Health is a Choice

Health is a Choice

Introduction and Topic Overview
(0:00) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you are listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, January 24th, 2021 edition. Oh my gosh, 2021 is already going way, way too fast.
(0:20) Today's topic is Health is a Choice. Yes. Therefore, health can only be achieved with freedom to choose. So today, I'm going to share the times in my life when I exercised my freedom to choose health. I hope this will inspire you to exercise your freedom to choose.
Update on Mom's Health
(0:43) And as always, we have first our update on Mom. Mom has truly come back to life. Our family is incredibly impressed and thrilled at the near miraculous recovery. If you will recall, she came home from the hospital in a near comatose state in the loving, caring hands of hospice, who gave us a nice big bottle of liquid morphine to administer.
(1:18) So, no, she did not get the morphine. Yes, she is still alive, and she's just getting better and better. So we're all really excited. She’s back to where she was really, I would say, two years ago. So she's pretty much at this point back on track and could live a long time. So that’s really great.
Vitality Capsules Report
(1:46) Next, we have our Vitality Capsules report. Yay! We’re really excited about that. We’ve located most all the ingredients, and yes, we’re working on another batch. The batches do have a lead time of several weeks. So we’re really excited about Vitality Capsules. And Vitality Capsules, of course, is our sponsor, so please visit Get your Vitality Capsules today. Vitality Capsules is the internal cleanser that is gentle enough for everyday use. So check it out,
Taking Turpentine
(2:31) And as always, we have to take our turpentine, and we have our spoon. This is a teaspoon, not a dessert spoon, a teaspoon. And we’ve got our white sugar. Yay. And because once you get into natural healing, you will see a lot of things are white and granulated. Therefore, label your sugar.
(2:51) And we’ve got our turpentine. Unscrew the top here, and we’ve labeled this turpentine. And we’ve got our pipette. Yay, our pipette. And we just squeeze it all the way, dip it in there, and suck it up. You can see all the way up, up, up. Yep, right there. Right at the top. And that is 2.5 CCs, which is half a teaspoon, which is the dose I like to take. You can go to and get your free report on turpentine, the wonders of taking turpentine and how to do it safely and effectively. Please get the report. It is free. There’s no excuse for not reading it.
(3:41) All right. So here we have sugar, and we have our turpentine, and we’re going to squirt that right on there. Yay. As you can see, the sugar does change color, and as you can see, not all the sugar is soaked. That’s important. And we have our water. Yay. Okay. We did it.
(4:29) Now, I take this most every day. I probably miss, honestly, one or two days a week, but I take it because I love it. It keeps my joints moving, flexible, pain-free, splits are easy, and I just feel so much better when I take it.
What Does Turpentine Do?
(4:49) Now, what does turpentine do? It gets the parasites to decide that your body is not the place for them to hang out. And vamoose, they leave. And it makes it easier for your immune system. So instead of fighting parasites, instead of sequestering them and storing them, the parasites just say, "Hey, you know what? We have made a bad decision. We are leaving." And this is why Vitality Capsules are so important because Vitality Capsules help you achieve the three bowel movements a day that you need to make taking turpentine an easy and pleasant experience.
Taking Shilajit
(5:30) Next, we’re going to take Shilajit. This is Shilajit. As you can see, I’m not a neat freak. And this is also known as Mumio. You can see here. Yeah, it’s not written in English. Yeah. It makes it hard to order because you don’t even have the keyboard for the characters, but you can go to eBay and look up Mumio, M-U-M-Y-I-O, or Shilajit, same thing, S-H-I-L-A-J-I-T.
(6:01) Now, pull this cap off, you will see. Yes, it is gooey. I’m going to take a little stick here. You need 200 milligrams. This is clearly more than 200 milligrams. 200 milligrams, more or less, is a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. That is not a lot. And there you go. That’s a bit closer to a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. All right, put that in our water. Yay.
(6:29) Now, I happen to totally detest the flavor of Shilajit. Over time, I’ve just got to the point where, ooh, I don’t like it, but I feel so much better when I take it. So what have I figured out? What I figured out is you can mix fruits with Shilajit. Now, some of you are like, "Oh, can I buy fruit juice?" You could, but I personally don’t buy fruit juice. But the key is cloudy. You don’t want to add stuff to it that’s going to make it a cloudy, milky consistency because that means that the minerals have chemically reacted with the liquid you’ve added and will not be bioavailable to you.
