Are You Solving The Wrong Problem?

Are You Solving The Wrong Problem?

Healing with Dr. Daniels – August 15th, 2021 Edition
(0:01 - 0:20)
Dr. Daniels: Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, August 15th, 2021 edition. Yay! And today's title is, "Are You Solving the Wrong Problem?" So, if you're not getting healing results, chances are you are solving the wrong problem. And as always, think happens.
(0:33 - 1:10)
Okay, a little speck over there. Yep, we got it. But first, oh, we've got to do the mom update, I tell you. So, mom is continuing to improve, if you can imagine that. And she's really just waking up and getting quite independent. And, you know, she's very ambitious. And she's just one day at a time, it looks like she's moving towards that 90th birthday. So, we're all wishing her well. Now, that's the mom update.
(1:10 - 1:36)
Check Vitality Capsules. Yay! Vitality Capsules are back in stock, and they are shipping. Woohoo! So, check out That is the new website, And no, we're not having any sales at this time, but thank God they're available, and we've been able to maintain, probably even inch up, our high quality. The website is not perfect, but it is in the process of being improved. We do appreciate your feedback. Please continue to send emails to and let us know what bugs you're finding so we can fix them. Great.
(1:51 - 3:18)
Then there is my progress. Yay! So, last time we checked, I was doing splits. Well, I moved into over splits. Yes, over splits. I didn't think it was possible. But I'm now able to lift comfortably, lift my front leg four inches up off the ground while doing splits. Wow. And, of course, making more progress with those center splits and the handstands. Yay! So, when I can figure out how to get better technology here, I can show you my over splits at least.
Vitality Cycles. Yay! That is the theme, the new direction we're going in. And, basically, life has cycles. And the big deal is to make the best of each cycle of your life and to enjoy really just excellent health so that you can enjoy the benefits of each cycle. So, that is what I am up to. I'm working on kind of codifying and putting together and assembling all the things that made it possible for me to do things that appear to other people to be impossible. But, actually, really anybody can do it. So, while my focus is changing, I am still working, still working to bring you really just wonderful, life-changing information that can help you up-level the quality of your life, the things that you can do, and really achieve more of your goals through better health.
(3:45 - 7:13)
And what else? Ah, yes. How could we forget? We have to take our turpentine. Yes. Now, in order to take our turpentine, we need, first of all, we need sugar. White sugar. Why would I label white sugar as white sugar? That sounds dumb, right? Actually, there's a lot of white things in this house. There's salt, which is white. There is vitamin C powder, which is white. And acetylcysteine powder, which is white. So, a lot of things are white. So, label your stuff. Okay. Now, we have a spoon. This is a United States teaspoon. That means it holds 5 grams or 5 cc. If you're in another metric system, measuring system, metric system. Okay, here we go. Sugar, sugar, sugar. Yay, yay, yay. And I like about a teaspoon and a half of sugar. So, that's about right right there.
Then, we have our turpentine. And put it in a bottle, and we label it turpentine. Yep. So, anyone picking it up will know this is not a beverage to be guzzled. Yes. Take our top off, and we have a little pipette. This is a 3 cc pipette. Up at the neck is 2.5 cc, which is the amount I like to drink, which is half a teaspoon. So, take this, put it in our bottle, squeeze our bowl, and suck up, hey, turpentine. And you see this is pretty close to the top there. It's just close enough. Doo-doo. And we're going to squirt it right on top of our spoon. And you may be able to see that part of the sugar is turning grayish. And that's what it's supposed to do. Part of the sugar turns grayish, not all of it. All right. Then, we have our handy-dandy glass of water. You want to wash this all the way down. Like, not to here, not to there, but all the way down to your tummy. And I can feel that it's in my tummy, so we are good to go on that one.
