the blood-brain barrier.
In my experience, the main culprits are beverages that are poisonous or toxic to your body. These include alcohol, dairy, and sugary drinks. These substances can poison the blood, leading to migraines. So the first step in preventing migraines is to eliminate those beverages from your diet.
The second step is to ensure that you're having regular bowel movements—ideally three times a day. Back in 1979, the cure for migraines was as simple as having a bowel movement. It was common practice to use a suppository to induce a bowel movement, and the headache would go away. This practice was phased out, but it was very effective because it helped remove the toxins that were inflaming the brain.
To prevent migraines, increase your water intake. If you're already experiencing a migraine, you're likely dehydrated. Drink 12 ounces of water every five minutes until the headache subsides. Additionally, ensure you're pooping three times a day. You could also try an enema on the spot to get relief.
(28:21) Jamila's Question - Shingles:
Jamila asks, "What is shingles? What causes it, and how is it cured? Thank you."
(28:27) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Shingles is caused by the herpes virus, which most people carry. When your immune system weakens or is under stress, the virus can re-emerge and express itself as an outbreak in the skin. Essentially, shingles occurs when your body pushes the herpes virus out of storage and into the skin.
The cause of shingles is a weakened immune system, and sometimes it's part of a cleansing process. Another contributing factor is a lack of collagen in the body. When your skin lacks collagen, the herpes virus isn't just harmlessly stored; it can cause an outbreak.
To address shingles, you need to increase your intake of collagen-rich foods. Stop consuming sugary drinks, white flour, and other foods that lack collagen. Instead, eat more collagen-rich foods like pig feet, chicken feet, or ham hocks.
(30:07) JC's Question - Gray Hair Reversal:
JC says, "Hi, Dr. Daniels. Are there any natural remedies for reversing gray or white hair? I was told it could be a copper imbalance. Please help, as I do not want to continue dyeing my hair."
(30:18) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Let's address the last part first—whether or not you dye your hair is a personal choice. However, I recommend stopping the use of hair dye, regardless of the cause of your gray hair. Hair dye contains many chemicals and poisons, so it's best to avoid it.
Gray hair can be related to a copper imbalance, but more fundamentally, it's usually due to malnutrition and toxicity in the body. One natural remedy you can try is small willow flower herb, which helps accelerate toxin removal through the kidneys. This prevents toxins from getting stuck in your hair follicles, reducing graying and hair loss. You can buy small willow flower herb by the pound on Amazon, and the dosage is two teaspoons twice a day as a tea.
Diet-wise, you should eliminate all processed foods and dairy, and eat more organic fruits and vegetables. I experienced a significant reduction in gray hair after just three weeks of following a strict organic diet. So, the combination of a healthy diet and small willow flower herb should help.
(32:35) Marsha's Question - Quitting Smoking:
Marsha asks, "Do you know of anything that can help a person stop smoking cigarettes? My daughter just cannot seem to stop. Thank you. P.S. Thank you for all the knowledge you share with us each week."
(32:52) Dr. Daniels' Response:
You're welcome, Marsha. First, let's consider why your daughter wants to stop smoking. If it's for health reasons, the first step is to switch to American Spirit organic cigarettes or, even better, roll your own cigarettes using organic tobacco and papers. This will reduce the health consequences of smoking.
If the goal is to quit smoking entirely, it's essential to address diet and lifestyle changes simultaneously. Cigarettes create a sedative effect, which demands a caffeine source—whether it's coffee, green tea, or something else. Additionally, smoking is often linked to white flour and sugar consumption. To quit smoking successfully, your daughter needs to reduce cigarettes, caffeine, and sugar or white flour intake all at once.
There is a three-pronged approach to quitting smoking, which I cover in my Home Healers course. It explains the three factors that support cigarette smoking. You can find out more about this course at forward slash heal at home.
(35:21) Question on Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy:
A listener asks, "Is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at all curable or manageable, or is it a short death sentence?"
(35:27) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Life itself is a short death sentence, but idiopathic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is not necessarily one. The solution is to adopt a vegan diet with no processed food, no fake meats, no soy, and no sugar. A whole food vegan diet, combined with no alcohol and no cigarettes, can effectively manage hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
(36:07) Jay's Question - Ear Infection:
Jay says, "Hi, Dr. Daniels. I hope you're well. What do you recommend for an ear infection affecting hearing? The ears are plugged but not from wax. The doctor gave me topical antibiotics and also suggested garlic oil. I've been applying a little turpentine once per day for a week but haven't seen any hearing improvement. I still have that plugged pressure feeling."