(7:24) Okay. So here is a basic Shilajit. Now we happen to have hibiscus flower down here. And so I take dried hibiscus flower, and I boil it, and I add a little bit of what we call dark brown sugar, but here, we call it just our natural, regular sugar. All right. So that’s what this is. And after I boil it, I put it in the blender and puree it. And that gives it the natural thickening—not quite thick enough for jelly sandwiches, but thick enough for biscuits.
(8:05) So we’re going to put a pretty big dose of this. Yay. Here. I don’t put that much sugar in it, so it doesn’t really make it that sweet. So this covers the flavor of the Shilajit. And hopefully, by the end of the show, this spoon will be—or this chopstick will be clean and we’ll be ready to take our Shilajit. If so, we’ll take it. If not, I’ll just take it later.
Main Topic: Health Is a Choice
(8:32) All right. That’s the Shilajit. So that brings us to today’s topic. Yay.
(8:44) So, Health is a Choice, and it is only through choosing that anybody can find health. And therefore, health can only be achieved in an environment where each person has the ability to choose. And so, without choice, health is compromised. And this came to mind to me as a topic because many people are considering if they should take injections, should they wear face coverings, should they go to work? And these are all choices. These are decisions that people have to make.
(9:25) And someone else's decisions will not affect your outcome. Newsflash: Even if you believe in infectious disease, someone else's decisions will not affect your outcome. The same choice also—this is another wrinkle—will not be the best choice for everyone. So a choice that might be good for one person or healthy for one person will not be healthy for everyone. That is just the way it is. It’s a reality. So one size does not fit all.
(10:01) Even more important, only by allowing each person free choice will the optimal options be discovered. So as people see the outcomes of others, they can then make better decisions for themselves. Also, as people experience the outcomes of their own choices, they can make adjustments. So just because you choose one option doesn’t mean, "Oh, that’s the option forever." So it’s really, really important.
(10:33) And even more important, another wrinkle in the works here is that the choice that is appropriate for you at one point in your life may not be the best choice for your health at another point in your life. And so this is why freedom is so, so important to have, especially when making—when trying to achieve good health, better health, because the choices or the options that might be optimal or give you optimal health today might not give you optimal health tomorrow.
(11:21) So you need the freedom to change your choice, and the same option that might work for one person in their situation might not work for another person in a different situation. And so freedom is necessary for optimal health. Without freedom, you can’t have optimal health.
The Importance of Basic Freedoms
(11:39) And so I just want to go over some really basic freedoms—like basic—and share with you how these freedoms can impact your health. And then, in my lifetime, the different choices I’ve made and how they’ve worked out and how having the freedom to choose was just absolutely critical to me being able to not only improve my health but make discoveries that resulted in other people having improved health.
(12:00) First one, which sounds like a really odd thing, is the freedom to choose your bedtime. This is a freedom that’s being taken away by the establishment of curfews. Amazing, right? But the freedom to choose your bedtime and to come and go from your house as you please.
(12:32) Now, example: when I was in college, I would pull all-nighters. I would study all night long in order to reach my particular goal. For example, going to the library, or—and then in the summer, I would work 12-hour days in order to make enough money to pay for college. Now, these were all choices, and these choices were at the time healthy and appropriate for me. But as time passed on, when I became pregnant, 8 p.m. bedtime—very appropriate. Bed by eight, up by eight. So the different sleep cycles were very different.
(13:36) Next freedom: When you have things like externally imposed curfews or limitations, again, you don’t have the freedom to choose. Next is the freedom to choose what kind and how much water to drink. Really important. While I was pregnant, I needed to drink at least one gallon a day, at least. Now I eat a lot less. So again, the amount of water—very different type of water. I now drink distilled water. I don’t drink anything else. It’s not distilled. I’m not interested. I just don’t drink it.
(14:16) Now people ask, "Why do I take Shilajit?" I take Shilajit because I drink distilled water. And so what the Shilajit does is it provides me all of my trace minerals that I need so that the distilled water, while it cleanses my skin, clears my complexion, it rinses impurities out of my joints, so I don’t get arthritis and aches and pains. It can also cause me to dump more minerals. And so I replace the trace minerals.
(14:52) Now you might say, "Well, Dr. Daniels, if I don’t drink distilled water, then I don’t have to take trace minerals." Not exactly. It turns out that because of cultural practices in first-world countries, it is not possible for a person to get all the trace minerals they need in their diet. And this is just fully due to our cultural practices.
(15:09) For example, we flush our toilets, we flush our waste down the toilets, we don’t use the waste to fertilize our crops. So the minerals that leave our body are not recycled back to our crops so they can reenter our body. There’s an open cycle. It goes in our mouth, out the bottom end, and down the river. And so because of this, there’s not a recycle situation going on. And so this is why even if you don’t drink distilled water, you will probably feel a lot better taking trace minerals. And my choice is Shilajit.
