If You Do Not It, Everyone Else Will

If You Do Not It, Everyone Else Will

Introduction and Episode Title
(0:00 - 0:20)
(0:00) Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, October 10th edition. Yay! And today's title is, If You Don't Do It, Everyone Else Will. Yep. If you do not become your own master, everyone else will be constantly controlling you and mastering you. So today, I'm going to show you how to apply this concept to improve your health. And as always, think happens.
Show Content and Updates
(0:20 - 1:28)
(0:20) But first, yay! Update on mom. Mom is extremely ambitious, meticulously, diligently doing her in-bed exercises and leg flexion and strengthening exercises. And she is now walking with the walker. Yay! Big deal. Yes, from comatose to walking with the walker. Who would have thunk it? So we're all optimistic and encouraging her, and she's really kind of taking the reins and getting back into running her own life. So thumbs up and awesome for that. So mom's doing well.
(1:28) Next, vitality capsules. Yay! Vitality capsules. Vitality capsules, extra strength and regular. Let's see. This is regular. Vitality capsules, regular. And this is extra strength. These are both available at our new website, Vitality Cycles. Check it out. If there's anything on the site, a glitch or whatever, please send an email to info at vitalitycycles.com, and that way, our IT people will be on it. So we're really excited about that. And of course, vitality capsules is the internal cleanser that is comfortable enough for everyday use. Yay!
Turpentine Routine
(2:14 - 4:05)
(2:14) I have to tell you about my progress. Big deal this past week. A lot of firsts. So I was able to do a bridge laying on the floor and pushing up into a bridge. Many of you have seen that on one of my sites somewhere on the internet. But now I can bend back to the wall and walk all the way down to the floor, put my hands flat on the floor into a bridge. That is actually much more challenging than doing the bridge the other way. So I can walk all the way down the wall, put my hands on the ground, support myself completely, and walk all the way back up the wall. Yay! I have a spotter, but I'm down to the point where I can do it without assistance. So that's very, very exciting.
(4:05) That brings us to turpentine. So I have a screen issue here. Ah, there we go. That looks much better. Ah, even better yet. Okay. So we're going to take our turpentine sugar. This is a spoon. Now turpentine was used as a heal, a cure-all. Poor man's cure-all, somewhere in the 1900s and probably even earlier in the United States. And so here we have it. A spoon is the teaspoon in the United States, which is five mil, five cc. And I've got to get some sugar. Yay. This is white cane sugar. That's what the ancestors used, and that's what we're going to use.
Health Benefits of Turpentine and Shilajit
(6:13 - 8:59)
(6:13) So this is white sugar, white cane sugar. All right. Now we've got our little pipette. Amazon says it's spillable, but I've been reusing it for, I guess, a year now. And we just take it, squeeze that bulb, dip it in turpentine, suck it up. And there we have turpentine sugar. And we're going to just squeeze that turpentine right on that spoon. Empty that pipette. This pipette holds two and a half cc's, which is half a teaspoon. And our little turpentine bottle here, again, you have to label your bottles. Turpentine, yay. So other people in your house don't make the mistake of drinking it or doing something they shouldn't do. All right. Now we've got our water. I felt that tingle all the way down to my lower calf. All right. Done.
(7:01) So turpentine, you can get your report on turpentine at no cost by going to vitalitycycles.com, entering your email address, and you'll get your report, the Candida Cleaner, which tells you all the virtues of using turpentine and how you can apply it to essentially replace your health insurance. That's what I did. And so personally, knowledge of turpentine and using it with sugar over the years has allowed me to save over $200,000 in health insurance premiums. And to this day, I do not have health insurance, and I'm feeling totally cool with it, like really excited. All right.
(8:59) Then we have Shilajit. So Shilajit is a black substance. As you can see, this bottle is a bit old. The label is worn off. And you can also see there is no English. There's no English in this bottle. This is Russian Shilajit. And Shilajit is a material that is trace minerals. Your body makes enzymes and proteins. Just a lizard went across the wall over there. So your body makes enzymes and proteins. And these proteins, in order to function, need trace minerals. And so if you have a trace mineral deficiency, then the enzymes and proteins your body makes won't do you much good.
