What is Consent and Why it Matters

What is Consent and Why it Matters

Introduction and Overview
(0:00 - 0:25)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels, and this is the Sunday, February 7th, 2021 edition. And like you, I am so excited for a new year, and I hope your year is going super, super well. Today's topic is consent and why it matters.
Importance of Consent
(0:25 - 0:49)
So I'm going to talk today about the concept of consent and how you can use it in your life to improve your health and really any part of your life. But the good news is it is important, and you can use it strategically. I think a big deal nowadays is people don't appreciate the power of consent, and so they don't have a strategy for giving their consent or adjusting their consent.
Turpentine Ritual
(0:49 - 1:07)
So we're going to talk about that today. But first, we're going to take our turpentine. Yay! We've got our spoon. We're using a teaspoon, a proper teaspoon, not a dessert spoon. And we've got our sugar. As I said, whenever you are doing stuff at home yourself, you have got to label your containers. I am ashamed to admit, but I'm going to admit it. I sometimes look in my fridge, and a container is not labeled, and I'm like, oh, I'm not really sure what that is. So really, label your containers.
(1:07 - 1:43)
All right. So here we have sugar, and this is turpentine. We've got enough of a label on this so people know what it is and no one's going to drink it or take a swig. And we've got our little pipette here. Yay! And right up the neck is 2.5 cc's, which is half a teaspoon, which is the amount I like to take. And I take mine every day. That way, it's just easier to remember. Also, I get awesome results. I like it like that.
(1:43 - 2:04)
All right, we're going to squeeze it up a little bit more, a little bit more. Okay. So here you can see it's almost up the neck, but not quite. So I'm going to squeeze that on here, and you may see, as you can see right there, the sugar is turning a grayish color. And because I didn't get it quite up in the neck, I'm going to get a little smidgen more. And you can see it's a little smidgen more. Pow. Okay. Put that down. Top on that. Get our water. Yay.
(2:04 - 3:10)
Must get it all the way down. If it sits here, it doesn't feel good.
Certainly! Hereโ€™s the remainder of the transcript reformatted in the same format with timestamps at the beginning of each paragraph:
Shilajit Preparation
(3:10 - 3:22)
Next, I'm going to put our sugar away. Shilajit. Yay! Shilajit. This is a trace mineral substance. Dig it out of the ground, slap it in here, and it's yours.
(3:22 - 3:43)
Fry this off. This stuff is like tar, even smells like tar. And it is gooey. We're just going to fry that up. Okay. There you go. Shilajit.
(3:43 - 3:58)
Take my little chopstick. I want 200 milligrams. Yep, this is not precise. That is too much. That is not. It's more than 200 milligrams. We're going to scrape this off.
(3:58 - 4:11)
I do not like the way Shilajit tastes. I personally think turpentine tastes better. It's easier to take. Even that is a bit much. 200 milligrams is about a quarter of a quarter teaspoon.
(4:11 - 4:28)
All right. There we go. That's about right. That'll do it. We're gonna take this, put it in our glass of water. As you can see, it does not readily dissolve. It'll take stirring a long time for that to happen.
(4:28 - 4:50)
And because I don't like the taste of Shilajit, I have my homemade hibiscus jam. I just make a half gallon at a time. And I'm just going to pour some jam in here.
(4:50 - 5:00)
Those of you who used to eat peanut butter and jelly, remember when jam was like that? It just kind of went glop, glop everywhere. Okay. Put a tap on that.
(5:00 - 5:16)
And we're going to stir up our jam. And at the end of the show, we're going to re-examine that stick. If it's done, then down the hatch it goes.
(5:16 - 5:33)
All right. Put that down there. Tap on our Shilajit and put it there.
Update on Mom
(5:33 - 5:46)
All right. Update on mom. There really isn't much of an update. Mom is doing great. She is talking, chattering up a storm. She has all kinds of ideas and opinions on everything, and she's just kind of at the baseline.
(5:46 - 5:59)
Yep. So she's 89 and she says, you know, I think I'd like to live to 90. And we're saying, okay, mom, that's it. We're going to shoot for 90. And then when you get to 90, see what it looks like. And she says, okay.
(5:59 - 6:14)
So that's where mom is. Vitality Capsules. Yay! We've located all ingredients. We're talking with our manufacturer. He's giving us a production date. And for some reason, it looks like it will be 12 to 15 weeks. So we are hopeful. Yay!
