Think Your Way to Health
Think Your Way to Health
Introduction and Update on Mom
(0:02 - 5:37)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels and welcome to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, December 6, 2020 edition and today's title is, Think Your Way to Health, The Secret. So today I'm going to talk about how your thoughts can actually make you healthy. Yay! But first, an update on mom. So mom remains in the nursing home and my daughter is on her way to set mom free. We'll see next week how that goes. But on further discussion with mom, it appears that her biggest fear is to lose her dignity before she loses her life. And she feels, from a conceptual point of view, that her dignity would be best preserved by her being at home. Further discussion, once we interrogate her more and listen more, we find that, you know, throughout her life she's been a responsible, in-charge person, and she really takes pride in her ability to handle things.
And she really has a tremendous fear and difficulty of people seeing her in a condition where she's feeble and not capable. And that really bothers her. And that actually is the attraction of the nursing home, which is that she feels that she can conceal from her children and grandchildren her loss of abilities. So having thought about that, thought about that, thought about that, I could condemn mom and, you know, be negative. I said, no, no, no, no. How can we help? How can we handle this? So I call up my brother, who's in touch with her trust and the lawyers and blah, blah, blah. I say, okay, how much money do we have to work with? He says, oh, don't worry. Plenty of money, plenty of money. I said, okay. Is there a number for that? Don't worry. Plenty of money, plenty of money. Oh, okay. So then I tell my daughter, okay, get to work. We need three shifts, 24 hours covered, whatever mom needs at home. And call your uncle, which is my brother. Let him know what it is and he'll cover it with mom's funds. Mom's got plenty. So she investigates, investigates, and it comes out to easily $10,000 a month. And she calls my brother with this number, $10,000 a month. She says, oh my god, no, can't afford that. Okay.
So we can't get a number out of him. I mean, I know that, that dad, God bless him, went through great lengths to leave mom in a good position economically. He left her a few hundred thousand dollars. This is 20, excuse me, this was 30 years ago, 33 years ago. He left her a few hundred thousand dollars. He made sure that every retirement plan he had, he took the minimum out himself so that she would be able to have larger amounts. And he had all this set up. And so here we are, fast forward, and mom is where she is. The only number we have, or that I have, is that all of her incoming checks from the retirements that dad left, retirements that she had, everything added all up is $3,000 a month. So I said, well, what is our real problem? Our real problem is how to give mom the nursing home experience she wants for $3,000 a month. Because it has crossed my mind that every penny that her husband left her is probably gone. It's probably gone.
So I got online and I said, well, where in the world? Turns out Italy, Spain, or Mexico, or Thailand, she could have a top-notch nursing home experience for well under $3,000 a month. So I communicate this to my daughter who says, oh my god, mom, thank you so much. So she's on her way to rescue mom, bring mom home, at least in herself, do all the 24-7 care to figure out exactly what mom's needs are so we can pick just the right place. And that's where things are right now. So they've taken away mom's cell phone so she can't communicate with the family. I'm sure that's a COVID measure, a precaution. COVID might be spread by cell phones. We don't know. So that's where mom is. And hopefully we can get her into a top-notch experience where she can have her dignity and comfort indefinitely.
Vitality Capsules Update
(5:37 - 7:28)
All righty, that brings us to our Vitality Capsules update. Yay! Okay, Vitality Capsules. We have now located several ingredients in Vitality Capsules that have passed our testing requirements. Yay! I'm so excited. And we only have about four more ingredients to go to locate. And once we do locate those, we can get a production date which is generally six weeks in the future. So we're hoping our present supply will hold out until the next batch is made. Yay! So you can buy Vitality Capsules at And as you know, Vitality Capsules are the internal cleanser for everyday use. Gentle enough for everyday use. Also during these podcasts, I answer questions, but I'm not able to answer all of your questions. People who would like their questions answered on an individual basis, appointments are available at And the world-famous report that shook the world about turpentine is the Candida Cleaner Report that is available at no charge at You can get your free report. It tells you all about turpentine and how you can make turpentine part of your healing arsenal.