Taking Control of Your Health
(9:59 - 27:03)
(9:59) This is Shilajit. And the dose you need is 200 milligrams a day. That is considerably more than 200 milligrams a day. 200 milligrams is about a quarter of a quarter teaspoon. So it's not a lot. Let's cross this off. We're going to cross off a little more. Clearly, some days you're going to take a little too much, and other days a little too little, and it'll work out. I recommend taking the Shilajit about five or six days a week. And that works out. So you should take a pause on it every now and then to allow your body to proliferate, just in case you're taking too much. That's a safety margin. All right, there we go. Put that in water. As you can see, it does not dissolve easily. So we're going to put that down right there. And I can take that after the show. We're going to put a top on our Shilajit because it is, well, messy. We don't want to stain everything.
(10:59) All right. That brings us back to our topic today, which is, If You Don't Do It, Everyone Else Will. If you do not become your own master, if you do not make your rules for how you're going to live every day, if you do not penalize yourself when you break your rules and reward yourself when you follow them, then other people will be constantly enforcing their rules on you. And they will be inflicting punishment when you break them and rewards, maybe, if you follow them. So this concept is very important. And today we're going to talk about it and applying it to your health. And as always, think happens.
(11:59) But first, I have to tell you about my youth. I'm 64. So I am officially a senior citizen. Oh, I'm so excited. And that means I get to talk about, well, the mistakes of my youth. Yes, I can talk about the mistakes of my youth. So that hopefully people will be, well, amused, but at the same time, maybe not make the same mistakes or look a little further.
(13:11) So in my younger years, I had a motto: If I don't do it, nobody else will. So I've got to do it. I was a whirlwind of activity. Everything was urgent. I was filled with fire, enthusiasm, energy. When I was three, for example, I woke up, nobody else was awake. I said, oh my goodness, I want an egg. I've got to get an egg, and I've got to take care of this. So I opened the refrigerator, got an egg out. Of course, three years old, what happens? The egg falls on the floor, drops, breaks. So I said, oh no, I've got to clean this up. If I don't clean it up, who will do it? I've got to do this. And so I cleaned up the egg, you know, through the trash. And I got some water, wiped up the floor, you know, cleaned everything up. So of course, my parents got up later, and they realized what had happened. They were so amused that they did not even punish me for breaking the egg.
(15:11) When I was five, I realized there were five children and two adults in the house, that only two people were working, the two adults. I decided they needed help. They needed help. And if I didn't help them, who would? Who would help them? And so I decided to do everything I could to help my parents because clearly two people working to feed seven was not a sustainable situation. And I had to carry my own weight. And if I didn't do it, who would? So you can imagine, I was getting myself very worked up. I was quite worked up all the time.
(17:10) When I was 11, I decided, this is it. The end is near. I will soon be leaving home. I've got to develop useful skills. I did everything. I started teaching myself typing and sewing and cooking and memory development. I mean, there was just no end. I was determined because if I didn't do it, who would? And then when I was 13, I started a babysitting business. Again, I decided, I've got to be responsible. I've got to support myself because if I don't do it, who will? Of course, my parents, they later shared with me that they just, they didn't want to laugh at me to my face, but they cracked up. They were thoroughly entertained by my incredible activity. And so I earned enough money to buy fabric to sew all of my school clothes. I even had enough money left over to buy socks. I was extremely proud that I had not been a burden to my parents that year.
(19:43) Now, from the vantage point of many years, I can tell you, I had overlooked something very, very important. Yes. I thought that I had to do stuff because if I, if I didn't do it, who would? Who would? And so this, this, this, uh, backwards thinking, uh, came clearly into focus. And I realized that I had it wrong. It was, If I don't do it, everyone else will do it. And what's the "it"? And here's, this is when it came into focus.
(21:29) So as a student at Harvard, I had two roommates, a freshman year, it's my custom to do my bedside exercises. I had jumping jacks. I had toe touches. I mean, I had a little routine. So my roommate found this very distressing. Of course she didn't exercise at all. And she was a little overweight. And she said, you got to stop that. That's terrible. I said, okay, so I stopped. So literally if I didn't direct myself, other people would. Here was this random person, a roommate directing my activity. I didn't think anything about it. But then this opportunity came up to sell books door to door. And I decided that I wanted to sell books door to door because, well, I could earn a lot of money and Harvard, well, it was expensive. That's when it hit me.