Vitality Capsules and Home Healers Program
(6:14 - 6:24)
All righty. Let's see. Oh, what else do you need to know? Vitalitycapsules.com. Please visit Vitalitycapsules.com and check out our sponsor. As you know, at the end of every show, I do answer some questions. I'm not able to get to all of them.
(6:24 - 6:50)
There are some appointments available. Not a lot, but there are some. And you can schedule those at Vitalitycapsules.com. If you have questions that you would like to send into the show, you can send them to J-D-A-A-N-I-L-I-E-L-S at gmail.com. So that's J-D-A-A-N-I-E-L-S at gmail.com.
(7:09 - 7:15)
Okay. And if you'd like to learn how to heal yourself at home, there's the Home Healers Program. You can sign up for it. We'll be having that through August.
(7:15 - 7:30)
And that is where I teach you how to make the potions that I use, how to use them, and how to heal yourself and your family at home without the need for health insurance, ambulance, 911, hospitals, or licensed individuals. Yep. Okay.
What Is Consent and Why It Matters
(7:38 - 8:00)
So check out Vitalitycapsules.com. So today's topic, consent. What is consent and why it matters? First of all, to understand consent, it helps to understand what things do not require consent. This is an important distinction.
(8:00 - 8:07)
So when things don't require consent, that's it. You don't really need to consider them. So there are many things like to do not require consent.
(8:07 - 8:12)
Let's go through the short list. Sunrise. The sun does not require your consent to rise or to set.
(8:12 - 8:24)
Rainfall. The rain does not require your consent to fall. Changing of the seasons. The seasons are going to come, and they are going to go with or without your consent. Your consent is irrelevant.
(8:24 - 8:38)
The growth of the weeds. No consent required. The movement of the stars. The spinning of the earth. You get my drift. There are some things that do not need consent.
(8:38 - 8:54)
Why don't they need consent? A couple reasons. One, they are beyond human control. Key. Beyond human control. So things that are beyond your control don't require consent. You definitely should not even give them any thought. Just put it aside.
(8:54 - 9:07)
It's beyond your control. So what things need consent? Things that need consent are things that are within the control of humans. Those are the things that need consent. So consent is something that happens between people.
(9:07 - 9:27)
But why would something need consent? Now for this, I have to reference James Gregory, the funniest man in America. Great comedian. Check him out on YouTube. Check out his videos. And so his famous line is, sometime in the past, some person, in this case, I'm going to put in my piece, engaged or gave their consent to that activity with great harm and great regret.
(9:27 - 9:59)
Because sometime in the past, some fool gave their consent and then said, Oh Lord, if I never would have given my consent, if I had known this would have happened. So when someone is asking for your consent, the thing you are agreeing to has a serious negative consequence that may lead you to refuse to give your consent. And the thing under consideration is also optional. That means not essential to life. These are important things to understand.
(9:59 - 10:10)
This means that the thing in question has some negative aspects you need to be aware of. You might still consent. And this is why there is something called an age of consent. That means the process of consent is sufficiently complex that persons below a certain age are not allowed to engage in this activity.
Understanding Consent
(10:10 - 10:18)
Yeah. Very, very important. So consent is like a red flag, like a red flag.
(10:18 - 11:23)
I'll give you an example of a serious red flag. When I was a kid, it's like seven years old and I was in the car with my father and I was sitting in the front seat, passenger side, also known as the dead man's seat. And I felt very secure and safe and just really thrilled that dad and I were driving somewhere. So he stops at a stoplight and he said, you see a stoplight? I said, uh-huh. He said, that stoplight is there because sometime in the past, somebody died right here at this intersection. And so they decided to put a stoplight here to prevent car accidents and deaths. I said, ah. So consent is the same way. Sometime in the past, something really bad happened when somebody gave their consent.
(11:23 - 12:06)
So whenever you are being asked for consent, it's a huge, big deal. So how should you proceed? Well, you should exercise due diligence. That's spelled D-U-E, diligence, D-I-L-I-G-E-N-C, due diligence. Write that down. So what is due diligence? Well, I translate this to English because due diligence turns out it's a legal term and legalese can often be misconstrued. So here you go. Due diligence means a required carefulness or reasonable care. And this has been in general usage since the mid-15th century. Literally, this is a requirement of living a civilized life.