Think Your Way to Health - The Secret
(7:28 - 9:03)
And that brings us to today's topic. Think your way to health. The secret. And it really is the secret. I know a lot of people are familiar with this movie and the implication that this secret applies to financial riches, but I have a different secret, or a different slant on it, and it applies to health. Literally. And this is a shocking concept, but you have before you in your life, just sit down, look around, think about it, all the elements you need for health, for misery, for disease, and for happiness. And you actually get to choose. Every day you choose. It is in this choosing that you achieve health, happiness, and whatever it is you desire.
The Role of Others and the Power of Thought
(9:03 - 11:07)
The role of others in this process is actually quite minimal. They can inspire you to make those choices. They can point out more choices that maybe you're not aware of or not considered, but it is your choosing and taking action on your choices that creates the health, creates the happiness, creates the wealth, or whatever it is you desire. But today, like I said, we're going to focus more on health. And this is really an amazing concept. This is something I came to after really sitting down and thinking about it and trying to understand why are people unhealthy and how do they get unhealthy? Lately in our culture, there's been this concept of cooties, where one person makes another person sick and you can appear healthy, but you're really sick. Not the case. So I practiced medicine. It was in the 2000s. That's more or less 21 years. And not once, not once did I catch a condition from a patient. And I'm telling you, especially in the early years in medical school, in the hospital setting, there was urine, feces, sputum, blood flying everywhere.
The Myth of Contagion and the Secret to Health
(11:07 - 12:07)
So if indeed it was possible to catch something, I would have. Then it was followed by medical practice in my office, where I never ever, not once, wore a mask. Never wore a mask in my office. And never once did I bring home any type of illness, either to myself or my family. So this simple observation over a period of 21 years has led me to believe that being sick has little, if anything, to do with other people spreading their sickness to you, either through a cough or sneeze or whatever. So the more emphasis you put on the behavior and the role of other people, the less health you're actually going to have. Now, so the secret then is thought. You have to think and choose what you're going to believe. You have to take action on those choices and with that, have a goal in mind. I'm going to presume for today that your goal is being healthy.
Recognizing the Teachers Around Us
(12:07 - 14:06)
So there's another saying, which I think is often misunderstood, and I'd like to rework it for you, is when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Let me just say nonsense. I don't know how else to put it, but nonsense. The teachers are all around us all the time. When the student is ready, he recognizes these teachers. An example of an amazing teacher is a blade of grass. Yes, a blade of grass. So I want you to imagine a blade of grass. You're walking along the sidewalk. Many of you are in countries where you have sidewalks. You're walking along the sidewalk and you see a blade of grass emerge through the cement slabs of the sidewalk. This is an amazing concept. So what is it you can learn about health from this blade of grass? Well, first of all, you need to understand that the same energy, the same life force in this blade of grass that gave it the power and the vitality to emerge through cement, it is that same life and vitality that's in you. All you have to do is nurture it. This blade of grass, clearly, sunshine, rain, some soil, bam, done. You are the same way. You're a human, but it's the same life force within you. And all you have to do is nurture it. That's it. Super simple. Nurture it.
Applying the Lessons to Your Health
(14:06 - 16:21)
So again, that blade of grass is your teacher. But if you're not ready to accept the lesson, then the blade of grass, your teacher is there in front of you, but you're not learning anything. So really, when the student is ready, the student recognizes all the teachers that surround them. And it's the same with your health. You are surrounded, absolutely surrounded, inundated, drowned with everything you need to be healthy. All you have to do is recognize it and act on it. And a lot of people say, oh, I don't have time to be healthy. I don't have time to do this or do that. I'm doing so many other things. Bingo. As the great Mark Twain said, it ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. So applying this to your health, there are things you are doing right now for your health that are actually making you sick. And to really get at this for yourself, this is super simple. Make a list of everything you believe you are doing that's healthy. Even that's okay. This is fine. If you are not experiencing the health that you want right now, right here in this moment, there is something on that list that is making you ill. There is actually something you need to just remove from that list and stop doing. This is an amazing concept. And this kind of flips things and actually opens to you that possibility that you can be healthy, healthier by doing fewer of the things that you're doing.
