If You Knew The Future, Would it Matter?

If You Knew The Future, Would it Matter?

Introduction and Episode Title
(0:00 - 0:19)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, August 21st, 2021 edition. Today's title is, "If You Knew the Future, Would It Matter?" Today, I will reveal why it would not matter for most people and the secret to using the information to your benefit, should you have the privilege of knowing the future.
Mom Update
(0:19 - 1:37)
But first, update on mom. Last time we checked on mom, she was, well, missing. So, we located mom, and mom is doing terrific. Mom answers her phone on the second ring these days. She is getting in and out of bed using the bedside commode independently. We are thrilled, and of course, mom is in the thick of things, paying her bills and calling customer service to inquire as to why they can't just send her paper bills, why she can't pay by phone, and what's this computer stuff. She is full of vinegar, managing her own affairs much to everyone's pleasure and, of course, amusement.
Vitality Capsules Update and Personal Progress
(1:37 - 2:35)
Then, vitality capsules. Yay! I'm so excited. We are presently out of stock on regular vitality capsules. We are accepting back orders, which will be shipped out as soon as they are available, and we expect it to be in about three weeks. So, we're really excited. Of course, I have to give you my progress update. Yay! For those of you tuning in for the first time, I am 64 years old and I am working on calisthenics and gymnastics. If I get really good, I might be able to run away and join the circus. Cross our fingers. I have mastered the forward roll, the handstand with assistance, and hopefully in a couple of weeks, I will have mastered the handstand without assistance. I’m also getting much more flexible, and the center splits are getting closer and closer.
Encouragement and Q&A Segment Introduction
(2:35 - 3:32)
I want to really encourage people who are 50-something or 60-something to realize that they can become more flexible at any age. I just started working on all this stuff four years ago, and as a kid, I never could do a forward roll, handstand, or split. And now, here I am, 64, and I can do all those things—and guess what? You can too. All right, questions! Yay! We get questions from time to time. Actually, there's lots of questions, but we don't get to all of them. We do get to some of them. So, if you'd like your questions to be considered for being answered in the show, please email them to jdaaniels at gmail.com. Sometimes, I can answer the questions; other times, I might even use the question as inspiration for a future podcast. There you go.
Taking Turpentine and Its Benefits
(3:32 - 5:41)
Next, time to take our turpentine. And I have thoughtfully provided my glass of water. We have a spoon—this is a United States teaspoon, 5 cc's, 5 grams. Those are used someplace else around the world. And we have white sugar. Yay, white sugar. A lot of things come in the color white, like citric acid, vitamin C, salt. So, must label your stuff if you're going to put things in your house and take responsibility for your health. All right, we're going to take our spoon. Yay! Dip it in the sugar. Bam. And that's about a teaspoon and a half of sugar. And then we have our turpentine. Yay, turpentine. Again, label your bottles. Not a perfect label, but hey, it's close enough. We know it's turpentine and not Kool-Aid. We have our 3 cc dropper, which is 2.5 droppers, 2.5 cc's at the neck, which is half a teaspoon. We're going to take it, squeeze the air out, dump it in our turpentine, suck it up. Bam. Then we're going to squirt it—oh wait, yeah, squirt it on our sugar. All right, here's our water. You have to drink enough water to get it all the way down. You can feel it's gone this far. We're going to drink a little more. Mm-hmm. And that is turpentine. To find out more about taking turpentine and how it can up-level your health, go to vitalitycapsules.com and get your free report, The Candida Cleaner.
Why Dr. Daniels Takes Shilajit
(5:41 - 8:01)
Okay, this is Shilajit. So why do I take turpentine? I take turpentine because it gets rid of the parasites and toxins and allows me to have these wonderful, beautiful joints that I can use for gymnastics and just for living my life and being independent. And this is Shilajit. Yeah, you can see it's not even in English. No, that's Russian. This is Russian Shilajit. So we're going to pry off the top. Bam. Yeah, black tar. Oof. Okay, I like to use a chopstick. I just dip it in there and I pull out a bunch of tar. The amount that you want is 200 milligrams, and that looks a little bit more than 200 milligrams. So I'm going to scrape the edge off here. Whoops. There you go. Scraped off that edge. I'm going to put it in the water, and as you can see, it does not dissolve easily. So it's going to take a bit. We're going to let it sit there and dissolve. That's how that goes. Dr. Daniels, why do you take Shilajit? It's spelled S-H-I-L-A-J-I-T, for those of you who are curious. I take it because the food chain is broken. Yes. We eat food. It goes through our intestines. Waste comes out. That waste is designed to be used to fertilize the plants that we eat, and those plants then grow with the minerals in them. We eat the plants, and the plants replenish the mineral. This is the mineral cycle that people are designed to participate in. Because we have indoor plumbing, we eat. The waste comes out. We flush it down the stream, and then something else, somewhere else, somehow else, is used to fertilize the plants we eat. So this means that necessarily, with modern living, you have built-in nutritional trace mineral deficiencies, and so this corrects the break in that chain.