(23:19) So Harvard decided they didn't like people selling, students selling books door to door. It was kind of a low-class thing to do. And so I was told in the form of the Dean of Students that don't do that. I said, well, wait a minute, I'm doing this to pay for Harvard. So are you going to pay for Harvard? He says, no, no, no, no, no. And if I do this, so what's the penalty? He says, well, there's no penalty. I said, aha. So I told myself to sell books door to door. And I went ahead and I did it. And I earned enough money to pay for Harvard without needing to work. And that's when I realized it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to start aggressively, aggressively telling myself what to do or someone else would. I had to be my own master or someone else would own me. Maybe my roommate, maybe a college Dean, maybe the person who wrote the TV commercial, maybe my employer. I had to develop the power to tell myself to do something and know that it would be done. That's right. And that's what you've got to do. You've got to do it with your health care, with your health. You've got to do it with your life. You have got to do it.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
(27:03 - 32:05)
(27:03) And if you think about it, people are always bossing you around. Commercials telling you to buy this or eat that. Product placements in movies and TV shows telling you happiness is eating this processed food or buying that thing. The only way to show you love someone is to buy them an expensive meal at a restaurant or give them dangerous therapies, natural or otherwise. Commercials showing smiling people who are only smiling because they're drinking a certain processed beverage. Then one day you find that this stuff, these messages that you were getting, all these directions that you were allowing to throw you this way and throw you that way and direct your activities, they were all wrong. You find that not doing these things, not eating that food is actually the way to health. You're hooked. What do you do?
(28:30) So that's the question. It's not that you have poor willpower. No, no, no. It's just that you have not been sending any messages to yourself. You need to start telling yourself what to do. Become your own master. And that's what I realized. I realized that while I was not paying attention, people around me were literally sending messages and commands and taking over my life. I didn't mean to, but that's just what happened because I wasn't telling myself messages. So I had been displaced as a master of my life.
(29:59) Now with my health, my mother cooked from scratch at home, and so I just figured I'd cook from scratch at home. And I actually believed that all that food they advertise on TV, it wasn't really food. It was just plastic. So I wasn't going to eat that. I didn't really think it was food. And then they had this thing. So when I was a kid, that's when McDonald's and Burger King and all that stuff showed up. And I said, oh, that's not really food. Those are not restaurants. Those are just entertainment places. And so it wasn't until I, you know, 20 years later that I realized, oh, those are restaurants. People actually think that stuff is food. So thank goodness, the little communication snafu that I was totally not influenced by the decision to eat any of that stuff. So you have to work just as hard to send yourself messages, to give yourself commands as other people do.
(31:43) When you stop and think about it, whoever wrote that TV commercial or painted that billboard spent a lot of money and a lot of time to convince you of something, something that was not obvious or not clearly true. Right. And maybe not even true at all. That's another story. So you have to work just as hard to give yourself commands and to do what is beneficial for your health and make it difficult to do the stuff that's not beneficial to your health.
(32:05) So when I figured this out, I decided, yes, yes, I'm going to get up at 5 a.m. I'm going to start working. Well, stop right there. I just want to say in my whole lifetime that only happened once, that I got up and worked at 5 a.m. So start with something smaller, like maybe going to bed a half hour earlier. But pick a small thing that you can tell yourself to do and do it every day or even better yet, if you want to make it super easy, pick something you already do and tell yourself to do and then of course you do it and then you tell yourself, I did that because I told myself to do it. And of course, congratulate yourself.
(32:50) This sounds like really silly, but it flexes and it strengthens your, I tell me what to do muscle. And then you can build up to things that you aren't already doing and tell yourself to do them. And again, start like super small. We want like success here. We're looking for success. So you want to tell yourself to do things that are super easy for you to do.