Simplifying for Better Health
(16:21 - 17:04)
And I think this is a much more productive way to go, because right now people are like seriously stressed. They've got their hands full. There's all kinds of stuff they're trying to deal with. Being an adult in 2020, for many people, it's a pretty complex thing. And they've got a lot of things that they have to keep track of. So what I'm suggesting is that you examine all of those things that you are doing that you think are making you healthy or keeping you healthy. And many of those things actually are not. And if you stop doing those things, you will have more time. You will have more energy. And that time and energy, your own body can use for rest and for healing. And just that alone puts you way ahead of the game and improves your health.
Lessons from Experience
(17:04 - 18:10)
So it's not discovering some newfangled herb or some healing mechanism, although that's nice. But the real deal is just what Mark Twain said. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. And once you go on this odyssey of exploration, oh my God, you will be shocked and amazed. I know I was. And I keep saying I'm 63 years old. And just in the past even 13 years, I have let go of at least 90% of what I thought was true. I've just let go of it. And oh my God, a whole new world of health, happiness, rejuvenation has opened up to me. So I would encourage you to take the same journey.
Personal Health Choices
(18:10 - 19:12)
And let me just share with you some things in my life that not only I think were true, but my parents thought it was true. The whole world thought it was true. The news, radio, TV, every information outlet said it was true. And I just said, you know what? Let go of this. See how it goes. And bam, things just improved. So the first thing was when I was 10 years old, I noticed that when I drank milk, mm, I just didn't feel so good. So what did I do? Stop drinking milk. Not make any big announcement. Mm-mm. My mother, who was really concerned with being a very good parent, and she read all the health information of the day on raising proper kids with great health. And she combined that with a little bit of Bon Appetit, Gourmet Magazine, and Down Home Southern Cooking, and, you know, basically.
Questioning Conventional Wisdom
(19:12 - 21:16)
But one thing was they just, the government was saying every kid needed to drink one quart of milk every day. And so mom had six kids, and she bought six quarts of milk every day. And you can imagine what happens when the kids, when even one kid doesn't drink his quart of milk, the milk accumulates. He had a fridge full of milk, then a freezer full of milk, you can get pretty out of hand. And so mom confronted us with someone's not drinking their milk. There were six kids, she had a full-time job. To police who was not drinking their milk was almost an impossible task. So I went to my brother and said, hey, could you drink my quart of milk? He said, sure, no problem. So he was drinking two quarts a day. I was drinking one quart a day, and I was feeling great. And of course, now that I think about it, he was feeling not so great. But that was the first step where I took a look at something that everyone thought was true that I was being asked to follow, and it just wasn't so.
The Power of Personal Choices
(21:16 - 23:59)
So the thing is, nobody can make you sick. You have to actually adopt one of these thoughts, beliefs, and take an action on it. Thinking is going to bring you closer to health when it actually takes you closer to sickness. So you really need to examine these things. You cannot get sick, you just can't, without an incredible amount of cooperation on your part. Give you another example, another life example, people who work the night shift. Working the night shift, believe it or not, is a choice. Now, there is something in the United States called night-time differential. And so employers who employ people during a night shift, by convention, or in many cases by law, pay a slight increase in wage for people who work the night shift. Turns out that working the night shift is proven, research over years and decades has shown, if you work the night shift, you're going to be sicker and you're going to die sooner. That's just it. And so many people work the night shift for increased pay, not realizing that what they're giving up is length of life and their health. But again, it is this thought, I want to work the night shift, working the night shift is great, that gives rise to the behavior or action, working the night shift, that causes disease and shortens people's life. Another example is when I was in medical school, must have been 1980, I was drinking one glass of wine Friday evenings. And I noticed when I drank that one glass of wine Friday evenings, I would go to sleep and not wake up till Monday morning. And I decided this was not good. And so what I did was I quit. Now that I quit wine, I quit alcohol totally. I'd say, you know what? This is not a good idea for me. Not everybody is different. Some people can drink a glass of wine and they feel perfectly fine. That's great. But what I'm saying is the idea that something is good for everyone because there's a public health policy stand or position on it is simply not true.
