Control Your Programming

Control Your Programming

Introduction and Grandma Update
(0:00 - 3:18)
Hi, this is Dr. Daniels, and you're listening to Healing with Dr. Daniels. This is the Sunday, December 5th, 2021 podcast, and today's title is Get a Grip, Control Your Programming. Yes, that is today's title. However, first, we're going to talk about grandma and give you the grandma update. Well, the last time we talked, I believe grandma actually left the house, went to have Thanksgiving with her kids and grandkids. Yay! She now tells me that she is an expert at getting out of her bed and using her walker. She can get into the wheelchair by herself and tool over to the kitchen, and she's ready to start cooking. I said, wonderful, mom! So she wants to know how she can make some ham hocks. Because she spent the whole day up and walking, her wound opened up a little bit, so she realizes she needs to eat some skin ham hocks to fix this problem. She said to me, well, I don't know how to use that pressure cooker. I asked, mom, is that an Instapot? She said, well, yes. I said, well, mom, all you do is put enough water in there to halfway cover your ham hocks, toss in a bay leaf, some salt, close the pot, and press the button that says "meat." Pow! Push that button. She said, really? Is that all? I said, mom, that's all. That's why they call it Instapot. She said, wow. I said, yeah. Hit that button, and when it's all done, check the pot. If the meat's done to your liking, great. If not, put the pot back on, pow, hit that button again, and when it's done, your meat will be done. She says, wow, that's amazing. I said, yes, mom, it is. Now we can all laugh at mom, but when I get to be 90, or when any of you listeners get to be 90, the world will have changed so much that things will appear to be a miracle even to you.
Vitality Capsules and Progress Update
(3:18 - 5:03)
So, mom’s doing great, making great progress. She went from comatose a year ago to now tooling around the house in her wheelchair, doing her exercises, and working on mastering that walker and even walking without it. She decided that being 90 and bedridden was no fun. Again, the power of decision-making and commitment. Next, we have Vitality Capsules. Yay! Vitality Capsules, our sponsor. We have regular and extra strength. Yes! Visit and check out our sponsors, Vitality Capsules. They are the internal cleanser that is comfortable enough for everyday use. Yay! Oh, and it's also brought to my attention that the Home Healers Course, a series of modules that teach you how to heal yourself and your family at home from any affliction, is on sale at
Turpentine and Shilajit
(5:03 - 16:44)
Now, my progress. I’ve been making great progress with my splits and oversplits. For those who don't know, oversplits are when the legs go even farther apart than regular splits. My Taekwondo classes are very helpful with my strength, which is allowing me to do more backbends. That’s very, very exciting, and I'm working on my technology so I can show you. All right, that brings us to turpentine. Yay, turpentine! Turpentine is awesome. As many of you might know, turpentine is something called paint thinner, but it's also the distilled sap of the pine tree. Prior to 1900, it was known to heal absolutely every affliction known to man, according to the Merck Manual. However, the Merck Manual has been rewritten many times, and now turpentine is classified as a poison. In the 1990s, I rediscovered this miracle elixir, and here it is. So today, I'm going to take my turpentine. We’re going to move the keyboard out of the way so we don’t get it covered with sugar. First, we start with a teaspoon. This is an American teaspoon, 5 cc's, also known as 5 grams. I use the same spoon all the time. It makes my life easier. This is white sugar—label it as sugar. Then we have turpentine. It is not necessary to put it in a brown bottle, but I just happen to have one. The dose you use has to be correct—not too much, not too little. My dose is half a teaspoon, which is right there at the neck where the dropper flares out. So, we squeeze out the air, dip it in the jar, and suck it up. Then, we expel all of it onto the sugar, soaking most of the sugar but not all of it. You want some sugar not soaked. How often do I take turpentine? Since I discovered ivermectin, which I now take once a month, I only need to take turpentine once or twice a week, and I get the same effect, actually even better, than when I was taking it every day. The way I arrived at that is I was taking turpentine every day, and then I read about ivermectin. So I decided I would stop turpentine, but then I thought, wait a minute, could it be that the turpentine and ivermectin together would be even greater? So I tried taking them together but spaced apart, and I found I felt even better.
Now, let’s talk about Shilajit. Shilajit is a product of thousands of years of composting organic material, and it's a super concentrate of trace minerals. Your body manufactures enzymes and proteins that are supposed to get stuff done in your body, and these proteins need a trace mineral in order to function properly. If you don’t have a trace mineral, the enzyme will be sluggish. Taking Shilajit makes a huge difference. It’s known as the "destroyer of weakness" and really does give you energy and pep you up. The dose is small, about 200 milligrams, which I try to take every day. The recommended approach is to take it every day for two to three months, and then take a week off. I just aim to take it every day, and I miss enough days that it works out.
Get a Grip and Control Your Programming
(16:44 - 28:43)
Now, let's get a grip and control your programming. I’ve met a lot of people lately who tell me they’re not entirely happy with their life or that they’re worried about the future. So many years ago, a good friend once remarked that of all the people he knew, I was the person who exercised the most control over the experiences and information that entered my life. He also added that I was selectively naive, and another friend told me I was brainwashing myself. But I believe all these people were correct. The future really is yours to create. Here’s how: first, take the reins back and control your programming. As a kid, I was very sensitive, so I stopped watching TV and have not owned a TV since 1987. Movies are another thing you need to control or stop watching. TV and movies are extremely dangerous because your subconscious accepts all visual input as true and accurate, as if it really happened. For this reason, I take incredible care to censor any visual input I have, especially if it's not natural. I don't read or receive the newspaper or any print publications. I don't go to the movies, I don't own a TV, and I don't consume programming or commercial messages. I don't even receive junk mail. I’ve recently stopped even reading the clickbait titles on YouTube. Instead, I search for information that creates the future I want. For example, I binge-watched how to do splits, and now I can do splits. I didn't binge-watch how to build a shelter in my backyard, so I don't have a shelter in my backyard. By the information you put in your brain, you actually create your actions. So, control the information you receive and even control how you see it, and watch your happiness and health expand.
Questions and Final Thoughts
(28:43 - End)
Now, let’s move on to questions. First question: I have an open sore on my back. I've had it for over two years, and it’s getting larger recently. It’s to the right of my backbone and level with my scapula. It will not dry up and scab, it itches, and is painful to touch. I've used over-the-counter ointments and another prescribed by a doctor. I am a male, 68 years old, 6 feet tall, and 185 pounds. So, what’s the solution? The healthy diet is depriving your body of the collagen it needs to heal this wound, and the vigorous exercise you're doing is pulling that wound wider and wider. What do you do? Take some aloe leaf, slice it to get a slimy surface, and put the slimy surface over the wound. Tape it in place with duct tape and leave it there, changing it no more than once a day. Also, add some pig ears to your diet—about half a pound, three to four days a week—and that should help it heal. If the itching becomes unbearable under the bandage, put an ice pack on it, and the itching will go away. When you change it, do not clean it. It may look ugly, but don’t worry about it. Just put a clean piece of slimy aloe there and tape it back in place. That's all the questions we have time for, and we'll see you again next week. Remember to control your programming and create your future. As always, THINK HAPPENS!