Main Topic: Why Knowing the Future Wouldn’t Matter for Most People
(8:01 - 14:38)
Okay. That brings us to our topic today. Today, we're going to talk about why it would not matter for most people if they knew the future, and the secret to using the information to your benefit. So what does it mean to know the future? Well, first of all, the future is just like the past. It is. What does that mean? That means to know the future, it means to understand what is actually going to happen. So once you know the future, any attempts to change it are futile because it's something that is going to happen. For example, tomorrow, I can tell you, the sun will rise. So I know it's not a major future prediction, but it is the future. And so for me to spend my time trying to keep the sun from rising, stay up all night long, working really hard to keep the sun from rising, is a waste of my energy. So one reason why most people would not benefit from knowing the future is that they would waste their time trying to change it. If you can change it, then it's not the future. So if you really believe it is the future, then spending any time to change it is futile. And so the problem is that most people don't know how to use the information, or even worse, would use the information to their detriment. And those of you alive now are aware of a lot of modern-day prophets who came to a bad end. What do I mean by a bad end? I mean they died at a young age. And so even though they could tell the future, even though they were considered by many to be prophets, it didn't seem to help them very much. We have Steve Jobs. He gave us the iPhone, right? He could see the future. He could see that this iPhone was it. He could see that this handheld device was going to be used and needed and embraced and would mold our society. But he died young, didn’t even live to be 60, and died pretty miserably. Then there's Michael Jackson. Many people say, well, his songs were amazing, which they were. Don't get me wrong. I'm not criticizing that. And many people even believe the messages in his songs were prophetic. He's a prophet. But again, another person who didn't make it to 60. We have Bob Marley. Even though he's been dead for a while, he has quite a following. Again, another person considered by many to be a prophet, knowing the future. That did not work out well. Then we have Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce was considered by many to be a prophet, a natural healer. And he, again, died young, didn’t make it to 60. And the most famous person who knew the future? Julius Caesar. Yeah, Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was warned, “Dude, they're going to kill you on the Ides of March.” He knew he was going to be killed on that day. What good did that knowledge do him? As far as I can tell, not a lot.
How to Use Knowledge of the Future
(14:38 - 26:34)
So, what's the use? Well, first of all, knowing the future is not a bad thing. However, it's just not enough to know the future. You've got to put something with it. I think people use the information to their detriment. Let's get an example. Nowadays, we have these people called preppers. These preppers foresaw that there would be a shaky, shaky food supply in the future. And that shaky food supply, of course, a lot of it did come to pass with the pandemic situation. And these people who were preppers created bunkers or situations that they found they were actually miserable in. And their preparation was not as good as they thought. And there are many preppers who were caught in certain natural disasters. And the preparations that they made were simply not, did not keep them comfortable. Yet, they spent years—years—and many people spent tens of thousands of dollars making these preparations. They lost time, they lost resources. And actually, for many of them, they were worse off than had they not prepared. So what went wrong? I mean, the preppers knew the future. It's pretty accurate. But their preparation focused on a different aspect of the future. So how can we avoid the fate of these prophets who died prematurely? How can we avoid the fate of people who have just squandered their resources? Here's the thing. I'm going to go over some ways of reacting to the future and give some examples from my life where I absolutely saw the future. It was in clear focus, sharp focus. I knew exactly what was going to happen. There was no doubt about it. Bam, and it happened. So how did I handle this information in a way that was beneficial? First, we’ll talk about the different options for handling the information. The first thing you can do is you can try to change it. This is a waste of time because if the prediction is accurate, it's actually the future, it really is going to happen, then all efforts to change it are going to be futile. So if you really believe that you can change the future, then that means that what you have received as information is actually not an accurate prediction. So it's not the future. So if you can change it, it's not the future. And therefore, if it is the future and you're spending energy trying to change it, then you're wasting all this energy and all this time between now and when the future comes to pass. Next is people fear the future. So they wait and they fear the future. And literally, they sacrifice today's happiness worrying over this future that they are certain is going to happen. Again, we're just presuming that information is perfect and you actually do see the future. So time and money, it's lost. You've lost years of happiness between now and when that future that you're aware of actually takes place. The next thing you can do is you can optimize the future like, okay, okay, we know what's going to happen. We know what's going to happen. So what you can do is say, okay, I know what's going to happen. Let me see if I can position myself to benefit from that future. Now, this is a more positive position. But again, between now and when the future shows up, you're not benefiting. So you can still do better. You can do better. Next, you can optimize your position in the future. Again, even doing this, you're putting out resources today, and you're getting your return in 20 years later, 10 years later, whenever this future happens. The next thing you can do is embrace the future. An example of this is my husband said as he was dying, “If I knew I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” Actually, he said it a few months before he died. So if you knew exactly how long you're going to live, you could just take better care of yourself. And that's one way of doing it. Just embrace the future because after all, it is the future. Now, the next thing you can do, and this is something I've done, is once you see the future, it's in sharp focus. And let's say it's a positive future, a desirable future. Remove all obstacles between you and that future. Now, the problem with this, even though it creates a wonderful future, by the way, a sense of optimism, and of course, the future comes and it's great, it's beautiful, you still have to wait for it. An example of this is I was 11 years old and I made up my mind and I knew I was going to be a doctor. I knew I was going to go to medical school. I was going to come back to the nice little ghetto I grew up in and open a medical practice and just have a wonderful time helping people be healthier. That's true. It actually happened. But I was 11 years old when I saw this future, which did not come to pass for 20 years. So you want to be able to benefit from your sharp vision long before 20 years. 