(36:33) Dr. Daniels' Response:
For ear infections, I recommend using garlic and mullein ear drops instead of just garlic oil. The garlic and mullein ear drops help open up holes in the eardrum, allowing the garlic oil to penetrate and work more effectively. To apply, lay down with the affected ear up, fill the ear with the drops, plug it with cotton, and go to sleep. This usually takes care of the problem overnight.
Additionally, there's likely a dietary component contributing to the issue, often dairy. Stop all dairy products and dairy substitutes, such as milk, cheese, sour cream, heavy cream, yogurt, and rice or soy milk. These dairy substitutes often contain indigestible parts that can get stuck in your ear. Also, make sure you're having regular bowel movements, at least three times a day.
(37:45) Question on Boils:
A listener asks, "How do you get rid of boils naturally?"
(37:51) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Boils are essentially bacteria that have backed up from your intestines and found their way to your skin. To address this, you need to increase your bowel movements to three times a day. Once you're doing that, increase your water intake and apply turpentine directly to the boil five times a day. This usually resolves the boil in a day or two if you have just one.
If you have multiple boils—let's say 20 or so—you should still follow the same protocol, but don't apply turpentine topically, as you could overdose. Instead, take turpentine internally. You can find instructions on how to do this safely by downloading the Candida Cleaner Report from Remember to increase your water intake, fix your diet (as outlined in the report), and ensure you're having regular bowel movements.
(39:08) Question on Lump in Neck:
A listener says, "For two weeks, I've had a lump on my neck. I'm already taking vitality capsules and turpentine, a quarter teaspoon of turpentine a day, and I'm pooping three times a day. What else can I do?"
(39:15) Dr. Daniels' Response:
If you're already following the Candida protocol and having regular bowel movements, you can apply either Vicks VapoRub or turpentine directly to the lump three times a day. This should help the lump go away.
(39:34) Donna's Question - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Type 1 Diabetes:
Donna says, "Hi, Dr. Daniels. My name is Donna, and I have rheumatoid arthritis. My daughter has type 1 diabetes. Please help us. I just need direction on how to reverse these diseases."
(39:39) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Believe it or not, the most crucial factor in addressing both rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes is your diet, followed by cleansing. You and your daughter can start by going to and downloading the Candida Cleaner Report. Follow the diet outlined in the report—it's a very cleansing diet—and begin using turpentine, which can help both conditions. You can also schedule an appointment with me at for more personalized guidance.
(40:21) Mark's Question - Duputyren Contracture:
Mark says, "Hi, Dr. Daniels. I listen to your show on Sundays. I've been a medical rep in Omaha for 35 years, and I totally agree with your topics and philosophy. My question is, would turpentine work for my Duputyren contracture, which I've had for 25 years?"
(40:35) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Thank you, Mark, for your kind words. Duputyren contracture is a condition where the tendon in one of the fingers—typically the ring finger—shortens, causing the finger to curl. If your contracture is worsening, turpentine could help prevent it from getting worse.
If you take turpentine internally over time and massage the affected finger with castor oil, it may actually help straighten the finger out. That's the simplest way to approach it.
(41:34) Question on Hydrogen Peroxide:
A listener asks, "Dear Dr. Daniels, some people are saying there are health benefits to ingesting minute quantities of hydrogen peroxide daily. Do you have any views on this subject?"
(41:38) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Yes, I do. I don't agree with taking hydrogen peroxide daily as a tonic. Your body's pH should be within the normal range, and taking hydrogen peroxide regularly is not necessary for maintaining health. While there may be benefits to ingesting hydrogen peroxide when dealing with an active illness, using it daily as a tonic is not advisable.
(42:16) Question on Autism and Turpentine:
A listener asks, "My three grandsons have autism. Can I give them turpentine, and how much should I give?"
(42:21) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Yes, you can give them turpentine. The dosages and instructions are outlined in the Candida Cleaner Report, which you can download from Read the report a few times to fully understand the protocol, and adjust their diet accordingly as well.
(43:06) Jamila's Question - Burning from Turpentine:
Jamila says, "I had bad itching under my breasts, and I applied some turpentine. The burning from the turpentine was unbearable. I had to hurry and wash it off."
(43:11) Dr. Daniels' Response:
The skin under your breasts is a closed, moist area, which can cause turpentine to react more intensely and lead to blistering or burning. You've already applied castor oil, which is a great remedy and should help the skin heal. Keep applying castor oil to the area, but stop using turpentine there.