Challenging Established Beliefs
(23:59 - 26:14)
Another thing is I was brought up to understand that water that came out the tap was healthy. By golly, it was healthy. We pay our taxes and the government is inspecting that water and making sure it is safe for us to drink and we can drink water out of the tap and we can trust that that water is good. And so I, in my mind, felt I've already paid for this water out of the tap. I didn't think it was free because I was paying taxes. So I'm like, I've already paid for this tap water. It makes no sense for me to buy bottled water or in any way make provisions for water that I drink. Well, what I had, well, what I had accidentally done was I read this thing about health that if you let the water sit out overnight, you know, the chlorine leaves and you've got a better quality of water. I said, well, let me just do that. Let me take this water from the faucet, let it sit overnight and there you go. Well, I did that. I got my water out the faucet, poured it into a container, left the top off so that the chlorine could out gas because I could taste the heavy chlorine in the water. And the next day I drank the water. Oh my God, it tastes absolutely atrocious. I said, well, this can't possibly be healthy. So of course, what was really happening was the water obviously was unsafe to drink, but the pH was being adjusted to a pH of nine. I also measured the pH of the water. So the water of the faucet was a pH of nine and the pH of the water was adjusted to conceal the flavor of the poisons and toxins in the water. And the water is actually quite hazardous. So by me having the thought of even thinking about that water, I was able to discover how dangerous and unsafe it was. Then of course I purchased a distiller, started purifying my water and I felt tons better. And of course I drank that water, I cook with the water and that took care of it.
Prioritizing Rest and Health
(26:14 - 28:26)
Another thing that had penetrated my life was that people could get by a very small amount of sleep, you know, five hours of sleep, six hours of sleep, four hours of sleep, and then they could get more hours of work and create more whatever in their life. And so one day I just said to myself, you know, I'm feeling a little run down. I'm going to go to bed early. And I noticed that what I was doing from 8pm to midnight really wasn't that interesting to me. It wasn't making me very happy. It wasn't making me unhappy, but it wasn't adding to my happiness. So I started going to bed at eight o'clock. Oh my God. All of a sudden, my days went better. I was in a good mood. I was very happy. No matter what happened, there was a positive slant to it. There was a way things could be worked out and nothing was impossible. And even though this is a time where going to bed at 8pm, if you're in your 20s, I was considered to be like lame. Okay, I admit it. I'm lame. So again, another case of just looking at what is believed to be so and just ain't so. So most of my life, I've been going to bed at eight o'clock, getting up at six or maybe even seven in the morning. And I just love it. It's just wonderful. I feel great. I enjoy my sleep. And I wake up and I enjoy my day. And life is just one big bundle of happiness and joy.
Recognizing Positive and Negative Influences
(28:26 - 29:31)
So notice the things that you were doing that make you feel better and do more of those. Notice the things that make you feel ill and do less of them. Remember that blade of grass growing between the cement and sidewalk. You have every bit the same energy, vibrance and potential. Just cultivate it. Just cultivate it and allow it. So I hope that that has been encouraging and inspiring to you. I'm going to take a peek down here and see if I have my equipment for turpentine. No, I did not bring my spoon into the room here. So we're not going to be able to take turpentine today. Well, not on camera with you, but I hope that you will take your turpentine on your own. Well, that brings us to questions.