20 years is a long time. And my ability to see the future is generally 10 to 20 years in the future. So the question is, if you know something 20 years early or in advance, then how can you not wait 20 years to benefit from the information? And so that brings the next thing—simply bring the future into the present and live it now. If you bring the future into the present and live it now, then you reap the benefits immediately. Immediately. For example, it was pretty clear 20 years ago that college degrees were going to be irrelevant. Just not needed. It was pretty clear. I would say, yeah, 20 years ago, it was pretty clear that health insurance was an investment. Not the best investment if you want to be healthy. So if you bring that future into the present and live it now, what does that mean? That means not to spend a penny on any of these things that you know will be of zero value in the future. Now, this is just if you can see the future. You've got this crystal ball. You can see it. So in my case, I told my kids, do not go to college. Unfortunately, they listened to grandma, not me. And they went to college and took out loans. But health insurance, I had that in my control. When I figured out in 1994 that health insurance was a very bad investment, I did not have any more health insurance at all and have not since then. And not having health insurance, I saved over $200,000 in what would have been premiums, deductibles, co-pays. And a lot of you say, well, kids at home, I have to have health insurance. I dropped my health insurance when my youngest kid was two years old. Yeah. Cars. The future of cars. You might have a crystal ball that tells you in the future, car ownership, driving a car is not going to make sense for whatever reason. So I made that decision. And what did I do? Get rid of my driver's license. Get rid of my car. I have nothing to do with it. I don't have a driver's license. I don't have a car. Just let it all go. Now, what does this do? Well, what it means is you reap the value, or I can reap the value in the present tense from future knowledge. So what you want to do is you want to take the future, bring it into the present, and live it now. So you take this future thing, you say, okay, this is the future. If it were the case right now, right now, what would be unnecessary? And just stop doing that stuff now. So you can bring the future into the present and live it now. Another thing you can do is you can reject the future. This actually is quite valid, by the way. What's an example of this? Keep that phone on the wall. That's right. You know, you remember those home phones that were tacked to the wall, stationary. Yeah. Keep the phone on the wall. Don't get a cell phone. Skip the internet. Skip the grocery store. So now what we're finding is a grocery store actually is really an obsolete concept. People are understanding that they're getting healthier food, better food, and less expensive food, dealing directly with the farmer. So if you understand that skipping the grocery store is what's going to happen in the future, then what you can do is just skip it now. The other thing you can do, of course, is ignore it. Just totally ignore the knowledge you have of the future. Live in the present, moment to moment, and put no resources towards that information. Believe it or not, while that might not be the optimal solution, it certainly beats trying to change the future and even beats preparing yourself for the future and waiting for the future to come. So you don't want to do that. You want to take the future, bring it into the present, and start living it now. And then what you'll find is you can start getting the dollar benefits right now. So I'll give you a few more examples of when I absolutely knew the future and I went for it. When I was in business school, that would be Wharton Business School, I knew without a doubt, because the insurance executives came and told us so, that the insurance companies were going to make their profits by not paying the doctor. So the year was 1982, and so when I started my medical practice in 1990, I just didn't take insurances. And that was considered to be just the dumbest thing, just the dumbest thing. So what I realized, what I knew, is that so little of the money the patient put into insurance was ever going to make it to me, if it ever got to me at all, that asking the patients to pay me directly was not only a no-brainer, but easily affordable by the patients. And what happened was I had a prosperous medical practice and it went very nicely. But knowing the future, future is what? The insurance companies are making their profits by just not paying the doctor. And so I understood that, I saw the future, I brought it right into the present and said, okay, they haven't stopped paying doctors yet, but I can start right now living my life as if that has already happened and reaping the benefits. And the benefits were really phenomenal. Then I saw the doctor's license would soon not be worth the paper it was written on. And that's an impressive future to see. And so what I did then was I built a future that did not require a medical license. Then I saw, I could see while I was practicing medicine that most of the problems people came to me with, I could handle them over the phone. Maybe I wouldn't get paid, it's another matter. But the point is, it wasn't necessary for them to get dressed, drive to the office, use the gas, park in the parking lot. In my case, parking was free at my office because I owned the office and the parking lot. And that it would be a greater value to the patient to not have to leave their house and have that extra travel time. And so I created a situation where I could help people without them ever having to leave their home. Of course, bonus bonus, I didn't have to leave my home either. And again, by seeing the future, bringing it into the present, I was able to start doing this 12 years ago, 13 years ago. So the trick here is to take the future, bring it into the present, and live it now, and reap the benefits.