(34:11) For example, I'm trying to think of something in my life. Drinking water. Well, it used to be so difficult because I would, my goal was two and a half liters a day and the end of the day would come in and here we are only one liter down. So if you're in that situation, maybe you're trying to drink more water for your health. The first thing you do might be to say, well, okay, fine. What am I already drinking? And try to maybe drink a glass of water before you drink what you're already drinking. Or you could take what you're already drinking and dilute it with water. Or you could substitute water for what you're already drinking. So there's many ways to do it. And then of course you have to make it easy, right?
(35:00) So then I found sometimes I want water. It just didn't seem to be around. Or I would see water, but it was room temperature and I really want cold water. So I started putting water in the refrigerator and I have water on the counter. So either one that I want, it's there. So make it easy for you to do the things that you should do.
(35:37) Now, the next thing you have to do is you have to institute a penalty for not doing stuff that you told yourself to do and a reward for doing stuff that you said you're going to do. For example, when I do a good job and I clean up my kitchen, I get to go to the trampoline park. Yep. So give yourself a reward like that. So notice that going to the trampoline park is a reward that does not diminish any of my other goals. Maybe my health goals, my fitness goals are not diminished by the reward. So you have to pick rewards for yourself that are just as positive as the command that you've given yourself. But again, don't be afraid to start with itty bitty small commands. That is perfectly okay.
Questions and Closing Remarks
(36:41 - 38:20)
(36:41) The next thing is you have to recognize the positive emotional triggers attached to the messages. So either remove the trigger so you don't receive the emotional message or remove that emotional desire in yourself, which is difficult to do because a lot of the messages that you get hit at very deep emotional drives, like a show kindness and affection for another person, for example. So if you can't remove the trigger, then satisfy that emotional need with something that is positive for your life. A great example is drinking non-water beverages. They're advertised on TV. Well, first of all, I don't have a TV. That's easy. First, don't even get the message. But if you get the message, notice the people in the commercial. They're smiling. They're happy. They like each other. So find someone that you like, that you smile at, and you're happy with, and you can have this happiness experience it with a glass of water, let's say.
(38:20) Now, these messages are also at movies and billboards and sporting events. None of these things, we don't really have a lot of billboards down here in the jungle, but sporting events, there are some that you can get to, but I don't go to sporting events or movies. I am, though, working on getting fit, so my neighborhood soccer team might let me join. That's another thing. Try to become a participant in something as opposed to a spectator.
(39:30) Now, as you can see, I do not even allow avenues for external individuals to submit their commands. How can they be my master when I don't even have an open channel to receive orders? So that's important. And so you might want to take a look at where are these orders coming from and close down that channel. Now, you have to decide how far you want to go. So whenever possible, pay for ad-free items or apps. You may not realize it, but those ads actually affect you, and you will find yourself over time making decisions adverse to your health based on those ads and not realizing it.
(40:45) So when you do see an ad, notice the rush of positive emotion, how much fun the people in the ad are having, and then create that feeling and joy in your life without the product. You'll find it's actually pretty easy to do. Then the next time you see the ad, you can say to yourself, oh, I already have that, and it won't have an influence on you. And most important is start giving yourself orders and following them. What if maybe you need to eat more vegetables? Super simple. My two easiest tricks are one, buy frozen vegetables, and you can let them defrost and just eat them when they defrost. Or you can buy fresh raw vegetables. My favorite is sweet red peppers, and I just eat them like I eat an apple. Or you can buy those salads in a bag and just eat those. And so there's all kinds of ways, super easy, put more vegetables in your life. But make it really easy. Like don't have yourself make a salad and a dressing. Super, super simple.
(41:49) And in the college example above, I told myself to sell books. My reward was earning enough money to pay for Harvard without needing to work or borrow heavily. So another example, I guess, is the dishes and the trampoline park. And sometimes you're going to fall short. And when you fall short, do what any good master or boss would do. Call a meeting with yourself. Realize you've not done what you commanded. Be stern. You messed up. And tell yourself, you'll give yourself another chance. Maybe you're going to drink more water. Didn't happen. And like I said, maybe you can do things to make it easy. Put small containers of water in the fridge so you can just grab one and just drink it down real quick. Find a way to make it easy. And talk to yourself the same way you would talk to a boss or a supervisor. They're going to tell you you didn't get the production. You're going to give them an excuse. And listen to all of your excuses about why you didn't do what you told yourself to and address those excuses and say, OK, job is too big. Let's make it small. All right. Didn't have the resources. Let's get you the resources. And what you will find is over time, you're going to get better and better and better and better at following orders that you give to yourself.