The Freedom to Choose What You Eat
(15:46) Next is the freedom to choose what, if any, parts of an animal you’re going to consume. This is really, really important. For example, if you’re exhausted and you have no energy, the animal part to eat is the liver. If you have tendinitis, the part of the animal to eat would be the pig ears or a cow leg. If you’re having fertility issues, the part to eat would be ham hocks. If you have heart disease, the thing to eat would be vegetables.
(16:29) So your life situation may dictate one type of food and not another. And so having a situation where you are prohibited from choosing what part of the animal you want to eat creates illness. It creates sickness that cannot be relieved because it’s a nutritional issue. One crisis that’s happening in America now is the lack of availability of animal brain. Animal brain cures Alzheimer’s, cures forgetfulness, cures emotional issues. And so with a prohibition on selling and consuming animal brain, this creates kind of an endemic situation.
(17:21) A more personal example is I chose to become vegan because I became sick after eating meat. So I quit eating meat, became vegan. I felt a lot, lot better. I used to have this low level of nausea all the time, queasiness, and that went away. I got more energy, which was nice. I’ve always been usually very much underweight, and I was able to eat more and actually gain some weight. And after many years, though, of being vegan, I felt worse. It was important for me to be able to exercise the freedom to choose differently. So I now have corrected the mistakes I made while eating meat, and I corrected the mistakes I made while eating vegan by choosing differently, and my health is now better than it was even in my youth. So it allowed me to keep improving my health by exercising my freedom.
The Importance of Water Choice
(18:18) Next is water. Water is very interesting. So I used to drink tap water, and as a kid, my parents told me that water from the faucet was safe to drink because the government made it so. And that’s why we pay taxes, because the government gives us clean water. I said, "Oh, okay." As an eight or nine-year-old kid, it sounded good to me. But when I grew up, I left home, I read something about, "You know, get chlorine out of your water by leaving it on the countertop overnight and the chlorine will evaporate." I said, "Oh, okay, let me try that," because I could clearly taste the chlorine in the water. So I left the water out for 24 hours to dissipate the chlorine, only to find the chlorine was still present. The chlorine taste was still there, and there was another taste that was very foul. It was like awful. I tested the pH of the faucet water only to find it was a pH of nine. So this means the water processing plant had added chemicals to mask the taste of the poisons they did not remove from the water. And so that was the moment I switched to distilled water. So you know what? We’re not doing this.
(19:36) But I needed the freedom to choose different water in order to advance my health. And again, there was a willingness. So you need the freedom, and then you need to understand that the freedom is there. It’s there for you to exercise so you can get better health. So each one of us needs the freedom to choose in order to discover what’s best for our health at a given time in our lives. That may not be the same for everyone. In fact, I can assure you it is not the same for everyone. And this is why, especially in these times, we each need freedom for ourselves, and we need to have the tolerance and compassion to accept the decisions that others may make for themselves.
(20:28) Not having the freedom to choose your health habits can—and I would even go so far as to say it will—have devastating effects on your health, on your finances, and on your quality of life. So choose wisely and consciously and be flexible. Again, what worked for you today will probably not be the best choice in the future. So choose and choose again.
(20:49) Now I want to just mention water one more time. And the reason I feel so strongly about water is in medical school and working in the emergency room, I saw so many times when people came in, come by ambulance, and the person—the story is they passed out, they had severe splitting headache, and they thought they were going to die, having a heart attack, abdominal pain, whatever it is. And the person receives one to two quarts of water, boom, problem clears up.
(21:46) In other words, easily half of all visits to the hospital, probably closer to 75%, are just because the person is dehydrated. And so having the freedom to choose water, to choose to drink water, to choose to drink the amount you feel comfortable drinking, is huge. Huge. And when you think that in the United States an ambulance ride can easily be a thousand dollars, to say nothing of the tests and interventions that happen once you get to the emergency room, this little freedom means a lot. So it’s not trivial; it’s critical. And the number one cause of stroke is simply dehydration. Number one cause of heart attack? Dehydration. So value your freedoms and exercise them because they are important, and that is what is going to get you healthy.
Questions Segment
(22:38) All right, so we have questions. All right, so questions. If you have questions, you can mail them to jdaaniels at We can’t get to all the questions, but we will get to as many as I can. And if you would like an appointment, appointments are available—not a lot of appointments, but there are some—at So at, you can get your Vitality Capsules, of course. You can get your free report on The Wonders of Turpentine, how I discovered it. And you can also make appointments.
Questions and Answers
(23:21) All right, so that brings us to questions.