Questions and Answers
(29:31 - 33:34)
Golly, jeez, we got tons of questions. Oh, questions can be emailed to So it's That's All right. You're probably wondering why I'm burping. I'm burping because I'm doing a raw milk fast and milk makes me burp. As you can hear or recall from my earlier story, me and milk are not like the best, but it's actually going well. And I'm making some amazing discoveries, which, and these are discoveries I share with people during the Home Healers course. You can find out more about that as well at, where I teach people to be the healer in their home. All right. Question from Greg. Greg says, can turpentine have a healing effect with cataracts? Absolutely. Definitely. When I started taking turpentine internally over long periods of time, I noticed my vision improved. Like, holy cow. So yes. Yes. And people have contacted me to say that they've experienced the same thing. Okay. This person says, I have a 17-year-old daughter and I've been having a hard time breathing. I can take a deep breath, but sometimes it feels like a pain or hard to do anything, but I push through. I've been cleaning and cooking and going upstairs. I've been taking three garlic capsules four times a day for a week. It's helping, but I wonder how long I can do the garlic while being safe. I also take vitamin C, zinc, and oregano oil, and all these things help. How long can I keep up with taking the garlic and such safely? Answer is, you have already passed the safe point. You can bleed to death on these 12 garlic capsules plus the vitamin C. I don't even know how much vitamin C you're taking, but garlic is a very powerful blood thinner and so is vitamin C. I personally do not recommend taking them both together. So what I recommend is that you take one or the other. And I also recommend that with garlic, the top dose be three capsules, three times a day. So if you've been taking garlic three capsules four times a day for a week, and you're just feeling better, but not all better, then you've missed the boat. What you are treating is not something that can be improved by garlic. Garlic is a miracle. Garlic works like that. So you do not have a problem that's garlic sensitive. So a garlic sensitive problem generally is gone in about three days. And you're also taking oregano oil, and you're also taking vitamin C. So again, as per today's discussion, it might be that these three things are actually causing your difficulties. So what I would do is I would pick one of those things. So you have garlic, you have vitamin C, and you got oregano oil. I would just pick one to do. Honestly, it doesn't matter, because whatever you have is not sensitive to that. That's not the problem. What is the problem? Well, since we know the garlic is not working, and we know the vitamin C is not working, and we know the oregano oil is not working, we know all three together is dangerous. If all you want to do is be safe, just take one, pick any one, doesn't matter. If you want to be effective, I'd say stop them all, because they're not working. You're on the wrong road. So if you have sharp chest pain from time to time, difficulty breathing, you have a mixed neck of tissue, dietary deficiencies. You have to change your diet and increase your water and increase your bowel movements. So if you can find your way to clear to poop three times a day, eat some pig ears or pig feet, I would say about half a pound a day, and drink about three to four quarts of water a day, depending on your weight, I think that will turn this around for you.
More Questions and Final Thoughts
(33:34 - 34:26)
Okay, let's see what we got here. I think we have time for one more question. Okay, so I've been doing turpentine liver flushes, and I have been improved in strength. However, way back when, when I originally started with Gerson Protocol, I started getting tremors. Bingo. So we can just say, let's be blunt, that the Gerson Protocol caused your tremors. How could that be? Well, the Gerson Protocol, for those of you who don't know, is basically a 100% juice diet. So you do juicing, vegetable juices, maybe occasional fruit in there, and lots of enemas. And this is very depleting of your connective tissue, and there is zero connective tissue in the diet. And this is the cause of the tremors. So the answer, the cure, for this is Shilajit, and I guess pig ears, really. I hate to sound like a broken record. Wow. Here's another one. My knees have slowly been getting worse. I notice a lot of people in their 40s and 50s experience this loss. Maybe it was something from a vaccine long ago, something in our foods. So again, this person is taking the positive approach of addition, and we need to take the subtraction approach. So instead of saying what's been added, why don't we look at what's missing? So this person's knees have been just deteriorating. What are their knees made of? Collagen, connective tissue, yep. You could do bone broth, but I say why send a boy to do a man's job, go whole hog, eat some cow feet. I always say cow feet for this one, because your knees are what we're trying to fix your knees here, and you could end up crippled. So I always say cow feet. It's worth your while to pay whatever it takes and get some cow feet and eat them. Yeah, cow feet, cow foot soup. No, it might be from a vaccine, but again, we're here long ago. Why hasn't your body fixed it? Something in your foods? No, something missing from your foods. So there is the answer to that.
Closing Remarks
(34:26 - End)
All right. Well, that brings us to the end of today's recording, and as always, think happens. And as I always say, let it happen to you. It's your thoughts, and your thoughts can and will heal you. Go for it.