Next, we have Shilla Jet. Yay, Shilla Jet. Now, you say, Dr. Daniels, that's a pretty, pretty icky bottle. Yeah, that's true. But this little bottle is a year and a half's supply, so it gets a lot of work. Shilla Jet is a trace mineral supplement. Ow. And, as you can see, it is gooey. Yeah, this is gooey stuff. Whoa. See if we can't get the top a little further away. Yeah, there we go. The dose is 200 milligrams a day. And you just, this is a warm day here in the tropics, so we're doing pretty well here. There we go. And you put that right in our water. Bam. And let it dissolve. I suggest just letting it dissolve, and then we take this and we put our top back on. Hence the mask down the side.
(7:13 - 8:41)
So, why would you take Shilla Jet? So, Shilla Jet is actually the most powerful and concentrated trace mineral supplement on the planet. And this comes from Russia, which is really the best deposit on the planet. Well, Dr., why would anyone take it? Well, we take it because the food chain is broken. The food chain is absolutely broken. What's supposed to happen is you're supposed to eat food. Your body uses it, absorbs nutrients. You poop it out, and you take that poop, use it to fertilize plants. The plants then suck up those nutrients, and then they give those nutrients back to you when you eat them. And this is a cycle. That's not what's going on. People are eating food, they're pooping, and they're using flush toilets. Thank God for flush toilets. But the nutrients are being flushed down the river, into the oceans, and then the plants are being fertilized with something other than human waste. And because of this, people's trace nutrients and trace minerals are literally being flushed down the river. And so, what this does, taking Shilla Jet corrects that problem. All right. So, we've taken our turpentine. Yay! Got our Shilla Jet brewing here. Oh, it's already dissolving. I have to show you. So, if you look, you can see that the bottom here has a pool of brown. And so, it's actually beginning to dissolve. It's not fully dissolved, but you kind of get the idea. And when it's fully dissolved, the water is quite brown. All right.
(8:50 - 17:22)
That brings us to, yay, today's topic. Are you solving the wrong problem? Yep, yep, yep, yep. And I can say, if you're not getting healing results, chances are you're solving the wrong problem. So, what I'm going to do is give you examples of times in my life where I was confronted with a problem to solve, a pretty big problem. And focusing on one problem would give me one set of results. But focusing on a different problem would give me different results.
As many of you have heard the story, and I've told you many times. So, when my husband died four years ago, I had been sitting in this chair, 12 to 16 hours a day working, and also taking care of him, at least for two years, as he was bedridden. So, hours before the government ordered to stay at home, I was pretty much staying at home, and I was sitting. So, when he died, I realized, oh my God, I can barely walk. I mean, I can't get to the bathroom, but really not much more than that, because my legs were so stiff.
Now, before he died, I mentioned this to my husband. He said, oh, don't worry, I'll make you a nice, wonderful cane. And so, the problem then, as presented to me, was that I did not have the proper device for walking. All I needed was a cane. And was it this cane, or was it that cane? And even after his death, I was walking with two canes. Yes, two canes. So, if I had to go any distance, or I was hiking, I would use two canes. And I realized that I was having a lot of difficulty walking. And so, the question was, what was really my problem? Was it that I lacked the proper device? I need better canes, maybe a wheelchair, a walker, another assistive device, maybe a ramp for my house, or, you know, an electric chair that could lift me up over short stairways or something. And I decided, wait a minute, the real problem here is I am too weak to walk. And so, I took a taekwondo class. Yes, I was at the bottom of my class, but I did sign up for this taekwondo class full of teenagers. What are you going to do?
And I had been doing yoga for like 20 years. And so, I went to my yoga instructor and said, hey, could I have one-on-one instruction? I'm just not making any progress here. And she thought that was just really ridiculous. I just needed to do more downward dogs. Now, so I quit yoga, no more yoga, because I've been doing it for 20 years, right? And I had come to this situation even while doing yoga. So, I was doing taekwondo. I realized I could barely get through the one-hour class. And then I realized I had a dietary issue. And that's when I discovered organ meats. And I got more energy and stronger and more strength. And I said, hey, wait, I can do more stuff. I can do a backward bridge, maybe. Maybe I can try something else. And so, I did find someone who would help me stretch. And I was able to do a backward bridge and splits. And things have just gone from one thing to the other. But because I chose to solve the problem of being too weak, not the problem of getting better assistive devices, my future looks much more different.