(23:26) All right, so this person says, "My cousin…" All right, cousin. That means not sister, we have a cousin. So the child of one of your parents' siblings. All right, we got it. "Frontline worker, she took the second COVID vaccine and it triggered a fever and a condition that she had 20 years ago called poliomyositis."
(23:47) Okay, so those of you who don’t know what poliomyositis means, that means she has severe pain in her muscles, and her muscles are actually dissolving. Now, muscles are very, very high in protein. And so when the muscles dissolve at a very fast rate, protein is dumped in the blood. Your kidneys filter protein. Unfortunately, when protein is dumped at a very fast rate, it clogs up the kidneys and can cause kidney failure. Okay, so here we are. Her muscle count went up to 280,000, which is huge, dropped down to 80,000, which is still pretty high. And it started to go back up. The doctors told her that she needs to be on dialysis. She refused. What could she do to fix this condition? Thanks, ready."
(24:42) Okay, so again, this is where we talk about choice. So this person has chosen to take an injection. She’s chosen to take two of them. And she is a frontline worker. So let’s just say she works in the healthcare industry. So this person made a decision to take this shot. Now, those of you listening might say, "That was not a wise decision because now she’s on dialysis." But wait, be careful before you judge.
(25:18) And so when I was a medical doctor, I used to have that knee-jerk judgment thing. Until a patient came in and said to me, "Doc, I’m miserable. I’m suffering. I want to get better, but I can’t get better right now. I’ve got to get better about a month or two months from now. But can you just give me a little relief for now?" And I found this totally confusing. But what was really going on, or the person explained to me, is there is an insurance issue involved. And they were willing to sacrifice their health in exchange for this financial reward that was in the future.
(26:05) Now that’s a personal decision. And so this frontline worker made a personal decision that she receives her income from the healthcare industry. And taking a shot or two shots was well worth the risk of damage to her health, in this case, dialysis. Now, we also don’t know the extenuating circumstances. This person might have an amazing disability policy, a phenomenal life insurance policy, excellent health coverage. There’s a long list. And so many people are willing to sacrifice or risk their health in exchange for money.
(26:43) For example, when I was younger, I worked selling books door-to-door for 12 to 14 hours every day. And that decision was certainly depleting for my health. But it was a gamble. I survived it. This person took a gamble. I’m sure in her mind, she weighed it and made the decision. So I think each person has to weigh these decisions for themselves.
(27:25) Okay. So what do we do? I don’t know where she is in all this right now, but let’s just say we know her muscles are dissolving. We know they clogged up her kidneys. She has got to really drink a lot of water to dilute the protein concentration in her blood. And she has got to increase her bowel movements to get that protein to go instead of the kidneys to go to the liver through the intestines and out into the toilet. I’m not one to recommend medical intervention, but this might be a case where a couple of dialysis treatments can turn it around. And I say might.
(28:11) But again, here’s the thing: once you get going on the medical pathway, you get the shot, complicated by dialysis. You go on dialysis, complicated by stroke. So you just keep going, going, going, going, going, going, going down that rabbit hole of what we the public are told as complications. But again, having worked in hospital administration as well, these are profit indicators and profit targets. So that’s the start. That would be the best that she can do at the moment.
(28:56) "I just had a baby on December 3rd. Congratulations. I am breastfeeding and wanted to know if worms are passed to babies through breast milk, as is the case in puppies." The short answer is yes. So the mother has parasites. All of the parasites are passed through the breast milk to the baby. However, the mother passes a lot of things through the milk to the baby. For example, you will notice that your newborn baby is—or should be—pooping four times a day, which means he gets to pass the parasites in one and out the other very quickly. So they actually tolerate your parasites a lot better than you can. So if you’re feeling okay with your parasites, your kid will probably do pretty well with them as well.
(30:00) Okay. A question I have in your video: "Why do you take Shilajit after you take Terp?" I just take it because I take both of those every single day. And so I take it after Terp because I have to let it sit to dissolve. And so when I’m taking my supplements, I can’t take it first really because it takes time to dissolve, which brings us to this. Let’s see. Okay, there we go. Not bad.
(31:12) So I take Shilajit after the Terp because it takes Shilajit time to dissolve. And so I can’t take it before the Terp. And the Terp, I could just take it down the hatch. So here we are, Shilajit. Yay, done. Does it act as a binder? No, it does not. Is it more effective while taking Terp? No, I just take it because it’s convenient.
Closing Remarks
(31:24) All right, that is it. We are at our 30-minute mark. As always, think happens, and I wish you the best. And remember, exercise those freedoms.