(12:06 - 12:57)
Required carefulness or reasonable care. And we continue. Commonly applies to voluntary. That means voluntary. You don't have to do it. So when asked for your consent, you should all, eh, danger ahead. Don't have to do it. Don't have to proceed. Applies to voluntary investigations. A common example of due diligence is the process through which a person decides to consent. The theory behind due diligence holds that performing this type of inquiry contributes in an important way to informed decision-making re-consent by enhancing the amount and quality of information available to decision-makers and by ensuring that this information is used to deliberate on the decision at hand and all of the costs of the decision, the consent, the benefits of the consent, and the risks of the consent. Do you hear me? This is serious. Very serious.
(12:57 - 13:08)
I'm going to give you a super simple example. And I've oversimplified the example to make it like crystal clear. So for example, you might sign an agreement to rent an apartment. That would be a consent.
(13:08 - 14:03)
The negative aspect of this agreement is you have to pay a certain amount of money every month. As an adult, you may have looked at the apartment and determined it meets your needs and examined your finances and you have determined that you are able to pay the amount of the rent for the term of the agreement, of the consent. Now notice in this case, the consent that you give is for a limited period of time. It's important too. So in other words, when you consent, it can be conditional. You can set the conditions. So you have examined the negative aspects and determined that they are acceptable to you. Now imagine, same apartment, half the size and four times the price. You might not consent. Maybe you would look for another living arrangement.
(14:03 - 15:03)
So as a responsible adult, you would do well to improve your due diligence skill set. Figure out what the outcome is you want, which would be the benefit, and see if you can achieve it without having to consent and experience the events that might be fraught with regret and harm or cost. This is important because as I said, sometime in the past, some person gave their consent and then said, Oh Lord, I never would have consented if I'd known this would happen. So don't be that person. When you're asking consent, think red flag, red flag. Let me do my due diligence. What do I get if I consent? Do I really want that? If you don't even want what you're going to get if you consent, forget it.
(15:03 - 15:50)
What terrible thing happened in the past to someone who consented to this? Am I okay with that? Can I get what I want without consenting to this? Maybe there's another way. For example, maybe all you want is food, food and shelter. And someone says, Well, I want to take a needle, stick it in your arm and inject you with who knows what. If all you wanted was food, maybe I could go plant a garden. Maybe I could go start a business. Maybe I could get a different job. Maybe I could develop a personal relationship with someone else who's more skilled at getting food than I am. Is there a way to get what you want without consenting to the matter at hand? Almost always there is.
Serious Consequences of Consent
(15:50 - 16:44)
I'll give another example. For example, did you know that it is a felony? That's a serious crime for someone to open or read your snail mail. So if you write something down, put it in an envelope, seal the envelope, put a stamp on it, drop it in the mailbox. If someone opens that and reads it, it's a felony. Serious crime. Did you know that when you consent, when you use email and consent to terms of service, for example, Google, you're giving them permission to commit a felony. You are giving them permission to read your emails. Now this may or may not be important to you, but this is an example of consent. Consent is necessary when the other party is doing something that would otherwise be criminal or harmful.
(16:44 - 17:48)
I repeat, when someone is asking for your consent, they are asking you to engage in activity where they could, in many cases will, commit an act that would be criminal and or harmful to you. And you are agreeing that you are okay with that. I'm not saying you shouldn't be okay with that. I'm saying you should be aware of that. So don't give your consent lightly. You need to do your due diligence and figure out what is the criminal activity. What is the criminal activity that I'm going to experience as a result of this consent? And then decide if experiencing that is okay with you. Now two different people may handle that differently. One person might say it's worth it. Another person might say let me find another way to communicate without consenting to be the victim of a felony.
Personal Example of Consent
(17:48 - 18:52)
Another example. So I married a guy that was 14 years older than me. Pretty obvious that he's probably going to die before I do and before he dies he's probably going to be sick and probably I'll be taking care of him for a bit. Yeah. So I got married to this person. Wonderful marriage. Great time. Really fun motorcycle rides, trips, everything. We just had a ball. Laughed and laughed. Had a great time. However, the last two years of his life he was bedridden and I spent a considerable amount of time taking care of him. Now when I married him I consented to let's say the whole ball of wax. I considered the age and the possibility. Now as it turned out it was a great decision. Great decision. Well worth it. I would do it again. Now another person would have, may have felt differently. This is why consent is so so important.
