Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness

Introduction and Update on Mom
(0:00 - 1:04)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you are watching Jammin' with Jen. This is the Sunday, February 12, 2022, podcast. Yay! Today's title is The Pursuit of Happiness. Yes, today, I will talk about why this is the keystone to your health, and as always, this thing happens.
But first, an update on mom. I finally got through to mom. She was having a few issues with her telephone, but somehow they were fixed. Couldn't get too many details on that, but glad the phone is fixed. Mom's doing great. She is walking to the doorway of the dining room, which is her new bedroom, every day, and several times a week, she makes it all the way to the kitchen to get food for herself. So that's very exciting. And she's 90 years old and says, "Well, so far, so good, and I'd like to keep living, so I'm just going to keep living." I said, "Okay, good, good, good." So that's the update on mom.
Turpentine and Joint Health
(1:04 - 2:16)
Next, we're going to take our turpentine. I've got to do this because I had stopped turpentine for a while, but my joints started getting creaky. And as you know, when you're doing splits, forward rolls, and backbends, creaky joints don't really work. So I've gone back to taking my turpentine, and my joints are all nice and well-lubricated. I'm going to encourage you to do the same.
We have here turpentine. Now, you want to keep it in labeled bottles. As you can see, just enough for the labels so that everyone knows what it is. This is not some recreational beverage. Then you have to know how much you're taking. This is a pipette. My dose is two and a half cc's, which is all the way up right here to the neck of the pipette. We're going to squeeze the bulb, put it in the turpentine, and suck it up as they say. As you can see, that is not all the way to the size I need it. So I'm just going to go again. And there we go. It is right there at the top.
Taking Turpentine
(2:16 - 3:41)
Then we have white sugar. As you know, lots of white powders in modern kitchens, so you must label this sugar. This is granulated white cane sugar, not yet GMO, so we still use it. Some people ask if diabetics can take this. I'm aware of many diabetics who've taken it with absolutely no problem. In fact, even improvement in their blood sugar. We can put this right here since we're going to take it here. And we're just going to squish this, covering the sugar. It's important to leave part of the sugar uncovered. And we have here our water. Yay. Wow. Yes, all the way down. Excellent.
Shilajit for Additional Health Benefits
(3:41 - 4:30)
Next, shilajit. This is shilajit. It's a black resin deposit, basically composted stuff from a long time ago. We just stick a little chopstick in there, and we pull it out. We're looking for 200 milligrams. That's a little skimpy. We want a little more than that. So we're going to go in for a little more. There we go. And if we turn that around, we can see that that's about, it looks like 200 milligrams. Now, for those of you who like to get things precise—and why not—they actually have milligram scales you can buy online for like $15. It's not a lot of money. Okay, so here we are. 200 milligrams. And we're going to put this in the water. As you can see, it does not readily dissolve. So rather than drive ourselves crazy, we're just going to set it aside. Yes.
The Importance of Happiness for Health
(4:30 - 7:11)
If you want to know more about taking turpentine—how much, how often—go to vitalitycycles.com and get your free report, The Candida Cleaner. It tells you all about how I uncovered turpentine.
Taking turpentine for me and having joints that move really easily and are not deformed—yay—is the pursuit of happiness. And sharing it with you, of course, I like that too. So more pursuit of happiness.
Talking about my progress, perfecting my forward rolls to a standing position, going very well, and getting very steady on the landing. And of course, I picked the last of the hibiscus crop and dried hibiscus. So here is what the hibiscus fruit looks like. It's actually the fruit, not the flower. Even though those of us who didn't grow up in the tropics thought this was the flower, it is not—it is the fruit. So we take the fruit, remove it from the seed. There's the seed. And that gives us the fruit without the seed. And the jam, as we said in prior episodes, was made by just boiling this with sugar and spices and pureeing it with a blender, giving you, bam, a jar of hibiscus jam to share, which I give out to neighbors and friends and so on.
Yesterday, I picked my last crop, and you'll see this is a pile full of hibiscus fruit that I've separated from these seeds. And here we have dried hibiscus, and this is dried in the sun. So listen to this. So this you can use for tea. Now, don't ask me what's the point of this. The point of this is that this is the pursuit of happiness—finding things like this that I enjoy eating. Ah, happiness, intoxicating. Hibiscus is actually an herb that creates happiness. In fact, I have a recipe for happiness tea. Yes. And that recipe for happiness tea is in my Home Healers program, which is also available at vitalitycycle.com.
Why Pursuing Happiness is Essential
(7:11 - 9:03)
This brings us to today's topic, which is The Pursuit of Happiness. It's really, really important to pursue happiness. Why? Because that is the goal of your immune system. And when the amount of happiness in your life falls below a certain threshold, and your immune system's got it all figured out what it thinks that threshold is, it literally creates disease. It stops maintaining your body. Not only allows your body to fall apart, but literally starts decommissioning your body. So this is why you have got to, got to, got to focus on the pursuit of happiness.
I'm going to give you some examples of people who were actually cured by refocusing on the pursuit of happiness and even those who died because they lost their focus. There was a friend of the family, actually a friend of my husband's. He was an engineer, and he was working on an alternative energy project in his garage. And his doctor says, "Ah, you have atrial fibrillation. You need to get this incredible, amazing surgery done. And you might live, might not, whatever, but we think it's important." He says, "Well, I've got to finish working on this alternative energy project." So it took six months. He worked on it, worked on it, worked on it. At the end of six months, he decided that his experimentation was going in a direction that really wasn't going to bear fruit, and he was going to pause and get the surgery before getting back to it. So he called up his doctors and said, "Hey, yeah, I'm ready for that surgery." He went to the hospital for the surgery, and two weeks later, he's still in the hospital—and he died.