So, in other words, had I decided to solve the problem of assistive devices, I would probably have a house full of canes and walking devices, whatever. But now, I have even had to get rid of armrests in my chairs, because I can get up so easily. I don't need armrests on my chair. I don't need armchairs. The armrests just get in the way of me using the chair. So, it's just absolutely amazing. And so, by solving the correct problem, which was me being too weak, I ended up solving a very important mobility health problem. I discovered that my diet was deficient. I needed to add organ meats and organ broths. I discovered that I needed more physical activity. And so, now, inside my house, I only have one chair outside the living room. So, the living room has seating, which is basically for guests. I don't really use it. But the rest of the house is only one seat, and that's the one I'm sitting in. So, there is no sitting area in the bedroom, the dining room, or the kitchen. And so, I actually have a day where I'm standing, or I'm on my feet all day long. Either I'm on my feet, or I'm doing stretches or exercises. And the day goes very nicely without any need for an afternoon nap or other types of sitting or repose. And that's at the age of 64. And I had believed, falsely so, from talking to my friends who are older, that, well, you get to be 64, that's it. You just take that afternoon nap. And now, I'm just, no, I don't have to. So, again, you've got to solve the right problem. If you're solving the wrong problem, it will turn out badly for you.
(17:22 - 26:04)
And as many of you know, I had a medical license way back when. And in 2000, well, let's go back to when I had it. So, I had a medical license, I was doing very well, wonderful private practice, happy patients, I was happy, all my bills were paid, I had absolutely no debt, and I had three healthy children. Life was just wonderful. And then, I lost my medical license. And so, of course, my patients thought the problem was I needed my medical license back. And so, they presented the problem with how to get the license back. And they worked very hard in all kinds of creative ways. But thank goodness that my problem was broadcast far and wide. And people contacted me and said, Dr. Daniels, you've got a problem, but medical license is not your problem. I said, really? And they said, no, the problem is you need to feed your children, you need to take care of them, you need to plan for your retirement. Your problem is how to provide economically for your life, and socially, how to build a new life. And so, once I changed my problem from how to get a license back to how to live my life without a license, how to meet my personal, social, and economic needs, as well as my value, in other words, living, doing what I wanted to do. So, I was really interested in healing people, helping people get better. And that is what I needed to do.
So, when I changed my focus from how to get government permission, how to restore government permission, to how to achieve what I wanted to do, I found, oh, it's pretty simple, it's straightforward, and lots of fun. And so, my happiness increased. Yes, I did have to get a whole new set of friends and a whole new family. But even that has worked out. And my old family members have said, well, you know, we think you're an okay person after all. You know, 20 years later, of course. So, the outcome is much better when I picked a different problem to solve. So, in other words, had I even gotten my license back, I would have still had the problem then of raising a quarter million dollars to restart a medical practice. A quarter million dollars, of course, that I didn't have. So, actually solving that problem would not have moved me forward towards being able to heal people or being able to financially provide food for my kids, for example. So, it's super important to not solve the wrong problem. Don't do it. And the one hint that you're solving the wrong problem is whenever you think about the problem, you feel totally hopeless. So, you need to ask yourself, if I solve this problem, then what? And if the then what is as bad or worse than where you are, then you definitely are solving the wrong problem.
(26:04 - 38:17)
So, here's another problem. How to prevent a heart attack. Now, just the word prevent, there's a problem right there. That means you don't have a heart attack. Yeah. And so, once you are focused on how to prevent something, you are immediately focused on a problem that does not exist. That's important. So, in my life, I don't do anything to prevent a heart attack or cancer or whatever. So, if you are focused on how to prevent a particular health condition, then you are immediately focused on solving a problem that doesn't exist, a problem that you don't have. So, don't do that. So, this leads you down a rabbit hole of testing, of drugs, of taking time out of your life to go get tests, of recovering from the side effects of the test, spending days preparing for the test, spending days or weeks worrying about the test results. And so, I think it's really important to understand this. And whenever you find yourself trying to decide how to prevent something, then know that you're on the wrong track. Know that you're going in the wrong direction. Know that you are spitting in the wind or pissing in the ocean. You're just taking your resources and throwing them out the window.