(44:19) JC's Question - Hot Flashes:
Before answering JC's question, I want to clarify something that's a big problem in our culture. People have been conditioned to associate hot flashes with hormone problems or an imbalance of hormones. However, hot flashes can occur even in women who are having regular periods, which indicates their hormones are balanced. So, the hot flashes are not related to hormones at all.
(44:31) JC asks: "What can I do to balance my hormones? I'm 48 and feel healthy, except for occasional down times and difficulty losing weight despite my efforts. Last month, I had my first hot flashes, but this month I had my usual symptoms, like sore breasts after ovulation. What's going on?"
(44:51) Dr. Daniels' Response:
JC, your hot flashes are not related to hormone imbalances. Instead, they are likely due to an increase in toxins in your body. You need to take another look at your diet and ensure you're not consuming foods that contribute to toxicity. Make sure you're pooping three times a day, and consider switching to a vegan diet for a while to help clear the toxins from your system. This should help with both the hot flashes and the difficulty in losing weight.
(47:03) Christy's Question - B-Complex and Histamine:
Christy asks, "In your Candida report, you suggest B-Complex 50, but I've been unable to find one without synthetic folic acid. Have you found one with natural folic acid that you can suggest? Also, I try to keep non-synthetic folic acid due to MTHFR. Any thoughts or recommendations?"
(47:19) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Christy, I personally think the concern over synthetic folic acid is a bit overblown, especially when it comes to MTHFR. It's important to remember that MTHFR is not a disease—it's just part of being human. 65% of Americans have this genetic variant, so it's not something to be overly concerned about.
If you're really concerned about folic acid, the best source is from food, specifically liver. Eating liver will give you all the natural folic acid you need. As for your histamine issues, they are more likely related to an accumulation of toxins in your body. You might want to consider doing some enemas to help remove those toxins. This could help alleviate your symptoms.
(49:19) Question on Diverticulitis:
A listener asks, "Would the Vitality Capsule Candida protocol be the same for someone with diverticulitis? Is diverticulitis 100% curable?"
(49:25) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Yes, the Candida cleaning protocol is the same for someone with diverticulitis, and yes, diverticulitis is 100% curable. People with diverticulitis love Vitality Capsules because they help the intestines contract and expel those inflammatory little colonies of bacteria that cause pain. Just follow the Candida cleaning protocol, take the Vitality Capsules, and once you're feeling better, you can loosen up your diet a bit.
(51:32) Gail's Question - Brain Lesions:
Gail asks, "Hi, Dr. Daniels. I'm a 60-year-old black female. After going through your eczema protocol, I now have beautiful skin. However, I've heard you mention brain lesions before. Could you direct me to the show where you discussed them?"
(51:55) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Congratulations on achieving beautiful skin! I'm glad the eczema protocol worked for you. As for brain lesions, they are typically due to an accumulation of toxins in the brain and some degree of malnutrition. The key to addressing brain lesions is to ensure you're pooping regularly so your body can naturally remove toxins from the brain. Additionally, improving your diet will help your body make the necessary repairs. While I can't point to a specific show, this general approach should help with brain health.
(54:05) Gail's Follow-up Question - Building Muscle Mass:
Gail continues, "I'm mostly looking to get bigger in size and build muscle. What can I do at home to bulk up?"
(54:12) Dr. Daniels' Response:
If you're looking to build muscle mass at home, you don't necessarily need to go to a gym. You can use simple items like water bottles as weights. For example, a 2-liter bottle of water weighs about 4 pounds, which you can use for various exercises like bicep curls, tricep extensions, and other strength-training moves.
In addition to exercise, your diet is crucial. To build muscle, you need to eat protein-rich foods. Two excellent options are oxtail and ham hocks, which are high in collagen and help build muscle. Regularly incorporating these into your meals can help you bulk up over time. And remember, consistency in both exercise and diet is key.
(56:16) Jess' Question - Breastfeeding and Baby Fevers:
Jess asks, "How do I avoid my breastfeeding baby getting fevers due to hormones in mother's milk?"
(56:20) Dr. Daniels' Response:
Fevers in breastfeeding babies are not caused by hormones in the mother's milk. Instead, they are likely due to toxins or dehydration. After breastfeeding, offer your baby a water bottle to ensure they stay hydrated. This simple step can help prevent fevers and keep your baby healthy.
(57:02) Closing Remarks:
Dr. Daniels wraps up the session by reminding listeners to visit to get their Vitality Capsules and download the free Candida Cleaner Report. She also invites everyone to tune in next week for more health tips and advice. As always, she signs off with, "Think happens. Bye-bye!