(43:28) And what this is going to do is set you up to create a life of tremendous happiness and a lot of health. And also, you will not be responding to many external messages, which often are the source of poor health, poor finances, and lack of happiness. And so once you start giving yourself orders and you're the master and you start giving commands, you will find just an incredible fountain of happiness.
(45:03) All right. That brings us to today's questions. This person says, Dear Dr. Daniels, I'm a 64-year-old male with pain in my left hip area. OK, so we got pain. We don't know if it's pain at night, pain when he walks. Let's just say, I mean, he did write, right? So let's say serious pain. It hurts when he walks. Let's just say.
(46:22) All right. So he's walking 20 miles a week. He's bicycling 20 miles a week, minor weightlifting, strength exercises daily, tripping time once a week, three babble minutes a day, daily juicing and smoothies. He eats pigtail and feet once a week. And he still eats cheese, deli meats, and alcohol. And any suggestions would be appreciated. Also, thank you. Many thanks for helping my daughter. You are welcome. All righty. Let's just take this one at a time.
(47:39) So if you're having pain in your left hip area, let's just say it's been going on for a while. That's because the left hip area is damaged, and nutritionally you're not able to repair it. So you need to stop damaging it. 20 miles walking each week, you've got to stop it. Stop it. I would say at most, maybe you should be walking around the block. That would be like an eighth of a mile. I would just skip the bike riding totally. Minor weightlifting and strengthening exercises daily. I don't know what that means, but let me tell you what you should do. You need to do leg strengthening exercises, especially hip exercises. You need to do hip range of motion exercises. That would be the place to start, hip range of motion exercises. I would recommend attempting the windshield wiper hip exercises. You can find those online in videos, but that's what you should do. And maybe start off with one rep and see and build up. You need to do that. You need to build up to, I would say, 10 reps daily. That's your goal. But start with where you are. And if it hurts, then you need to back off. I would also maybe put some topical turpentine on that hip.
(49:22) Turpentine once a week, spit in the ocean. You need to up that to daily. And you can get the Candida Cleaner Report and review that for your dosing there. Three bad moments a day. Two to three, no, you've got to go up to three. That's important. You need three bad moments to dump the trash that's causing the pain in your hip area. Daily juicing a smoothie. Very bad. That is dissolving your joint and making your pain perpetual and worse. So stop the juicing. Stop the smoothies. If you want to eat a piece of fruit, eat a piece of fruit. Don't juice it. Don't smoothie it. Pigtails and feet once a week. Wrong. Definitely another spit in the ocean there. You need to eat the, I would say, I would not do pigtails. That's not going to solve your problem. Pig feet might help, but pig ears would be better. And I would do it daily. And I would do at least four to eight ounces.
(50:57) Bad habits. Eat cheese, deli meats. You're not going to cure with because the cheese and the deli meats have a lot of bacteria in them and microorganisms. And those microorganisms are literally going to your hip area and maintaining your pain. So I would, for now, stop the cheese and deli meats. You can go back to them later. But instead of cheese and deli meats, I would just add more salt to your food. And alcohol, forget it. All bets are off. So you've got to, I don't know how much alcohol you're drinking. If you're drinking a lot, like say, I don't know, more than two drinks a day, then you can take it down to off. If you are drinking a small amount, like I don't know, two drinks a week, just quit it. So what the alcohol does is the alcohol destroys your joint directly, but it also destroys your liver. I don't want to say destroys your liver. It impairs your liver so it can't process the impurities that need to be processed in order to fix your hip. So there you have it. Your life has been greatly simplified. Yeah, yeah, that's what you need to do.
(53:03) All right, we have a lot more questions here, but we are out of time. So we're going to have to pick up these questions a little bit later. Well, we'll see you in a week. And as always, think happens and be your own master. Because if you're not, everyone else will be.