(18:52 - 19:58)
Two people may differ in their willingness to accept the downside or the risk. And after due diligence might come to two totally different decisions. And that is okay. That's why consent is so critical. So when you look at your life and you should. Everything in your day. Everything in your day. Take a look at yesterday as a good example. Or you can just start a journal with today. You consented to. Check it out. Everything you consented to. Every last thing. That's if you're an adult. If something in your life does not please you, ask yourself how am I consenting to this? What is it that I really want? What can I consent to in order to get what I really want? Then consent to different things.
Using Consent to Improve Health
(19:58 - 21:09)
And let's take a look at health. Maybe you need to stop consenting to certain beverages. Maybe it's soda pop. Maybe it's fruit juice. Maybe it's alcohol. I don't know. But try consenting to a glass of purified water. Or maybe you're stiff. Start consenting to stretching. Consent to foods that promote flexibility. Withdraw your consent from activities like sitting that promote stiffness. Consent is a powerful, powerful tool. Do not overlook it. Employ it in your life. I would say at every turn. You will find that your life will be exciting, thrilling, and absolutely fun. So consent. Yes, it's important. But with consent, do diligence. D-U-E. Diligence. Do diligence. And you will find the quality of your consent and the quality of your life will be amazing.
Questions and Final Thoughts
(21:52 - 22:08)
Okay, so that brings us to questions. Yay. So Debra says, thank you for your straight-talking healing advice. My question is on behalf of my sister. Can you give any advice for healing primary biliary cirrhosis and regenerating the liver?
(22:08 - 22:36)
She follows a largely plant-based diet and takes digestive enzymes with meals. Iron levels are usually on the low side. Many thanks, Debra. All right. We need some water. How we doing? Very good. All right. That tastes very pleasant with my homemade jam. Yum, yum. All right. So that should get rid of that little cough there.
(22:36 - 23:12)
Okay. She follows a largely plant-based diet and takes digestive enzymes with meals. Iron levels are usually on the low side. Okay. So we have a lot of information here. First of all, primary biliary cirrhosis. There is nothing primary about biliary cirrhosis. The term primary in medicine means idiopathic, has no cause, don't know, shoulder shrug. So the cause of biliary cirrhosis is pretty straightforward. One big cause is constipation.
(23:12 - 23:45)
So constipation means the poop is not flowing freely. The poop backs up, backs up, backs up, clogs the liver. The bile ducts cannot empty. They become inflamed and they deteriorate. Okay. So your sister, if she's not already doing it, should poop three times a day. That's super simple. Increase her water intake, but wait, she follows a largely plant-based diet. I have no clue what that means except maybe she's trying to be vegetarian or whatever.
(23:45 - 24:18)
But if she's eating processed fake meats, fake milks, whatever, those are known to cause primary or biliary cirrhosis, even cancer of the bile ducts. So I've known many health nuts who have died that way. So she needs to take a hard look at her plant-based diet and get rid of all of the foods that are processed. So in other words, don't eat the vegetable oils, eat the foods they come from. So no flax oil, eat flax seed, if that's what you want to eat. I would even go so far as to get rid of olive oil, all of the plant-based oils.
(24:18 - 25:05)
Also, all of the meat substitutes, get rid of them. And digestive enzymes. So digestive enzymes are interesting. Digestive enzymes digest your food, but they can digest you too. So the digestive enzymes may actually be eating away at her bile ducts. So I would not eat digestive enzymes. I would definitely don't do that. Iron levels are usually on the low side. I'm not sure what that means. Maybe it means she has heavy periods. I don't know. But if her iron levels are on the low side, she's definitely between the low iron and the liver situation. This is a case for eating liver. I would recommend about a half pound a day. And it's calf liver, chicken liver, or even pig liver. Pig liver is very effective in terms of health. So I hope that is helpful to your sister. And as always, there are appointments available.
Dealing with White Spots and Pigment Fading
(25:31 - 26:17)
Okay. And this lady says, I am 40 years old and I have dark brown skin. Ooh, me too. I started to get white spots a little bit larger than freckles all over my body. Ouch. Is my pigment fading? Things look like it to me. Not good at all. What can be done to reverse this and prevent it from happening more?