The Mistakes of Preppers and Lessons for Healthcare
(26:34 - 31:09)
Let's talk about those preppers. So the preppers are people who are preparing for something to happen. Let's say an interruption of the supply of energy or the interruption of the supply of food. Earth homes. I want to get the right name for these homes. An earth shelter. No. So these are homes. You can build a home that will handle your waste, grow your food, and generate your energy for you. Let me see what they call that. Homes that grow your food. They don't have a name for it. I don't have the right term for it. I thought it would be an earth home, but I don't think that's what they call it. They're calling it, I don't know, universal homes or galaxy homes or something. But these homes, these are homes, by the way, you can build them. And the urine from the occupants and the gray water is recycled to grow plants. There's a greenhouse in the front facing south, of course, and you have solar panels for your energy or maybe a Pelton wheel if you have water on your property. The home grows its own food and generates its own electricity. And of course, it's also a shelter. Last time I checked 12 years ago, these homes sold for $600,000, which is so expensive that the price made them impractical. But the answer to prepping is not to prepare for a time when things might be unreliable, but to create your independence today in real-time. And so what the preppers missed was they prepared for the imaginary future, but they didn't take the future, bring it into the present and say, okay, fine. There's no telephone, no internet, no grocery store, no roads are passable. There's no water supply. How will I live? Let me live that way today and let me optimize that and live that way every day. That would have been the approach. And that way they would have had smooth, easy sailing without interruption, and they would reap the benefits of their independence today. How does this work for healthcare? So with your health, what we now see happening with the present world situation, those of you, I want to remind you the year is 2021 in case you're watching a replay. So what we're learning about healthcare is that the experts are unreliable. So if the experts are unreliable today, then what do we know about the future of healthcare? Well, then it's pretty clear. It's just not going to be very useful. So then the thing to do would be to handle one's health in a way that's independent of the medical industry's intervention and to do that today. And I realized this in 1994. And that's when I had no health insurance. I did get some tummy pain. Unfortunately, I did go to the emergency room. Unfortunately, they cut my belly open and said, oh, it looks fine to us. Sewed it back up. I said, you know what? That's it. I've had enough. And so I swore off any and all medical intervention or manipulation at that point. And I had just been so happy. I've had so much free time. And economically, things have been just great. I've not had any medical expenses. I just decided I wasn't going to spend any money in that direction. And of course, things happen. But guess what? They got better. Or after a long enough time of thinking about it and working on it, I figured out how to solve the problem. And there you go. Here I am, 64 years old, doing gymnastics.
Conclusion and Final Question
(31:09 - 32:54)
So that is what you should do. Take the present, bring it into the future, live it now. And you can reap the benefits. All right. We have a question. Even though we're a little bit over time, I'm going to take one question here. Let's see. Hi, Dr. Daniels. I look forward to your podcast every week. You are the best. Thank you. Thank you for everything you do. You're welcome. A friend of mine has an ongoing issue with restless leg syndrome. Can you tell me what causes it and what your recommendation is? What causes restless leg syndrome is basically parasites. And the parasites stimulate the nerves and get the nerves to keep contracting. The leg is restless, and bingo, there you have it. What's the answer? The answer is more water, less junk food. Turpentine helps wonderfully with this. So you can go to vitalitycapsules.com, download the Candida Cleaner Report, bingo, bam, there you go. And tell your friend to read that. The turpentine dose probably they should use is a half teaspoon over sugar, just like I did at the beginning of the show, that or a little bit less. But then take the other half teaspoon, mix it with maybe a quarter cup of castor oil, rub it on their legs at night, and that will stop the restless leg. There you go. Okay, that's it. And remember, think happens.