The Importance of Staying Engaged in Your Happiness
(9:03 - 10:14)
Now, what happened there? What happened was he was engaged in the pursuit of happiness, but he got detoured by a bunch of basically tests. And so the big thing to ask yourself in your life is, are you engaged in the pursuit of happiness? And if your health is sufficient for you to continue with the pursuit of your happiness, continue with the pursuit of your happiness.
Here's another case. I was working with someone, and this person had Lyme disease, and he was just not making progress—a little progress, but I mean, you really should have just hit him, bam, just absolutely cured it. But he wasn't. So despite my best efforts, I asked him, "What are you doing with your life?" He says, "Well, you know, I got a job, got a wife, got kids." I said, "Okay, well, what do you do with your day?" He told me. I said, "Well, do you like it?" He says, "Well, actually, no." I said, "Really?" I said, "Well, you will never heal until you start doing the things you like and stop doing things you don't like." And so it turns out he had a very nice wife. And so he talked to his wife, and they figured out how he could stop doing all the things he didn't like doing. And once he did that, bam, he was healed in two weeks.
The Pursuit of Happiness: A Health Strategy
(10:14 - 10:47)
Now, of course, he changed his diet, took turpentine, did take vitality capsules, but the missing piece was the pursuit of happiness. So do this in your life: list all the things you did yesterday, make a plan on how you will do more of the things you like and less of the things you don't like. Repeat this exercise weekly and watch your health blossom. I'm not saying you're not sick. I am saying that your immune system needs to get the signal that life is worth living. Yep.
Q&A Session
(10:47 - 13:54)
And that brings us to questions.
Q: I think I answered this again before, but I will answer it again. We're told by a preschool teacher that our four-year-old son, who's a sensory seeker, is constantly on the go, impulsive, likes to jump off the couch, dresser, whatever. And I've been giving him now cow brain and this and that. Anything else I can do?
A: No, nothing. This is a normal kid. I say cease and desist and enjoy your healthy child. Yes. So I say cease and desist and enjoy your healthy child.
Q: Interesting. Do you believe it's possible that this virus situation is not actually a virus, but the result of initiating this new 5G technology to the public, like so many doctors on the internet are claiming? They are claiming radiation poisoning at certain frequencies will cause the same exact symptoms as a common cold and flu. I know our body systems are electrical, and I find it actually very plausible that these frequencies may very well interfere with our own electrical system. It's very difficult to tell what is controlled disinformation. Your thoughts, please. Thank you.
A: All right. So I want you to go search the internet for an audio called Seth on Pandemics. This explains things very clearly, very clearly. It explains not only the situation we're going through now, but even past pandemics. Now, that's the pandemic part. What about the electric part? So there are people who have had electrical sensitivity that I've worked with. And these people can literally, they can tell when a cell phone is 20 feet away. I mean, they literally vibrate. These people are suffering from a cholesterol and connective tissue deficiency. I'm not saying that these frequencies are or are not healthy. What I am saying is they do not affect everybody equally. And since you can't control external factors, you can't control these internal factors, which is how much cholesterol or how much connective tissue you eat. I personally eat a lot. Every chance I get, I eat some cholesterol. So there you have it.
Closing and Final Thoughts
(13:54 - 16:02)
Q: Hi, Dr. Daniels. Many thanks for your show. I have high blood pressure, and my health review report suggests that there's plugging in my arteries. So I need to clean up my arteries. What would you recommend for cleaning blood vessels, Dr. Daniels?
A: Well, first of all, let's talk about the suggestion. So your health review report suggests that there's a problem. How about I suggest, I just want to suggest, just suggest that we're lovers. What does that mean? It means we're not, right? That's a suggestion. So you need to understand when people are playing you. Okay. So I would definitely dismiss the health review report and the plugging arteries situation. If that's the only indication you have plugged arteries, ignore it. Don't do it. But, you know, the number one step for unplugging any situation in the body is water. So number one suggestion is water. And you can just take your body weight, divide it by 32, and that's how many quarts of water a day to drink. Super simple. The other thing is you've got to get the crap out that's plugging your arteries. And that's three poops a day. So you got to start with at least drinking enough water and at least three poops a day. And, oh, Vitality Capsules to help you get three poops a day at vitalitycycles.com. But do not go on suggestions. Verify. So do not allow yourself to get distracted from your pursuit of happiness by other people's suggestions.
Q: My uncle has non-cancerous tumors all over his body. Let's understand non-cancerous means they're harmless. Just be clear. All over his body. But the ones near his brain and spine are crippling him. He has lost a lot of his gross motor skills because of it. The doctors won't operate because they say he's too risky. That's true due to the location of them. Is there anything you can do naturally to help reduce these tumors?
A: Okay. So if you have tumors that are non-cancerous, they're basically parasites. Your uncle is filled with worms. And the simplest way, you know, let's say you're on a budget. You don't have $20,000 to spend. Just go to vitalitycycles.com, download the free report—free!—and follow that diet. And get the Vitality Capsules. With his problem, I'd recommend extra strength. Poop three times a day. Take his turpentine. And watch those bumps go away. Now, the other thing you can do is use castor oil. Apply castor oil, he should, from the waist down for three days. And then head to toe daily. And literally, he will see the lumps shrink by the day. I've had clients in the past with this, and it's just like amazing.
All right. That is it for today. And as always, think happens. And this is Jammin' with Jen. See you again next week.