(26:17 - 27:14)
So you need to eat foods that are very high in pigment. One ultra-high pigment food is brain. So the brain of pig or cow, those are the two that I found to be most helpful, contain a lot of black pigment, which is called the substantia nigra, which is black substance in the brain. I would definitely do that. But there's something else you're doing that's causing it. I don't know what the problem is, but it sounds like, or it might be your diet. I don't know. There's something missing for your diet, but definitely add that to your diet.
(27:14 - 27:55)
Okay. This one is, thank you for your help. The tip on cow feet soup. I made a pot today. I could not take the texture. So I strained it and drank the broth and vegetables. It was so good. I want to tell people cow foot soup tastes amazing. Will I still get the same benefits? No, you will not. You'll get some benefit, but nowhere near. Will chicken gizzards work the same as cow feet? Not at all. I am still taking my vitality capsules. Good. And up to two poops a day because I only eat twice a day.
Importance of Vitality Capsules
(27:55 - 28:44)
No, no, no, no, no, no. Increase your vitality capsules and poop three poops a day. So the number of poops per day has nothing to do with how many times you eat. But let's back up to this whole cow foot soup situation. So if you cannot take the texture of cow foot soup, you can chop up the solid parts and disperse them with, say, rice and vegetables. That works. A tomato base is nice for disguising the slimy texture, but it's really worth it. It makes a humongous difference. So I would try that. Also, you need to be sure to put carbs in there. That would be about potato chunks or rice. So cow foot soup goes down a lot easier when you put a couple chunks of potato in there or some rice. So give it another try. It is worth it.
(28:44 - 29:26)
Hi, Dr. Daniels. I love you. I am a huge, huge fan, and I've been following you way back when you were a vegetarian period. I started turpentine 15 years ago and got tons of benefits and helped various family members with it. Those who are willing to listen. Everyone uses vitality capsules now. Why, thank you. Like you, I also found rapid health deterioration being vegan and started on various meats to feel better. Many of my long-standing body pains went away after the first burger. Yay. Yet before I turned to the meat option, I was so desperate to feel well. I tried six liver cleanses of Andrea Moritz. Only the first two made me feel better. In fact, I got eye bags after the fifth cleanse and stopped. Okay, so Andrea Moritz died at the age of 44. So the liver cleanses did not help him very much either. A problem.
Dealing with Pink Dots and Skin Health
(29:26 - 30:24)
I'm seeing for the last two years tiny pink dots appearing over my arms and torso, like liver spots. I don't know what to call them. Tiny pink dots. Okay, so these are dots. So let's just say they're pink, they're not red. If they're red dots, then that's a side effect of bromine poisoning from eating bread. So stop eating bread. But these are pink dots. So if they're pink dots, then probably what makes the most, well first of all, what are you eating? Okay, meat. I tried six liver cleanses. Okay, I cannot eat pig ears or cow feet. I cannot find them anywhere. I don't know where you're looking. I eat raw salad daily and 16 hours of fasting, tons of water. Okay, fine. So what you're doing is you're actually destroying your skin.
(30:24 - 31:30)
So you've got to find some pig ears or cow's foot. If you can't find pig ears or cow feet, then just pig's feet. So try pig's feet. And that is wonderful for rebuilding the skin. A lot of times when you see chemicals or toxins in your skin, like red spots or rash, it's because your skin is just plain thin. And if you are eating raw salad every day, doing 16-hour fasting, and drinking lots of water, then that thins your skin. So I would try pig feet. Everyone can get pig feet. And really double down on your search for the pig ears or cow's feet because they are out there. You can get them.
Kidney Cleanse Advice
(31:30 - 32:22)
Okay, I'm already having the vitality capsules for years. Great. What is a great kidney cleanse? A lot of people will tell you that you can do a kidney cleanse. The truth of the matter is the best kidney cleanse is a liver cleanse because the kidney is a cleanup organ that cleans up what the liver has not cleaned up. So if your liver is sluggish, then your kidneys are going to be overloaded. But to directly clean the kidneys, something like celery, parsley, cilantro, any of those three in large amounts and lots of water, and that will clean out your kidneys. Again, though, that's also going to thin your skin.
(32:22 - 33:16)
So what I would do, since you're worried about these spots, is do the connective tissue first to build up your skin. And then if you still wanted to clean your kidneys, then I go for the cucumber, celery, cilantro, or parsley. All right, that brings us to the end of today's show. And as always, think happens, and we'll see you next week.