So, how to prevent a heart attack is not a reasonable problem to solve. That problem doesn't exist. So, that's another thing I found. Spending resources on problems that don't exist. That is a very bad idea. So, let's talk about problems that, well, maybe do exist. Here's one. So, this person says, I was diagnosed with herpes after my divorce two years ago. I have what appears to be mild outbreaks about three times a year. I've been prescribed blah, blah, blah during these outbreaks that don't last long. I read there is no cure. Okay. So, this person has a diagnosis after her divorce two years ago. So, is this a condition that she's blaming on her husband? Does she say she should never have divorced him and she only had kept the marriage together, then she would never have this condition? So, that's another issue. You know you're solving the wrong problem when you believe the problem to be solved by a fixed event in the past. As soon as you attach your problem to a fixed event in the past that happened, then you can't go back and change that event. Therefore, you've already defined the problem as one that can never be solved. So, we have got to let this guy off the hook. Okay. So, whoever you divorce, I want you to know he's a great guy and any affliction you have, he's not the cause. All right. So, that takes care of that. So, since we've released the problem from the past, we can now focus on trying to solve it. So, since we've exonerated this poor guy, I just want to take this moment to reach out to all of you men there and say, you have my total sympathy for everything society's trying to blame you for. And so, I certainly don't blame guys for anything. So, I hope that more women will just let go of that and stop blaming men for so many things. Okay.
But, what we're talking about here is an outbreak of what's been described as herpes. So, this person is getting an outbreak of open sores or blisters on their skin three times a year. That much we know. The question is, what do you do about this? And cure. I've read that there is no cure. So, what's a cure? A cure is a magical drug that the medical industrial complex gives you that solves the problem. And she is correct, there is no cure for this. However, that doesn't mean she can't solve the problem. So, her real problem is she has literally a diet that is deficient in what it takes to repair and maintain her skin. That's it. That's the problem to solve. And of course, you guys have heard this before, probably her best bet would be pig ears. That would solve the skin problem. So, in other words, she has not presented with any kind of joint problem. She just has a skin problem. So, pig ears are excellent for this. And I would eat maybe two, three pig ears a day, daily. And then, I would do it for maybe two weeks. Now, I say pig ears, but honestly, you have to eat, you know, some rice and some vegetables and lots of water. Make it a soup. Yeah. Yes, that'll solve the problem. So, yeah. So, she's totally focused on the wrong problem. She's focused on blaming someone that she doesn't like in whatever past event. Maybe the fact that she even married the poor guy. And then, she's looking for a cure. So, the cure doesn't exist. And this guy is not the problem. So, again, she's focused on the wrong problem. The problem is there's these bumps that show up in my skin. I want to stop happening. Then, that is, that's the way to go. All righty.
She has another affliction that she was taking drugs for. She stopped the drugs and it's getting better. So, we don't have to address that, right? Do not address problems that you do not have. That's an important, very important. If you don't have the problem, don't address it. Oh, man. How do I? I'm trying to change something on my screen and it's not letting me. As always, I don't know how. Okay. So, as I say, the fact that there's no cure is true, but it doesn't mean she can't solve the problem. Just because modern medicine has not found a way to profit from solving her situation doesn't mean that a solution does not exist. It's like me not having a medical license. It doesn't mean I can't feed my kids. It doesn't mean I can't pay my bills. It just means I don't have government permission. And so, I also want another lesson from that, which is if it requires government permission, it's an illusion. You don't really have the right to do it. And so, I don't even bother with government permission anymore. I just do what I want to do. And if something requires government permission, I have someone else who's gone through the rigmarole of getting government permission do it for me. And that way, I don't have to go through the trauma of qualifying for government permission or the trauma of, oh, my God, I lost my government permission. So, you know, I leave that stress to other people.
(38:17 - 38:31)
Well, that is it for today, and we'll see you again next week. As always, think happens. So, I have to figure out what button to hit here.